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Posts From The Saker

Can Russia Save the Day?

by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich “You are my creator, but I am your master—obey!” So said the Monster to its creator Frankenstein(1). As with the monster and its creator, we witness once again Israel telling America to obey – to start yet another war of choice and massacre Iranians. For over six decades, Israel has demanded full obedience from the United State. Every U.S. president, pressured by the pro-Israel lobbies in the

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the occasion of the forum entitled: “Declaration of Al Qods as the capital of Palestine, the Arabs and Muslims”.

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Peace be on you all and Allah’s mercy and blessing.I have the honor to deliver the opening speech

Russian opposition leaders congratulate Putin for his victory

The only ones disputing the results of the elections in Russia today are the Western corporate ziomedia and their new darling, Gennadii Zuiganov of the Communist Party.  But then, that guy was always a clown… All the other opposition leaders came to personally congratulate Putin on his victory: Zhirinovski, Putin, Mironov, Prokhorov In the streets of Moscow over 100’000 people came out in the middle of the night to declare

“2 x 64” – A great DOUBLE slap in the dirty and hateful face of the West

After Iran, now Russia.  According to exit polls and preliminary results, Putin wins in one tour with a crushing 64% of the vote.  Funny, since 64% was also the voter turnout in Iran yesterday. According to various media reports, the conservatives in Iran say that these results are a “great slap in the dirty and hateful face of the West” whose “Green” minions (Rafsanjani, Mousavi & Co.) had called for

Iran elections strengthen Khamenei, weaken Ahmadinejad

Ynet (reluctantly) reports: Initial results from Iranian parliamentary elections show Ahmadinejad losing support, while Khamenei gaining strength. Iranian minister says voter turnout at 64%, claims ‘Americans, Zionists tried to knock down our regime, but nation slapped them in the face by going to vote’ Initial results from Iran’s parliamentary elections suggest that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s camp has been dealt a devastating blow, while Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s camp might

Russia and the changing world

by Vladimir Putin In my articles I have already mentioned the key challenges that Russia is facing internationally today. Yet this subject deserves a more detailed discussion and not only because foreign policy is an integral part of any national strategy. External challenges and the changing world around us affect our economic, cultural, fiscal and investment policies. Russia is a part of the big world, economically, culturally and in terms

France leads the world in hypocrisy

Amazing, mind-boggling, brazenly hypocritical! Check this out: the BBC reports that, A top French judicial body has ruled a law backed by President Nicolas Sarkozy making it illegal to deny the Armenian genocide as unconstitutional as it infringes on freedom of expression. Oh yeah?  Then what about the infamous Gayssot Act which is in the French law books since 1990!! Some victims are clearly more equal than others… Nothing new,

This is what the “bleeding hearts for Syria” will bring to that country if they succeed in taking power

This is the type of “freedom” and “democracy” which the “bleeding hearts for Libya” and other assorted “humanitarians” brought to Libya: people treated like animals (literally: they are caged in a zoo) and forced to eat their national flag: And this is also what the “bleeding hearts for Syria” will bring to that country if they succeed in taking power.

Pakistan sectarian bus attack in Kohistan kills 18

The BBC reports: Gunmen have killed at least 18 Shia Muslim bus passengers in a sectarian attack in the northern Pakistani district of Kohistan, officials say. The attackers are reported to have checked the identity cards of all the passengers before removing the Shias and shooting them. About 27 other passengers on the bus were spared. (…) Last month more than 30 Shias were killed in an attack on a

Distributism – first impressions

(Today Michael posted a very interesting question about “Distributism” under my frustrated rant about the Syrian disaster (check it out by clicking on the link above). First, I began by replying to him in the comment section, but then I found the topic so interesting that I decided to turn my reply into a separate post. So here we go:) Michael, I did look at the sites you recommended and

Clueless Arab world slouches into disaster (Saker rant)

Alas, these headlines really say it all: Hamas prime minister backs Syrian protests against Assad Egypts Salafists go after Hamas Haniyeh Russian Secret Services: U.S., NATO, GCC Arm Syrian Rebels Through Iraq, Lebanon And Turkey And all this after what happened in Libya… Well, it also happened in Bosnia and Kosovo, of course, but I figured that what made so many Arabs and Muslims so blind to what was really

Interesting hypothesis for a US aggression on Iran

I just have listened to a very interesting interview of a Russian military expert named Vladilav Shurygin.  For the Russian speakers I am posting it below: Now for those of  you who do not speak Russian, I want to summarize Shurygin’s main hypothesis: that the US will use a “two-phase” approach to Iran very similar to the one it used on Iraq: a) The first phase would involve a massive

Only in Russia…

Sergei Mironov I was just watching the Russian TV news (Channel One) when I heard the leader of the Russian “liberal” opposition, Sergei Mironov, declare that if he becomes President he would name General Vladimir Shamanov, the current Commander of the Russian Airborne Forces,  as Minister of Defense.  If the most pro-Western (relatively speaking) candidate to the post of President openly nominates a “super-hawk” (according to the Jamestown Foundation) it

What does the civil war in Syria really mean for Iran, Russia and China?

I was recently asked by a reader to update two of my past articles, Iran’s asymmetrical response options and For Israel war is the continuation of national suicide by other means, and that is an excellent idea, considering that the first one was written in 2007 and the second one in 2010.  I did touch upon these issues in a more recent article, Iran in the crosshair again, which does

Being strong: National security guarantees for Russia

by Vladimir Putin The world is changing, and the transformations underway could hide various risks, often unpredictable risks. In a world of economic and other upheaval, there is always the temptation to resolve one’s problems at another’s expense, through pressure and force. It is no surprise that some are calling for resources of global significance to be freed from the exclusive sovereignty of a single nation, and that this issue

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah during the Ceremony of Loyalty to the Leader Martyrs on Thursday February 16, 2012.

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets.Brothers and sisters! Peace be upon all of you and Allah’s mercy and blessings. I welcome you, and thank
