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Posts From The Saker

The US Empire throws in the towel

This is a great American tradition: declare victory and leave.  And that is what Obama did yesterday when he announced that 10’000+23’000 troops will be withdrawn from Afghanistan.  The French immediately announced that they are withdrawing another 4’000 of their own.  Yes, I know, 68’000+ troops will remain.  Make no mistake, that is a fig leaf, also a security and a way to pretend that this is not what is

The US Empire throws in the towel

This is a great American tradition: declare victory and leave.  And that is what Obama did yesterday when he announced that 10’000+23’000 troops will be withdrawn from Afghanistan.  The French immediately announced that they are withdrawing another 4’000 of their own.  Yes, I know, 68’000+ troops will remain.  Make no mistake, that is a fig leaf, also a security and a way to pretend that this is not what is

Excellent discussion of the crisis in Greece

George Kenny has recorded yet another most interesting interview, this time with Dr. Richard Wolff. They discuss the economic crisis in Greece, of course, but also the larger implications of the latest manifestation of the crisis of capitalism. Excellent stuff, I highly recommend it! Check it out here: More generally, George churns out one interesting interview after another, week after week.  Keep an eye on his “Electric Politics”! The

Excellent discussion of the crisis in Greece

George Kenny has recorded yet another most interesting interview, this time with Dr. Richard Wolff. They discuss the economic crisis in Greece, of course, but also the larger implications of the latest manifestation of the crisis of capitalism. Excellent stuff, I highly recommend it! Check it out here: More generally, George churns out one interesting interview after another, week after week.  Keep an eye on his “Electric Politics”! The

Rebel Atrocity Videos

by Caustic Logic for The Libyan Civil War: Critical Views The following post will discuss several videos from the Libyan civil war once hosted on Youtube. These were originally put up and allowed, despite Youtube’s general ban on violent and gory images,perhaps for the posters’ stated aims of supporting the rebel cause and freedom. For weeks they sat there, each in several posting watched thousands of times. But more and

Rebel Atrocity Videos

by Caustic Logic for The Libyan Civil War: Critical Views The following post will discuss several videos from the Libyan civil war once hosted on Youtube. These were originally put up and allowed, despite Youtube’s general ban on violent and gory images,perhaps for the posters’ stated aims of supporting the rebel cause and freedom. For weeks they sat there, each in several posting watched thousands of times. But more and

There Was No Libyan Peaceful Protest

(Many thanks to I. for calling my attention to this article! VS) Just Murderous Gangs and Nic Robertson By Jay Janson for Nic Robertson and Anderson Cooper are surely aware of their achievement in promoting the human carnage of civil war and the destruction of a beautifully well-kept and prosperous nation, the 53rd highest developed country in the world with free health care and education. A standard of living

Let the Dog See the Rabbi

by Gilad Atzmon We are used to reading about Israelis and Jews bragging about the inherent bond between Israel, enlightenment, modernity, science and technology. Hence, it may take us by surprise to find out that in the Jewish State, a dog was ‘sentenced to death by stoning’ by a Rabbinical court. Ynet reported yesterday that several weeks ago a large dog entered the Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem. The dog scared

U.S., Rebels Reject Gaddafi Proposal

DemocrayNow reports: The United States and Libyan rebels have rejected a new offer from the regime of Col. Muammar Gaddafi as the conflict in Libya enters its fifth month. Gaddafi’s son, Saif al-Islam, had said his father would hold elections within three months and would step down if he lost. But the Obama administration rejected the proposal, calling it “too late.” NATO warplanes have resumed bombing Tripoli as rebels attempt

Hillary picks up the “rape as a weapon of war” propaganda theme

There we go: Hillary Clinton condemns rape as “war of weapon” (BBC sic dixit). Well, the mean “weapon of war”, of course.  She should know – she was one of those who pushed her husband, Bill, to wage war against Serbia using exactly the same ‘hyper-pious’ pretext.  Of course, nobody in the White House is suggestion waging war on the Congo were over 1000 rapes were recorded each day (Maybe

For The Sake Of Jewish Sensitivities

by Gilad Atzmon It occurred to me recently that the Palestinian solidarity discourse is spiritually, ideologically and intellectually driven by some very misleading terminology: crucial notions such as Zionism, colonialism and apartheid (heard in every discussion, and present in every text book about the conflict), are either confusing, or even delusional: I believe that they are there to actually block any attempt to grasp the true spirit and ideologies that
