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Posts From The Saker

Col Muammar Gaddafi’s letter to the US Congress

Dear Sirs/Madam, The Government of Libya Jamahiriya reviewed with great interest the deliberations of the Congress on the issue of the participation of the United States of America in NATO’s aggression against Libya, and I want express my sincere gratitude for your thoughtful discussion of the issues. We are confident that history will see the wisdom of your Country in debating these issues. As we have constantly expressed in the

America’s Next War Theater: Syria and Lebanon? Washington’s War against the Resistance Bloc

By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya for Global Research  Washington and its allies, Israel and the Al-Sauds, are taking advantage of the upheavals in the Arab World. They are now working to dismantle the Resistance Bloc and weaken any drive for democracy in the Arab World. The geo-political chessboard is now being prepared for a broader confrontation that will target Tehran and include Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and the Palestinians. Tying Hezbollah’s Hands

Elias Davidsson: I Am A Radical Antisemite And Am Proud Of It

The meaning of the term “antisemite” has significantly changed in recent years. There was a time when this term referred to those who despised Jews. Later, the term referred to those who promoted myths about a global Jewish conspiracy to rule the world. Today the term “antisemite” is used by the ruling elite to lambast human rights activists who advocate equal rights between Jews, Christians and Muslims, the right of

Latest US propaganda: Viagra as a weapon of mass war rape

I can’t believe it.  The “Bosnia blueprint” is followed with such meticulous care they now the US propaganda machine has even produced this: Libya: Gaddafi investigated over use of rape as weapon: The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor says there is evidence that Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi ordered the rape of hundreds of women as a weapon against rebel forces.  [The ICC is now looking at] possible evidence that

The Caucasus, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Hezbollah and an appeal to my Muslim readers

Back from my short trip I want to share with you a hodge-podge of observations and thoughts.  Let’s begin by the Caucasus. Two things are happening simultaneously in Chechnia, Dagestan: Wahabi insurgents have embarked on a systematic campaign of terror against non-Wahabi Muslim clerics and scholars.  This is happening against a background of major losses for the Wahabi insurgency whose leaders are being killed by the Russian security forces one

Personal note – short time off (and, besides…)

Dear friends, I am going to be away from my computers for a couple of day.  I will be on the road from tomorrow Thursday until next Tuesday.  I will probably only be able to access the Internet via my smartphone and tablet so, barring some huge event, I will probably not post here or even answer emails.  God willing, by next Tuesday all shall be back to normal. Besides,

Some random musings on the American soldier on Memorial Day

Usually, when the USA is commemorating Memorial Day, I try to write something about the many hundred of millions of people which were murdered by US military forces during this country’s short history.  Sometimes I like to post a list of US wars/interventions.  If you are interested in this topic, click here, here, here or here.  Today, I wanted to do something a little different.  I wanted to share with

Very interesting interview of Phyllis Bennis by Paul Jay

Many interesting issues are alluded to in this interview. I wonder if you guys could comment on the following topics: The Salafi <-> Muslim Brotherhood relation. Is there a “porous border” between these two groups? Does the MB have a salafist wing? The Foreign Ministry <-> Military relation. Is there a real power struggle taking place between these two ministries? Assuming that the USA will do all it can to

Internet censorship in full swing in the USA (again)

First we had “Evil Joe” Lieberman with his “Internet kill switch” and now they are at it again, this time with a “Protect IP Act“.  The thugs in Congress are always up to no good, usually some crafty way of making the rich richer, the poor poorer, to further reduce any civil liberty left and, last but not least, to do whatever the hell the Israel lobby demands from them. 

Another major victory for the Egyptian people?

According to Ha’aretz and the BBC, Egypt will permanently open the Rafah crossing into Gaza The Rafah crossing will be opened permanently from 0900 to 2100 every day except Fridays and holidays, beginning Saturday 28 May: the crossing will be opened permanently from 0900 to 2100 every day except Fridays and holidays, beginning Saturday 28 May. If that is true, this is wonderful and long-awaited news!! Brick by brick, the

Netanyahu, Obama and the rest of them are polarizing the world, and this is a very good thing indeed

Yesterday I watched with some amazement how the entire US Congress stood up and down and up and down and up and down again “interrupting” Netanyahu’s speech with obligatory standing ovations and thought to myself, is there any way at all a country could humiliate itself any more?  Keep in mind that the man for whom the US Congress folks were obsequiously hopping up and down is the same man

Glorious victory for the invincible Tsahal!!

Commentary by Mark Regev (or was it Barak Obama? don’t matter – same thing): It is good to see that the glorious and invincible IDF (aka ‘Tsahal’) continues to maintain a clear military edge over the terrorists and enemies of democracy, civilization and progress. As the only democracy in the Middle-East continues to be surrounded by millions of barbarians representing an existential threat to the peace-loving Jewish state of Holocaust

Absolutely amazing humiliation of the USA by Netanyahu

Just watch these surreal images: That Netanyahu would dare to utterly humiliate Obama inside the White House on in front of the world press really proves what which has been clear for many years already: The USA is not a superpower. The USA is just an Israeli colony. Call is ZOG. Call it ZPC.  Call it the “Israel Lobby”.   Call it whatever you want, but the fact is that the

These guys are the best of the best of the US military?!

Amazing and hilarious news form the BBC: The US is to tighten security around the elite military unit that killed Osama Bin Laden, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates has said. Mr Gates revealed that the US Navy Seal team had expressed concerns over their safety and that of their families. SEAL Team 6 It appears that the “sooper-dooper best of the best” DEVGRU Navy SEAL Team 6 are afraid that
