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Posts From The Saker

The World Liberal Opportunists Made

By Chris Hedges for TruthDig The lunatic fringe of the Republican Party, which looks set to make sweeping gains in the midterm elections, is the direct result of a collapse of liberalism. It is the product of bankrupt liberal institutions, including the press, the church, universities, labor unions, the arts and the Democratic Party. The legitimate rage being expressed by disenfranchised workers toward the college-educated liberal elite, who abetted or

Election 2010 New USA: Unlimited Stupid Americans

No matter who wins in the midterm elections the painful truth will be that there will be no genuine government reforms. The real question is: Will this ugly reality finally wake up most Americans and compel them to pursue better strategies for fixing the nation? by Joel S. Hirschhorn (libertarian) Only one result of the coming midterm elections is assured. No matter who wins and how much power shifts from

The speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the conduct and performance of the International Investigation Committee and the International investigators delivered on Thursday October 28, 2010.

In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the World. Peace be on our Master and Prophet – The Seal of Prophets – Mohammad and on his Chaste Household, chosen companions and all prophets and messengers. Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessing. Though my speech today is related to a special topic which is the conduct and performance

Latin America mourns the death of Néstor Kirchner

by Carlo Moiana Former president Néstor Kirchner has unexpectedly died today of heart failure. He was the first elected president of Argentina after the terrible economical and political crisis that the country suffered in 2001. Kirchner had had some health problems lately: in February he had a surgery for problems in the carotid artery, and in September he had an angioplasty. His doctors recommended him rest, but he kept a

Why 9-11 Truth Has Won

By Allen L. Jasson for MWC News The 9-11 Truth Movement has clearly won the fight. The two key facts essential to defeat the official explanation and establish critical need for a new, wider, criminal investigation are the free-fall collapse of three WTC buildings (proving the complete absence of structural resistance) and the presence of thermite in large quantities (as the prime explanation for the absence of structural resistance). These

Russian newspaper reports Putin wants Serdiukov sacked

According to reports in the Russian media, Prime Minister Putin has demanded in a very harsh manner that the Minister Of Defense Serdiukov present him with a detailed report about the scandal at the training center at Ryazan Airbone School. According to rumors, the current Chief of General Staff, General, Nikolai Makarov, is likely to replace Serdiukov. If true, Makarov would be a strange choice since it appears that he

Revelation: Russian Navy officers demanded the dismissial of Serdiukov already FOUR times!

According to information published in the Russian press, it has now appeared that the union of Professional Navy Officers has written to President Medvedev no less than 4 (four!) times to demand the dismissal of Defense Minister Serdiukov. “It would be wrong to say that we supported the paratroopers. Even before the incident with the Airborne Forces, 14 September, we sent a fourth letter to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, to

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas’s Council of Torah Sages, declares that “Goyim were born only to serve us”

The Jerusalem Post reports: The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews, according to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas’s Council of Torah Sages and a senior Sephardi adjudicator. “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” he said in his weekly Saturday night sermon on the laws regarding the actions non-Jews

Colonel Andrei Krasov describes his conversation with Defense Minister Serdiukov as “business-like”

The Colonel of the Airborne forces who was allegedly insulted by Defense Minister Serdiukov has made a few very short comments in the Russian media saying the following: “Serdyukov expressed its displeasure with incomplete repair the dining room and engineering networks. “The conversation has been very emotional on the part Krasov, – said the colonel about himself in third person – and by Serdyukov. “But it was a business communication,

The Saker’s Q&A with “Lebanese Christian” about Hezbollah-Christian relations

Today it is my real pleasure to submit to you the text of a Q&A I have had with “Lebanese Christian”.  One of the most misunderstood aspects of the socio-political reality of Lebanon is the fact that Hezbollah is very open to Christians as long as they are real Lebanese patriots and not proxies for Israel and the USA. I asked “Lebanese Christian” to comment on some of the aspects

Russian Paratroopers rebellion update – Shamanov denies the severity of the crisis

The Commander in Chief of the Russian Airborne Forces has officially distanced himself from the outrage of his subordinates by describing the situation in the Airborne Forces as “normal” and by saying that the recent incident with Defense Minister Serdiukov mostly fictional. This is either a case of CYA or, more likely, a move to prevent the Kremlin to have a pretext to fire him. I will keep you posted

Did you know? Jews made all of creation possible, and they get to crown God as “king” too

Or, at least, so said one of the most famous modern rabbis, Rebbe Menachem Schneerson, whom some considered as the Messiah and who is specially honored in the USA by no less than: 1) The Congressional Gold Medal – the bill passed both Houses by unanimous consent! 2) Having the President decree that the US “Education and Sharing” day (I am not kidding you!) shall named after him and commemorated

Religious officials in Russia call for the dismissal of the Defense Minister

According to the religious news website Portal Credo several officials of the Department of the Moscow Patriarchate dealing with the Armed Forces have demanded the dismissal of Defense Minister Serdiukov. An official of the Synodal Department for Relations with Armed Forces of the Moscow Patriarchate Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko is convinced that the Paratroopers are entitled to demand the resignation of Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, after he insulted the Hero of

Major crisis in Russia opposes Airborne Troops to Defense Minister

A major and truly unprecedented crisis is taking place in Russia.  It opposes the Union (of the personnel) of the Airborne Forces to the Russian Defense Minister Anatolyi Serdiukov.  Today, a 3 star General read an appeal of the Airborne Forces Union to the Nation, the President, The Federal Assembly and to the Patriarch of Russia.  Here is the video of this appeal: This is a machine translation of this

“The Tide Has Changed” – Gilad Atzmon’s latest masterpiece

“The Tide Has Changed” is the latest record by Gilad Atzmon and his Orient House Ensemble and its celebrates the 10th year of collaboration of this fantastic group of musicians. The first track, a tongue-in-cheek introduction to the album, immediately sets the tone with this joyful and deliberately silly lead-in to the album. Called “Dry Fear” – this track is paradoxically anything but fearful. The second track, however, “The Tide
