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Posts From The Saker

The President and I (a *must watch* interview of President Ahmadinejad)

By: Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich I was pleasantly surprised when my request for an interview with Mr. Ahmadinejad, Iran’s president was accepted. President Ahmadinejad has never shied away from being heard, but these interviews had been exclusive to prominent mainstream media personalities such as Larry King and Charlie Rose. However, it was the mainstream media’s projection of Mr. Ahmadinejad that always remained questionable. On September 21, 2010, on the occasion of President

Surviving in a world of zombies: using podcast clients

This is the third article in my series “Surviving in a world of zombies” – you can get part one here and part two here.  Today, I am going to touch upon yet another immensely useful computer based tool: a podcast client. First, let me remind you what a podcast is.  A podcast is some kind of video or audio recording, often of a show, which is made available for

Address by H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Before the 65th Session of the United Nations General Assembly

TRANSCRIPT: (Sorry for the lack of formatting of the text, I extracted it from the PDF file and did not have the time to make it look pretty – VS) Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am grateful to the Almighty God who granted me the opportunity to appear before this world assembly once again. I wish to begin by commemorating those who lost their lives in the horrible

Is anybody at Press TV or al-Manar paying attention?

Interesting story this morning on the BBC: it appears that some unidentified “nation state” has put huge efforts into creating a sophisticated worm with “incredible amount of code” “probably targeting “high value” infrastructure in Iran”.  Read the full BBC story here; its confirmed by NZZ here and here in English.  The key sentence in the BBC report is this:” it infects Windows machines via USB keys“. That’s right, this super-dooper-worm

“Manufacturing Dissent”: the Anti-globalization Movement is Funded by the Corporate Elites The People’s Movement has been Hijacked

By Michel Chossudovsky for  Global Research “Everything the [Ford] Foundation did could be regarded as “making the World safe for capitalism”, reducing social tensions by helping to comfort the afflicted, provide safety valves for the angry, and improve the functioning of government (McGeorge Bundy, National Security Advisor to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson (1961-1966), President of the Ford Foundation, (1966-1979)) “By providing the funding and the policy framework

The Sakineh scandal

by Thierry Meyssan for Voltrairenet French essayist Bernard-Henry Levy and President Nicolas Sarkozy have mobilized French public opinion to save an Iranian woman, accused of adultery, from being stoned to death. Overcome with emotion, the French did not take the time to verify the allegations, until actor Dieudonné M’bala M’bala traveled to Teheran. Once in the Iranian capital, everything turned out to be false. Thierry Meyssan addresses the spectacular and

Hezbollah Successfully Tests New Missile in Iran

The AhlulBayt  News Agency reports: Special Hezbollah units in Iran have successfully launched and tested a new Iranian missile “Fatah 110,” according to a report over the weekend by Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Rai, Israeli Channel 2 news reported. Hezbollah Successfully Tests New Missile in Iran Ahlul Bayt News Agency ; Special Hezbollah units in Iran have successfully launched and tested a new Iranian missile “Fatah 110,” according to a report over

Israel outraged over Russia-Syria arms deal

The Palestinian Information Center reports: Israel says it strongly condemns Moscow’s decision to finish a deal that would supply P-800 Yakhont cruise missiles to Syria, considering the step a disruption of (military) balance in the region. Israeli political officials say Moscow has gone too far, noting that the deal would not improve ties between the two sides. Supplying Syria with advanced weapons at this time in particular is not a

Serbia Surrenders Kosovo to the EU

By Diana Johnstone for Counterpunch On September 10, at the UN General Assembly, Serbia abruptly surrendered its claim to the breakaway province of Kosovo to the European Union. Serbian leaders described this surrender as a “compromise”. But for Serbia, it was all give and no take. In its dealings with the Western powers, recent Serbian diplomacy has displayed all the perspicacity of a rabbit cornered by a rattlesnake. After some

The Obama Presidency in numbers (No We Can’t!)

Amy Goodman for Democray Now reports: New figures show the number of Americans living in poverty and lacking health insurance has reached the highest levels on record. According to the Census Bureau, 43.6 million people—about one in seven—lived below the poverty level of $22,000 for a family of four in 2009. It was the largest number since the census began keeping track fifty-one years ago, and an increase of four

Israel: a sick, confused and racist society

Unravelling the Israeli Arab ‘rape by deception’ case By Dina Newman BBC News New evidence has emerged in the widely-reported case of Sabbar Kashur, an Israeli Arab who was found guilty of rape by deception after having sex with an Israeli Jewish woman. Back in July, it was reported that the two met in a Jerusalem street in 2008, had consensual sex within 10 minutes of meeting each other.  Two

‘Thou Shalt Not Murder’ applies only ‘to a Jew who kills a Jew,’ write Rabbis

(thanks to L. for pointing me to this article) The King’s Torah: a rabbinic text or a call to terror? Prohibition ‘Thou Shalt Not Murder’ applies only ‘to a Jew who kills a Jew,’ write Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur. By The Forward and Daniel Estrin in Haaretz The marble-patterned, hardcover book embossed with gold Hebrew letters looks like any other religious commentary you’d find in an Orthodox Judaica

What will you pay attention to today?

Today, on September 11, 2010, the Big Brother’s corporate media wants you to focus on some ignorant redneck in sunny Florida who want to burn Korans. The other option would be to focus on the topic of the “Ground Zero Mosque” – nevermind that it is not on, but only near, the site of WTC. I suggest that you the watch press conference and debate which was held at the

Back to high-school: today, physics 101

My friend L. has just emailed me this video, which I new about, but which I do want to post here for those of you who say that they are not engineers and that they have a hard time coming to a conclusion about what happened with WTC7.  In this video David Chandler, a high-school physics teacher, uses basic (high-school level) yet absolutely incontrovertible laws of physics to prove tat

How to Kill Goyim and Influence People: Israeli Rabbis Defend Book’s Shocking Religious Defense of Killing Non-Jews (with Video)

By Max Blumenthal for AlterNet (Thanks, again, to L. for passing this one to me! VS) When I went into the Jewish religious book emporium, Pomeranz, in central Jerusalem to inquire about the availability of a book called Torat Ha’Melech, or the King’s Torah, a commotion immediately ensued. “Are you sure you want it?” the owner, M. Pomeranz, asked me half-jokingly. “The Shabak [Israel’s internal security service] is going to

Why am I not hearing the endless rumble of jaws dropping to the floor?! (UPDATED!)

For those of you who have been regular readers of my blog it is no secret that after 8 years of doubts and confusion I have finally come to the conclusion that 9/11 was an “inside job”.  I would refer those who are not aware of my fairly recent “conversion” to the “truther” camp and of the motives which caused it to my paper “How I became a dedicated 9-11

Russian Official: Militants Trained in Georgia

Civil Georgia reports: Tbilisi: Georgia hosts “special camps” where militants are trained and then sent to join insurgents in North Caucasus, a senior Russian Interior Ministry official in charge of North Caucasus region has alleged. “Georgia has become visibly active recently,” Nikolai Simakov, deputy head of Interior Ministry’s unit in North Caucasus federal district, said in an interview with Russian newspaper, Vremya Novostei, when asked about foreign aid to militants

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Al Qods International Day

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In The Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be upon our Master and Prophet – The Seal of prophets – Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household, his chosen companions and on all prophets and messengers. Your Eminence the scholars, deputies and ministers! Brothers and sisters! Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and
