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Humanitarian Flotilla Vs Evil Navy

by Gilad Atzmon Haaretz reports today that Israel will attempt to block the humanitarian Freedom Flotilla heading toward Gaza. However, according to the Israeli paper, the humanitarian cargo would then be unloaded, inspected and sent to Gaza overland via the United Nations. Typical for Israel, it tries to win a lost battle. On the one hand, by stopping the flotilla Israel attempts to maintain its regional status as an omnipotent

Afghanistan: Reading between the lines

The new coalition in Westminster is parsing all the words about Afghanistan and coming up with a very different interpretation, says Eric Walberg The movement to “get the troops out now!” has found unlikely converts in the form of the Conservative-Liberal Democratic coalition in Britain . The election campaign suggested nothing new could be expected from any of the parties on Afghanistan, despite the fact that over 70 per cent

Three articles about the ongoing escalation

Informationclearinghouse just republished three articles about the US preparations for the upcoming war on Iran: US Special Forces Pave the Way for a Military Strike on Iran By Giles Whittell and Michael Evans Such plans “are always going to be under serious consideration,” Anthony Cordesman, of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, said, “because you are dealing with a serious threat” General Petraeus’s Secret Ops By Robert Dreyfuss

Rahm Emanuel invites Netanyahu to discuss shared ‘security interests’ with Obama

“Rahm Emanuel invites Netanyahu to discuss shared ‘security interests’ with Obama” – that is the headline which Haaretz chose. They might as well have written “Rahm Emanuel invites Natanyahu to finalize war plans on Iran”. The number of indicators and warning which point to a joint US-Israeli attack on Iran is rapidly increasing. Though probably not imminent, we are probably talking a few months at the most.

Quousque tandem?

Having recently celebrated the first “White House Seder” (already declared as a “new White House Tradition” by no less than the New York Times, Obama is now working hard on deciding who will make it on the highly coveted list of guests invited to the opening event of the “Jewish Heritage Month” (not to be confused with the President’s Annual Hannukah Party). Spring in the USA is so full of

Rand Paul and Israel

by Philip Klein for the American Spectator I’ve obtained a document that the Rand Paul campaign is circulating to those interested in his views on Israel, and it’s interesting to see how the positions he’s taking as a Republican Senate candidate in Kentucky differ from those adopted by his father, Rep. Ron Paul, a harsh critic of U.S.-Israel ties. “Israel and the United States have a special relationship,” Rand’s position

Snapshot of life in the USA

One million of people in the streets of New York at a parade to celebrate, I am not kidding you, the “salute to Israel” festival. As for Rahm Emanuel, the 2nd most powerful man in the USA (that is officially, in reality, he is #1, of course) – he is in Israel to celebrate his son’s bar mitzvah. Just another day in America…

Revealed: how Israel offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons

Chris McGreal reports for The Guardian: Secret South African documents reveal that Israel offered to sell nuclear warheads to the apartheid regime, providing the first official documentary evidence of the state’s possession of nuclear weapons. The “top secret” minutes of meetings between senior officials from the two countries in 1975 show that South Africa’s defence minister, PW Botha, asked for the warheads and Shimon Peres, then Israel’s defence minister and

Talking about Athens and Jerusalem

by Gilad Atzmon * There is often a noticeable discrepancy between what one claims to be and what one actually is. * Hegel taught us that our self-perception is a fragile and evolving amalgam of the way we like to see ourselves and the way we are mirrored by others. * I, for instance, tend to regard myself as a Jazz saxophonist. My self-image is inherently dependent on the willingness

Russia-America: Rediscovering realpolitik

As Russia returns to its logical, regional, strategic roots, the US under Obama is slowly waking up after its neocon nightmare, argues Eric Walberg The irony in current relations between Russia and America is that the US has been far more ideological, perversely so, in the past two decades than Soviet foreign policy ever was. Russia is now expanding its economic and political relations with its former comrades both in

Listening to Rand Paul

I have just been listening to Rand Paul’s acceptance speech. He called Evo Morales and Hugo Chavez “petty dictators” which he must KNOW is a ridiculous lie – hence he is a dishonest liar. He also said that “Obama apologizes for America’s greatness”. What kind of crap is that? Obama is every bit as arrogant, imperialist and flag-waving as Dubya, Papa-Bush or even Reagan. He also seems to be oblivious

Israel’s “FUCK YOU!” to the world

Last year, the lunatics who run the “Jewish state” in occupied Palestine had already deported Norman Finkelstein alleging that he had not provided his interrogators a full account of his travels to Lebanon. This decision was seen by most commentators as both stupid and petty. It might possibly also be illegal because the Law of Return specifically is designed to make it possible for Jews not only to enter, but

The American Taliban are coming

by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times Intricate shadowplay surrounds the (failed) smoking sports utility vehicle Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad. Earlier in 2010, the Central Intelligence Agency warned al-Qaeda might try an attack inside the US “within the next six months”. It did happen – like clockwork – with the added bonus that the alleged perpetrators are even more convenient than al-Qaeda. United States Attorney General Eric Holder is

National Jewish Democratic Council delighted with Kagan’s ‘jewishness’

Here is the full text of the article the NJDC just published (red color added -VS) : Elena Kagan’s Jewish Background: Just What Pat Buchanan Fears While former Republican Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan wrote today that Kagan’s confirmation would lead to a Court that is too Jewish, those who are interested in Kagan’s Jewish background from a more positive perspective have been flooding NJDC’s offices with requests for more information.

Obama Seeks $205 Million for Israel Iron Dome System

al-Manar reports: The budgetary difficulty that has been delaying Israel’s armament with the anti-missile defense system Iron Dome has apparently been resolved. The Pentagon has issued a message to Israel’s Defense Ministry that U.S. President Barack Obama has approved the transfer of special assistance totaling $205 million for the purchase of more than ten Iron Dome batteries. The Iron Dome missile defense system aced a test run in January, and

The Hateful Tyranny Imposed on the World

by Fidel Castro Our times are characterized by an unprecedented event: the threat to the survival of the human species imposed on the world by imperialism. The painful reality should not come as a surprise to anyone. It could be seen rapidly advancing in the past few decades, at such a pace as it is hard to imagine. Does it mean that Obama is the promoter of this threat or

Elena Kagan and the Supreme Court: A Barnyard Smell in Chicago, Harvard and Washington

By James Petras for the Axis of Logic President Obama has nominated Elena Kagan for Justice of the United States Supreme Court on the basis of an academic publication record, which might give her a fighting chance for tenure at a first rate correspondence law school in the Texas Panhandle. A review of her published scholarship after almost two decades in and out of academia turns up four law review
