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Posts From The Saker

Two very different takes on the “Greek crisis” (UPDATED!)

To be very honest, I have not kept a close eye on what has been going on in the EU or, even less so, Greece. I also get a strong feeling that there is a lot of smoke and propaganda around all this. I would like to share with you two very different outlooks on this topic: the analyses of investment banker Marshall Auerback and French economist Franck Biancheri. They

Ok – moderation on, at least for the foreseeable future

Dear friends, Thanks for your emails and comments. I have to tell you that the idea that somebody could be ‘spamming’ the blog as a way to saturate it with garbage had never crossed my mind. I did wonder whether anybody in his/her right mind would actually hope to get some sales with this kind of idiotic ‘marketing strategies’, but that there could be a non-commercial intention behind this is

Sorry – comments moderation on (at least temporarily)

Dear friends, I am being spammed by some moron trying to sell tickets for Roger Waters (ironically, I have been a fan of Roger Waters all my life). I had to turn on comments moderation, at least temporarily, until this nonsense stops. Sorry about that. Please do let me know what solution you want me to adopt permanently. The Saker

Request for comments – what shall I do about spam?

Dear friends, There seems to be an orgy of spamming going on. Mostly, spammers seem to be polluting older posts, such as my interview with Jonathan Cook, but sometimes this crap shows up in more recent comment sections. The “trick” to ask for a word ID before allowing a comment does not seem to work any more. And blogger does not allow me to ban a specific user from commenting.

Eastern Europe: From Socialist Bloc And Non-Alignment To U.S. Military Colonies

by Rick Rozoff for Stop NATO Eleven years ago today the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was in the seventh week of a bombing war against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, one which saw over 1,000 Western military planes fly over 38,000 combat missions, bombs dropped from the sky and Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from the Mediterranean Sea. Having quickly exhausted military targets, NATO warplanes resorted to bombing so-called targets of

The Mossad in South America

(thanks to John for drawing my attention to this article – VS) by Nil Nikandrov for the Strategic Culture Foundation “N”, a correspondent from an Iranian media agency, whom I met in the association of foreign journalists in Caracas, told me that he used to work in Buenos Aires for some time. Things were going well, N’s employer was satisfied with the job he did, and he planned to spend

Pirate-captured tanker freed by Russian navy

RT reports: The crew of a large Russian anti-submarine ship has freed an oil tanker seized by Somali pirates on Wednesday. All 23 Russian sailors from the hijacked vessel have escaped the incident unscathed. As a result of the rescue efforts, 10 pirates have been captured and one killed. “The large submarine-hunter ‘Marshal Shaposhnikov’ (see photos – click on picture for high resolution) of Russia’s Pacific Navy carried out an

Joe Lieberman goes after “enemy goyims”

Kasie Hunt for the Politico reports: Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) thinks he’s found a work-around on the whole Miranda rights debate for U.S. citizens accused of terrorism: Strip their citizenship and ship them to Guantanamo. Lieberman plans to introduce a bill that would amend a decades-old law aimed at yanking citizenship from U.S. citizens who fight for a foreign military. “I’m now putting together legislation to amend that to [specify

Listening to Eric Prince – musings about US SOF and the Empire

Jeremy Scahill, the award-winning independent journalist and the author of the international bestseller, “Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army” has just published an article on his blog at The Nation entitled “Secret Erik Prince Tape Exposed“. Scahill was also interviewed today on Democracy Now. Check out the article and the interview, interesting stuff. Here is, however, the one quote by Prince which is really priceless: “These

“A Firefighter, A Demolition Expert, and an Architect Look at Ground-Zero”

My favorite radio show host (Bonnie Faulkner) host yet another highly interesting discussion on my favorite US radio station (KPFK 94.1 in San Francisco) in her weekly show Guns and Butter, this time with with firefighter and founder of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Erik Lawyer; controlled demolition expert, Tom Sullivan; and architect and founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Richard Gage. You can listen or download the show

Freedom of the press – Obama style…

Press TV reports: An Iranian press delegation slated to accompany President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during his upcoming visit to New York have been denied US visas. The US government has refused to issue visas for the Iranian press delegation that was scheduled to cover the president’s trip to New York and his participation in a nuclear conference, Mehr News Agency reported on Sunday. Ahmadinejad, who is to attend the Nuclear Non-Proliferation

Testing the Limits of Freedom of Speech: Ernst Zundel Speaks Out

(thanks to L. for brining this article to my attention – VS) An exclusive interview with one of Europe’s most well-known political prisoners by Kourosh Ziabari for Foreign Policy Journal Ernst Zundel is a German author and historian who has spent seven years of his life behind bars as a result of expressing his controversial viewpoints and opinions. He is a revisionist who has denied the Holocaust as described by

France implicated in Hariri murder case

Press TV reports: A witness who gave false testimony in the case of the murder of the former Lebanese premier says France had provided him with a forged passport to help him get away with perjury. A report by the Volatairenet website said that France had provided Mohammed Zuhair Siddiq — the key witness in the case of Rafiq Hariri’s murder — with a forged passport to grant him immunity

Mexican Drug War Intel Report: Over 22,000 Dead, Police Detain 27% of the Zetas’ Foot Soldiers, Open Hunting Season On Cops

By Pancho Montana for Exiled online Hey there drug war fans, I got some statistics to throw your way. While you gringos pay attention to the unemployment rate and foreclosure statistics, we here in Mexico track the national kill count—how many people died, who suffered the losses and where the action went down. The latest numbers were just released: they are compiled by the federal government, so they are not

Israel’s Big and Small Apartheids: Meaning of a Jewish State

By Jonathan Cook via Palestine Chronicle Below is the text of a talk delivered to the fifth Bilin international conference for Palestinian popular resistance, held in the West Bank village of Bilin on April 21. Israel’s apologists are very exercised about the idea that Israel has been singled out for special scrutiny and criticism. I wish to argue, however, that in most discussions of Israel it actually gets off extremely
