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Posts From The Saker

Some thoughts of a newcomer to the 9/11 Truth movement

It has been about 6 months now since I wrote my first post here about the 9/11 Truth movement. Following this initial article, I posted another one trying to encourage my readers to go and dig for the facts by themselves. Hoping to encourage independent research, I have now posted some 9/11 links on this blog, and an RSS feed from So far, the reactions to the new “truther”

Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah was executed by the FBI

Democracy Now reports: In Michigan, explosive details have emerged from the long-awaited release of the autopsy report for a Detroit-area Muslim imam slain by the FBI in October. The imam, Luqman Ameen Abdullah, headed a Sunni Muslim group called the Ummah. He was shot dead during an FBI raid shortly after being indicted on charges of conspiracy to commit federal crimes. Local Muslim leaders have questioned if authorities are trying

The kidnapping of Haiti

by John Pilger for The New Statesman The theft of Haiti has been swift and crude. On 22 January, the United States secured “formal approval” from the United Nations to take over all air and sea ports in Haiti, and to “secure” roads. No Haitian signed the agreement, which has no basis in law. Power rules in a US naval blockade and the arrival of 13,000 marines, special forces, spooks

Your Disappointment In Obama Is Your Teaching Moment

By Carolyn Baker for Information Clearing House It’s the end of the affair, and the stale taste of limerence stays on your tongue. You were promised the sun, moon, and stars, and you desperately wanted to believe it was real, especially after the betrayal of your former relationship of eight years. You had considered escaping-riding off into the sunset to another country where he couldn’t find you, or so you

Obama: war spending up – domestic spending down

DemocracyNow reports: US to Expand Missile Defense System in Persian Gulf In a move expected to heighten tension in the Middle East, the Obama administration is quietly expanding its land- and sea-based missile shield system in the Persian Gulf region. The US is dispatching Patriot defensive missiles to Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Kuwait. In addition, the US is keeping two ships in the Gulf capable of shooting down

A comparison of 4+ and 5th generation fighters

The Internet is being flooded with all sorts of claims about 4+ and 5th generation fighters and I think that some reality needs to be re-injected into all this. Thankfully, Air Power Australia, which always has very good technical analyses, published an excellent comparative chart which is very helpful in getting some sense of the real capabilities of the various 4+ and 5th generation fighters currently in existence: Ok. I

High res photo of the PAKFA from below!

Check out this high res photo taken below the PAKFA which clearly shows the 4 weapon bays (between the engine nacelles) and the 4 additional external mounting points (external wings). This is *a lot* of firepower. Found this one on the excellent site (again) (Click on the photo for the high res.)

Russian PAK-FA compared to US F-22

I just found these pictures at You can clearly see from these photos that the US F-22 and the Russian PAK-FA are dramatically different aircraft. As as aside, is a very decent place to get some good discussions on military topics. Unlike so many other fora, the jingoistic flag-waving trolls usually get rapdly denounced because a lot of competent folks post there.

A good first look at the PAK-FA/T-50

Some of you have expressed interest in the new Russian 5th generation multi-mission combat aircraft known as the PAK-FA or T-50. There is a lot of nonsense written about this aircraft, but in this sea of crap, I found one analysis which is so good that I decided to re-print it here in-extenso. This is something I found on the Aviation Week Ares blog and it is written by Bill

Look at the sick crap Chertoff is peddling now

Nude Awakening – The dangerous naked machines. by Jeffrey Rosen for the New Republic Last summer, I watched a fellow passenger at Washington’s Reagan National Airport as he was selected to go through a newly installed full-body scanner. These machines–there are now 40 of them spread across 19 U.S. airports–permit officials from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to peer through a passenger’s clothing in search of explosives and weapons. On

Pentagon Confronts Russia In The Baltic Sea

by Rick Rozoff for Stop NATO Twelve months ago a new U.S. administration entered the White House as the world entered a new year. Two and a half weeks later the nation’s new vice president, Joseph Biden, spoke at the annual Munich Security Conference and said “it’s time to press the reset button and to revisit the many areas where we can and should be working together with Russia.” Incongruously

The Holocaust Backfires

by Gilad Atzmon Ynet reports: Peres in Berlin, Netanyahu in Auschwitz, Lieberman in Budapest and Edelstein at the UN headquarters in New York all plan to attack the Goldstone report into the Gaza war on International Holocaust Day this Wednesday. Israel’s political echelon will once again try to divert attention from the fact that the Israeli crime is beyond comparison. Israeli Propaganda Minister Edelstein told Ynet before leaving for New

Russia, Turkey and the Great Game: Changing teams

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev’s visit to Turkish last month shows that Turkey and Russia are rapidly developing close economic and political ties, notes Eric Walberg For all intents and purposes, Turkey has given up on the European Union, recognising it as a bastion of Islamophobia and captive to US diktat. As Switzerland bans minarets and France moves to outlaw the niqab, the popular Islamist government in Istanbul moves in the

7 Questions for Carlo Moiana about the current situation in Latin America

Today its my very real pleasure to publish my interview with Carlo who, since our “meeting” in August 08, became a regular commentator on this blog. Carlo is extremely well-informed about the situation in Latin America (his other specialty is Russia) and I asked him to agree to a Q&A about the current developments on this continent. It is hard to overstate the importance of Latin America in the worldwide

Israeli troop movements

Several sources are reporting Israeli troop concentrations at the border with Lebanon. That, combined with very bellicose statements of at least one Israeli minister are resulting in rumors about an imminent Israeli attack on Lebanon (Netanyahu already denied any such intentions). I do not believe that the Israelis are about to attack Lebanon, and most definitely not with a ground operation. The only circumstance in which I think that could

Latin American leaders say US occupying Haiti

Press TV reports: Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua say the US is using the international relief operation in Haiti as a cover-up for a military takeover. Bolivian President Evo Morales said that he will request an emergency UN meeting to reject what he calls the US military occupation of Haiti. “It’s not right that the United States should use this natural disaster to invade and militarily occupy Haiti,” Morales told a
