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Who is behind Moldova’s Twitter Revolution?

By José Miguel Alonso Trabanco for Global Research “A lot of what we [National Endowment for Democracy] do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” -Allen Weinstein It seems that those who anticipated the end of color revolutions have been proven wrong. So far, color revolutions have succeeded in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. On the other hand, they have failed in Belarus, Uzbekistan and Myanmar. Their

Nasrallah confirms Egypt holding Hizbullah member

Resistance chief denies plot to attack country By Therese Sfeir for the Daily Star BEIRUT: Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said Friday that his party did not have branches in Arab countries or anywhere else in the world. In a television appearance on Al-Manar TV, Nasrallah denied accusations launched by Egyptian authorities that party members were planning to launch attacks in Egypt. He also urged Arab leaders not to be

By Haitham Sabbah for Palestine Think Tank Same old story, new president: U.S. President Barack Obama will not cut the billions of dollars in military aid promised to Israel, a senior U.S. administration official said Wednesday. The $30 billion in aid promised to Israel over the next decade will not be harmed by the world financial crisis, the official told Israel Radio. He spoke on condition of anonymity. The U.S.

One in ten Americans collecting ‘food stamps’

by Caroline Hedley for The Guardian A record 32.2 million people took advantage of the US welfare initiative that allows low-income individuals to exchange “stamps” for groceries in January, according to a United States government report. The average recipient was given $112.82 (£77) per month to spend through the recently-renamed ‘Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program’, or ‘SNAP’. The figures show an increase of over 4.3 million claimants in just ten months,

Misunderestimated Enemy

by Venik for Venik’s Blog Obama’s election campaign put the war in Afghanistan on a pedestal as the single most important national security goal of the post-Bush era. Currently, the NATO-led international force in Afghanistan numbers about 55,000 troops from forty one countries, including about 23,000 American soldiers.The NATO force in Afghanistan has virtually no heavy armor – just a couple dozen of Canadian and Danish tanks. At the height

Russia and China back currency study

Reuters reports: Russia proposed on Thursday an IMF or G20 study on creating a new international reserve currency and China reiterated support for a broader discussion of the dollar’s role that was missing at the London G20 summit. Strengthened regional currencies would be a basis for the new unit, which could also be partially backed by gold, Russia said in a statement released on the sidelines of the summit. Chinese

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez arrives in Tehran

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon reports: The Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has arrived in Tehran for a four-day visit to hold talks with Iranian officials. Iranian Foreign Minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, welcomed the Venezuelan president in Tehran’s Mehrabad Airport on Wednesday night, IRNA reported. During Chavez’ visit to Tehran, Iran and Venezuela will launch a joint bank. The Venezuelan president will leave Tehran for Tokyo after meeting with Iranian officials. President

Gilad Atzmon – Lexicon of Resistance

by Gilad Atzmon for Palestine Think Tank The following is an attempt to present my own personal dictionary of what seems to be the most charged terminology and concepts attached to the Palestinian solidarity and anti-war discourse. Palestine– a piece of land on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. For many years Palestine was the home of the Palestinian people: Muslims, Christians and Jews who lived in peace and

Did you know that Israel attacked Sudan in January?

Did you know that Israel attacked Sudan in January? Probably not. After all, if democracy is the best political system money can buy, then the corporate media is the best media the Israel Lobby can buy too… There were some reports and rumors before, but now the quasi official New York Times confirms the story. So after bombing Syria Israel also bombed Sudan. Makes me wonder which country is next.

Israeli humor: 1 shot 2 kills

Check out this amazing photo representing a T-shirt popular among Israeli snipers: It shows a veiled pregnant woman (presumably Palestinian) through a rifle scope. Under it, a short sentence: “1 SHOT 2 KILLS” (read all about it in Ha’aretz) Can anyone even imagine the worldwide outrage if, say, Iranian snipers had been seen with such T-shirts with the Muslim woman replaced by a pregnant Jewish Haredi woman? If one picture

In Loving Memory of America

Gilad Atzmon moving tribute for America’s greatest heroes “On an especially cold Jerusalem night I heard Bird playing “April in Paris” on a radio program. I was knocked down. It was by far more organic, poetic, sentimental and yet wilder than anything I had ever heard before. Bird was a fierce libidinal extravaganza of wit and energy. The morning after, I decided to skip school, I rushed to the one

Preparing for Civil Unrest in America: Legislation to Establish Internment Camps on US Military Bases

By Michel Chossudovsky for Global Research The Economic and Social Crisis The financial meltdown has unleashed a latent and emergent social crisis across the United States. What is at stake is the fraudulent confiscation of lifelong savings and pension funds, the appropriation of tax revenues to finance the trillion dollar “bank bailouts”, which ultimately serve to line the pockets of the richest people in America. This economic crisis is in

The Israel lobby gets its man—and tips its hand.

by Philip Weiss for the American Conservative Magazine Charles Freeman Jr.’s withdrawal of his acceptance of a high-level intelligence position in the Obama administration was a national-security drama more riveting than an episode of “24.” The moral was clear: even a president who owes his job to a progressive movement in American politics could not support a longtime public servant who had made the mistake of criticizing Israel. Fierce advocates

Freeman and the lobby: Pride and Prejudice

This will appear in the next issue of Al-Ahram Weekly Pride and Prejudice The Zionists are playing a dangerous game by scuttling Freeman’s appointment, warns Eric Walberg The remarkable hegemony of Zionists in US — and by implication — world politics continues unabated, as demonstrated starkly by the withdrawal of Chas Freeman as United States President Barack Obama’s nominee to chair his National Intelligence Council (NIC). Unlike cabinet positions,

War On Terror Within: The End of Jewish History

by Gilad Atzmon for Palestine Think Tank The issue I am going to discuss today is probably the most important thing I’ve ever had to say about Israeli brutality and contemporary Jewish identity. I assume that I could have shaped my thought into a wide-ranging book or an analytical academic text but instead, I will do the very opposite, I will make it as short and as simple as possible.

The US Empire looses yet another country, this time El Salvador

Leftist Victory in El Salvador Closes an Historic Cycle By Marc Cooper for the Huffington Post The apparent victory of leftist candidate Maurico Funes in Sunday’s presidential election in El Salvador finally closes out the Cold War in Central America and raises some serious questions about the long term goals of U.S. foreign policy. With Funes’ election, history has come full cycle. Both El Salvador and neighboring Nicaragua will now

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah speech on Islamic Unity Week

Marking the anniversary of the blessed Birthday of The Prophet of Mercy Mohammad (pbuh) and the Islamic Unity Week (12-17 Rabai I), Hezbollah held a massive ceremony in the Sayyed Ashuhada (pbuh) Compound in Rweiss in the Southern Suburbs. The sponsor of the ceremony, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, made the following speech in the occasion. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on

The Case Against Israel’s “Right to Exist”

by Roger Tucker An Open Letter to Representative David Price (D) 4th District, NC As you know, Mr. Price, I was invited to join a group of activists who met with you Monday morning to urge you to take action regarding the siege of Gaza, the Occupation and American support for Israel. I declined to attend because my particular focus is on One State advocacy, and you have made it
