Did you know that Israel attacked Sudan in January?
Probably not. After all, if democracy is the best political system money can buy, then the corporate media is the best media the Israel Lobby can buy too…
There were some reports and rumors before, but now the quasi official New York Times confirms the story.
So after bombing Syria Israel also bombed Sudan. Makes me wonder which country is next. Iran probably.
Whatever maybe the case, it is quite clear that Israel does not give a damn about international law or public opinion. Clearly, Israel’s rulers realize that keeping up a facade of compliance with civilized norms of international relations has become utterly futile. Following years of criminal behavior which peaked with the building of the Wall and the rampage in Gaza, Israel has totally given up on trying to maintain an appearance of respectability. That, in itself, is an admission of defeat, a sign of weakness. Long gone is the myth of Leon Uris’ like heroic Zionists who came to “make a desert green” (“an land without people for a people without land“). The Israelis now openly behave like baseball bat wielding skinheads who “proudly” display their hatred and violence. Their rabid racism and contempt for the rest of mankind is now fully in the open, “out of the closet” so to speak. Good.
Combine that with the Rahm Obama Presidency and the prognosis is clear: much, much worse to come. Soon.
Not sure what to make of this story yet. While I can see why the Sudanese would choose to break the story now because of Bashir’s arrest, surely there will be pressure on them to take action against what – if confirmed – was undeniably an act of war on Israel’s part?
@Irish Eyes: it certainly says a lot about (the non-Hezbollah) Arabs like Syria or Sudan which take a direct strike on their national terrory and cover it up instead of, at the very least, protesting and reporting it to the UNSC just to make Israel pay the political costs of such attacks.
No wonder Nasrallah is the most popular person in the Middle-East!
I suppose they’re embarassed and ashamed at their military impotence. It is typical of a tyranny to pretend a problem doesn’t exist, if only to save face before its own people.
Israel is going to wreck the Obama administration, by provoking more military conflicts and helping to drown the Empire in debt.
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