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Posts From The Saker

Iraqi cleric issues decree against SOFA

Press TV reports: A senior Shia cleric has issued a religious decree prohibiting Iraqis from signing a controversial security agreement with the US. Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Kazem al-Husseini al-Haeri issued a fatwa (decree) against the US-proposed Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). The cleric said that the agreement was in violation of the Islamic law, calling it a humiliating pact that would undermine Iraq’s sovereignty. The US Joint Chiefs of Staff,

Alan Dershowitz endorses Obama as a Trojan Horse for Israel

I just came across an interesting read on Uruknet (via Palestinian Pundit). Turns out that the foam-at-his-mouth Israel supporter Alan Dershowitz endorses Obama. Dershowitz’ for reasons which are very telling: I think it is better for Israel to have a liberal supporter in the White House than to have a conservative supporter in the oval office. Obama’s views on Israel will have greater impact on young people, on Europe, on

Tractatus Logico Palestinicus

by Gilad Atzmon for Palestine Think Tank Atzmon tries to lift the Palestinian Discourse where Wittgenstein left it… 1 “What can be said at all can be said clearly, and what we cannot talk about, we must pass over in silence.” (Ludwig Wittgenstein 1918) 1.1 Humanism and ethics are ends worth fighting for. 1.2 Western politics and political discourse (on the other hand) are concerned with power and hegemony. 1.3

Colin Powell takes the prize for the lamest endorsment ever

I just came across the transcript of Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barak Obama. Take a look: “So when I look at all of this and I think back to my Army career, we’ve got two individuals, either one of them could be a good president, but which is the president that we need now? Which is the individual that serves the needs of the nation for the next period of

The Wall of Hate – a must see video for every American home

There are, alas, many examples of grotesque violations of international law, human rights and basic norms of civilized behavior in our times. But the arrogant, brazen and cynical one is probably also the one which the least number of people have had the courage to condemn even after the International Court of Justice in the Hague did so: the “Wall of Hate” built by the racist Zionist state of Israel.

Iraqi Shias organize a massive demonstration against the proposed US SOFA

Al-Manar reports: Muslim Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr urged Iraqi lawmakers on Saturday to reject a planned US-Iraqi security deal as tens of thousands of his followers poured on to the streets of Baghdad in a massive anti-American protest. “When the agreement is in your hands, the destiny of Iraq and its people is also in your hands,” Sadr said in a statement, speaking to MPs, whose approval is necessary once

Parsing Mr. Paulson’s Bailout Speech: The Unprecedented Giveaway of Financial Wealth Story

by Michael Hudson for Global Research Mr. Paulson’s bailout speech on Monday, October 13 poses some fundamental economic questions: What is the impact on the economy at large of this autumn’s unprecedented creation and giveaway of financial wealth to the wealthiest layer of the population? How long can the Treasury’s bailout of Wall Street (but not the rest of the economy!) sustain a debt overhead that is growing exponentially? Is

Obama will not win. Why? Rednecks.

I don’t like Obama. Not one bit. And I *want* to believe that most Americans are not Rednecks. But my friend, American Goy, thinks otherwise. I think he point of view should be heard. Here is what he thinks:——- The real America Do you think that America is what you see in the big cities, with educated, centrist elite who are smart, erudite and surf the web for news? Who

Tips for New Paupers (a must read for non-Americans)

Unemployment. I thought I would never – ever- experience that. I had great Ivy League degrees, five languages, plenty of connections with the high and mighty and I was darn good at what I was doing. And then, one day, I got fired. Not for not doing my job, but for doing it. Doing it too well in fact. That story still cannot be told, but I will sum it

Russia sends a very clear message to the West (and to itself)

Russia has recently embarked on the most massive military maneuvers since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Interestingly, the role of the Ground Forces was this time rather limited and it is the Navy and the Air Force which took center stage. The maneuvers, code name “Stability 2008” included the use of Tu-95MS and Tu-160 strategic rocket bombers, IL-86 inflight refueling aircraft, Tu-22M3 intermediate range heavy bombers, A-50M

Stocks skyrocket upwards – are you buying?

Following a concerted action by most major governments stocks have rebounded and have powerfully surged upwards on Monday: (click on image for closer look) Is anyone (besides traders) really buying this?! Have anyone heard anything which should lead us to believe that the fundamental (structural and political) issues which have triggered last week’s panic have been addressed? Is there any reason to believe that the dollar, and therefore the entire

Does US Play NATO and UN Cards Against Russia?

Very interesting article from the New Slav Media (NSM) website Does US Play NATO and UN Cards Against Russia? NSM remarks: For me something wrong is going on behind the doors of US and UN. I read many times that two ways were taken under serious consideration to achieve world government/domination – 1) dissolving UN and creating sort of new League of Democracies (a’la McCain), 2) or through UN takeover.

A shot summary of what has been happening in the world economy

“The US plan has done nothing at all about the debt crisis itself. It’s bailed out the creditors, but not a penny of the actual debts, the subprime mortgage debts, are addressed. Without any of the media knowing, the Federal Reserve over the last few months has given $850 billion of cash for trash already. This is what the $700 billion discussion in Congress was supposed to be about, but

So is there a difference between Obama and McCain? A guide for non-Americans

The readers of my blog know that I see no substantial difference between Obama and McCain, I have said so many times. The choice between these two is about as meaningful as the choice between the SA and the SS in Nazi Germany or between the Trotskysts and the Stalinists in the Soviet Union. In the context of the USA, I like the following metaphor: the choice between the two

Thousands of Troops Are Deployed on U.S. Streets Ready to Carry Out “Crowd Control”

By Naomi Wolf, AlterNet Background: the First Brigade of the Third Infantry Division, three to four thousand soldiers, has been deployed in the United States as of October 1. Their stated mission is the form of crowd control they practiced in Iraq, subduing “unruly individuals,” and the management of a national emergency. I am in Seattle and heard from the brother of one of the soldiers that they are engaged

FEMA sources confirm coming martial law

From the Wayne Madsen Report via via Palestinian Pundit “(FEMA) sources that the Bush administration is putting the final touches on a plan that would see martial law declared in the United States with various scenarios anticipated as triggers. The triggers include a continuing economic collapse with massive social unrest, bank closures resulting in violence against financial institutions, and another fraudulent presidential election that would result in rioting in
