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English transcript of the speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the occasion of Martyr’s Day

The event was organized by Hezbollah at Sayyed Ashuhadaa (pbuh) Compound in Rweiss on 11/11/2008 in the presence of official, ministerial, parliamentary, diplomatic, military, factional, religious, syndicate, municipal, and social… personalities besides a massive audience of citizens. …Every year on this very day – November the 11th- we meet to commemorate a very dear occasion first announced during the early years of the Resistance movement and which was then named

Breaking News: Iraqi Cabinet endorses US SOFA

According to the BBC, the Iraqi Cabinet has endorsed the US SOFA which includes the following elements: placing US forces in Iraq under the authority of the Iraqi government US forces to leave the streets of Iraq’s towns and villages by the middle of 2009 US forces to hand over their bases to Iraq during the course of 2009 US forces to lose the authority to raid Iraqi homes without

So who is really getting US intelligence support in the greater Middle-East?

I have been observing for a while how almost every party in the greater Middle-East is accusing its opponents of benefiting from US support in general and of US intelligence support in particular. The Iranians accuse the US of helping the Kurds, the Kurds accuse the US of being in league with Iran, the Israelis are accused of supporting both Turkey and the Kurds, the Maliki regime is accused of

The President of Iraq’s Kurdistan local government threatens a ‘civil war’ if SOFA not signed

Press TV reports: The President of Iraq’s Kurdistan local government has warned of a ‘civil war’ if Baghdad refuses to sign a security agreement with the US. “If the pact is not signed, the situation in the country may deteriorate to the point of a civil war,” Voices of Iraq news agency quoted Masoud Barzani as saying at a press conference on Wednesday. Barzani had earlier said his region will

Understanding the SOFA

by Ya Baqiyatullah Five years after the invasion of Iraq by the Allied Forces, the people of Iraq find themselves at a crossroad; to accept the SOFA and legalize an occupation or reject it and live indefinitely under the shadows of the US forces. The Iraqi people, after being promised so much in the name of liberation are now left in a dilemma in which either choice will adds to

Russia’s response to the US radar/missile system

Press TV reports: Russia to deploy Iskander-Ms by 2015 Missile brigades in western Russia will be armed with Iskander-M missile system by 2015 to counter a planned US missile shield in Europe. “By 2015, the Iskander system will be put in service with five missile brigades, primarily near Russia’s western border and in the Kaliningrad Region,” a source in the Russian Defense Ministry was quoted by RIA Novosti as saying

Iran’s Modern History: Beyond the Legacy

It is with great joy that I am publishing the first article in a series on a topic which is practically *never* seen anywhere: the Shia point of view on the events in the larger Middle-East. This is something of a pet project of mine every since I got involved, more than a decade ago already and quite by chance (the Middle-East never was my formal area of expertise), in

War 08.08.08 – The Art of Betrayal

From the website “War 08.08.08. The Art of Betrayal” – is one of the first documentary Internet-films. This is the most outspoken film about the war, that started on the day of opening of the Olympic Games in Beijing, the film about the war, in which tens of Russian peacemaker perished as well as hundreds of peaceful Ossetians; it is the film about the war that turned out to

Israeli Media Hails Obama’s Pick for Chief of Staff

Al-Manar TV: Israeli media on Thursday hailed Barack Obama’s choice of Rahm Emanuel to be his chief of staff, with one daily calling the Democrat of Israeli descent “our man in the White House.“ Radio stations and newspapers pointed out Emanuel’s occupied Jerusalem-born father was once a member of Irgun, an underground, ultra-nationalist Jewish movement that fought British troops before the 1948 existence of Israel. Emanuel himself volunteered to serve

Obama shows his true colors on day 1 after winning the election… again

by American Goy It is deja vu all over again, as Yogi Berra used to say. What did Obama do the day after getting the Democratic presidential nomination? Well, that is not true. What did Obama do 12 hours after being nominated by the Democratic voters as a possible president of the USofA? If you have been reading my blog, you would know. Obama and the common treason, my old

Yesterday the puppet, today the puppeteer

This from the BBC: Barack Obama has started forming his administration by asking Rahm Emanuel, a former adviser to President Clinton, to be his chief-of-staff. So that’s who Obama will put in the single most sensitive position in his White House and that is who will form the rest of the Obama team for “change”. I can’t wait to hear the rest of the names…..

It will be is easier to live among people who rejected McCain

So Obama won, predictably I think. The McCain/Palin ticket was truly the perfect embodiment of everything the world hates about the USA. But that is not the important thing here. What is far more significant is that the McCain/Palin ticket also embodied what so many Americans hate about their own country and that is why Obama won such an overwhelming victory. The readers of this blog must know by now

An Open Letter to Barack Obama

Between Hope and Reality By Ralph Nader (source: Information Clearing House) Dear Senator Obama: In your nearly two-year presidential campaign, the words “hope and change,” “change and hope” have been your trademark declarations. Yet there is an asymmetry between those objectives and your political character that succumbs to contrary centers of power that want not “hope and change” but the continuation of the power-entrenched status quo. Far more than Senator

“We” support our [raping] troops!

More and more reports are surfacing about US troops raping and torturing women in Iraq and Afghanistan. There is nothing racist about these rapes – US soldiers are “equal opportunity rapists” – they even rape their own fellow women soldiers in what US Congresswoman called a “jaw dropping” raping spree by US servicemen. US mercenaries also rape and again, they even rape their own colleagues as the case of Jamie

Who is Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s prospective Chief of Staff?

As a follow up to my previous post, I would like to introduce Rahm Emanuel to those of you who are not familiar with him. Here are three excellent articles which I highly recommend to you all:Andrew Cockburn: Meet Rahm EmanuelJohn Walsh: How Rahm Emanuel Has Rigged a Pro-War CongressJohn Walsh: Emanuel’s War Plan for Democrats I think these three are a *must read* for anyone contemplating an Obama vote.

OMG! Obama wants Ziocon Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff!

Check this AP news item: Barack Obama’s campaign has approached Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel about possibly serving as White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel is, along with Joe Lieberman, just about the most fanatical Ziocon in Congress. He is at least as evil and fanatical as any Richard Perle or Paul Wolfowitz. The simple fact that Obama is seriously considering making him his Chief of Staff really says it
