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Posts From The Saker

Lebanon Raises The Voice: Freedom for Gaza!

Al-Manar reports: Action to end the inhumane Gaza siege has started from Lebanon… Lebanon, the country of Resistance and patriotism, raised on Friday the voice in response to Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah’s call, expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people amid a “suspicious” Arab and international calm. On Monday, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah called upon all Arabs and Muslims to start actions against the siege. His eminence

Lashkar-e-Taiba commander killed by Indian forces in Kashmir

Press TV reports: The Indian military says it has killed a senior military commander of banned Pakistani group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) in Kashmir region. The militant commander was identified as Iqbal Malik, the LeT’s southern Kashmir commander, the military said in a statement released on Friday. It added that Malik and two other insurgents were killed earlier in the day as they were trapped in a cave during an exchange of

The Saker interviews Taimur – a Muslim student living in Indian controlled Kashmir

Little did I know that when I would open my own IRC channel it would yield such amazing possibilities as interviewing somebody at length from inside a war zone! (In fact, I had no idea that my blog was read in such places…). Taimur agreed to be interviewed in very bad conditions, the electricity supply on his side was iffy, and the 10 hours difference means that he was typing

Hamas announces end to truce with Israel

Press TV reports: The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, has announced the cessation of the six-month-old ceasefire with Israel in the Gaza Strip. “The calm, which was reached with Egyptian sponsorship on June 19 and expires on December 19, is finished because the enemy did not abide by its obligations. The calm is over,” Hamas official, Ayman Taha, said on Thursday. The announcement raises the prospect of an escalation in cross-border

Israel expels American Jewish top UN human rights official

Israel has a long history of ‘spitting’ at the United Nations. From the 1996 and 2006 Israeli artillery assaults on the UN position in Qana, Lebanon, to the refusal to let a UN investigate the Jenin massacre, the Israelis have never been shy about showing their utter contempt for international law (or any kind of law, for that matter) and the United Nations. This time, it is an American Jew

The Saker interviews ‘anticapitalista’ in Greece about the demonstrations this week

Dear friends, Here is the transcript of an interview via IRC which I made this morning with ‘anticapitalista’, the author of the article “Days of Rage” which I posted yesterday: ——- The Saker: Hi again Anticapitalista: – can you update us on what happened this week? Anticapitalista: Yes. On Monday school students started to occupy their schools and university students had mass meetings to do the same The Saker: what

Days of Rage

by ‘Anticapitalista’ reporting from Thessaloniki for the Vineyard The murder of 15 year old schoolboy, Alexis Grigoropoulos by a police special guard on the evening of Saturday, 6 December saw a huge explosion of rage across the whole of Greece leading to 8 days of riots, looting, attacks on police stations, mass demonstrations, student occupations and strikes all over the country with at least 400 people being detained (the vast

Important announcement: I am opening a Internet Relay Chat channel for my friends and readers

Dear friends, While I am very happy with the gradual strengthening of my community of friends, I have gradually begun to feel that something else was needed. Formal article publications and discussions are not enough, I think. Simply put, I wanted to “meet” you in an informal way and, no less importantly, I wanted you, my friends and readers, to have the opportunity to “meet” each other informally and chat

Muntadhar al-Zaidi is becoming an international hero

Press TV reports: People from around the world have rejoiced in the glory of a frogmarched Iraqi reporter and vow to make him rich and eternally famous. World eyes were fixed on Sunday on looped video of Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi throwing his two shoes at President George W. Bush during a press conference. It seems, however, that world fascination over the shoe attack will live on. In Saudi Arabia,

The Saker interviews Roger Tucker, author of the One Democratic State blog

After a lengthy break from making interviews, I am finally returning to this aspect of my work with what I consider one of the most interesting interviews I ever made. One of my readers (thanks RC!) pointed me to the website and work of Robert Tucker, truly an immensely interesting and courageous person whom I consider to be the living proof of the fact that no amount of propaganda and

Iran holds Egypt liable for Israeli crimes

Press TV reports: A senior Iranian official says Egyptian support for Israel makes Cairo accountable for any crime committed in the Gaza Strip. “Egypt has closed the Rafah crossing and tightened the siege (of Gaza),” said Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami, a member of the Iranian Assembly of Experts, at Tehran’s Friday prayers. Tel Aviv placed the Gaza Strip under a blockade after the democratically-elected Palestinian government of Hamas took control

9 Is Not 11 (And November Isn’t September)

by Arundhati Roy for Tom Dispatch We’ve forfeited the rights to our own tragedies. As the carnage in Mumbai raged on, day after horrible day, our 24-hour news channels informed us that we were watching “India’s 9/11.” And like actors in a Bollywood rip-off of an old Hollywood film, we’re expected to play our parts and say our lines, even though we know it’s all been said and done before.

Former ISI chief Hamid Gul – Mumbai attacks, 911 “inside jobs”

The former head of the Pakistani ISI was interviewed by CNN’s Fareed Zakaria recently. He had interesting things to say. Here is the transcript of the interview: ZAKARIA: General Gul, you know that the United States has given four names to the United Nations of ISI officers whom it would like to place on an international terrorist list. You are one of those four names. What’s your reaction to that.

Neo-cons Still Preparing for Iran Attack

By Robert Dreyfuss for Information Clearing House What, exactly, does president-elect Barack Obama’s mild-mannered choice to head the Department of Health and Human Services, former senator Tom Daschle, have to do with neo-conservatives who want to bomb Iran? A familiar coalition of hawks, hardliners and neo-cons expects Obama’s proposed talks with Iran to fail – and they’re already proposing an escalating set of measures instead. Some are meant to occur

Report by Mohamed Khodr – How Zionists Occupy Two Nations: America and Palestine

by Mohamed Khodr for Palestine Think Tank From America’s “Jewish Triangle” to Iraqi’s “Sunni Triangle: Government Job Notice: No Gentiles Need Apply “The Modern Age is the Jewish Age, and the twentieth century, in particular, is the Jewish Century.” –Yuri Slezkine, Professor of History at University of California, Berkeley, “The Jewish Century”; Princeton University Press (Russian Jewish immigrant to the U.S.) No, America, there is no Zionist Conspiracy running our

Mumbai massacre story unfolds in terrorist’s interrogation

The Hindu reports: For the past week, newspaper readers across the world gazed at photographs of the dark young man who, sack slung over his shoulder, was caught on closed-circuit camera minutes before he opened fire at commuters at a busy Mumbai railway station. Based on interviews with key officers involved in the investigation and on the interrogation records of the terrorist, The Hindu has been able to assemble key parts

Opinion: Al-Qaeda wants Pak to divert army to Indian border

(thanks to alibi “a” for sending me this piece!) by Dinesh Narayanan for ibn live: In the aftermath of the Mumbai terror attacks, the question that everyone is asking is ‘Why’. India already claims it has evidence of Pakistani hand. On Friday, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had made a stern call to Pakistan and had asked them to send the head of its intelligence agency, the ISI, to India. However,

India on “war level” security alert

By Bappa Majumdar for Reuters India: India will increase security in the country and on its borders to a “war level” in the wake of the deadly attacks in Mumbai that killed nearly 200 people, a government minister said on Sunday. “Our intelligence will be increased to a war level, we are asking the state governments to increase security to a war level,” Sriprakash Jaiswal, India’s minister for state for

Press reveals gruesome details about the Mumbai attacks

Rediff India Abroad reports: Doctors shocked at hostages’s torture by Krishnakumar P and Vicky Nanjappa in Mumbai They said that just one look at the bodies of the dead hostages as well as terrorists showed it was a battle of attrition that was fought over three days at the Oberoi and the Taj hotels in Mumbai. Doctors working in a hospital where all the bodies, including that of the terrorists,
