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Posts From The Saker

Freedom Rider: Hugo Chavez and the Obama/Clinton Twins

(Many thanks to Cem for this submission. Original article here – the Saker) by BAR Editor and Senior Columnist Margaret Kimberley With Republican candidate John McCain singing “bomb, bomb Iran”, muttering about keeping troops in Iraq another hundred years, and offering US military solutions to the world’s every problem, voters might reasonably expect Democratic candidates to offer sane and sensible alternatives to the aggressive foreign policies of the Bush regime.

Gilad Atzmon – The Right to Self-Determination – A Fake Exercise in Universalism

Originally published on the (excellent) blog PeacePalestine, reprinted with the kind permission of thecutter In the picture, a visual explanation of Jewish Self-Determination The right to self-determination is a luxurious approach at conservation of power reserved for the rich, strong and privileged. Since Zionists hold the reigns on international political power through their influence in important positions as well as the military might to maintain their ‘right to self-determination’, any

Let’s re-write a Ha’aretz article!

Today, I though that it would be fun to re-write an article published by the “liberal” Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz. Here is the original (excerpt): Yesha rabbinical council chief: Don’t rent houses to ArabsBy Nadav Shragai, Haaretz Correspondent The chairman of the Yesha rabbinical council and chief rabbi of Kiryat Arba, Rabbi Dov Lior, on Wednesday issued a halakhic ruling stating that it is forbidden by Jewish law to employ Arabs

Possible Serb responses to the estabishment of the “Kosova” Imperial protectorate

The recent Serb riots in Mitrovica have had a predictable result: Imperial stormtroopers have taken over from the EU police forces. Mitrovica is now under de-facto martial law and the martial forces imposing their law are not Albanian, but NATO, of course. So much for “independence”. The real capital of “Kosova” has never been Pristina, but Camp Bondsteel and there is no such thing as “Kosova”: all there is is

Survey: Haniyeh more popular than Abbas in PA

By Reuters (via Ha’aretz) Israel Defense Forces attacks in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip have boosted the popularity of the Islamist group’s leader Ismail Haniyeh among Palestinians in that territory and in the West Bank, according to a poll released Monday. The survey by the West Bank-based Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research showed that if new presidential elections were held, Haniyeh would receive 47 percent of the vote compared

We Own The World

By Noam Chomsky for “ZNet“ You all know, of course, there was an election — what is called “an election” in the United States — last November. There was really one issue in the election, what to do about U.S. forces in Iraq and there was, by U.S. standards, an overwhelming vote calling for a withdrawal of U.S. forces on a firm timetable.As few people know, a couple of months

Freedom of Speech, Free Speech and Their Enemies: The Silencing of Gilad Atzmon

By Oren Ben-Dor I have recently signed a petition that condemns the constant attempts to silence Gilad Atzmon (photo). The same petition also objects to the constant attempts to discredit and hinder the website that hosts, among others, Gilad’s views–Peacepalestine–one of the more enlightening internet platforms on Palestine. It would be an understatement to say that debating Gilad’s voice is supremely important. No thinking person could fail to be stimulated

American-style history lesson about Kosovo

Kosovo: The Brave Tribes Are Doomed By Gary Brecher for the eXile FRESNO, CALIFORNIA — Hey, you want to hear the New World whining at Old Europe? Here it is, from a press conference Condi Rice gave about Kosovo: “I mean after all, we’re talking about something from 1389. 1389! It’s time to move forward. And Serbia needs to move forward. Kosovo needs to move forward. Well, I think we

Two-state Dreamers: If one state is impossible, why is Olmert so afraid of it?

By Jonathan Cook in Nazareth (from Informationclearinghouse) If the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world’s most intractable, much the same can be said of the parallel debate about whether its resolution can best be achieved by a single state embracing the two peoples living there or by a division of the land into two separate states, one for Jews and the other for Palestinans. The central argument of the

Fantastic stuff in my inbox: meet the folks at “Think-Israel”

I get all sorts of stuff in my inbox, sometimes nice comments, and some hate mail, but not nearly as much as I thought I would get when I started this blog. Sometimes, rarely, I get a real “gem” which makes me happy for a long, long while. Yesterday I got such a gem: an email announcing the new issue of something called Think-Israel. I took a look at the

Was the U.S. Involved in Killing the FARC-EP Leaders?

By James J. Brittan (from Counterpunch via Informationclearinghouse) While virtually every country in Central and South America, including the Caribbean, has waged in on the debate of the Colombian state conducting an illegal military campaign within Ecuadorian sovereign territory, resulting in the deaths of various high ranking officials in the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo, FARC-EP), the United States have remained virtually

Gush Shalom: Assassinations in Bethlehem and Tulkarm – grave provocation

Press Release, March 13, 2008 Gush Shalom: Assassinations in Bethlehem and Tulkarm – grave provocation The government does not want a ceasefire, but a new flareup Those who sent the assassins to carry out “liquidations” today, in Tulkarm and Bethlehem, knew what they were doing – a grave act of provocation which might blow up the serious chance which had opened up, to reach ceasefire and calm. This is a

Macedonian government collapses

(thanks to AA for this contribution) reports: 12 March 2008 Skopje The Democratic Party of Albanians, DPA, the key Albanian partner in the ruling centre-right coalition lead by VMRO-DPMNE, is leaving government, the party leader told media Wednesday. Menduh Taci explained that the party leadership will confirm its decision by the end of the day. The move comes after Prime Minister and VMRO-DPMNE head Nikola Gruevski previously rejected a

Fallon ouster marks crucial Neocon victory and makes war against Iran very likely

CENTCOM Commander Admiral William Fallon, the man who had dared to declare “there will be no war with Iran on my watch“, has finally been fired. The pretext for his dismissal was a recent article in Esquire magazine. In his (rather sycophantic*) article about Fallon Thomas P.M. Barnett writes: If, in the dying light of the Bush administration, we go to war with Iran, it’ll all come down to one

The Meaning of Gaza’s ‘Shoah’: Israel Plots Another Palestinian Exodus

by Jonathan Cook in Nazareth for Counterpunch Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai’s much publicized remark last week about Gaza facing a “shoah” — the Hebrew word for the Holocaust — was widely assumed to be unpleasant hyperbole about the army’s plans for an imminent full-scale invasion of the Strip. More significantly, however, his comment offers a disturbing indication of the Israeli army’s longer-term strategy towards the Palestinians in the

Good news: the Imperial propaganda outlets (aka corporate media) are hurting

I just picked up this piece from American Goy’s excellent blog: More Americans turning to Web for newsNEW YORK (Reuters) – Nearly 70 percent of Americans believe traditional journalism is out of touch, and nearly half are turning to the Internet to get their news, according to a new survey. While most people think journalism is important to the quality of life, 64 percent are dissatisfied with the quality of

Meet the American Gulag

The prison industry in the United States: big business or a new form of slavery? By Vicky Pelaez Global Research, March 10, 2008 El Diario-La Prensa, New York Human rights organizations, as well as political and social ones, are condemning what they are calling a new form of inhumane exploitation in the United States, where they say a prison population of up to 2 million – mostly Black and Hispanic

Government Falls in Belgrade

by Srdja Trifkovic for Chronicles Magazine Far from indicating Serbia’s readiness to cower into the vivisection kennel, Tadic’s victory on February 3 was the last chance for the U.S. and the EU to stop the Kosovo trainwreck. Both Washington and Brussels decided to play va banque instead. Serbia’s resulting anger against the West will translate into the well-deserved demise for the DS and other “pro-Western democrats” at the parliamentary election
