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Posts From The Saker

Listening to Caligula – reflexions on the Empire’s fate

This morning I finally gathered the courage to sit down and listen to Caligula’s speech to the Imperial Senate. I was prepared for the worst, but what I actually saw was even worse than what I had expected. What should I have expected to hear from the most incompetent President in US history speaking in front of a Congress even more despised by the American people? Should I have had

Hamas Warns of Israeli Conspiracy over Rafah Crossing

Al-Manar TV reports: The Islamic Resistance Movement of Hamas has dismissed as an Israeli-led conspiracy PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s proposal to deploy his own, Western-trained forces at the Rafah crossing along with the EU monitors. Palestinian Authority said Monday that it had reached a deal with Egypt to take control of the Gaza border. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu-Zuhri dismissed the proposal, calling it an “Israeli-led international conspiracy with the participation

Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger wants to deport Palestinians to the Sinai desert (UPDATES 1 and 2!)

Just listen to this loony: This is not just some smiling lunatic speaking, no, this is nothing less than Yona Metzger the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel, i.e. the head of the largest most numerous group of religious Jews in Israel. And that gentleman calmly proposes to commit a major crime against humanity (deportation). Interestingly, in the Haaretz article about this interview the editors only report on Metzger’s crazy proposals,

The biggest threat to international security and peace: the “Gang of Four” – let’s keep an eye on them!

There is the facade: organization like NATO, or the British Commonwealth, or the Arab League. And then there are the real alliances, the ones that matter when things get tough, when important decisions need to be made. Some of them are centered around a common project, such as the ECHELON countries, while others have almost no visible existence. As usual, these are less conspiracies than collusions. These alliances are informal,

“GAZA: LIFT THE BLOCKADE” – The Relief Convoy on its way

(Source: Gush Shalom mailing list and website)——- Click here to watch video from the convoy (sorry, Hebrew only) The initiative for the large action that took place today (26.1.08) started when the well-know psychiatrist, Dr. Eyad al-Sarraj, the human-rights activist from Gaza, met in the Gush Shalom office with a small group of Israeli peace activists, in order to tell them about the desperate situation in the strip. It was

Gaza: the Empire strikes back (and risks loosing Egypt in the process)

It was the be expected: the Pharaoh, who had been told by his masters that he was expected to “solve the problem” moved his stormtroopers in to attempt to close the border between Egypt and Gaza. Simultaneously, the Empire sensing that the situation might be getting out of control at the United Nations moved to prevent the adoption of a UNSC resolution on the blockade of Gaza. Lastly, Israel carried

Hamas shows IDF who is in charge – pragmatic analysis by Haaretz

Haaretz Analysis: Hamas shows IDF who is in charge By Avi Issacharoff and Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondents (emphasis added. VS) A few Israel Defense Forces Engineering Corps officers surely shed a tear yesterday while viewing the television reports from Rafah: The barrier built by the IDF with blood and sweat along the Philadelphi Route, on the Gaza Strip border with Egypt, was coming down. It was, apparently, the final remnant

Turkish-Israeli intelligence cooperation bolstered by high-level contacts

The following was sent to me by a correspondent to whom I am very grateful for this interesting item. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the translation. VS ANKA News Agency, 21 January 2008 Former Prime Minister and current Defense Minister Ehud Barak will visit Turkey in February at the invitation of his Turkish counterpart Vecdi Gönül. Diplomatic sources said that the purpose of Barak’s visit to Turkey is

The situation in Gaza is the proof of a stunning Israeli intelligence failure

The developments in Gaza are the proof that the Israeli intelligence services are the most over-rated on the planet. Long gone is the “Entebbe” image of a daring and all-knowing Israeli intelligence community and as more information comes in about the recent developments in Gaza one is lead to wonder how incompetent the Israelis really are. Times Online has revealed that Hamas ‘spent months cutting through Gaza wall in secret

The blockade of Gaza? It’s just a poor public relations issue! A case study in “Chutzpah”

I have never understood where the myth of the ‘clever Israelis’ came from (probably from the ‘superior Jewish intellect’ canard, itself a blatantly self-serving and racist belief). Today, the Israeli handling of the Hamas phenomenon appears to me as an ideal case study in stupidity and arrogance. I just came across such a perfect example of this delusional arrogance that I decided that I needed to share it with you.

350,000 Gazans stream into Egypt – situation explosive: an analysis (updated!)

According to the United Nations, some 350,000 Gazans have streamed into Egypt after Hamas militants blew up dozens of holes in the metal wall which separated Gaza from Egypt. Most of the wall is now destroyed. Obviously, while this is good news for the Gazans starved by the Israeli blockade, this development is also full of potential dangers. It is unlikely that Hamas will stop the firing of Kassam rockets

Hezbollah Didn’t Do Argentine Bombing (updated)

Bush’s Iran/Argentina Terror Frame-Up by GARETH PORTER posted online on January 18, 2008 here: Research for this article was supported by the Investigative Fund of The Nation Institute. Although nukes and Iraq have been the main focus of the Bush Administration’s pressure campaign against Iran, US officials also seek to tar Iran as the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism. And Team Bush’s latest tactic is to play up a

Israel’s Nuclear Missile Threat against Iran

By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya URL of this article: Global Research, January 19, 2008 “What troubles me is that perhaps the Americans will attack Iran. (…) That would thrust us [Israel] into a war and the home front [in opposition to Lebanon, the Palestinian Territories, and Syria] is not ready [yet].” Major-General Ze’evi-Farkash, former Chief of Israel Military Intelligence (March 4, 2007) In the former Yugoslavia, militarily the NATO campaign

Israel’s policy in Gaza: at least as evil as it is self-defeating

Israel’s policy towards the Gaza issue is at least as phenomenally stupid as it is evil. In fact, I consider it a perfect case study in Neocon short-term thinking. Let’s take a look at the context, at what has happened, at what is going on now and at where all this leads. The main, over-arching, issue Israel, as a self-described “Jewish state”, is facing today is not terrorism or Iranian

People are dying, Help us!

By Maan “Information Clearinghouse” — — A humanitarian crisis is underway as the Gaza Strip’s only power plant began to shut down on Sunday, and the tiny coastal territory entered its third full day without shipments of vital food and fuel supplies due to Israel’s punitive sanctions. The Gaza Strip’s power plant has completely shut down on Sunday because it no longer has the fuel needed to keep running. One

Iran calls for emergency OIC meeting to discuss the bloodbath in Gaza

Tehran Times Political Desk TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki has called on the Jeddah-based Organization of the Islamic Conference to hold an emergency meeting at the foreign ministers level to discuss the Zionist regime’s recent crimes in Gaza. Mottaki sent a letter to OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu on Sunday which condemned the ongoing violence and atrocities in Gaza. It was delivered by Iran’s envoy to the OIC,

Israeli ministers gnash their teeth and call for the murder of Hassan Nasrallah

From Haaretz: After Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said Saturday that his organization is holding the remains of Israel Defense Forces soldiers killed in the Second Lebanon War, several government ministers on Sunday called for the militant chief’s assassination. “Nasrallah is a cruel and crazy man,” said Minister Yitzhak Cohen (Shas), during the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem. “I don’t understand why he is still breathing. We should have liquidated him
