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Posts From The Saker

The Empire Has Collapsed

by Paul Craig Roberts, cross-posted by permission Paul Craig Roberts The Saker has written another interesting article in which he gives us the date of the collapse of the AngloZionist or American Empire:  January 3, 2020, the day when Washington did not retaliate against Iran for Iran’s retaliation against Washington for murdering General Qasem Soleimani. You can read The Saker’s case and make up your mind: An equally good

When exactly did the AngloZionist Empire collapse?

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] I remember one evening in distant 1991, I was sitting with a few friends in the SAIS cafeteria discussing the future of the United States with a few very smart students, including a Pakistani Army Colonel, a US captain who served on aircraft carriers and a Spanish diplomat: we all agreed that “the system” was perfect, so to speak, and that the

SouthFront’s Survival Depends On You!

Dear friends SouthFront needs our help again! God knows they are in a difficult position and God knows we all benefited tremendously from their superb work! So, please, DO help if you can!! Kind regards The Saker PS: here is the full text of their appeal posted here: LAST DAYS UNTIL THE END OF OCTOBER The year of 2020 has been marked by a number of negative tendencies and

USA SITREP: FBI indicted Russian trombone player as a “GRU hacker”

By Lilia Shumkova, a Moscow based independent journalist, for The Saker Blog A federal grand jury sitting in the Western District of the US state of Pennsylvania without citing any laws domestic or international, basing it’s decision purely on an opaque act of “violation of accepted norms” indited six Russian citizens. All six, as the FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich claims, are Russian military intelligence officers and their “crimes” go

Constantinople & the world – the real story

by Giorgi Nektarios Selimos for the Saker Blog Please read my words & think about what has happened. Normal people are not to blame here it is the sin of Greed & Lust for money & power that is responsible. If you truly believe in Christ nothing is lost. But after you read this you must decide what to do as you will know the Truth & God will not

Short Armenia vs Azerbaijan war update

As was predicted by many, in spite of the agreement signed in Moscow, things on the ground in the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan have escalated: the Armenians have claimed that Azeri drones have attacked Armenian tactical ballistic missiles on Armenian soil and the Azeris have confirmed this, saying that this was both a warning and a preemptive attack to protect Azeri civilians. Bottom line is this: Azerbaijan has now

Can and should Russia stop the war in the Caucasus?

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] This war is officially a war between Azerbaijan and the (unrecognized) Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (RNK) aka “Republic of Artsakh” (ROA) which I shall refer to simply as Nagorno Karabakh or “NK”. As is often the case, the reality is much more complicated. For one thing, Erdogan’s Turkey has been deeply involved since Day 1 (and, really, even much before that) while

When Wall Street flies with Icarus’ wings

by Jean-Luc Baslé for The Saker Blog Wall Street is forever rising. The S&P500 index rose to 3,581 on September 2nd, 2020 – the highest level it has ever reached since its creation. This makes no sense. Wall Street is a reflection of the state of the economy which is in recession since February[1], the worst recession since 1929. How can share prices rise when the economy is falling? To

How to Break the Kneecaps of Wall Street Sociopaths Before It’s too Late: Ferdinand Pecora Revisited

By Matthew Ehret for The Saker Blog It is more than a little depressing to consider the impending systemic meltdown that immanently presses upon our current world. Since the 1971 floating of the U.S. dollar, a once proud and productive western industrial economic system has been increasingly asset stripped by bank deregulation, outsourcing, cheap labor and monetarism into a cult of post industrialism which has wrecked moral and economic havoc

Western Lockdown to Shut Down China

by Leif Johnson for The Saker Blog The present lockdown of the Western world and much of the Third World is an attack on China. Here is how it works: Slash Chinese export earnings. The Chinese economy is heavily export-oriented. Seventeen percent of all China’s enormous production is shipped to countries that now, either cannot afford imports, or whose buying power is reduced from months of massive unemployment. What remains

How Nasrallah’s sharp answer to Macron was softened by French media

Having failed to take advantage of the crisis to hand over Lebanon to the Hariri-Miqati-Siniora clique, main responsible for the decay of Lebanon since 15 years, as well as to the diktats of the IMF, Macron crossed all the red lines, unable to understand that France no longer runs the show in the Middle East. Hezbollah, for its part, has firmly denounced his conduct while respecting the rules of diplomacy,

Russian options in the Karabakh conflict

With the eyes of most people locked on the debate between Trump and Biden, the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh (NK) has received relatively little attention in the West.  Yet, this is a potentially very dangerous situation.  Just think about this: the Armenians are accusing the Turks of shooting down an Armenian Su-25 over Armenia (not NK!).  If that is true, then some would say that this is

The world has gone absolutely insane!

[this column was written for the Unz Review] We all know that we are living in crazy, and dangerous, times, yet I can’t help being awed at what the imperial propaganda machine (aka the legacy ziomedia) is trying to make us all swallow. The list of truly batshit crazy stuff we are being told to believe is now very long, and today I just want to pick on a few

What Does Rabbinic Judaism Say About What Makes Jews and Gentiles Different?

By Michael Hoffman for The Saker Blog Copyright©2020 by Independent History and Research Author’s Preface Studies of Orthodox Judaic believers (followers of the post-Second Temple Judaism faithful to the Mishnah, Gemara and derivative sacred texts representative of the theology of the ancient Pharisees), have almost always been marked by two extremes: giddy approbation, or its antipode, atavistic contempt. Both views are predicated on fallacious judgments. In the former case, credulous

Friends, if you can, please help me! (please read)

Dear friends, My assistant Amarynth has just posted our September appeal for donations.  What I want to do here is to convey to you some of the reasons for this appeal. The main reason for this appeal is that the Saker blog has no other sources of revenue.  As mentioned by Amarynth, the Saker blog has no paywalls, no pop-up windows, no advertisements of any kind.  In the Saker community,

The Chinese make fun of Trump and Pompeo

Chinese netizens joked about Trump and Pompeo. Someone made this video that they lip-synced to a well-known Chinese patriotic song “I Love You, China”. The mouth actions are so perfect, even the expression is so fit.😁 — Hu Xijin 胡锡进 (@HuXijin_GT) September 6, 2020

We have lost a real giant (Stephen F. Cohen has died)!

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God (Holy Gospel according to Saint Matthew 5:9) Dear friends, It is with immense sadness that I have to report that Stephen F. Cohen passed away yesterday in his home in Manhattan at the age of 81. There are a few media outlets who have already reported this.  Most of them discuss Stephen F. Cohen’s political ideas and

Venezuela – A Tribute for Endless Pursuit of Democracy

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog Venezuela is again the shining light of Democracy – pushing ahead with the 6 December National Assembly (NA) elections – despite the endless challenges of covid – of sanctions, of embargos, of confiscation of foreign assets, and even of a totally illicit blockage of reserve currencies – Venezuela’s gold – naturally in the world’s protectorate of international financial fraud, The City of London.

Listening to Steve Bannon

Friends, Those who know me know that I have no use for Steve Bannon and his pro-Papist and pro-Zionist agenda (he is what I refer to as a “national-Zionist”).  But let’s not deny that the man is clever and well connected.  He also understands US politics.  He just gave an interview to Tucker Carlson and I have to say that I fully share his analysis of the situation.  So, exceptionally

We’ve met the ‘enemy within’ – and he’s us.

by Francis Lee for The Saker Blog ‘’ … the malaise and disunity within exhausted and fearful Western countries makes it more difficult for them to negotiate together a new international set-up with the world’s rising nations. Also providing them with a convenient foreign scapegoat for the West’s economic troubles the rise of China helps Westerners evade the genuine roots of their economic issues which are closer to home. These
