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Posts From The Saker

Medical Mystery: what caused Alexander III to develop nephritis?

by William H. Warrick III for The Saker Blog   Speech of President Putin at the dedication of the new statue: “Dear Friends, Today here in Crimea, at the famous Livadia Palace, we are unveiling a monument to Alexander III, an outstanding statesman and patriot, a man of stamina, courage and unwavering will. He always felt a tremendous personal responsibility for the country’s destiny: he fought for Russia in battlefields,

Trip diary: July in Russia and France

by Alexandra for The Saker Blog My son and I spent three weeks of July in Moscow and St-Petersburg and one week in Paris. We left Montreal in the evening of July 1 and arrived in Moscow in the evening of July 2 after a stop-over in Paris of a few hours. Our initial impression was that of a sprawling, bustling and fast-paced city. When we stepped out of our

Saker rant: the man is truly a narcissistic imbecile (5D chess anybody?)

I just saw this: While I “love” (so to speak) the “in my great and unmatched wisdom” (not similes to indicate a tongue-in-cheek self-deprecating comment), I even much prefer Trump threatening to “devastate” the economy of the country with the 2nd biggest NATO military.  Heck, he also threatened Europe and even the rest of the world. Gooooooooooooooooooooood!!!! As a Russian, I am in heaven, truly.  Trump is destroying the Empire

From Karbala to al-Sham: “I Did not See Except Beauty”

by Mansoureh Tadjik for the Saker Blog We have many well-known and universal concepts that, over times, places, and people, have gone through expansions and contractions in meaning and connotation. One such concept is that of beauty. To return this concept to a level of transparency it requires and afford it a deeper understanding, we must first launder it clear of all that which is not. What is meant here

Orthodox Faith: Yvonne Lorenzo interviews the Saker

C.S. Lewis, in his preface to St Athanasius’ On the Incarnation, urges us to study the classics. He lamented how today (his “today,” but equally if not more importantly our own) people are more interested to read about the great figures of the past rather than the works themselves. He emphasized the need to return to the classic texts of the past, both to expose our own all-too-often hidden presuppositions

Russian Government Condemn’s European Parliament’s Blaming Stalin as Having Started WW II

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog On October 1st, Russia’s Tass news agency reported that the Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin condemned the European Parliament for having blamed Stalin along with Hitler as having started World War II. He said, “The recent resolution adopted by the European Parliament that assigned the historic blame for the outbreak of the Second World War on the Soviet Union

New weapons and the new tactics which they make possible: three examples

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] There are probably hundreds of books out there about the so-called “Revolution in Military Affairs”, some of them pretty good, most of them very bad, and a few very good ones (especially this one).  For a rather dull and mainstream discussion, you can check the Wikipedia article on the RMA.  Today I don’t really want to talk this or similar buzzwords (like

First in a decade: Yellow Vests end French austerity, finally

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The Yellow Vests forced the French government to not present an austerity-laden annual budget for the first time in a decade. You should be saying, “Wow, that is a historic achievement.” Please be clear: this is joyous, uplifting, pro-democracy, once-in-a-decade good news! An end to austerity is why France elected Francois Hollande in 2012, whose slogan was, “The change is now” – the

Breaking News: The Ukraine has signed the “Steinmayer formula”! (UPDATED 6x)

The Russian media is reporting from numerous sources that the representatives of the Ukraine have signed the Steinmayer formula. President Zelenskii is making a press conference confirming this. This is, of course, very good news.  It appears that the pressure of Trump and Macron has worked. Now the biggest danger comes from the Ukronazis who are already going hysterical and speaking of a “victory for Putin”. Zelenskii was put in

The Terrorists Among US9|Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Coup Against the Presidency

by George Eliason for The Saker Blog Is there an ongoing coup against the president of the United States going on right now? Starting after the ODNI report, Joel Harding thought so. When you read this you will be forced to answer that question for yourself. It doesn’t matter what you think of Donald Trump politically or personally. The only question to ask if you answer the above affirmatively; what

A commentary on the US carrier in Sea China Sea (UPDATED)

by Nat South for The Saker Blog US carrier making waves on social media A satellite image is doing the rounds of social media supposedly showing the US aircraft carrier ‘USS Ronald Reagan’ apparently ‘surrounded’ at a distance by at least seven Chinese warships (allegedly) on 24 September. More details are in this article by Sputnik. According to Chinese media, there were 5 Chinese warships, but this is all speculation

Nasrallah: Iran’s Khamenei is our ‘Husayn’ & the leader of Resistance Axis – English Subs

Description: Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said in a large commemoration of ‘Ashura’ in Beirut (10-09-2019) that Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is the modern-day example of Imam Husayn and hence the Lebanese group will never forsaken him. The grandson of Prophet Muhammad and the third Imam in Shia Islam, Imam Husayn was martyred in Karbala (southern Iraq) in 680 AD by the army of the Umayyad caliph, Yazid I. Due

Iranophobic propaganda factory of fake martyrs: the case of the Blue Girl

by *Ivan Kesić for the Saker Blog In the last two weeks, a heartbreaking story from Iran hit the world’s headlines. The storyline goes something like this: a female football fan, nicknamed as the Blue Girl, tried to enter the men-only Tehran’s Azadi Stadium in March this year and she was arrested by the security guards only because she was a woman. Six months later, more precisely in early September,

Switzerland: the political system and the cold arrogance

by Paul Schmutz Schaller for the Saker Blog Since more than 125 years, Switzerland has a very interesting tradition of popular votes. There are three situations which lead to a popular vote: a) (Small) changes of the constitution, proposed by the government and approved by the parliament. b) (Small) changes of the constitution, proposed by a popular initiative, which needs to collect 100’000 signatures (not online!); actually, there are 5.44

Huawei offers to tie both arms behind the back-so the West can compete!

By Jeff J. Brown for The Saker Blog Crosslinked and podcast at: Huawei is the dominant global 5G player, it offers to sell its core technology and share its 5G base stations around the world, with the country that had the founder’s daughter, Meng Wanzhou, kidnapped and imprisoned ( Whaaaaat? It’s true. Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei says he is ready to sell Huawei’s 5G tech to Western

ABC News seems to be ditching Hunter Biden

ABC is ditching Hunter Biden: Sure looks to me that the DNC will eventually throw Joe Biden under the bus. Let’s see whom the Dems will push to the ultimate position. Interesting times, VERY interesting times, for sure! The Saker

Venezuela – Take 2

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog It is tacitly assumed that that the American information industry produces notices and descriptions of actual events. Whereas it routinely delivers a narrative of adulterated facts and improbable fiction – the whole blended with a top-down imposition of Zionist ideology masquerading as national interest. I say ‘Zionist’ because a country in which the word of command comes from elsewhere is nothing more than

The Trump campaign releases an *extremely* effective campaign ad!

While I realize a a minority of hardcore Hillarybots will accuse me of endorsing Trump, most will realize that one can recognize the high quality of a political message without necessarily endorsing anybody. In this case, I just saw this ad and, wow, in just 30 seconds it says it all.  And, sorry Dems, it is 100% factually correct. Which makes me notice something else: the Dems center all their
