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Posts From The Saker

How Syria Won The Revolution; The Jihadi Factor

By Ghassan and Intibah Kadi The “War on Syria” has had many unintended twists and turns that were unforeseeable at the time it began. The plotters had no reason to believe they were going to lose, and the defenders had no option other than doing all they could and risk and sacrifice all that was dear and precious. However, as frontlines are now being redrawn in Syria in preparation for

Saker interview with Michael Hudson on Venezuela, February 7, 2019

[This interview was made for the Unz review] Introduction: There is a great deal of controversy about the true shape of the Venezuelan economy and whether Hugo Chavez’ and Nicholas Maduro’s reform and policies were crucial for the people of Venezuela or whether they were completely misguided and precipitated the current crises.  Anybody and everybody seems to have very strong held views about this.  But I don’t simply because I

Ramin Mazaheri interviewed by Sputnik about the “Yellow Vests” and Macron

Macron Won’t Put Question of Resignation Up for French Referendum – Journo You can listen to the full audio of the interview here: The first referendum in 14 years could take place in France in May as part of President Emmanuel Macron’s response to the ongoing series of weekend ‘yellow vests’ protests. The newspaper Journal du Dimanche reported that Macron was planning to organise the vote on the same

In Praise of Shamelessness

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog So much has been said about the Venezuelan crisis that adding more would equate to gilding the lily or bringing coal to Newcastle. The following, then, is but a brief aside on the psychology and physiognomy of the protagonists of the ongoing coup, starting with Guaido’ – or “Guido” as per Mike Pompeo’s re-baptism, while he anointed him as self-appointed president of Venezuela.

Novorussian militiaman tortured to death by the Ukronazi junta

Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: THE TRUE CAUSE OF DEATH OF THE LPR MILITIAMAN KILLED IN A LVOV PRISON WAS REVEALED According to the forensic-medical diagnosis signed by the manager of the Severodvinsk inter-district “Bureau of forensic-medical examinations” of the Arkhangelsk region, the prisoner of war and militiaman Valery Ivanov died as a result of a blunt combined body trauma. According to the document, a copy

Venezuela: Let’s Cut to the Chase

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with Strategic Culture Foundation by special agreement with the author) Cold War 2.0 has hit South America with a bang – pitting the US and expected minions against the four key pillars of in-progress Eurasia integration: Russia, China, Iran and Turkey. It’s the oil, stupid. But there’s way more than meets the (oily) eye. Caracas has committed the ultimate cardinal sin in the eyes of Exceptionalistan;

Bolsonaro scandal puts Brazil on edge as farmers eye Amazon forests

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with The Asia Times by special agreement with the author) Bolsonaro scandal puts Brazil on edge as farmers eye Amazon forests A specter haunts the Brazilian elites. His name is Lula – the former president and for the past nine months one of the world’s most notorious political prisoners, given his enormous popularity and the controversy over his conviction and jailing. Brazil, until recently a leader

Hassan Nasrallah about Operation ‘Northern Shield’: We Are Still Able to Liberate Galilee

Interview of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah Secretary General, with Ghassan Ben Jeddou, founder of the pan-Arab and anti-imperialist Al-Mayadeen channel, January 26, 2019. This live interview, much expected in Israel and the Arab world, lasted for more than 3 hours. source: Translation: Transcript: Ghassan Ben Jeddou: Good evening, Eminent Sayed Hassan Nasrallah. Hassan Nasrallah: Good evening. Thank you for being here tonight and granting us so much of

The Enduring Quest for Übermensch: From Renaissance Humanism to Silicon Valley’s Posthumanism

By Amir NOUR[1] for the Saker Blog “Science without conscience is nothing but ruin to the soul” (François Rabelais) Lately, the world famous business magazine, The Economist, has received quite a bit of international media attention; and understandably so. Indeed, close to the end of each year, going back decades, it publishes an eagerly awaited special edition, which predicts the major political, business and social trends and events of the

Things discovered on the way to the grave

by Denis A. Conroy for The Saker Blog “Europe ‘coming apart before our eyes’, say 30 top intellectuals”. The Guardian, 26 Jan 2018. The group of 30 writers, historians and Nobel laureates state that “we must now will Europe or perish beneath the waves of populism”. Which immediately raises the question; who is the ‘we’ that must do the willing…the answer would appear to be the church of the neo-liberal

The US aggression against Venezuela as a diagnostic tool

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] The Neocons never cease to amaze me and their latest stunt with Venezuela falls into this bizarre category of events which are both absolutely unthinkable and simultaneously absolutely predictable.  This apparent logical contradiction is the direct result of a worldview and mindset which is, I believe, unique to the Neocons: a mix of imperial hubris and infinite arrogance, a complete lack of
