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Posts From Scott

Kiev attempted to change the letter and meaning of Paris communique

by Scott Humor Kiev has falsified a communiqué of the Normandy summit on the Zelensk’s official website On December 11th, the head of the DPR Denis Pushilin accused Kiev of falsifying the text of the communique of the “Normandy summit.” in his opinion, the Ukrainian authorities “have reached the extreme degree of lies.” A distorted version appeared on the website of the Ukrainian President, and one of the key elements

The Baltic states are horrified of losing the Russian transit

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Nikolai Subtitled by Scott Source The Balts with their typical sluggish thinking have started figuring out the consequences of losing the Russian transit. The horror of the realization forced the head of Latvia’s State Railway Administration to announce that the situation is close to critical. In September, when I posted a video on the Russian policy of removal of the last transit from the Tribaltic

Turkey Boosts Military Presence In Northeast

Syrian War Report – December 13, 2019: Turkey Boosts Military Presence In Northeast Members of al-Qaeda-linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham repelled a Syrian Army attack on the area of al-Katibat al-Mahjura in southern Idlib on December 12. A day earlier militants captured this area and repelled a first Syrian Army attempt to regain it. Pro-militant sources claim that at least 25 soldiers were killed in the clashes. It’s interesting to note

Ukrainian Military After 5 Years Of Warfare Written and produced by SF Team: J.Hawk, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson Prior to the Maidan coup of 2014, Ukraine’s military existed in a political vacuum, suffering from benign neglect as well as corruption and other problems plaguing the Ukrainian state. Apart from downsizing, which meant the replacement of divisions by brigades, no modernization was conducted in the years of independence. While Ukraine did contribute to a variety of international

Exceeded expectations: the Turks tested the S-400

Russian S-400s tested in Turkey Translated by Scott Hunor Source: The Turks counted on the high combat qualities of the Russian s-400 anti-aircraft missile system and the complexes exceeded their expectations, despite the fact that their flyby program in its saturation and intensity exceeded similar Russian drills. After the delivery of the first regimental set of anti-aircraft missile systems S-400 Triumph to Turkey, they have already been tested

America’s troops love Russia, and Kremlin mind control is to blame – Pentagon officials

Originally posted by the RT FILE PHOTO: US troops cheer President Donald J. Trump as he addresses his remarks to military personal at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, November 28, 2019, © Global Look Press / White House A Reagan Institute survey has found that nearly half of all American military households view Russia as more of an ally than a threat. Pentagon officials reckon they’ve been brainwashed by the Kremlin. The

 Ukrainians Came Up With Plan to Return Crimea in 3 Easy Steps

 by Ruslan Ostashko Translation and captions by Leo Three steps to “return Crimea” was thought up by a gloomy “Sumerian” genius. [Joke of Ukrainian invented ancient roots.] No, they do not imply a swift msrch of an ‘unbeatable’ Ukrainian Armed Forces through Perekop and Chongar. Everything is much funnier. Checkmate Vatniki! [Ed. – Ukrainian slur for Russians.] This expression was born at the start of Ukrainian crisis by couch-warriors obsessed

Syrian Army Developing Advance In Southern Idlib

Syrian War Report – November 25, 2019: Syrian Army Developing Advance In Southern Idlib Tensions are heating up around the militant-held parts of Idlib and Aleppo provinces. On November 22, the Syrian Army conducted a wide-scale missile strike on militants’ positions in western Aleppo. According to pro-militant sources, at least 15 improvised rocket-assisted munitions were employed. 2 large weapon depots belonging to radicals were targeted. The strike came in response

Russia Is Readying For Robot Wars The Russian Armed Forces continue preparations for future conflicts involving large quantities of unmanned aerial and ground vehicles, as well as with other robotized platforms. On November 10, the Russian Defense Ministry’s Zvezda TV channel revealed the military autonomous robotic complex “Kungas”, which is currently undergoing tests in the 12th Central Research Institute of the Russian Defense Ministry. The institute was created in the early 1950s for testing military

Lessons From Qaddafi Learned: Aerial Bridge to Syria

by Vasily Kolosov Translated by Leo. Source: November 18, 2019 – One of the reasons for the destruction of the Libyan state and the death of Colonel Qaddafi himself was the desire to sit “on two chairs”, the desire to get support and guarantees not only from Russia, but also from the West. Therefore, when there was a real threat to Libya and its leadership, Qaddafi hesitated for a

Kurdish Radicals Try To Burn Russian-Turkish Patrol

Syrian War Report – November 19, 2019: Kurdish Radicals Try To Burn Russian-Turkish Patrol Kurdish provocateurs have tried to burn a Typhoon MRAP vehicle of the Russian Military Police and a Kirpi MRAP vehicle of the Turkish Army in northern Syria. The incident happened during a joint Russian-Turkish patrol, which was conducted in the framework of the safe zone agreement reached between Ankara and Moscow. Russian and Turkish forces once

Further Escalation In Southern Idlib

Syrian War Report – November 18, 2019: Further Escalation In Southern Idlib Over the past days, southern Idlib, southern Raqqah, northwestern al-Hasakah remained the main points of tensions in Syria. On November 16, the Syrian Army repelled an attack by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies on the hill of Khaznah in southeastern Idlib. According to pro-government sources, at least 7 militants were killed in the clashes. The Syrian Army,

Donald Trump’s Syrian crossroads: Americans will be driven out by the “dehkan farmers»

Konstantin Sivkov, Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Sciences for information policy, Doctor of Military Sciences Translated by Scott Humor   The American withdrawal from Syria is inevitable. It will proceed voluntary with minimal reputational, material, and human losses or it will be forced by the pressure of irregular armed formations. In the latter case, it will be perceived as a shameful military defeat with significant losses in

Kadyrov about the Russian soldier who refused to denounce Christianity when captured by the jihadists

Translated by Leo. Source: November 10, 2019 – Everyone knows about the feat of Yevgeny Rodionov. In May 1996, a Russian soldier from the Penza region near the Chechen village of Bamut was captured by militants of the field commander Ruslan Khaikhoroyev. Despite fear of punishment, he refused to betray the Orthodox faith, to remove the Christian cross from his chest. Something for which he paid the price with

‘Withdrawing’ US Troops Setting Up New Military Bases

Syrian War Report – November 4, 2019: ‘Withdrawing’ US Troops Setting Up New Military Bases The Syrian Army and Turkish-led forces are strengthening their positions on a contact line in northeastern Syria. A large convoy of Syrian Army reinforcements deployed in the towns of Abu Rasin and Umm Harmalah south of Ras al-Ayn. The convoy included T-72 battle tanks, BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles, Gvozdika self-propelled 122 mm howitzer and BM-21

US Forces Kill al-Baghdadi In Ovenight Raid On Idlib Province

Syrian War Report – October 28, 2019: US Forces Kill al-Baghdadi In Ovenight Raid On Idlib Province   U.S. Special Operations forces eliminated ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi during a nighttime raid into northwestern Syria on October 26, President Donald Trump officially announced. According to the President, Baghdadi died with his 3 young children after activating his suicide vest. Baghdadi’s body was mutilated by the blast. However, Trump said, “test

Russian Defense Ministry publishes evidence of US oil smuggling from Syria

Translated by Leo, bold and italics added for emphasis. Source: Image 1: Situation in the Syrian Arab Republic as of October 26, 2019. MOSCOW, October 26, 2019 – RIA Novosti – The Russian Ministry of Defense has published satellite intelligence images, showing American oil smuggling from Syria. According to the ministry, the photos confirm that “Syrian oil, both before and after the routing defeat of the Islamic State terrorists

Russia Deploys Large Number Of Troops, Equipment In Northern Syria 276 more Russian Military Police officers and 33 additional equipment pieces will be deployed in Syria, Russia’s state media reported. These forces will likely participate in security operations along the Syrian-Turkish border to the east of the Euphrates River. Additionally to the deployment in Kobane, the Russian Military Police already started carrying out patrols near the city of Qamishly. On October 24, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Vershinin announced

How Russian-Turkish ‘Safe Zone’ Deal Shapes Course Of Syrian Conflict The military crisis in northeastern Syria started by the Turkish military offensive on Kurdish militias amid the US troops withdrawal deflated. On October 23, Turkey, Russia and Syria started implementing the ‘safe zone’ agreement reached by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin a day earlier. Units of the Russian Military Police deployed in the border town of Kobani. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the

How the Western Media invented the “mysterious murderers from GRU”

Source: Translated by Scott Humor The New York Times has published another article “to expose the subversive work” of the GRU in Europe. We are talking about nothing less than the activities of an entire military unit, the purpose of which is to conduct “subversion, sabotage and murder.” What does this military unit actually do, and how convincing are the published accusations? In fact, the topic has long grew
