Note: Far away in distant 2015 I wrote a article I entitled “The moral yardstick of the Ukrainian war (Saker rant)” and I want to repost it today. Since 2015, things did not get better, they only got worse, especially in Zone A. So here are my thought about that issue, at least they were in 2015. Please let me know what you think. I will resume my “normal” blogging tomorrow.
Kind regards
I just got home from a 6 hour long trip to get my daughter to college. On the way home, I was alone in the van, driving through the huge Ocala National Forest, and I wanted to listen to some music and just think. While I was going through the 32GB of music on my player I realize that there were two artists whom I used to love but whose music I did not want to listen to: Yuri Shevchuk and Boris Grebenshchikov (aka “BG”). But let me backtrack first and explain.
I love Florida and I am happy here. But my nostalgia for Russia is like an open wound, always open, always hurting. One of the ways I found to transport myself to Russia, if just a little bit, is to listen to Russian music. Sometimes, doing this makes the pain even worse, but often this works like a kind of short-acting anesthetic: I feel like I am at home, amongst my people, where I can let my guard down and just be myself, if only for the duration of a song or two. Truly, this is hard to explain and only an exile can really understand how powerful a song from back home can hit you when you are far, far way, even in a beautiful place. And I have been away for 20 years now…
And yet today, I did not want listen to my two favorite singers. Something in me told me that it would only hurt, but provide no comfort. Why?
First I bash some Russians
I used to say that one should never conflate the artist and his/her talent with his/her political views. Even during my years of rabid anti-Communism I loved to listen to Mercedes Sosa and I still love to listen to Richard Strauss, even though he, unlike Wagner, was, if I am not mistaken, a bona fide Nazi. Listening to Bill Evans (my favorite Jazz musician) does not mean that I endorse heroin any more than listening to Bach (my favorite Baroque composer) makes me a Protestant.
And yet I don’t want to listen to Shevchuk or BG any more.
Shevchuk’s hatred of Putin is so stupid and so crude that it got him on a very short list (just under 40 names, iirc) of “Russian friends of the Ukraine” issued by the Ukronazi junta in Kiev (the list of banned Russian personalities currently includes, iirc, over 600 names, including Pushkin) . As for BG, he actually traveled to Odessa to and joined Mikhail Saakashvili on a barbecue party where BG sang for the man.
Now I know that both Shevchuk and BG have fried their brains – Shevchuk pickled his with vodka while BG shrunk his own with LSD and other drugs.
But my problem is not with their brains, it is with their heart! How does their heart not tell them that the conflict in the Ukraine is not just ‘a’ conflict, but the armed expression of the most rabid and hate-filled russophobia ever. How can they not know, not feel, that even the German Nazis never had so much hatred for Russia in their hearts as the Ukrainian nationalists?! Conversely, how do they not realize that those fighting for the freedom of the Donbass are not just your garden variety separatists but quite literally modern day heroes who took up arms to resist absolute, genocidal evil?
There is another Russian singer whom I love: Vladimir Vyssotskii (1938-1980) who wrote a beautiful song called the “Ballad about Struggle” in which he describes how when children read books about heroes always imagine themselves in the role of the hero but that it is important as an adult to really take a stance against evil. You can check out this song interpreted by a Novorussian solider with subtitles from Tatzhit here: I would like to translate just the last part of the song again, not so much in a poetic way (something I am quite unable to do), but in an attempt to convey the key ideas:
You cannot forever live in dreams
Fun times do not last very long
There is so much pain around
Try to pry open the hands of the dead
And grab the weapon they hold
And see for yourself, having grabbed the still warm sword
And donned the combat armor
The true value of things
Find out for yourself whether you are a hero or a coward
And experience the real taste of combat
If you have never had your meat off a knife
And if you have just observed it all with your arms crossed
And if you have never challenged the traitor or the torturer in combat
Then it means that your life was entirely worthless and vain
But if you hacked your way with your father’s sword
And if you have swallowed your tears
And if you have found out the true value of things
In a real combat
Then the books your have read as a kid were the right ones.
I first heard the song when I was 17 and for me it was clear: my life would be the proof of my own worth and the worth of my upbringing. At that moment I decided that I would not just stand by and observe, but that I would fight evil as soon as I could identify it. True, I was naive and ignorant, and instead of making my own judgments about what was good and evil, I swallowed the propaganda which was fed to me by my family and the society I lived in. But that desire to stand up for what is right and good and to oppose evil is something which I never lost, even when I understood that the ideals of my youth were wrong.
There is a point to this digression and it is this: I believe that no matter how talented artists like Shevchuk and BG are, both their life and their talent are wasted because they missed this key moment in Russia’s history: the moment when absolute evil showed it ugly face yet again and attacked. What this also shows to me is the total disconnect between these artists and the people they supposedly take their inspiration from: the Russian people (who support Putin at the 85%+ range). And that is, alas, an old Russian disease.
It is the curse of the Russian people that our (supposed) intelligentsia always feels like it needs to validate itself by opposing the regime in power: to be a “real artist” you just have to be in opposition to whomever is in power – it gives you this special “chic” of a self-declared “conscience of the people”, a sort of “martyr by proxy” where the artist himself is left completely unmolested and lives the good life, but somehow “feels” and “expresses” the sorrow of those (innocent ones, of course!) whom the regime “persecutes”. And Shevchuk fell into that trap. And if that was the full extend of his personal dislike for Putin I would not give a damn about his views. But Shevchuk’s dislike for Putin is so ideologically driven that it follows that whatever Putin does is also, by definition, bad. Even when Putin stands up to the Nazis in Kiev or the AngloZionist Empire. As for BG – his position is even worse. He does not give a damn about “politics” or “governments” at all. Which would be all well and dandy if it wasn’t for the fact that others, much less privilege than him, are sacrificing their lives or limbs to oppose evil. And so, indeed, And if you have just observed it all with your arms crossed. And if you have never challenged the traitor or the torturer in combat. Then it means that your life was worthless.
Yehuda Bower put it even more simply:
Thou shalt not be a victim.
Thou shalt not be a perpetrator.
And above all,
Thou shalt not be a bystander.
For all their immense talent, Shevchuk and BG completely missed the key moment where their heart should have told them to take a stand. But their hearts remained silent. And so I don’t want to listen to them any more.
And that feeling of not wanting to listen to them is not limited to them.
Next, I bash a few Americans Leftists
For years I have listened to David Rovics whom I interviewed for this blog and whom I called the “beautiful voice of the American resistance”. His amazing lyrics, always set to beautiful melodies, where like a breath of fresh air in a country where the zombification of the general public has reached truly Orwellian levels. Sure, I was baffled how Rovics could clearly not “get it” about 911, but I also realized that he was what I called a “Chomskyite”, i.e., somebody who “unless Chomsky said so” just does not see things. Just like Amy Goodman or the folks at Real News Network. And Chomsky did not “say so”. So Rovics, like a big part of the so-called “progressive” or “liberal” “Left” in the USA, did not know what to make of the conflict in the Ukraine. For the very same reason Shevchuk got stuck in this own logical fallacy: Putin.
American Liberals and Progressives are stuck because fundamentally they are still very much part of the system. Sure, they have disagreements with the Federal Government and with the mainstream politics, but when push comes to shove, they are stuck, unable to really cut their “mental umbilical cord” is you want. The best example of that mental paralysis of the US Liberals/Progressives is their blindness about 911: not only has the controlled demolition of WTC 1 2 and 7 been proven beyond reasonable doubt, but the Federal Government has basically admitted that 911 was an inside job (see sidebar).
[Sidebar: for those who have not read this here, I will repeat it: The US government has admitted , thought NIST, that WTC7 feel in free fall acceleration for 2.25 seconds. Why is that important? Simply because that means that a number of floors of WTC7 disappeared instantaneously and symmetrically from under the roof of WTC7 (free fall acceleration means no resistance besides air). There is only one possible way to remove a section of a building instantaneously: by explosive power. Yes, the admission by Uncle Sam that WTC7 feel for at least 2.25 seconds is an implicit admission that explosives were used. And since Uncle Sam has admitted that only explosives can explain what was observed on September 11th, Uncle Sam has therefore also admitted that this was a controlled demolition an ‘inside job as no outside actor, nevermind some semi-mythical ‘al-Qaeda’ could have had access to a super secret building like WTC7. Only Uncle Sam could have rigged that building to bring it down in a few seconds.]
The problem for the US Liberals/Progressives is that they have to reject this evidence because of its implications: that the US ‘deep state’ was willing and capable of murdering thousands of innocent US citizens to embark on a series of imperialist wars. That, to a typical US Liberal/Progressive is literally crimethink and, therefore, totally unacceptable. The more sophisticated members of the US Liberals/Progressives also realized that there was no way that the Administration of Dubya Bush could have had the time to rig the towers or, for that matter, to write up the huge Patriot Act. This had to be done long before Dubya got into the White House. So clearly some elements of the Democratic Party were “on it”. Rather than accept the evidence at hand, the Liberals/Progressives preferred to simply look away and pretend like this never happened.
Same thing with Putin: the entire US corporate media and all the talking heads have declared urbi at orbi that Putin is a dictator, a tyrant, a dangerous ex-KGB man with a maniacal drive for power. That he is allied to evil and ruthless Russian oligarchs and shadowy “secret service” types who, together, are concocting devious plans to restore the Evil Empire, occupy the Baltics, even possibly Poland, and to bring world civilization and progress to a bloody end. He wants to kill all homosexuals, he threatens to nuke the planet and he wants to be a Czar. He is both the “new Hilter” and the “new Stalin”. Having endorsed this load of crap, how could they possibly declare today that Putin is not the cause of the civil war in the Ukraine or that the AngloZionist Empire is supporting bona fide Nazis who use ballistic missiles, multiple rocket launchers and chemical weapons against their own population?
Again, the facts must be wrong therefore they must be rejected.
And so David Rovics, the “beautiful voice of the American Resistance” has literally nothing to say about this war. He is all over Palestine, Ferguson or even Walmart – but a real genocidal Nazi regime in Europe is, apparently, beyond his field of vision.
And, in conclusion, I address the “noble Europeans”!
The European society is as thoroughly purged from any real spirituality as it if filled with dogmas. I won’t list them all here – this rant is already too long – but I will only mention the main one: the “Dogma of Dogmas” in Europe is that Nazis are bad, bad, bad, bad!! Very bad. Like really so unspeakably bad, that they are way worse than all the others. The Nazis committed the Crime of Crimes and no civilized European would ever EVER want to have anything to do with those evil, evil, evil, evil Nazis!!
The civilized European is so outraged with the Nazis that he is willing to ban any type of putatively racist speech. He is willing to jail any historian who would dare to question the officially accepted narrative about the so-called “Holocaust” or the obligatory figure attached to it (the Holocaust is the only genocide which has an official figure – 6 million – attached to it under an unspoken but nonetheless mandatory dogma. Try suggesting, say, 5,5 million or, God forbid, even less and you will immediately be suspected of being a Nazi which, as I have mentioned, is bad, bad, bad, bad!!!). And while historians go to jail, the civilized Europeans are sending money and weapon to a REAL Nazi regime in Kiev. For the life of me I cannot imagine a worse hypocrisy. Apparently, Nazis are only Nazis when they go after Jews. When they go after Russians, they are not “real” Nazis. The anti-Jewish Nazis are bad, bad, bad, bad and bad, but the anti-Russian Nazis are, apparently, rather good, maybe even “good, good” (only 2x “good” as to not be as good as the anti-Jewish Nazis are bad).
So please allow me to be rude here and remind everybody that the majority of “civilized Europeans” did nothing or very little to oppose Herr Hitler and only minority truly did resist (the strongest resistance was in Serbia and Greece – two countries which nowadays the “rich” Europe is trying hard to destroy). That the majority of Europeans did nothing, or again, very little to stop the mass murder of Jews and that the Europeans did not liberate themselves from the Nazi yoke, but that they were liberated by “Communist Russian hordes” who account for 80% of all the destroyed Nazi military might (the remaining 20% were picked up by the Anglos, very late in the game). Off all people on the planet, the Europeans ought be the very last ones to ever show some sympathy for a Nazi regime, especially one focusing its genocidal hatred against the country which reduced the promised “1000 years Reich” to a mere 12 years. Forgive me, my dear Europeans, but if your “anti-Nazism” is reduced to jailing historians while fully siding with Nazi Banderists in Kiev – it is absolutely worthless!
The moral yardstick of the Ukrainian war
These examples all point to the same reality: the war in the Ukraine has turned into a moral yardstick separating those who “read the right books” and those who are “not a bystander” from those who are, forgive my language, simply full of shit (those offended by my choice of words can replace it with “scatophores” – sounds better, right?).
There are, I suppose, circumstances where one can respect his opponent. But there are also circumstances which make that quite impossible. The civil war in the Ukraine is, at least for me, such a situation. Backing the junta in Kiev – regardless under what pretext – is not only wrong, it is deeply dishonorable. In fact, it is despicable. I don’t give a damn of what people think about Putin or, for that matter, about Russia and the Russian people. I really don’t! And I can forgive those who were initially confused or ignorant. But too much time has passed, things have become so crystal clear that even the dumbest of ignoramuses has had the time, by now, to connect the dots. And I don’t care if you are Russian (like Shevchuk and BG), American or European. If you have anything but total disgust with the evil freak show in Kiev I have nothing but contempt for you.
The Saker
Dear Saker,
I will have to change my pseudonym :)
I will kindly use your first comment for my answer.
I am a European, I support Russia with all my heart.
The genocide that Ukraine is making East to the Dnieper (I reject to call it Ukraine) and in the Odessa region is satanic, something that I could have never imagined.
I created a Telegram channel to summarise each act of genocide and show to my family and friends. I am shock of how they reject to see, when they see the videos of the random assassination of Civilians, Crime wars against Russians POW or even Bandera they JUSTIFY IT.
Fortunately not my family but some friends. They have so deep in their minds propaganda that even against a proof they are unable to see.
I hate this,. What is even more crazy is that laws are being created in Europe to punish those who tell the truth.
One Spanish journalist was imprisoned in Poland by the secret service , one from Latvia in Latvia. They are both accused of Treason. European citizens are betrayers only for share the truth.
Today I read that German government made supporting Russia a crime, so even if people believe the videos of the atrocities of Ukrainian NAZIS they will be afraid of sharing.
Some official news in Spain start to try to turn around videos saying that the atrocities are made by Russia. Population is so stupid that don’t realise nothing.
How can we shout so loud that our shout in Europe is listen by everyone??
Do you still have your telegram channel? Which is it?
yes please I want it also
no matter it is spanish.
i can speak it
It is a very small channel where I summarise videos from Juan Sin Miedo, Inter Slava, Gonzalo Lira and others.
Then I explain them in Spanish, I know someone who understand Russian and Ukrainian and she helps me to verify them. is the link
The same common people who chose release Barabbas and condemned Jesus Christ
Yes, i were drawing some Z signs on dusty cars on the street and now im waiting for response..will they be washed, windows broken, will someone call dirty blue&yellow pigs?
Hey I dont give a …. what they think..
Sin Rossie – Leonid Haritonov!!!
That´s fine. They can keep up this anti-Russian garbage all they want. It will only make them look bad in the eyes of most Russians. I see this depraved behavior as good inoculation for the Russian psyche. The best thing that Russians can do for themselves is to stop believing in, and buying western propaganda and woke pathology. It is also the worst thing for the west, to lose the sympathy of 140 million people.
The adults have long ago left the western establishments. This is especially painful and shameful in the otherwise so peace loving Scandinavian countries.
A handful of politicians, including the party leader of the third largest party 20%, stand accused of treason. The accusers are high ranking ministers of the current socialdemocrap government. All because they wish to debate the issue of abandoning the “neutrality” policy, ie joining nato. There is no hope or room for sane voices to enter the discourse.
But what can one expect from the majority of Europeans and Americans since the anti-Soviet and later anti-Russian dog ops had been going on since 1945. After all, despite the enormous casualties suffered by the Red Army, the downplaying of its role by the so-called allies in the victory over fascism began as early as 1945. The so-called elites of the West cannot be trusted. Never …
Welcome back Saker!
A very moving post and timely reminder that we live in strange times…
Blessings and good health as we need your insight during these troubling times!
Merci Saker
As I was reading this the radio (WQXR in NYC) is playing Rimsky. Does that kind of music feel like home?
is that Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov? In that case, I simply wonder and ask… Are you ever lucky to “understand” music of that caliber, and live near a radio station that plays stuff that is space-miles distant form crapp that inundates the waves of todays radio. Well I only wonder, since the times of Deutche Gramophone are irreversibly gone. Tip off my hat to you sir.
But.. hey, now we can buy 50 CD sets of Mercury, Decca, RCA label of classics dirt cheap.. say played through the CEC TL5, Lyngdorf amp/DA, full range AudioNirvana speakers and Fidelium cables.. it’s that time again.. but much better recorded than the DG, with their 20 mikes.
That was a passionate and moving account from your past days, Saker.
Thank you so much for all you have done.
Reading today, I am reminded of the run-in, dust-up, Gallileo had with the Roman church: when the cardinals claimed Gallileo was wrong, he invited them to look through his telescope, and prove for themselves that all things did not revolve around the Earth, by seeing the moons of Jupiter doing their orbit thing. They refused to look through the telescope… something about it being evil, Satan’s work…
A few days ago I sent on an article by Gilbert Doctoreau (forgive the spelling) to 2 friends…. well, I got an email back telling me to never send anything like that to them again, my politics was weird, and on and on. When did “modern” people ever become afraid to explore other ideas? It was pretty ugly. My estimation is we are a short distance from official and neighbourhood book burnings.
Frank, the first record I ever bought was a Deutsche Gramophone Gesselshaft LP, in the late 60s, Herbert von Karajan and the BPO doing Tschaikovsky Sym. no.5.
Those were sweet days, I was about 14, and there was so much to discover.
Now the “rebels” of those distant days are very self-rightous Russia haters… a very sad discovery.
But what can one expect from the majority of Europeans and Americans since the anti-Soviet and later anti-Russian dog ops had been going on since 1945. After all, despite the enormous casualties suffered by the Red Army, the downplaying of its role by the so-called allies in the victory over fascism began as early as 1945. The so-called elites of the West cannot be trusted. Never …
Specifically about Building 7’s collapse and its unavoidable polticial ramifications. The March 20, 2022 episode of Mother Of All Talk Shows has George Galloway interviewing San Fran architect Richard Gage, the founder of the organization “Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth” — an organization that is trying to get “the government” to open a new investigation into the events that occurred on 9/11. The collapse of Building 7 is discussed at length. The interview begins at 2 hours, 14 minutes and 20 seconds into the video. Mr. Gage provides a very convincing narrative, including scientific evidence (if it’s accurate), of what actually happened to building 7, as well as the towers.
(BTW, as usual, Galloway has a great opening statement and, not long thereafter, he discusses the political ramifications of the NYT’s admission that the so-called Hunter Biden Laptop was in fact NOT Russian disinformation. It’s a bombshell.)
Yes that was certainly another great presentation from George.
Mr Gage (and his multiple YT videos) makes a compelling contribution.
I watched Galloway’s video, plus some other videos on the same theme, and it does seem like building 7 was a controlled demolition, but what isn’t explained is why they would feel the need to do that. Weren’t the two towers enough?!
Thanks for the heads up!
V-Day is coming… As one commenter wrote, the “swastikas are in the air” at the Arlington Memorial and the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial.
Mazel Tov, Banderites! Don’t you like your commander-in-chief, the homoerotic Mr. Ze? He did really well financially for himself since Ukrainians trusted the scummer’s promise to implement the Minsk agreements. Nuland-Kagan, Carl Gershman, Blinken, Price, and Sullivan have guided you, Banderites, successfully against the Slavic brothers. Ziocons are ready to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian.
The bankers’ war in Ukraine has been on the owners’ minds for a long time. The union of Ziocons, the US army (CIA), and the Ukrainian Nazis signifies the true nature of the Empire of Lies and Hypocrisy.
Amazing how scum attracts other scum so easily
One comment: banderites (or maybe simply “banditotos”) do not consider themselves slavic. Just like their idol Bandera they view themselves as a higher aristocratic cast in Ukrainian society of germanic / scandinavian / “viking” ethnicity with the slavic majority which they call “chern” as some sort of peasantry/subhumans.
Very succinctly & well said Saker.
The Europe I was born in is totally alien to me now. I live in Australia now. Although a citizen of that country…it is no better…it is just the same…the level of hatred & contempt toward Russia & China is disgusting.
Australia is a vassal state & a lackey & whipping boy for the US Empire.
I am also European and just feel disgust from all this.
No Western country is safe.
To avoid this you have to be in Russia, China, Iran and lesser options are South America or India (Independent but Inder Crazy pressure from Us). Also some African countries but not all
100% correct.
Nothing but ‘imperialistic anglo slime’ pours from australian media.
Not easy to live in a foreign country, far from your homeland. But at least in your heart you have a homeland. Although Swiss, born in Switzerland, of Swiss parents. This is not my case anymore. On June 23, 1994 my wife recognized her mother when the French Turquoise troops arrived in Rwanda. So we knew that at least one member of the family was still alive. I never belonged to any form of service. I have never been in the army. I had never even been to Africa, but I went to get her. In the Turquoise zone, I saw the French army killing civilians, including women and children. I escaped 6 assassination attempts in the following 4 days by putting several dozen survivors in safety. And while I was in relative safety in Burundi, a Swiss agent who was in contact with the French army called my wife to find out where I was. The guy is currently the Swiss ambassador in Washington. I now feel a deep disgust for Switzerland and the West. I wish I had a country in my heart. I was neither a victim, nor a criminal, nor a bystander. I can only follow the ongoing struggle and hope for the victory of Russia.
I was born in Switzerland too, in 1963. I don’t recognize the modern Switzerland AT ALL, it has nothing to do with the country I was born in. Switzerland totally caved in to US-Jewish interests (over the so-called “unclaimed accounts”) and after that, it has been downhill ever since…
PS: but I bet you Jura is still as beautiful as I remember it!
Yes, the Jura mountain range is my substitute homeland especially in winter. Thanks for sharing.
That hope of Russia’s victory must be the prayer of all those that love truth and justice and freedom.
“Not easy to live in a foreign country”… you know what is difficult too? Living in your own country and _wanting_ to be elsewhere. I now feel alone and feel like a stranger in my own society, amidst my own friends, my own social circles. Four years ago I cancelled a 10 years old subscription because of the disinformation “Le Devoir” journal was printing (after the Douma staged chemical attack). Most political commentators I once appreciated are now zombified. I’m mortified to see how propaganda is effective (and how ignorant and intellectually lazy, dishonest people are)…
Saluts du Québec.
Bonsoir physprof, Je partage votre dégoût pour nos médias.Ou sont nos concitoyens, ceux qui ont du GBS (gros bon sens)? Ce soir j’apprends qu’on va acheter 19 milliards de dollars d’avions F-35.Un avion que même les militaires américains disent être une machine très peu fiable en plus d’être inutile dans nos circonstances.Tout ce capital devrait servir à contrer les changements climatiques.
BONDIEU l’évidence nous crève les yeux et on dort au GAZ en trottant vers la 3ième guerre mondiale.
Quel est cet enragement contre M Putin ? quand on se donne la peine de lire ses mots on ne peut conclure que tout ce qu’on en dit ne sont que médisances et calomnies.
Je suis bien triste…mauvais karma à l’horizon.
MOD: Going forward you need to provide your own translation to your posts,as Saker has asked. Moderation is too busy to always do this for you.
Good evening physprof, I share your disgust for our media. Where are our fellow citizens, those who have GBS (common sense)? Tonight I learn that we are going to buy 19 billion dollars worth of F-35 aircraft. An aircraft that even the American military say is a very unreliable machine in addition to being useless in our circumstances. All this capital should be used to counter climate change.
BONDIEU the obvious is blinding us and we sleep in GAZ while trotting towards the 3rd World War.
What is this rage against M Putin? when one takes the trouble to read his words one cannot conclude that all that is said about them is nothing but slander and slander.
I am very sad… bad karma on the horizon.
Nous sommes confrères au Québec.
I’m brazilian but have been living in Montreal for the past 12 years.
I have been trying to avoid TV and radio since the start of the Russian operation, because the way they lie and manipulate the public makes me really sick.
You are just a good decent human being. Sadly, so few. Regards. K
Switzerland’s involvements in Nazi slave labour camps (page 23). How they can claim to be neutral is beyond me. They were deeply involved, after all, it was only business to them:
Didn’t Swiss banks also house stolen nazi loot, which they continued doing long after 1945?
I feel your anger Andrei,
I feel the exact same way. I live in London.
But never fear you are not as alone as you think. They Can’t suppress the truth forever.
Remember, 80% of the population in the West are just not interested in politics. It is not a full time job for them. It is work, shop, pub, sport.
They think this only started last month. Are only now starting to question the official framing and narrative.
The truth will come out just like the Iraq war.
it’s hard right now in The heat of battle. Always remember The West has just done Russia a massive favour. Politically now if they choose to do so even after it is over they can now pivot to Asia. Sell everything in rubles.
Which a month ago would have been a very difficult thing to do politically.
Russia, should after this over refuse to go back to the way it was. All those western companies that pulled out of Russia and Sanctioned Russia should never be allowed back in.
Russia doesn’t need Macdonalds it can make its own burgers. It certainly doesn’t need the EU.
It will work out great for Russia Andrei. As long as they are brave enough not to go back to how it was after this has ended.
Onwards and upwards, onwards and upwards.
Russia and rest of the smaller countries around the world have just been giving HUGE oppertunity. As NATO have clearly overplayed their hand.
The liberal left have always poisoned everything they touch. The liberal left want to destroy Russia and then China.
The right want to crush China then Russia.
Together with China you can now choose your own path.
Most westerners didn´t pay attention to the shit their countries do because they were too comfortable. Now that their shelves are getting empty, fuel and gas prices are going through the roof, and they have to suddenly pay more for everything, they will have to start paying attention and hopefully asking questions.
Als 1985 Bundespräsident v. Weizsäcker im deutschen Bundestage erstmalig den 8.5 den “Tag der Befreiung” nannte, war die Aufregung groß. Es wurde im Westen offenbar als “sensationell” empfunden.
Wir im Osten haben das “Sensationelle” daran im Grunde gar nicht so recht verstanden – damals waren wir noch jung …
Es hat nicht lange vorgehalten.
Bereits in den 90ern müffelte es im “geeinten Deutschland” in mancher, gar nicht so “rechten Ecke” nach “Nun haben wir den Russlandfeldzug doch noch gewonnen” …
Da haben wir schon einiges geahnt, es jedoch noch nicht geglaubt – bis 2014…
When in 1985 President v. Weizsäcker called 8.5 the “Day of Liberation” for the first time in the German Bundestag, the excitement was great. It was apparently perceived as “sensational” in the West.
We in the East didn’t really understand what was “sensational” about it – we were still young at the time …
It didn’t last long.
Already in the 90s in the “united Germany” it smelled in some, not at all so “right-wing corner” like “Now we have won the Russian campaign after all” …
There we have already guessed some things, but did not believe it yet – until 2014 …
When the conflict started and the Wurlitzer wound up to 11 on Russia hate, I found myself listening to “eto bce” (sorry, too lazy to set up Cyrillic) because it speaks to my soul when that is at its most melancholic. It soothed my soul some, maybe because I felt like now I’ll be hard pressed to visit Russia again or that my love for her is a black mark socially. I haven’t followed Shevchuk’s politics, but certainly take your meaning on the Soviet era intelligentsia and requirement to be a dissident no matter what.
I’m not really Russian. Great grandparents were. But I got named Alexei and my whole life it has made me stand out, for better or worse. When I went to live and study in Petersburg, I remember feeling at home in a way that’s quite difficult to explain. Maybe because I heard my name regularly. Maybe because with such a name Russians decided that while I had a blue passport, I was in fact Russian and I was welcomed as such.
Russians tend to be friendly. Complete strangers approach Indians visiting Russia and call them “Hey Raj Kapoor” (after an Indian movie actor whose films were dubbed in Russian in the early 60s). During my short visit to Moscow, an old lady scolded me in Russian for not having covered my ears in a proper way. She took off my headgear, did something, and jammed it back on my head until my ears were covered. Then she muttered something about Indians not caring about cold weather!
A half-Russian Scot living in Florida salutes you. Not a combatant, nor trained to be one and now too old to be one, but clear-eyed enough to see the new axis of evil running through Zone A. Slava Rossiya.
All I can say is . . . yeeeessss! But most people seem to be so completely snookered by “the narrative” that there’s no point in talking to them any more. They are so profoundly fearful that there’s no room in them for anything but hate—hate that is shared, and fed, by “the media”: guardians of “the narrative”. With respect to the Russians, what’s being waged is Rassenkampf. All the vaunted liberal “diversity” doesn’t extend to Russians. Or Muslims. Germany, as we now see, has been re-Nazified, or maybe it was never de-Nazified. Israel has been Nazified—you would think that that would be the last thing to happen, but it turns out that Israeli Zionists (most Israelis, apparently) believe in their hearts that Hitler had everything more or less right except that his hate targets were Jews rather than Palestinians. Madeleine Albright (aka Marie Jana Korbelová), may she burn in the nether regions, asserted “Never again” . . . unless, of course, you were a Muslim, or a Serb, or a Russian. Banderites were among her heroes. That they murdered Jews could apparently be forgiven since they murdered Russians as well. I have to stop—it’s too depressing. Anyway, thanks for your reflection.
The West/US, has become the ‘guerilla’ fighter, unwilling or unable to confront their self-proclaimed enemies head on. War by proxy – Che would be laughing in his grave.
There was also strong resistance by Macedonian partisans during WW2, to Hitler, and Bulgarian and Albanian fascist occupiers, Macedonians have always been an anti-fascist people, other than the “woke variety”; current
marionettes in power along with the heirs of Albanian “WW2 Bali Kombatar’ US go-to terrorists.
It is hard to compare my Viet Nam experience, with that of Russian’s whose only fights were truly in defense of country. I attribute my PTSD to the day I woke up to the fact that my service was in defense of a lie, and the lives that were lost around me should never have happened.
I feel for you. Nam was when I woke up. Yet there are so few of us left and we never had a voice in anything it seems. I was drafted and will never forget my Dad crying as I left. He never cried, ever, it was not manly he would say. In Vietnam Nam, I learned to cry…
So many good men died for lies!
George Galloway lets you know what the ” real” left think.
The ” real” left hate the liberal left as much as you do.
Spot on Billy, couldn’t agree more. British politics is a carbon copy of the Yank model. Neolibs & Neocons- same agenda, different colour rosettes.
The western duopoly is actually a single party with two faces to fool the gulliible into thinking they have a choice. Both sides are funded and carefully selected by the oligarchs, the War Party. No matter which face ‘wins’ an election, the War Party is guaranteed to get what it wants. The only people allowed to get near the top are those amenable to being bought and staying bought.
In his book, “Crossing the world Rubicon, the Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil”, Michael C. Ruppert analyzes 9/11 from a different angle than most other 9/11 truthers. He directly accuses Dick Cheney of masterminding that crime. The book is a good read and very well documented.
Read his book years ago, and it still makes total sense.
It’s a good book. Rambling at times, but good. Not that many know, but Ruppert had a Q clearance going back to when he was a kid, as his dad was Air Force. His mom, if I’m not mistaken, was DIA.
The European Union has been, at least since Maastricht, first and foremost an imperial project.
This must be impressed on the minds of people who, however, have been shaped by 500 years of European success and expansion history, a self-understanding of “superior civilization”.
Therefore, the EU could also – unchallenged – claim for itself the merit of “55 years of peace in Europe” – and – on a larger scale – usurp “the law” and in this context above all “Americanize” it.
However, it now seems to come to an end …
The EU is essentially a banksters’ cartel: member-states, e.g. France & Germany, have surrendered monetary sovereignty i.e. the ability to issue their own currencies and, hence, control of their money supply – the lifeblood of their economies.
The EU is not democratic. Witness how many times national votes were either completely ignored or the member-state was forced to vote again when ratifying EU treaties. There’s at least 10 times I can think of, just off the top of my head.
The EU is quite insidious as it funds African opposition groups to maintain the illusion of democracy in African nations – and within 3 months, or so, before national elections, withdraws the funding allowing the UK/US-puppet regimes to remain in power which continue to:
– repress human rights
– repress any genuine attempts at democracy, and
– continually exploit African nations’ natural wealth, i.e. resources, known as the Resource Curse.
Even in Perfidious Albion, the UK itself, its upper house, the House of Lords, with its Hereditary Peers (not voted on by the people) still isn’t fully democratic.
The European union, that are a dozen countries that at least once in their history tried to dominate the continent (or the world). All have failed on the long term. But it feels like they still have the need to try again. This time united and with the sense of being morally superior. As always in history, nothing new. Sadly, people do not learn (at least not the higher more abstract concepts, only the direct pain and pleasure connections)
The EU plans that you were probably not aware of:
The SGP actively promotes the transfer of wealth from labour to capital, a process that has intensified through the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure introduced as part of the Six-Pack. The specific policy measures demanded by the Commission focus on ****limiting wage growth; increasing the threshold age for receiving a pension; privatising state-owned enterprises and healthcare; promoting longer working hours; demanding a reduction in job security; and cutting funds to social services.****
An analysis of the country-specific recommendations under the SGP and the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure since 2011 finds that in addition to consistent demands for reductions in public spending, the ****Commission has specifically singled out pensions, healthcare provision, wage growth, job security and unemployment benefits for attack.****
Under the cover of limiting debt and deficits, the ****European Commission is enforcing austerity in policy areas it has no legal authority over.****
From the introduction of the European Semester in 2011 to 2018, the ****Commission made 105 separate demands of individual member states to raise the statutory retirement age and/or reduce public spending on pensions and aged care.****
It made ****63 demands that governments cut spending on healthcare and/or outsource or privatise health services.****
Demands aimed at ****suppressing wage growth were put to member states on 50 occasions,**** while instructions aimed at ****reducing job security, employment protections against dismissal, and the collective bargaining rights of workers and trade unions were made 38 times.****
In addition to routine demands to ****cut government expenditure on social services generally****, the Commission also made ****45 specific demands aimed at reducing or removing benefits for the unemployed, vulnerable people and people with disabilities, including by enacting punitive measures to force these individuals into the labour market – or, at least into becoming jobseekers.****
None of the above is surprising since its inception was Hitler’s wildest dream:
Priviet Andrei,
Have you tried listening to Bill Callaghan, especially his double album, A shepherd in a sheepskin vest ?
shall I check it out?
I looked for it but did not find it.
Can you please send me a link for this double album?
Does this partial share (side 1 only) help?
That’s the one brothers 🙂 !
Available on spotxxxxy
….”.Propoganda that was fed me by family and society.” People are generally intellectually lazy and become comfortable in the paradigm that their parents passed down to them. It is difficult to change these paradigms because you may have to admit to yourself;I’ve been living a lie! A case in point. My Dad was in the Polish army…..prisoner of war in Siberia…..went on in General Anders army through Iran……ended up fighting at battle of Monte Casino. You can imagine the kind of influence on a young man especially in the army (same paradigm continues today among Poles) the patriotism and nationalism ra ra ra. During his time in Siberia the Russians had their political officers give lectures on politics history etc.and of course every one wrote it off as propaganda. (England and France will betray you, the capitalists are using you as cannon fodder, come fight with your Slavic brothers etc). After the war and seeing four continents he realized what the communist political officers said was TRUE! Dad was not a communist but he always sought the truth. He taught me to do the same. With his rejection of typical Polish thinking he was’nt too popular among the other veterans. I follow his belief that you have to change your life paradigm even when it can mean extreme discomfort and discrimination,and persecution etc. From this perspective I understand you completely, Thank you SAKER for your courage and efforts!
When you speak of a “mental umbilical cord,” you are describing the vast majority of Americans who have not reflected on history enough to disassociate mentally from the massive doublethink required to believe that the USA is the God-given greatest nation on earth (number one in all things) while ignoring or justifying the post WWII wars of choice (not necessity) that have been waged on the countries of Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and many others and have caused massive destruction and the death of millions. It doesn’t matter what part of the USA political spectrum you come from, the rightwing (best characterized by the bumper sticker of one of my neighbors – Unapologetically American) or leftwing, all suffer from an ahistorical view of the USA as some sort of, to borrow Reagan’s words, “shining city on a hill,” lighting the way for other nations to follow.
There really has never been a leftist president, at least as defined as a peace not war policy-maker. The closest thing to a “leftist” president in American history was FDR, only because he took action to deal with the severe economic dislocation faced by many Americans during the Great Depression.
But today, there really are no “leaders” of the left. Chomsky has been denounced for his recent statements by leftists and many others have faced severe repression (witness the threats to have Twitter or YouTube platforms restricted or demonetized, etc., for not towing the proper narrative regarding Russia). Even within the left, there are massive splits between the progressive Sanders followers and the Obama/Clinton/Biden neoliberals backed by corporate donations and billionaires. Furthermore, Sanders (unlike say Tulsi Gabbard, Mike Gravel or Jill Stein) downplayed his foreign policy positions to camouflage his hawkish positions. Anti-war positions in both parties are curtailed, even forcibly. Foreign policy itself is an afterthought, rarely discussed in the corporate media except when war is about, and rarely makes it into presidential debates where a thorough vetting should be mandatory.
For example, in the 2008 presidential campaign, Mike Gravel, who was then running for the Democratic nomination against Obama/Clinton/Biden, had this to say when given an opportunity during a Democrat debate:
2012 Green candidate for president Jill Stein was, according to the Guardian, “shackled to a chair in a nearby New York police facility, along with her running-mate, Green party vice-presidental nominee Cheri Honkala. Their crime: attempting to get to the debate so Stein could participate in it.”
That said, there are members of the left and right that are, to use Dorian Lynskey’s phrase, “anti anti-Putin.” These would include Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Tucker Carlson, Tulsi Gabbard, UK commentator George Galloway, UK comedian Russell Brand. Lynskeky wrote that “You can identify them by their obsession with NATO, ‘legitimate security concerns’, ‘poking the Russian bear’, the Azov battalion, and hypothetical biological warfare laboratories, all of which are popular Kremlin talking points. Their arguments usually begin with some throat-clearing variation on: ‘The invasion of Ukraine is abhorrent but…'”
Lynskey’s article:
And then there’s this observation from Eric Levitz: “Within the small world of self-identified American leftists, however, the DSA’s (Democratic Socialists of America) substantive positions are far from marginal. Indeed, a large contingent of prominent leftwing writers, activists, and organizations have argued in recent days for ending U.S. sanctions against Russia, withholding military aid from Ukraine, and immediately dismantling NATO. This contingent’s perspective deserves to be taken seriously.”
Levitz does not support the above position, but suggests that those leftists that do are deluded:
I cannot disagree more. Until Americans are able to separate truth from fiction, divorce themselves from the truth presented on corporate billionaire-funded TV news, understand that the NY Times and other so-called sources of objectivity are mouthpieces for the CIA and the Deep State, and truly begin to question the two-party corporate billionaire founded fake arguments that present data based on false premises like “America is great, good, God-blessed” and all the other blather that has been drummed into us since childhood (where we were forced to recite ad nauseam, “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”), then the collective America will continue to give credence to the neo-con, neo-liberal arguments for more war, military spending, and weapons development. In fact, one could make the case that all moves by both China and Russia since Putin came to power are simply reactions to a USA foreign policy based on war, military spending, and weapons development.
What will it take for Americans to see the blinding error of their ways? It took me years – 4 years – to realize that 9-11 was a hoax and that the USA government was at the least, covering for people who killed 3,000 on that day, or at worst had perpetrated the act itself. When you combine that with Bush taking the country to war against Iraq in 2003 under false pretenses, the 2001 anthrax attack perpetrated by the military on Congress, the illegal surveillance conducted by the USA government against its own people and withheld from disclosure by the New York Times until after the 2004 election, the torture of prisoners through the adoption of a made up out of whole cloth classification, “enemy combatant”, all of those things pushed me to begin examining the claims made by the government regarding 9-11 in 2005. Once you crack open the illusions of beliefs held from childhood, there is a great awakening. But this awakening is being smothered by corporate social media and search engine manipulations that force the accepted narrative to the top of any effort to learn about USA “crimes and misdemeanors.”
Sad state of affairs for sure…. and one that will continue to devolve….
One of the outstanding features of the anti-Russian stance that I see in so many of my Australian friends and neighbours is how automatic it is. I find no reflection, no balancing of different narratives/possibilities. And contradictory. People who, quite rightly in my opinion, distrust Murdoch and consider our current PM a shallow man, accept their narrative on the current situation in Ukraine.
Almost needless to say, the Australian press is uniformly irrelevant.
Somehow I do not find all this depressing. Like a top-heavy structure with a poor foundation, this narrative will collapse. Truth has its own weight, its own momentum.
For example, in yesterday’s opinion piece by Maria Zakharova didn’t we see the first corner of the Covid19 story exposed. And isn’t she spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Defense, and aren’t they the ones capturing the bio-labs in Ukraine?
Patience. Although I do weep for Europe.
Rouble Gas Payments.
By the black belt in Judo.
Here you can see the actual FX transactions that take place
Billy, I don’t know if it was to you I responded to already this morning.
Take the sweet FX transactions and put big red X’s on every bank that is sanctioning. You will find that the opportunity for an FX transaction is very limited. Go and take a look what similar sanctions did to Iran – no FX transactions can take place.
So, Russia says — it is the buyer’s problem to buy Roubles on the Moscow stock exchange and any funds will flow in Roubles from the MOEX directly to the gas supplier – internal to Russia, with Russia’s infrastructure.
The ‘unfriendly countries’ are crying – they are saying it is a breach of contract to redenominate the payment currency. And, that they will be working against their own sanctions.
That is exactly the idea. And who says the payment currency is always exchanged to Roubles? Payment currency may be Euro and flow a totally different way.
That is also why a new economic and financial system is in process right now – so that sanctions cannot be used again as a weaponized system. Lavrov, in his last meeting with Iran FM, said clearly that Russia and Iran will break the system of unilateral sanctions.
You may understand how FX works, if it works, what I am saying now is that you are not taking sanctions into account.
I am amarynth,
The FX transactions will bounce around until it is done in a ” friendly” country. Gazprom will make sure they can offload there. Where there are no sanctions.
Those will make a bunch of cash for doing it.
Maybe a Russian bank in a ” friendly ” country. So Russia makes hay both ways. In a country where Russian banks haven’t been sanctioned.
Most likely China or India or even Belarus.
Either way it is a good nove.
That’s a recipe for a very large appreciation in the value of the Rouble, or a full blown EUR-RUB liquidity crisis where Roubles can’t be obtained at any price. Because of the Sanctions on EU banks.
This may be another reason why Russia is demanding that future gas contracts will have to be not just settled in Roubles but priced in them in the first place. Shifting the exchange rate risk to the Europeans makes sense. From a Russian point of view.
The western system is one system. There is no bouncing around to friendly countries. It is one contiguous system. If not, explain Iran’s interaction with Western sanctions for me.
Sorry amarynth You are looking at from the wrong point of view.
Concentrate on what Gazprom has to do.
Gazprom can off load anywhere it likes.
In this case it will be in commercial banks in friendly countries due to Western Sanctions in the West.
The EU has no jurisdiction in China or India or North Korea even.
Iran still found a way to sell oil.
Syria and Hezbollah both found a way around the sanctions.
They all found a way around it.
You can get anything you need in Iran – for a price.
As explained, international monetary transfers are done hop by hop through several banks – that’s why they are expensive.
All sanctions do is increase the length of the route, which puts the price of the item up due to bank charges and shipping fees.
So in the current situation if all the EUR banks are banned from dealing directly with RU banks (they’re not by the way – only some are), then the EUR banks will use a bank in India they have a relationship with and exchange in INR. That bank will then pay another bank in India in INR who will then transact with the RU Bank they had a relationship with.
The result is that the Indian Banking system holds a position in EUR and the Russian Banking system holds a position in INR.
Those hops can be extended. The Indian bank may first transact with a Chinese bank, with the Chinese bank taking the position in INR and the Russian system taking a position in CNY. And so on.
That’s how correspondent banking has always worked. Every hop added, adds to the cost.
“That is exactly the idea. And who says the payment currency is always exchanged to Roubles? ”
Because Putin wants it that way and that’s what Gazprom has been told to do.
Makes perfect sense.
For the reasons explained.
What is also interesting is Gazprom were holding there foreign currency holdings with EU banks and not at the ECB.
Which tells me Russia knew exactly what they were doing. Gazprom were instructed to do that.
Because of the previous sanctions before the war.
Russia knew full well the risk of holding at the ECB.
Not Gazprom, the Bank of Russia
Normally a central bank would hold their FX position with the central bank – as that reduces the risk.
The Bank of Russia seems to have tried to diversify to other banks and other instruments for some reason, which is a mistake and a misunderstanding of the way banking works.
But then perhaps they were constrained. A net exporter has to hold FX positions somewhere, or the price of their currency tends to rise making the exports expensive.
Yeah bank of Russia,
They were already under some sanctions before the war might explain it.
Thanks for clarifying.
E Saker, Saker, let a similar coincidence follow us. Whenever I had a problem, and I often did, before I crossed myself and prayed to God, I ran in my mind through “Ballad about Struggle”. It was like some kind of enamel or sermon to me. And I heard it somewhere at a military exercise. greeting
from SERBIAN Google Translate
I didn’t read this one in 2015 .I have to confess I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when i saw fig 4. “The New Face of Europe?”..WTF is that ? i suggest Homo Ukrainius …. or have they already claimed that Homo Ukrainius emerged from the caves of Post Glacial Europe, trident in hand…
And apparently they built the Egyptian pyramids and dug the Black Sea basin!!
Besides the ” western ” nations, nobody else is on board the sanctions train to HELL. They just shot themselves in the foot, and lo and behold, it’s Russia’s fault. How stupid do these ” western ” leaders think we are? Pretty stupid, considering the people have the attention span of a gnat.
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete, when everything the people believe is false.” William Casey C.I.A. Director
More Russian rock and roll [kicking Nazi azzez] videos, please
In the West you can’t go wrong blaming Putin. One of the women in the office showed me an article about Russian billionaire Abramowitz who wanted to help negotiate a ceasefire between The Ukraine and Russia but had been poisoned. I have no idea about the veracity of this this story as I don’t follow main stream media at all. She said that it was probably Putin. I said it probably wasn’t as he had nothing to gain. I have no real opinion about Putin but all the crazy talk about him, cost Hillary the election, was Trump’s puppet master makes more sympathetic with the Russian cause.
Most people, the vast majority in my opinion in Europe are more interested in their daily survival with bills, rent, rising inflation and prices, and too dumbed down with petty entertainment and mass media lies to have the energy or brains to “connect the dots”, dear @Saker. Most people I know are not interested in the politics, religion nor history. Been always like that. Too lazy to question the narrative that is fed to us. Dissident voices are ridiculed or vilified, and gets one in real life problems if too vocal and against the elite, wherever that actually may be physically.
To assume that the masses trapped under the spell of shadowy puppet masters have somehow woken up, but choose to go along with the lies and propaganda is a folly. I agree that there are anti Russian sentiments in some nations more than others, but these voices are usually dictated from top down. Narrative comes from UK first then your home turf.
I love to read your articles, always have ever since finding here, along with smoothiex12 and MOA blogs, but yours is the only one where I sometimes feel helpless against the increasing accusations (as a European citizen), guilting and in some cases even cheering for death of us mere mortals by Russian nukes (in comments) I vote for sane people in elections, but rarely they have more support from fellow citizens than winning a place in local city elections. There is very little one can do really, so it seems. Major newspapers ghost my pro-Russian comments, letters to editors are never published. I have personal reasons for not becoming a more public figure, sadly.
Don’t want to disrespect you or your readers, just had to vent my frustration a bit. Sorry if this upsets you in any way. Not all zone A folks are worth the hatefulness, we are victims of the empire’s dark ways as much as Russians (and Chinese or Iranians etc) are, albeit we suffer indirectly and don’t have a visible enemy outside..
As I have stated before, what we see today is result of a spiritual warfare fundamentally.
You are right, but Zion Peter got to pay for white Paul’s dirty work, and Paul gotta pay for all. You see Zion zillionaires don’t give a sh..t about you and me. That is why this week, Biden gave the police billions more, and a previous president distributed a billion bullets to the police.
Now the quasi-economist ( much commenting above\always) might tell you that it was to fight China & Russia. Whatever….
The only thing that will change this evil is just 2 conventional ballistic missiles into “God bless”, and one in Canada masquerading as “multicultural. The nuclear tipped missiles would come after, if required. That is the only way to cure the cancer, for all legitimate protests are bought.
I live in Canada with my children, but Peter gotta pay for Paul!
P.S. Vladimir Putin said it plainly: ” if you interfere, you will see something you have never seen in your entire history”!. Well Europe went through self inflicted wars, and I know he means us, that have always killed with impunity. The garbage that we are forced to listen to can’t even see that. But the rude awakening is coming!
About NAZIs
Yes, when West Germany had been thoroughly denazified (not) in 1955, most of Nazi Germany’s Officer Corps was enrolled in NATO’s benign protection of freedom and democracy. Still, NATO was a rather ”boring” thing during its first 40 years of existence as it wasn’t leading any collective campaigns of violence. Rampant Russophobia in abundance, sure, but still no active confrontation involving real bloodshed.
It took the downfall of Socialist Eastern Europe and the dissolution of the USSR to make NATO become a true Nazi organization. Yugoslavia became the first victim in Europe.
I understand your feelings, Andrei, and I sympathize. But there is something we must remember. Humans, like other primates and like canines, live and hunt in groups. We are not self-reliant like cats or bears. We depend for our survival on the acceptance of the group. We go along to get along. Since almost the advent of civilization, there have been various customs, devices, that reinforce conformity. In the current age, that has become the function of the mass media. It is all but irresistible. I live in Canada and was born here. Almost no one that I talk to has any sympathy or respect for Russians or for Putin. They have been fed lies for decades. The odd one, like me, manages to see through the propaganda haze. It happens only in special circumstances. In my case, and it was never intentional (I’m not a hero), I have always been an outsider, a maverick, a subversive. I have no hope that our Western system of government and economics will change, that eyes will open, or that Russia will be vindicated in the eyes of my brothers and sisters in the West, no matter what happens. But I know in my heart who is in the right, here, and that is all that matters to me. Colour me yellow, a bystander.
I saw an interesting post on a pro-Russian site about a poll in France that showed 52% said Russia had valid reasons for going into Ukraine. The poster said it looks like the pocket book is beginning to sway people in France to see common scene.
Not surprising, Bob, French people — I am by the way — have since a very long time Americanophobia, not Russophobia, generally speaking.
Straight talk Andrei! Clenched fist raised! All you said is the real truth!
Western White People, and I don’t care their religion or ideological/political affiliation, don’t have any ethical and moral standard to say anything about non-white people in the world and non western white people as russians who suffered many life loses (demography) and traumas for the last 200 years.
If we had a Second Bandung Conference today Russian representatives should be invited.
In the field of musicians and celebrities I only listen two whites: John Lydon (this guy thinks totally outside the box) and Louis CK (this guy knows what White Supremacy/Racism (System) is.
David Gilmour and Roger Waters are to brainwashed by the way.
As a Black Nationalist I think this is true not only to black people, red people etc but for Russian people too.
Malcolm X : White Liberals and Conservatives
A joke: If Andrei insist reminding western white people the truth about them he will be accused of racism against western white people! Lol
Great talk by Malcolm.
Wow. How Time stood still. It’s like I’m reading something from 2022.
Saker, tell me: 10 Rubles is a bushel of wheat? How about 5?
Tell me, the world want to know?
Saker I have been listening to the paTRAM Institute male Choir,
More Honourable than Cherubim on Tidal, fantastic recording
with Vladimir Gorbic & Mikhail Davydov.
The first Saker article I read was back in Nov 2013 or thereabouts. I was amused by what I thought was a somewhat overly dramatic title – The Gates of Hell are About to Open in Ukraine (or something to that effect) – and dramatic tone of the body/text of the article.
No longer.
Thank you, what you wrote isprofoundly true! And as you say you need to have your hearth at the right place to get it, but also совесть , a word for which I don’t think there is exact English translation – Conscience is close but not exactly right
As much as I’m disgusted with the Ukrainians who have helped the Nazi Regime take and maintain power and the Ukrainians who have allowed it to happen. And as much as I wish death and destruction of Nazi battalions, It is important to remember that Ukraine, as it is today, has been created by the USA and their Ukraine/ Israel dual citizens lackeys. Most oft the Ukrainians mentioned above are just dumb f_cks. The Nazi battalions are, indeed, evil. But the USA and their lackeys are beyond evil. As John Lennon said (referring to these people) in Free Da People Now “666 is you’re name”.
I also have been gone for many years from my country that used to belong to so called Eastern communist block.
I’ve been living in S. California for more than 37 long years now.
Although I am not familiar with the names of the musicians you’re talking about, it doesn’t really matter because it makes no difference. In every country, artists feel/think for whatever reason they must be on somebody’s side but strangely, in their irrational processing thinking process, they mostly somehow choose always the wrong side.
I share your nostalgia about your country, although I think you are luckier. My own country, although it never was really pro-Soviet (mostly because of 1968 that is historically completely misunderstood), has progressed from dislike to outright hate for anything remotely Russian.
I just don’t recognize my own people and deep in my soul, I feel deep sense of resentment towards them. The hate for those who freed them from Nazi Third Reich horrors and thanks to whom they could live happy peaceful lives, is reprehensible and unforgivable.
I have been to Russia (CCCP) in 1979 for about 2 weeks when I was still very young and unwise. Although I felt
sorry for Russian people in a material sense, I was shocked by their warmth and how sincere they were. I felt they would give me anything they had if I would dare to ask. That short trip made me re-evaluate my priorities in life.
In my sport career (top level), I have met my Russian/Soviet competitors and their humble approach was just as shocking to me as anything I’ve ever experienced.
Later in life, when I left for US, I have played hockey with several Russians, some of who were former CSKA Moscow. We are good friends to this day. Great people.
I buy my groceries periodically in Russian deli stores – I just love the Slavic atmosphere there.
The irrational hatred for Russia in Anglo-Saxon world and it’s satellites bothers me every day. The people are so propagandized by lies and dehumanization of one of, if not the proudest nation on Earth, it is absolutely mind boggling and repulsive.
I wanted to write more but I’m very short on time. I just want you to know that there are many of us who are just regular people with busy lives who stand with Russian people.
Thank You
Thanks so much for reposting this Andrei… I simply couldn’t agree more with your sentiments.
Indeed the time for quiet soft nuances and polite suggestions is long passed.
I too have long since lost patience with the phenomenon that you describe so vividly. Quite simply this sort of idiocy continued idiocy could very well lead to the end of our species.
One of my favourite songs by Van Morisson from his album ‘Hymns to the Silence’ perhaps describes my personal feelings on this subject better than anything else on earth…
Have to toe the line, I’ve got to make the most
Spent all the years going, from pillar to post
Now I’m standing on the outside and I’m waitin’ in the rain
Tell me why must I always explain
Bared my soul to the crowd eh but oh what the cost
Most of them laughed out loud like nothings been lost
There were hypocrites and parasites and people that drain
Tell me why must I always explain
Why, why must I always explain
Over and over, over again
It’s just a job you know and it’s no sweet Lorraine
Tell me why must I always explain
Well I get up in the morning and I get my brief
I go out and stare at the world in complete disbelief
It’s not righteous indignation that makes me complain
It’s the fact that I always have to explain
I can’t be everywhere at once, there’s always somebody to see
And I never turned out to be the person that you wanted me to be
And I tell you who I am, time and time and time again
Tell me why must I always explain
Well it’s out on the highway and it’s on with the show
Always telling people things they’re too lazy to know
It can make you crazy, yeah it can drive you insane
Tell me why must I always explain.
Cheers from the south seas
A couple of weeks ago I commented that denazification of Ukraine would require occupation for a full election cycle. But, seeing the people coming out of Mariupol today, it appears it only takes 20 days of being locked in the same city with the Ukrainian nationalists such as Azov Battalion, to turn the hearts of Ukrainians against them. So, now, maybe it is possible to denazify the country. But that can only happen if every military unit is disarmed.
Welcome back.
I am hoping that you can provide news about the Ukraine war. The coverage in America has been obviously biased. We are now being told that “Russia controls parts of Mariupol!” Google makes it almost impossible to find alternative viewpoints.. Right now the top story on American news is Will Smith bitch slapping Chris Rock for insulting his wife. This tells me that Russia is making progress that they don’t want to talk about. My guess is that Russia is immobilizing the Ukrainian army by blowing up all their fuel supplies.
In other news that isn’t covered, Biden shit his Depends when he was in Poland.
Sometimes I hear that Russia may come to a deal with Ukraine that doesn’t fulfill what this operation was pledged to fulfill. If true that would be a fatal mistake in my opinion. The Russian government has inspired the people in Russia with statements that I can’t see them able to backtrack on. This is an example of the whirlwind they have unleased. Woe to them if they do not fulfill it. Explaining to the soldiers,and the families of fallen soldiers that they settled for leaving a nazi regime in power in Ukraine.Well let’s just say ,I wouldn’t do that if I was them:
Ivan Okhlobystin delivered a monologue “Thank you, Ukraine!”:
“Thank you, Ukraine, for teaching us to be Russian again. For straightening our shoulders. For giving us new heroes and martyrs. For making me respect and sometimes even admire our President. You were so convincing in the latter that some of us sincerely consider the cult of personality to be absolutely necessary, in such unusual historical circumstances. They are, of course, in the minority.
But you, dear, are nearby, and every day of the Russian genocide in your east increases their ranks. Soon we will all bow our heads before the Guide of the Will of God! And if the President refuses this mournful share, we will choose someone who does not refuse. It’s not about the President, it’s about our unanimous need to admire the feat of the best of us. This is death to selfishness and a step towards absolute victory. Secret knowledge of ancestors canonizing their princes. Your story “about the ancient ukrov – the rulers of the universe” convinced us of the gospel wisdom that the wisdom of this age is the essence of madness. Therefore, we have nothing to be ashamed of.
Thank you Ukraine for filling our souls twisted by laziness and drunkenness with the Living Faith of Christ!
A Russian Lugansk boy, the day before his death on the barricades of Novorossia, wrote a song about his peer, St. Eugene, who was executed for refusing to remove the Orthodox cross. In his song, he laments that he cannot throw his life at the feet of God in the same way. Threw. And now tens of thousands of Russian guys are complaining about the same thing. They are looking for an excuse to become a sacrifice for the Glory of God! A feat, like lightning to pierce your gray life.
Thank you Ukraine for charging us with optimism. We are interested in life again. Are we predators? You say so. We started to like it. Ultras are in fashion. The guys willingly go to military schools and to serve as contract soldiers. They are unbearable to bring order to the entire continent. We will not be able to hold them back for long, and we will be reluctant to do so. Anything is better than sailing like dull shit in the European current.
Thank you Ukraine for returning a little chastity to our youth. Real, no coercion. Your heroines in negligee, who sawed down the Poklonny Cross in Kyiv, on your own curse, instilled in our youth a squeamish aversion to the vulgar. You have made our children more aristocratic. They will have strong families and many children. Clean people – strong families – many children. This is great! It can be sung!
Thank you Ukraine for rereading “Romeo and Juliet” to us in the burnt Odessa House of Trade Unions. We realized that true love is when there is nothing to lose.
In life, we will exchange less. The phrase “fell in love for life” for us has lost the taste of a joke. Thank you Ukraine for many things, but the biggest gratitude is for honesty, even though this is not typical for you. We finally believed that you sincerely hate and despise us. And this is forever. Of course, this does not change anything in our attitude towards you. If a big trouble happens, we will again go to die for you in millions. We are just really different. And you, little sister, are our eternal humility before God. The wound is not healing.
I suggest ‘coprophiliac’, shit lover, for ‘scatophore’. So-called ‘progressives’ deplore this war for the same reasons they deplore every other ‘enemy’ of the US Reich. They were stupid enough to believe the lies last time, and will always believe any lie preceded by chants of ‘USA USA’. The same way they deplored the Vietnam War, US-NATO military dictators, GItmo human rights abuses, Latin American coups (remember Honduras, Haiti, and Venezuela)…. The list of US cruelties and despicable human rights abuses is endless, but that won’t prevent simple-minded self righteousness.
Robert Mitchum was making a movie in Trinidad with John Huston. Mitchum walked around a lobby corner and found Huston masturbating the hotel’s pet monkey. Mitchum asked, ‘Why? Why do you do this, John?’ ‘The monkey likes it’, said Huston, ‘He really likes it!’ Guess who the monkeys are in this scenario.
Isaac Asimov (1920 – 1992): “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that your ignorance is just as good as my knowledge.”
H. L. Mencken (1880 – 1956): “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents… the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” = Trump = Reagan
H. L. Mencken (1880 – 1956): “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” …or the West’s bigoted news media.
Mencken’s ‘Declaration of Independence in American’ is hysterically funny. Mencken wrote it during President Wilson’s ‘Saturnalia of oppressions’ under the WWI Sedition Act.
Voltaire: “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Believing absurdities is a condition of appointment, and an everyday occurrence at NATO.
Here is a Canadian singer with a rebuke for the IMF:
And the great Leonard Cohen, singing a song I played in the weeks after 911:
Here is a Canadian singer with a rebuke for the IMF:
And the great Leonard Cohen, singing a song I played in the weeks after 911:
NAtionalist ZIonist = NAZI
Sounds to me like you should go back to Russia? I’ve never been to Florida or Russia but the outpouring of nostalgia for your homeland, if it were me, I think I’d want to be back there. I obviously don’t know your personal circumstances but part of me wishes I could have the life I have here in the Kootenays of Canada (off grid, remote, and back to nature), that if I could replicate the same situation in Russia, I’ve fantasized about what it would be like to live there. Obviously I’d have to learn Russian. My Russian friend out, Andrey, here says that it’s a better life where we are now instead of Russia so I have to take his word for it. He is originally from Kherson and him and I have been discussing the current events and he is the only one I can talk to as anyone else is like so many characters you describe in your piece.
Like you with some of your favourite musicians, I’ve had to completely switch them off of my ever wanting to listen to again and if I do catch a song of theirs if I happen to be driving or whatever, I have to turn it off. Same thing for media like CBC which I used to be a regular listener but now, I simply can’t stomach anything of them. It’s so bad that I have to look at any links to news or information that I’m seeking, and I avoid any of these MSM liars or left wing activists disguised as journalists.
I checked out the artists you wrote about. I think I get it.
A moving post for these times, even though written years back. It’s admirable that you could see with clarity the hold and spread of Nazism in Ukraine over the years.
Such people, who have lost the ability of recognizing and hating Evil, are in most countries. In India, the terrorist who masterminded the attack on the Parliament building, was supported on social media quite vocally by most of the celebrities and socially active personalities. But the same people were silent when the Hindu community in Kashmir was given a 24 hour ultimatum: convert to Islam, leave or die. This story has now been told in the form of a movie “Kashmir files” after a lapse of more than 2 decades. The people who chose to remain silent (“bystanders”) are now being held accountable by the young generation.
Pakistan’s rulers killed off 90% of the Intelligentsia in the former East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) until the elected leader from East Pakistan appealed to India for help. India liberated what is now Bangladesh in an operation much like the Russian operation in Ukraine. But still there are people in Bangladesh who hate India and glorify Pakistan.
The point is: Evil and its supporters are real. They may be consciously supporting Evil or may be victims of the brain-destroying education (they read the wrong books at kids in your words!). Very distressingly, they may be found also among one’s family, among one’s close friends, even among one’s elders and teachers. Their support for Evil needs to prominently guide one’s relationship with them.
Indian scriptures, particularly Mahabharata (, describe a war between the Good and the Evil, where warriors from both sides were first cousins. With the armies facing each other, the warrior heading the forces of the Good (Arjuna) has misgivings about the war. He saw ranged against him, his family, his teachers, his elders. He shared his disquiet with his charioteer, Lord Krishna, who counseled him in words which are now known as Bhagvad Gita ( He said that the Evil needs to be vanquished in all its forms, even if they be one’s kin and teachers and elders.
The war in Ukraine and your post today highlight the reality that morality is existential. Good and Evil cannot co-exist forever. The time has come when everyone, especially those who visit this blog, have to make a choice of whether one is with Good or Evil (and take responsibility of identifying which is which!). In your words “Thou shalt not be a bystander.”.
Amazing prescience. This article could have been written today. May He keep giving you this type of insight.
“blindness about 911”
The foremost authors of that crime are non-human for the following reasons (regarding just the planes): In all videos the second “plane” goes through the whole building to emerge through the other side with the nose mostly-basically intact. No human can do that. No mentioned human agenda is served by that. The reaction of humanity – the blindness – also points to factors beyond normal understanding. In the New York TV coverage of the second impact (with the clearest image), both TV anchors say “it went right through…”, when they see the front of it emerging from the building – first the male says it and, after showing the film again, the female says the same thing, but you see it with your own eyes. We have only one film of the impact on the N. Tower, the other tower, from a French crew, and in this film we see the first plane exploding on impact and inside. Yet, in the book titled, “Women at Ground Zero: Stories of Courage and Compassion”, published in 2002 (313 pages), the first woman’s account says the plane got stuck on the wall of impact, half-way in, half-way out. Once again, there is no need for this to happen for any human agenda of any kind. It says: “We ran up the road, and as I looked up, I saw the first plane half in, half out of the North Tower. I only saw the back end of the plane, the tail end of it. The nose was buried in the building.” Pg. 4. It does not appear from her account that there was an explosion. “A plane has hit the World Trade Center”, she confirmed. Considering the solid nature of the part that could stay half out after an impact at more than 400 miles per hour, its buried nose likely stayed intact too (why not).
The non-human aspect is what we can know with clarity from this distance. We can know much about it/him from such stupid facts: He has an intelligence complex. He mocks a lot. He is all hate. He has zero intelligence then. Looks desperate. Looks like he has a lot of complaints. (“Somebody lied”, he probably says.) He fell, that’s no ascension. He’s weak not strong – he fights with us. What he lacks is much more than what he has. He is an enemy of intelligence, logic, reason, truth and goodness. He “preaches” loudly in the sense that it’s all highly suggestive.
It shows that the artists you’ve mentioned in the article base their opinions proportional to the size of their bank accounts. They’re basically sold out. It’s not new, most artists, artisans, analysts, philosophers, politicians and others simply follow their natural instincts chasing where the money would be. Uncle Zio knows a thing or two about how to feed – nourish the 5th columns in every country in order to set them against the local population. The success of the dollar world order relies on this method.
What I want to say is already said !! I repeat : I have no words left because you Andrei say it for me. I agree, I more than agree. When I told a so called friend that Zilenskyy is a traitor to the jewish faith,he called it fake news. So I cut off relations to the left and right and I’m standing alone except for my dear wife of course. But the only thing I care about is the truth and you gave me the truth Andrei. Thank you and I know you will give me the truth in the future as well.
The aches of he heart…You probably know it, but I will still suggest it : Nikolay Rostorguev – Lube.
Руские рубят руских…
Дед, а зачем воевали?
А что дома не сиделось…
That was one major crossroad of our “Weltschmerz”
Dear Saker,
Five years ago, you strongly recommended Guy Mettan’s “Russie-Occident, une guerre de mille ans”. A first class book indeed, which I read again last week: It lost nothing of its value and importance, and I would recommend it again. It now exists in French in a cheap edition (12 Euro), in Italian (“Russofobia – mille anni di differenza”),and in English (“Creatin russophobia – from the great religious schism to anti-Putin hysteria”). And then there is a newer book by Mettan: “Le continent perdu – plaidoyer pour une europe démocratique et souveraine”, that exists also in English: “Europe’s existential dilemma: to be or not to be an American vassal”. Thanks for your work and have a nice day!
When one realizes many of the EU royal houses secretly funded the 1933-45 Nazis to plunder Europe and Russia along with their money managers the 5 arrows, and their minons in the industrialists in EU UK US, you can understand whats currently going on.
They have for 350 years hidden behind parliamentary politicians who take the fall when things go wrong.
Other big investors are also involved.
The EU was set up to plunder the weaker EU countries, and in recent times those in the old Eastern Bloc.
Now as was expected, it has turned to UKN and Russia. After sideshows with Iraq (1990-2003) and Iran (1979+).
And they are currently oppressing their domestic populations with this pandemic.
The answer to all these problems should be clear.
Same feelings. I feel that I live omong zombies.
Hi Saker,
I don’t expect you to like this, but I feel I owe you something.
The timing of the recent action in Ukraine is not a coincidence. Zelensky and his crew are barely more than actors on a stage, manipulated as part of a bigger plan. In some ways they will be the greatest victims when Ukraine collapses, as it likely will. Others dictate their movements.
Their real task is to divide the world into east and west by fomenting hatred. When emotion replaces reason, people make mistakes, and mistakes are costly. Reading Lavrov’s body language suggests he is the one most aware of this. I doubt that Russia will make mistakes, but as for the West, they are all but lost.
Seek justice and abhor revenge.
If you consider yourself a Christian, your challenge is to love your enemies, even Azov.
A cossack friend in Switzerland told me yesterday, that an Azov unit of 7000 men are trapped inside Mariupol without ammo, water or other supplies and they want to surrender, but that Volodymyr Zilenskyj won’t hear of it. Because the Azov brigades are also a political force inside Ucraine he’d like to get rid of, and gruesome pictures of a massacre committed by the enemy would just play well for him. Not that I have much sympathy for them, but it shows what this war is all about. Not for the sake of Ucrainian people, to be sure.
I’ve just read through all the comments posted up until this point. Laying down base generalizations and false statistics for which their is no verifiable data does not help.
All I can say is that the disinformation/misinformation/outright lies/false atribution is starting to have a negative impact. Anecdotally all I can say is that I have had more friends send me private messages or stopped by to catch up over this last week to talk about what is going on in Eastern Europe. They usually start with, “I was hoping you could talk to me about this Ukraine Russia thing because…” All my friends know I have a lot of free time on my hands. I don’t just read blogs or news reports but have time to go and read actual government documents and reports and white papers. They also know I studied two degrees being Law and Security, Terrorism and Counter-terrorism (Geo-politics and security of many types) and have a deep interest in world affairs of various types.
It is precisely due to the lack of any alternative narrative followed by the inundation of ‘news’ that has no variation (Left and Right wing news outlets all telling almost the exact same narrative) that even people with little interest in politics or general world affairs (as pointed out in other comments people are busy just making a living and raising families) are asking intelligent questions.
So it may be taking time but the fact we usually live in a 24 hour news cycle but in this we have rolling coverage of Ukraine for weeks, which came out of nowhere for those who don’t follow any of this, is actually starting to have an adverse affect on the people who are meant to just remain asleep. What was once ‘normal’ has become abnormal and people are starting to ask why.
I am under no illusion that this is going to impact on everyone because for some people hatred of the ‘other’ is a requirement to be able to shift blame for the shit they have going on in their lives and for others they are just indoctrinated into this over generations. But rest assured that the Western Shock and Awe media assault is cracking.This is not due to a lack of inconsistencies but rather the fact that the media’s behaviour is inconsistent to its normal modus operandi.
Significant local events are moved further down a website or are found on page 3 or further where for locals they are the real issues. Not the war between Russia and Ukraine. Which is one of the first things I say. This conflict is not about Russia and Ukraine, this conflict is regarding Russia and the US and the planned expansion of NATO. It is then a matter of giving some historical context followed on by going over news articles in late 2021 and early 2022 and answering questions. These conversations, some lasting for hours all end the same way. “Would you please send me some links so I can look over this on my own.”
So they start the same way and usually end the same way. The format is always the same, a little background with some evidence and then Q and A going wherever their interest is. For the accountants and economists I know it’s usually sanctions and their impacts and who is doing what. For the lawyers its discussing international law and pointing out their is a difference between International Law and an International Rules Based system. For my mates who are tradesmen or work in service industry they just want an alternative point of view. But I don’t want to just tell them. So I send them to government websites. To reports and statements by regional and international bodies. Steering clear of news and blogs because right now they just need the chance to red on their own. I also highlight some of the incorrect statements and inconsistencies in policy. Saving Ukraine is a must but in Yemen it doesn’t matter.
I know that some of those I speak with are then having conversations of their own because I get the odd message or two seeking clarification on something because they are talking to .
I’m left thinking that much like Russia has been taking their time when and where they can this time is also valuable to the populations in the West. Because the longer this media saturation goes on the longer people are slowly realising the media’s behaviour on this subject is not normal and looking to alternative news. Some people quicker than others. As is evidenced by the Saker’s own statements that readership is increased here.
So it’s only an anecdote. It’s only a group of people that I know. But their previous opinions and biases are being questioned and surprisingly it is due to the wall to wall propaganda with no MSM outlet stepping outside the boundaries of the narrative.
Kind regards
In other words:
The msm doth protest too much, methinks?
“For some people hatred of the ‘other’ is a requirement to be able to shift blame for the shit they have going on in their lives”.
True, and it’s almost astonishing how this works: I’m precisely referring to the huge amount of irrelevant complains one can find attached to the despisal of “others”. And social media like Fakebook and Twatter made this phenomenon to explode publicly. Martin Heidegger used to call this kind of things “little machinations” of the contemporary man. Westerners have been pampered to complain about things that people from the rest of the world would be ashamed to complain about. West is nurturing ignorance, cowardice and delusional bragging.
“stepping outside the boundaries of the narrative.”
That process has been ongoing throughout the world for thousands of years even when matters were discussed around fires in caves, an updated summary of an original study from 1969 being :
“”The Jaw-Dropping Power of US Propaganda”
Evaluation is a function of purpose and one of the purposes of “US propaganda” is to facilitate the sustainability, in slightly modulated forms if required, of coercive social relations self-misrepresented as “The United States of America”.
Evaluation is simultaneously a function of facility, including methods of evaluation and scope of datastreams subjected to methods of evaluation, and notions of causal interactions/relationships.
To paraphrase Mr. Marx most “philosophers” described the world where the point is to change it, where as some change it by implementing rigorous tested philosophies/strategies.
On analyses that can in limited form be tested, it appears that for some the jaw-dropping power of US Propaganda renders them more comatose and bereft of informed agency, whilst some compare propaganda and their experience and wish to return to a time which never existed, whilst others subjected to the actions of Us – the “others” – are rendered more motivated to engage in lateral change in co-operation with others, since they perceive this as the most viable option to continue their existence – the ones who “lie” to evaluators whilst in different contexts of opportunity kill them.
In growing effect the jaw-dropping power of US Propaganda renders potential pre-disposed supporters even more comatose and reliant on hopes, whilst simultaneously encouraging the coalescence and resolve of their opponents to transcend the “Us” with the minimum of blowback.
Consequently in significant measure the jaw-dropping power of US Propaganda decreases the informed agency of potential pre-disposed supporters whilst simulaneously increasing the coalescence and hence agency of the opponents of “Us”.
The jaw-dropping power of US Propaganda lies in the sawing of branches upon which they are supported whilst simultaneously increasing the opponents who can make use of such “unforeseen consequences” thereby defeating its purpose, facilitating their dropping not restricted to jaws.
In different register:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
The purpose has been to transcend coercive social relation by relations based on mutually beneficial co-operation with the complicity of coercive social relations, hence emulation of the constructs of coercive social relations would be self-destructive, including when practiced by the coercive social relations.
” Some people quicker than others.”
That is so and hence pursuing tactics immersed in illusions of if-only-the-papa-czar-knew are also self-destructive, so wise trajectories are based on from each according to her/his abilities, to each according to her/his needs which coercive social relations attempt to frustrate through individual competition and deeming criticism to be an attack; not a form of cooperation.
Another illustration being:
March 29, 2022 at 04:42
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
“Biden Confirms Why the US Needed This War”
Like Mr. Brzezinsky in Afghanistan, couldn’t resist assigning sole agency since attribution is
encouraged from birth via who-is-a-clever-boyness.
Andrei My Brother,
I know the Russian Armed Forces are advancing slowly and systematically, attempting to minimize civilian casualties while at the same time drawing out the AFU and Nazi Battalions to their ultimate demise. I just hope the Russians do not stop until they have achieved (at the very least) a very thorough completion of their original goals. I also hope they do not surrender any territory they have gained by the sacrifice of Russian soldiers to the gangsters of Kiev and their NATO Pimps.
I have been watching videos of the atrocities committed by the AFU and especially by the Nazis. These butchers deserve no safe quarter. They prey on the weak and the vulnerable. Russia is doing Ukraine and the world a favor by removing this Western induced cancer before it spreads.
As an artist working in Europe (Germany) I completely agree with your analysis. I am myself disgusted at what I see happening here right now but this didn’t start happening today, it didn’t start happening in 2014, it was a very slow process or maybe my being aware of what was going on around me was a slow process. Probably both is right. You are a very inspiring voice, thank you!
The West’s main problem is that its era of conquest and exploitation, which has lasted since 1492, is just coming to an end. What will they replace it with ? Can they live differently ? Central European countries are in a slightly better situation, because they can refer to the period of peaceful coexistence and cooperation with other countries between 1945 and 1990. Contrary to western propaganda, this was a very good period in the history of those countries, and the domination of the Soviet Union over them was … a myth. They had more sovereignty and independence then than now ( from the USA).
“which has lasted since 1492”
You are correct.
It is the start of the end of colonialism which has mutated into different forms including “independence/dominion status” – as long as you have relationships with the intelligence agencies of the “metropole”, continuing banking relations with the metropole, and support the “metropole” in times of trouble – which is what “The United States of America” is presently attempting to sustain.
Previously Australia had a spanking and Mr. Whitlam was sent to Coventry unlike Mr. Lumumba or Mr. Palme, and likely both Barbados and Jamaica will suffer slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, which will encourage some even more to cooperate in the transcendence of “The United States of America”, within which apparently everyone is an expert because it says so on their resume.
Anyone can answer this?
The RF are saying each day Ukrainian planes and helicopters are being shot down, one was brought down yesterday over Mariupol.
So where are they coming from?
I understand drones can be launched almost anywhere but fighter jets less so
Has the West sunk into Nazism ? My article published 2 days ago.
That´s because the EU isn´t anti nazi. It is anti-semitism that is outlawed, not nazism. It is just because some people who have nazi sympathies AND are anti-semitic that they are arrested. If they have nazi sympathies, but turn their ire onto non-jews, then they are left alone, or even praised. This much is evident with this whole ukrainian situation.
Suggestion – my favorite (Dad used to sing it) :
Traditional Russian Song: Evening Bells – Вечерний звон
Incredible YT channel, huge number of music and art pieces.
хор мальчиков хорового училища им.М.И.Глинки (СПб) часть 6 – Choir of boys of the choir school named after M.I. Glinka (St. Petersburg) part 6
No idea of the politics of these 2 channel owners….
By the way, the last time at the Swiss Geneva Basilica, the cupola was under repair – looks like it is beautiful again!
For you disappointed canadiens some telegram charnel where you’ll find Russian supporters (mostly in French but not only):
Dear friends hold on tight to your good ideas.
The ring of power is nothing but some fetish.
At the time of this great dreadful battle, two witnesses with brave hearts are climbing up Mount Doom and the evil spell that reigns over countless spirits is going to be cast into the great pit of fire.
Eyes will open, and see the Truth you have carried over.
Freedom day for all is at hand.
Thank to your Faith an Hope.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo soy Español por parte de padres y abuelos pero naci en Argentina, estoy viviedo en España hace 20 años como tu y debido a la que se viene en Europa estoy volviendo a Argentina, no puedo concebir que se blanque a los putos nazis, me da asco escuchar a todos los periodistas apoyar a los ukronazis y a los politicos socialistas a los que vote mentir descaradamente sobre Ucrania estamos en el Gran Hermano y la gente no se entera seguire apoyando a The Saker economicamente para que alguien cuente la verdad
As for 9/11 , Patrick Lawrence gets it precisely right :
“Infantile imperialism.”
‘These are not serious people.’
9/11 changed everything leading to the current disaster. Explains the infantilism rampant everywhere in the Empire of Líes.
So the US was totally turned by terrorism – which was a BAE/Saudi operation – the worlds biggest loose end.
The daylight murder of JFK was the attack, terrorism, that led to further assaults. And neither the JFK files not 9/11 files are yet declassified. And the original act of nuclear terrorism by Truman was aimed at Americans – Hiroshima and Nagasaki were for these terrorists collateral damage.
US Empire is living a sort of paradox: it is a young Empire, just a teenager in comparison with other historical similar entities (i.e. Roman Empire, Persian Empire, Chinese Empire)… nonetheless, it is a declining Empire.
It’s so unusual in history to find a case like this: usually declining Empires are old and tired ones, surviving for inertia. US is different, it’s like an inexperienced teenager with terminal disease, acting stupid and irresposibly… or at least this is the most suited metaphor that jumped into my mind.
The leftist types completely lost the plot in 1998 when NATO bombed Serbia to stop….of course….Serbian “nazis” who were being mean to NATO’s darlings, the KLA cutthroats. The “liberals” loved humanitarian bombing and were all for more of it years later when their darlings Obama and Hillary were regime changing Libya and Syria using….of course….bands of fanatical cutthroats to do it. How they love their fanatical cutthroats! Azov is like a Slavic ISIS, or another KLA, the main difference being that Azov was made official by the state in which they operate. Its actually really surprising how understanding of CIA-run, dirty war just sort of evaporated among the left, because it used to be its main focus. I know this because I ran a bit in those circles in the 80’s.
Ukraine is a hate group masquerading as a country
Ian Kummer ask in his blog why Zelensky or Ukraine cannot form an alliance with Russia?
Ian Kummer then gives the answer. Ukraine as an idea is built on hate.
Conzalo Lira speaks from Kharkov with absolute clarity. (It is almost as if the war has made him reach a state of spiritual enlightenment.) in his latest two hour talk on Victoria Nuland he states the obvious, that is always left out of any Western discussion on the Ukraine: Russians do not hate Ukraine or Ukrainians but Ukrainians hate Russia. The half of Ukraine that considers themselves “Ukrainian” hates Russians, the Russians language, and Russian history and wants to eliminate them from the territory of Ukraine.
I understood the issue almost twenty years ago, but it took me several more years before I was bold enough to write it down and state it in my own name.
Or to paraphrase John McCain:
This same hate has now blinded the West. Ukrainian nationalist flags are shown everywhere. Most people understand that the displays have nothing to do with peace or solidarity, but are an open expression of their hate toward everything Russian. Russians are not “White” and thus the blue and yellow flag is the ultimate symbol of White Supremacy. The rag is the new Swastika.
I don’t think this is correct. German national-socialists were not globalists, on the contrary. Communists were, and Jews are (in their own way). Hitler not only asked for an alliance with Stalin, but for a short period of time he also obtained it.
I’ve also tried to read mr.Kummel’s article, but I had to stop after several historical falsities. His argument, though, is completely wrong.
Ironically, hypocritically those traveling through the Empire of Chaos-Lies-Murder can discover, alongside the new “We Support Ukraine” propaganda, some of the legacy anti-Trump red, white and blue yard signs posted in front of private homes and on public street curbs stating “Hate Has No Home Here” written in several languages, including English and Arabic. But no Russian is ever found on these signs.
Asking native Russian speakers how this phrase translates into their language poses a challenge for them. Apparently, when conversing in Russian, one does not use the word “hate” in polite conversation.
For example, one would never say “I hate broccoli.” With some reluctance they offer something roughly equivalent. For example: “здесь нет места ненавмисти” (please offer any correction if needed, thank you!) Without a doubt these signs are a component of professionally constructed and well funded domestic psychological operation designed to steer the Ameri-sheeple into compliance with their official narrative of the season.
Whoever controls The Big Propaganda Department in Empire of Chaos-Lies-Murder has, in the aggregate, near perfect control over its subjects’ hearts and minds. If and when New Management should appear, it merely needs to take its place at the controls of the broadcast and publishing houses in order to steer the Ameri-sheeple as desired, either back to their training centers, injection centers, or off a cliff. They will dutifully obey. It will be interesting to see exactly if and how “military-technical” might play out in this sphere.
“This same hate has now blinded the West. ”
I have to disagree, you have it upside down. It is the ‘west’ that have injected this hatred into Ukraine. Over the course of 30 years they have managed to turnaround a population, whos grand parents proudly defeated Nazism, to become what their grandparents gave their lives to defeat. There is supreme evil at work here.