An interesting take on the famous song of the Italian partisans “Bella Ciao“:

From the notes on the YouTube page:

The video is dedicated to the fighters of the Novorossia in the сivil war, Ukraine, 2014 Add-ons: 1) Photo album ‘The victims of the Civil War’: ; 2) Playlist Bella Ciao… ; 3) Photo Album ‘Bella Cia – The Army of the Novorosija – Армия Новороссии 2014’ ; 4) Photo Album ‘Bella Ciao – military girls’ ; (5-6 See later); 7) The backing tracks ‘Bella Ciao’, минусовки:…
U.S. unleashed a civil war in Ukraine, to save its economy from default. U.S. seeks to break the link Europe – Russia, and is seeking to subjugate the European gas market to their own interests. The Ukraine for the USA is only a playing card in it’s global game. Russian, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, English. Music at the beginning and at the end of the video by Giuseppe Torrisi…
Russion vokalists: Tatiana Grig and Elena Sofronova.