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Breaking Articles

Banana Follies: The Mother of All Color Revolutions

by Pepe Escobar and cross-posted with Asia Times A gaming exercise of the perfect, indigenous color revolution, code-named Blue, was leaked from a major think tank established in the imperial lands that first designed the color revolution concept. Not all the information disclosed here about the gaming of Blue has been declassified. That may well elicit a harsh response from the Deep State, even as a similar scenario was gamed

Results are in: Americans lose, duopoly wins, Trumpism wasn’t a cult of personality (2/2)

by Ramin Mazaheri and crossposted with PressTV For Americans who believe that their system is actually capable of reform it would be nice if Trumpism was merely a cult of personality, but the 2020 non-presidential election results prove it truly is more than that. I think non-Americans grasp this even if Americans do not, as they are so effectively propagandised by an intensely corrupt Washington elite and their media sycophants.

Results are in: Americans lose, duopoly wins, Trumpism not merely a cult (1/2)

By Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog and cross-posted with Press TV It’s Day 3 of the US Election Debacle and – as we’re still mid-debacle – it’s very possible that Donald Trump will be the only conservative casualty, because it’s already certain the US election was an undeniable disaster for Democrats. The Democrats had everything on their side in 2020: the mainstream media, the Deep State, the (self-professed) moral

Nasrallah: Macron is waging a losing war against Islam and Muslims

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on October 30, 2020, on the occasion of Islamic Unity Week, commemorating the birth of the Prophet of Islam, Mohammad b. Abdallah (born on the 12th day of the month of Rabi ’al-Awal according to the Sunnis, and the 17th according to the Shiites). See also Ramzan Kadyrov’s full reply to Macron below Source: Translation: Transcript: The status of the

The Russia-China vote

by Pepe Escobar with permission and cross-posted with Asia Times Whatever the geopolitical and geoeconomic consequences of the spectacular US dystopia, the Russia-China strategic partnership, in their own slightly different registers, have already voted on their path forward. Here is how I framed what is at the heart of the Chinese 2021-2025 five-year plan approved at the plenum in Beijing last week. Here is a standard Chinese think tank interpretation.

Russian and Belorussian Defense Ministers Give Important Update on Belarus

  Translated by Sasha and subtitled by Leo. Meeting took place on October 27, 2020. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu: Good day, dear colleagues. The Republic of Belarus was and remains our closest neighbour, reliable ally and strategic partner. This is particularly important under the current conditions of international instability, when the mistrust in relations between countries is growing, when attempts are made to undermine the basis of the international

South Africa – The State/Ruling Class as predator and citizens as prey

by a South African writer for the Saker Blog What is the The ‘Why’ of this writing?  Because, for the US, some of you may be the proverbial ‘white South Africans’ now. We can assume that BLM, Antifa, and similar groupings, particularly in the US, are inventions by factions of the ruling class elites. Initially, it looked perhaps as simple as a garden variety color revolution, to divert attention from

Blacklist of Iranian media by Bernie’s DSA suggests no Iran change with Biden

by Ramin Mazaheri and crossposted with PressTV PressTV’s guiding light has always been to be a “voice for the voiceless”. This is why it was collectively decided that in our coverage of the US presidential election primacy should be given to third parties and non-mainstream political groups, as a political duopoly systematically and legally suppresses them with such vehemence that it causes many to say that US elections should actually

Can You Smell What the Chinese Are Cooking?

By Pepe Escobar with permission and cross posted with The Strategic Culture Foundation Less than a week before the game-changing U.S. presidential election, the real heart of the geopolitical and geoeconomic action is virtually invisible to the outside world. We’re talking about the fifth plenum of the 19th Chinese Communist Party (CPC) Central Committee, which started this past Monday in Beijing. The plenum congregates the 200 members – and another

Trump’s 1st win gutted Iran’s moderates – will 2nd win push a military man into office?

By: Habib A. Abdolhossein for the Saker Blog Habib is the editor-in-chief at PressTV, Iran’s English-language media organisation. He is an Iranian media expert and holds an M.A. in Media management from the University of Tehran. With less than two days to the US election many Iranians are eagerly following the news, as they expect the outcome to impact their own futures. The ultimate fate of the fragile 2015 Iran

Saudi-led blockade keeps lifeblood Yemeni port at standstill

Original link: Video link: Description: News report on the deteriorating situation at Yemen’s lifeblood port of Al Hudaydah caused by the Saudi-led blockade. Source: RT Arabic Date: October 24, 2020 (Important Note: Please help us keep producing independent translations for you by contributing as little as $1/month here: Transcript: RT reporter: A complete standstill and empty berths with no commercial ships nor humanitarian aid… This is the

A Dem Presidency means The Return of the Blob

by Pepe Escobar with permission and cross posted with Asia Times What happens on November 3rd ? It’s like a larger than life replay of the famous Hollywood adage: “No one knows anything.” The Dem strategy is crystal clear, spawned by the gaming of election scenarios embedded in the Transition Integrity Project and made even more explicit by one of TIP’s co-founders, a law professor at Georgetown University. Hillary Clinton,

Data in the Cloud

by Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog If flattery is the infantry of negotiations, then mendacity is the air force of politics. There are exceptions, but as a practical rule truth tellers are not deemed worthy of the public trust. To the question, “who does the deeming?” the reader will have already answered euphemistically, “the mainstream media,” better known as “media from hell.” Meanwhile the social media conglomerates are now

Cui bono from the situation in France

I won’t even bother repeating it all here, those who are interested in my views of this entire Charlie Hebdo canard can read my article “I am NOT Charlie” here: No, what I want to do is to ask a simple question: do you think the French leaders are simply stupid, suicidal or naive?  I submit that they neither stupid, nor suicidal nor naive.  In fact, they are using

A Delegated System of Governance: Understanding the Concepts of Imamat and Wilayat in Shi’a Islam, Part III

by Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker Blog   Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim, “In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. In Part I (See here) of the topic, the Islamic Republic of Iran was referenced as a contemporary example that has explicitly admitted and earnestly strived to incorporate God’s Wilayat (Protecting Guardianship) and His Words within the framework of Shi’a Islam into its system of governance and to firmly guard

Why Propaganda is Vital In Upholding The Illusion of a Democracy

By Cynthia Chung for the Saker Blog “Whenever the government of the United States shall break up, it will probably be in consequence of a false direction having been given to public opinion. This is the weak point of our defenses, and the part to which the enemies of the system will direct all their attacks. Opinion can be so perverted as to cause the false to seem true; the

Saker message of thanks to our wonderful community!

Dear friends I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to all those who have responded to my Fall appeal for donations: all of you have been extremely generous, irrespective of how much you actually donated.  Some of you gave more, some less, but all gave from the heart, and many of you wrote extremely touching letters of support, both by email and by snail mail.  Some could not donate money,

A Mutual Understanding

by Nicholas Molodyko for The Saker Blog They need to understand that we know. We need to understand that they are human.   Cancer Ward From my youth I had a strong connection to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, but I did not know precisely why. His name was mentioned in our house. His friends were friends of my parents. Solzhenitsyn was supposed to spend a summer in the late 1970s with our
