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Breaking Articles

Reading the “traitors” – a good or a bad idea?

[this article was written for the Unz Review] There are two names which often trigger a very strong and hostile reaction from many Russians:  Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Vladimir Rezun aka “Viktor Suvorov”.  The list of accusations against these two men usually includes: Alexander Solzhenitsyn: he made up numbers about 66 million people killed by the Soviet regime, he spoke favorably of General Andrei Vlasov, he was a CIA stooge, he

Four Myths About Bulgaria During the Second World War

A special note from the translator: As a Bulgarian, I have translated in good faith and on a goodwill basis from Russian to English the following brief article, as a small example on the topic of Bulgarian-Russian friendship underlined by the complex events in our mutual history. Let this also serve as a warning to all those external and internal forces and opportunist elements who might try to sully our

Russian naval presence in Indian Ocean

By Nat South for The Saker Blog I am interested in the way that narratives that shape individual events are crafted, curated and disseminated, because ultimately there is a tendency to focus mostly on specific events and ignore the wider context. Ultimately, we end up with being presented with a series of disjointed events, not really understanding the history or the detailed framing of these events. One such example would

Munich conference reveals East-West divide

By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stresses urgent need for international coordination ‘to build a shared future’ Few postmodern political pantomimes have been more revealing than the hundreds of so-called “international decision-makers,” mostly Western, waxing lyrical, disgusted or nostalgic over “Westlessness” at the Munich Security Conference. “Westlessness” sounds like one of those constipated concepts issued from a post-party bad hangover at the Rive Gauche

Assad after Aleppo’s Liberation: Despite Erdogan’s Loud Bark, All of Syria Will Be Liberated

Statement by Bashar al-Assad, President of the Syrian Arab Republic, on February 17, 2020. Source: Translation: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stated that the Liberation of the city of Aleppo did not mean the end of the war, the fall of enemy plans, the end of terrorism, or the surrender of enemies, but that it certainly meant that they had bitten the dust, as a prelude to their complete

COVID-19 – What people say, and only 5 realities

by Amarynth, drawing together a braintrust from The Movable Feast Cafe We set up a ‘brain trust’ in the Cafe in order to write a combined sitrep for The Saker Blog about the Coronavirus. The new name in the taxonomy is COVID-19 but let’s stick to Novel Coronavirus for now. It is of course too early to come to any conclusions, but we can start isolating the discernible high level

Sitrep – Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua

Chris Faure for The Saker Blog While the Mena is exploding in tensions, the Empire is hungry and is not leaving these countries in Latin America any breathing room. Although it can be argued that the circumstances are different in each, there are certain commonalities that can be pointed out. Venezuela The Trump administration warned early in February of “impactful” measures on the government of Venezuela First was a blanket

Interstate competition swallows Bolsonaro´s Government

Fabio Reis Vianna for The Saker Blog When U.S. President Donald Trump announced on December 2 the taxation of Brazilian and Argentine steel, restoring the immediate effect of the “tariffs on all steel and aluminum sent to the United States by these countries,” the amateur members of Bolsonaro´s government were unable to hide their disbelief in their faces of disappointment. Even with reality falling on their heads, the blindness of

Trump Plans to Keep U.S. Troops Permanently in Iraq

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog A reliable and exceptionally knowledgeable source, who doesn’t wish to be publicly identified, has confidentially informed me that an agreement has been reached in which U.S. troops will remain permanently in Iraq but under exclusively NATO command, no longer under the command of CentCom (US Central Command in the Middle East). On February 12th, NATO’s defense ministers agreed to increase operations in Iraq.

Erdogan’s Long-Coming Reality Check:

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog It is hard to say if Erdogan is running out of choices, friends, time, or all of the above; and his stands on various issues and the contradictions he ploughs through are making his situation increasingly untenable. For the benefit of readers who haven’t heard this before; Erdogan is juggling being a Turkish Muslim reformer who parades under the photos of Turkish secular

IRGC Aerospace Forces Commander’s debriefing about Iran’s strike against Al-Assad US Airbase

Press conference by the Commander of the Aerospace Forces of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Ali Hajizadeh, on January 10, devoted to the Iranian strikes against al-Assad US Airbase. Source: Translation: Transcript: The assassination of the martyr Hajj Qassem Soleimani was one of the greatest strategic mistakes in the history of the United States. These strikes were only the beginning of considerable transformations and developments in the

Kevin Barrett interviews the Saker

Dear friends, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Kevin Barrett.  Here is where you can listen to our interview: I want to use this opportunity to sincerely thank all those Nazis who angrily defended Hitler and the Nazis – they made my case better than I ever could!  Thank you guys for doing exactly what I thought you would do :-) Hugs and cheers, The Saker

Understanding why they lie and why they get away with it

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] In lieu of an normal introduction: the eternally evolving BDA Friends, the Pentagon did it again.  Through CNN, of course.  Here is this “latest news”: Over 100 US service members have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injuries in the wake of the January 8 Iranian missile attack on the al Asad military base in Iraq, according to a US official with

Miscegenation as elephant in the room

by Denis A. Conroy for The Saker Blog In the capitalist West, a reinvention of bourgeois culture is continuously expressed through ownership of devises that legitimise power. Alternating forms of bourgeois culture come and go to allow the public to toy with alternative bourgeois values, but never with the idea of alternatives ‘to’ bourgeois values as such. The net result of all of this is that the public is permitted

Nasrallah: Iran’s strike is the first step towards the expulsion of all US forces from the Middle East

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on January 12, 2020, commemorating the martyrdom of Hajj Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. Translation: Transcript: […] My third point concerns the response (to the assassination of Soleimani), or the just retribution (which must be inflicted on the United States), which I mentioned last Sunday after His Eminence the Leader (Khamenei), (political and military) Iranian and Iraqi officials, and Resistance

Pakistan’s Big Victory Against Terrorism

by Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan for The Saker Blog The term “terroriste” in French, meaning “terrorist”, is first used in 1794 by the French philosopher François-Noël Babeuf, who denounces Maximilien Robespierre’s Jacobin regime as a dictatorship. Terrorism has many definitions but the well-recognized by the UN is “intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a

Tom Luongo interviews the Saker

Yesterday I had the pleasure to speak with Tom Luongo, here is where you can listen to our conversation: Podcast Episode #20 – The Saker and the Necessary Retreat of Empires Listen to “Episode #20 – The Saker and the Necessary Retreat of Empires” on Spreaker.

Mr Lavrov grabs the imperial tiger by the tail and announces his main task

By Chris Faure for The Saker Blog Can you imagine the puce colored faces of indignation in the US house of exceptionalism when Mr Lavrov grabbed the imperial tiger by the tail during his 3-country trip to Latin America. His trip may not have been planned this way, but it gave an opportunity for Lavrov to resist the warmongering SOTU address of Mr Trump, where Trump again took aim at

Mathematics and the Power of a Nation

Paul Schmutz Schaller for The Saker Blog Introduction In some sense, this article is a comment on some aspects of Andrei Martyanov’s two books „Losing Military Supremacy: the Myopia of American Strategic Planning“ (2018) and „The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs“ (2019). I am not aiming at discussing these excellent books; if you do not intend to read them, you may at least look at the book reviews of The

The siren call of a ‘system leader’

Pepe Escobar – posted with permission The United States may be destined for a shorter historical existence than the Mongol era established by Genghis Khan A considerable spectrum of the liberal West takes the American interpretation of what civilization consists of to be something like an immutable law of nature. But what if this interpretation is on the verge of an irreparable breakdown? Michael Vlahos has argued that the US
