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Breaking Articles

Poles Got Upset by Putin’s Words, Accusing Russia of Anti-Semitism

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Sasha and captioned by Leo.   Not only the Russian president’s speech at the Holocaust Memorial in Israel caused bad pain in the hinds of the Euro-Ukros and our native liberal wish washers, it also offended the Poles when Putin reminded the world of their nationalists’ inhuman policies. The Russian leader’s visit to Israel has now ended a few days ago but the behinds in

New memoire by Margaret Randall: Intrepid Anti-imperialist

by Susan Babbitt for The Saker Blog Margaret Randall’s new memoire, I Never Left Home, [1] is a story of resistance in Mexico, Cuba and Nicaragua. Now 83, in New Mexico, she is writer, teacher and mentor to younger artists. Randall is an intrepid, compassionate example of anti-imperialist creativity, with more than 150 publications of poetry and non-fiction, all demonstrating profound respect for ideas from the South. It is not

SITREP: The Progress for the Battle for Idlib

By Blake Archer Williams for the Vineyard of the Saker The Syrian government’s last push to get rid of foreign and domestic terrorists from its soil started on December 19th, and has met with great success. Since then, over 1,200 square kilometers of territory have been liberated. The main frontline of the war is currently to the area southeast of Idlib city, with gains having taken place as follows: Sarāqīb,

Putin Marks 75th Anniversary of WWII With Speech Warning About Looming Global Conflict!

Today, Vladimir Putin was presented with letters of credence by 23 ambassadors of foreign countries. The ceremony was held in the Grand Kremlin Palace’s Aleksandrovsky Hall. The presentation of letters of credence is usually held several times per year. This is the first ceremony held this year. By tradition, the president gives a welcoming address to the ambassadors. Full Transcript :   Presentation of foreign ambassadors’ letters of credence February 5,

Our fundamental disagreement about WWII, Hitler, Jews and race

[this column was written for the Unz Review] The topic of Russians and Jews is clearly a “hot” one. Over the past few years I wrote several articles on this topic including “Putin and Israel A Complex and Multi-Layered Relationship”, “Why Is Putin “Allowing” Israel to Bomb Syria?”, “Russia, Israel and the Values of “Western Civilization” – Where Is the Truth?” and “Debunking the Rumors About Russia Caving in to

The Syrian Russian Turksih Idlib Stand-Of – Erdogan’s Last Stand?

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog Even though the Syrian Army, with the aid of its international friends and allies, especially Russia, has been able to score many victories and liberate most of Syria’s major cities from the control of terrorist groups, the fight is far from over. Before the situation in the American-controlled North-East is addressed, the Western regions, including Idlib and its surrounds must be put back

Perspective on current Russia

by Alexey Mineev (Проект Кино telegram in Russian) for the Saker’s blog. “It is the economy, stupid.” It is the corruption, stupid. The reason that President Putin just undertook the major government shake-up axing PM Medvedev, his economy handling deputies and the minister, as well as several underperforming ministers, is undoubtedly the government’s failure to invigorate economic growth in last years. The plague of the country’s poverty is only the consequence

China’s virus response has been ‘breathtaking’

By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission Chinese President Xi Jinping is leading a scientific ‘People’s War’ against the coronavirus President Xi Jinping formally told WHO head Tedros Ghebreyesus, at their meeting in Beijing earlier this week, that the coronavirus epidemic “is a devil and we cannot allow the devil to hide.” Ghebreyesus for his part could not but praise Beijing for its extremely swift, coordinated response strategy – which includes

Ukraine’s Zelensky- Honoring Hitler at Israel’s Holocaust Commemoration

By George Eliason for The Saker Blog To paraphrase a saying so relevant today it’s scary, those that don’t understand history are bound to be bitten on the buttocks by it. Do you hear that sound? That’s history running up behind you. Israel just had a Holocaust commemoration that featured celebrating the memory of unrepentant WWII murderers and torturers along with the memory of their victims. That’s a win, win

Globalization – A sneaky overview

by Naresh Jotwani for The Saker Blog Consider the hypothetical case of an economy with annual GDP of 5 trillion US dollars, the broad economic dynamics of which are the subject matter of this exploration. The hypothetical country whose economy we analyse here is named AB, because its internal economy is composed of two distinct components A and B. The total population of AB is 100 million, but only about

U.S. posture in the Middle-East: preparing for disaster

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] Lies, damn lies and statistics Turns out that Trump and the Pentagon were lying. Again. This time about the true impact of the Iranian counter-strike on US forces in Iraq. First they claimed that there were no injured U.S. personnel, only to eventually have to fess up that 34 soldiers had suffered traumatic brain injury (which Trump “re-classified” as a “headache”).  Then

Muqtada al-Sadr, US occupation & the Iraqi Resistance

Original link: (Please support on Patreon: Description: Prominent Lebanese political analyst Nasser Kandil analyses the strategic significance of Iraqi Shia leader Sayyed Muqtada al-Sadr’s recent call for a “million-man march”, which demanded that the US military completely withdraw from the Arab country. Kandil is a regular fixture on Lebanese and Arab media, often commentating on matters relating to the regional ‘Resistance Axis’, an emerging anti-Israeli/anti-US imperialist alliance composed of, but

Analysis of the Iranian missile strikes on Ayn Al Asad Airbase

by Haider Geoanalyst for The Saker Blog Several sources in the past several days have analyzed the Iranian missile strikes on US forces at the Ayn Al Asad Airbase which took place more than two weeks ago on the 8th of January 2020 as a retaliation for the US assassination of the Iranian general Qassem Sulaimani. The reports have focused on several topics and methods ranging from satellite image interpretation,

U.S. Demands Iraq Either Join U.S. War Against Iran or Be Destroyed

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog U.S. officials have now made clear that if U.S. forces become removed from Iraq as Iraq’s Parliament unanimously demanded and Iraq’s Prime Minister affirmed on January 5th, then the U.S. will try to break Iraq up into separate Sunni and Shia nations, and will also definitely impose sanctions against Iraq or (if Iraq becomes successfully broken up) against the Shia-governed portion of Iraq,

Why the New Silk Roads are a ‘threat’ to US bloc

By Pepe Escobar posted with permission The Middle East is the key to wide-ranging, economic, interlinked integration, and peace Under the cascading roar of the 24/7 news cycle cum Twitter eruptions, it’s easy for most of the West, especially the US, to forget the basics about the interaction of Eurasia with its western peninsula, Europe. Asia and Europe have been trading goods and ideas since at least 3,500 BC. Historically,

SITREP: Iraq’s million-man march against US occupation, and Pentagon admits to 34 injuries from Iran strike

by Aram Mirzaei for The Saker Blog Iraqis have rallied in Baghdad in massive numbers to call for an end to US military presence in the country following high-profile assassinations and airstrikes targeting anti-terror forces. Sayed Sadiq al-Hashemi, the director of the Iraqi Center for Studies, said more than 2.5 million took part in the demonstrations on Friday. Since the early hours on Friday, huge crowds of men, women and children of

The Power of Myth

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog It is sometimes easier to ascertain the ambiguities, disentangle the intricacies, and recover the meaning of events long past, than it is to recover the logic of events now current. For one, the information industry can easily muddy the waters of the understanding, thanks to their arsenal of weapons of mass confusion. But there is another subtle cause at play. The human mind

Bankocracies: the real Western governance model – ending a 10-part series

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The Great Recession has exposed “capitalism with Western characteristics” for what it truly is: banker cultural worship, but also banker political governance. The reality that this is the real Western governance model has been thrown into sharpest relief in Europe: I hypothesise it’s because its government (the EU) is so much newer than in the US or almost everywhere else. It is also

Willfully and Consciously Demonizing Shia: the Leadership of the Pious

Mansoureh Tajik for The Saker Blog Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim, “In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.” This essay may be billed as a companion to, or a rebuttal of, or a commentary on Pepe Escobar’s article titled, “The Roots of American Demonization of Shia Islam” posted here. I am uncertain about a suitable label. Perhaps the readers could formulate a mental tag & file as they deem appropriate.
