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Breaking Articles

Quick update on the latest developments

Dear friends, Today is the Orthodox Eve of the Nativity, and tomorrow is the Orthodox Christmas so I will keep this one short. It appears that Russia and China blocked a US UNSC Resolution.  The message to Uncle Shmuel is simple: get out.  Needless to say, The Idiot-in-Chief and his malignant manatee are pissed. It also appears that Uncle Shmuel will initiate some kind of withdrawal. Why was Trump the

Anti-terror hero Soleimani a ‘terrorist’? US ‘false-life syndrome’ normal since 2003

Ramin Mazaheri – with permission and cross-posted with PressTV Ramin Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of the books ‘I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China’ and the upcoming

Financial N-option will settle Trump’s oil war

By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission On foreign soil, as a guest nation, US has assassinated a diplomatic envoy whose mission the US had requested The bombshell facts were delivered by caretaker Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi, during an extraordinary, historic parliamentary session in Baghdad on Sunday. Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani had flown into Baghdad on a normal carrier flight, carrying a diplomatic passport. He had been sent by

A Reaction from Tehran to the Martyrdom of General Qāsem Soleymānī

by Blake Archer Williams (posted by permission of the author) I have been asked by my friend and partner in crime (of resistance) Pepe Escobar to put some of my thoughts in writing about the extra-judicial murder of our national war hero, General Qāsem Soleymānī. Initially my thought was to write an essay; that is, to develop some thesis or other. But I am not in a frame of mind

SITREP : Iraq’s Shia factions to meet within hours to announce united anti-US military front

Link: Description: Nasr al-Shimri, the deputy-Secretary General of the al-Nujaba movement, comments on the latest developments surrounding the US military presence within Iraq and the region. The Nujaba movement is a key faction of Iraq’s Popular Mobilisation Units. Source: Al-Mayadeen TV Date: 06/01/2020 Transcript: – Washington has failed to shake Iraq’s relations with its strategic ally Iran – Iran is a strategic ally that stood with Iraq in the most difficult of

SITREP: Millions descend upon the streets of Tehran while Washington declares its refusal to leave Iraq

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog Today was the day when the mourning process for Martyr Soleimani and Martyr Al-Muhandis reached its climax when the funeral procession for the heroes reached Tehran. Millions of Iranians have packed the streets of Tehran to pay homage to the Middle East’s most prominent anti-terror commander General Qassem Soleimani who was assassinated on US President Donald Trump’s order Friday. A huge sea of mourners,

SITREP: Latest statements by Sheikh Qais al-Khazali, leader of the Asaib Ahl al-Haqq movement, a key faction of Iraq’s Popular Mobilisation Unit

Link: Description: Latest statements by Sheikh Qais al-Khazali, leader of the Asaib Ahl al-Haqq movement, a key faction of Iraq’s Popular Mobilisation Units: Source: Al-Mayadeen TV Date: 06/01/2020 Transcript: – We will take revenge for Hajj Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and his companions and we will not accept anything less than the expulsion of US forces from Iraq – the Iraqi parliament decision today is one of the most important decisions it has

Why Did Russia’s Central Bank Change Their Eagle Emblem?

Mikhail Sovetsky Translated by Valentina and captioned by Leo. If you take take a look at a Soviet money banknote and look closely, then you can see that the bill was issued by the State Bank that is clearly written on it. Yet, what is written on the current Russian money banknote is simply “Bank of Russia”. Also, on Soviet banknotes it was written that the bill is backed by

Nasrallah’s full speech: Soleimani’s assassination will put an end to US presence in the Middle East, US troops will go home in coffins

Full speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on January 5, 2020, commemorating the death of Qasem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. Source: Translation: Transcript: [Nasrallah begins by praising God and invoking His blessings on the Prophet and his family, then recites this Quran verse: “Think not of those who are slain in God’s way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of

Short “intermission” of sorts with a few (apparently needed) explanations

Dear friends, I feel that there is a need to clarify a few things here which apparently baffle and perplex many.  Since the beginning of this crisis the Saker Community worldwide (literally!) has been crazy busy trying to keep up with the events and make sense of what seems totally insane.  I have been working nonstop for the past 2 days now and I ask you to forgive me for

America Escalates its “Democratic” Oil War in the Near East

by Michael Hudson exclusively for the Saker Blog The mainstream media are carefully sidestepping the method behind America’s seeming madness in assassinating Islamic Revolutionary Guard general Qassim Suleimani to start the New Year. The logic behind the assassination this was a long-standing application of U.S. global policy, not just a personality quirk of Donald Trump’s impulsive action. His assassination of Iranian military leader Suleimani was indeed a unilateral act of

From Tehran to Lebanon: “I did not see except beauty”

by Mansoureh Tajik for The Saker Blog The Saker kindly asked for ‘on the ground’ perspective of how the God-fearing Iranian people are reacting and what this murder will mean for the region.” By all means, it is a fair and fitting request. I would make this a very condensed response. A longer analysis will be done at a later date, God Willing. Let us first be accurate and precise

The USA is now at war, de-facto and de-jure, with BOTH Iraq and Iran (UPDATED 6X)

The blowback has begun First, let’s begin by a quick summary of what has taken place (note: this info is still coming in, so there might be corrections once the official sources make their official statements). Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdl Mahdi has now officially revealed that the US had asked him to mediate between the US and Iran and that General Qassem Soleimani to come and talk to him

Summary notes of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s speech marking martyrdom of Hajj Qasim Soleimani & Abu Mahdi al-Muhandi

THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL TRANSLATION Summary notes of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s speech marking martyrdom of Hajj Qasim Soleimani & Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis – 05/01/2020 (These are rough notes jotted down simultaneously as the speech was ongoing. There may be slight translation errors here or there but this was a faithful attempt to capture the speech’s points ASAP) 2 January 2020 marks a completely new historical turning point I will

Soleimani: The ‘Muslim Che Guevara’ dies, but revolutionary culture continues

By Ramin Mazaheri – posted with permission and x-posted with PressTV Ramin Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of the books ‘I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China’ and

Soleimani murder SITREP: Funeral and Vote – IRAQI VOTE UPDATE IS IN – U.S. MUST OUT

by Chris Faure – for The Saker Blog UPDATE – THE VOTE NEWS IS IN. 170 Iraqi lawmakers sign draft bill to expel US military forces from country Note : there is a process to be followed.  The lawmakers will now seek parliamentary approval. ……………………….. Just in from PressTV while writing: US withdrawing forces from region despite contrary claims: Military sources We will leave it to The Saker

America is Ruled by a Murderer

Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog “The Saker” As most days, this morning I opened the Tao – DaoDeJing – at random, at Dao-42. In its conclusion it says “Those who are forceful and aggressive… die a painful death – This I use as the foundation of my teaching.” And so it may be. The reaction of “painful death” may not be immediate. Time in the dimensions of Tao has
