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Nasrallah Promises Imminent Retaliation: No Israeli will be Safe, Netanyahu is Campaigning with the Blood of his People

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on August 25, 2019, on the occasion of the annual commemoration of Lebanon’s Second Liberation against the takfiris terrorist groups, which was finalized on August 25, 2017. Translation: Transcript:  […] I now turn to the question of Israel. Pray upon Muhammad and his family. [Audience: O My God, pray upon Muhammad and his family!] What happened last night is very dangerous,

Donald Trump has no measure

by Paul Schmutz Schaller for The Saker Blog Some weeks ago, I was convinced that Trump would be quietly re-elected in 2020. His position was very confortable. His political program “Make America great again” has made its way. He has finally taken the reins in his government. And in the relations of the USA with the other countries, he has established the style “as long as you dance to my

Amazonia in Flames – Brazil’s Bolsonaro is a World Criminal – Encouraging Jungle Burning for Private Exploitation of Freed Land

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog On 28 October 2018, Jair Bolsonaro was elected President of Brazil with 55.1% of the vote – and with a gigantic help from Cambridge Analytica. At the World Economic Forum (WEF) in January 2019 in Davos Switzerland, Bolsonaro made a sumptuous presentation, “We Are Building a New Brazil”. He outlined a program that put literally Brazil up for sale, and especially the Brazilian

Why Georgian Authorities Aren’t Admitting Guilt for the 08.08.08 War

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott and captioned by Leo Georgians are still feel burning in the rear when reminded about their responsibility for the 08.08.08. War. Eleven years have passed and many Tbilisi politicians admitted the truth about those events, but the official “Gabunistan” is still screaming about “Russian aggression.” Why is that? On August 8th, just like every year, our fellow countrymen remind everyone in social media what

Saudi Analyst: ‘Israeli enemy’s presence in Gulf waters is rejected, but Iran is to blame’ – English Subs

Description: Saudi political analyst Dr. Ahmad al-Shahri recently said that while he is opposed to the “enemy state Israel” entering Persian Gulf waters as part of a so-called US-led maritime security mission, it is in fact Iran that is to blame for “summoning” Tel Aviv and the “whole world” to this area. Source: RT Arabic Date: 7 August, 2019 Transcript: Help our work continue by supporting us on Patreon… Subscribe –

What does Putin’s staffing decision vis-à-vis Glazyev mean

By Aleksandr Khaldey Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard Source: As it became known, the adviser to the President on economic issues, the academician Sergey Glazyev, is leaving his post and will move to the position of Eurasian Economic Commission Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics. The approval of Glazyev’s candidature by all heads of state of the EAEU is planned for October 1st. Such a change in the

Georgian MP Calls for Recognition of Genocide by Russia

by Ruslan Ostashko   Translated by Scott and captioned by Leo   If we got an impression that Euro-Georgian historical amnesia hit its limits, the next voice coming from Gabunistan proves us wrong. The head of the “Georgian Labour Party” Shalva Natelashvili called on the Parliament to adopt a resolution “On the historical and current genocide of the Georgian people.” Our previous material based on online comments left by Europe-loving

The Saker interviews Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi

[this interview was made for the Unz Review] Introduction: first, several friends recently suggested that that I should interview Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi; then I read this most interesting text on Moon of Alabama and I decided to ask Professor Marandi to share his views of the current situation in Iran, the Persian Gulf the rest of the Middle-East who very kindly agreed to reply to my question in spite

U.S.-UK Deep State Tries to Grab Hong Kong

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog What can explain these recent instances, proven by Agence France-Press, in which outright frauds — lies (in the form of faked photos and videos) — are being spread online to support the agenda of breaking off, from China, Hong Kong (which has historically always a part of China), so as to make Hong Kong an ‘independent’ nation?: —— This video actually shows

The Russiagate hoax is now fully exposed.

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog The last leg of the Russiagate hoax to become exposed was on August 16th, when Gareth Porter bannered at The American Conservative, “U.S. States: We Weren’t Hacked by Russians in 2016”. He revealed there that, “A ‘bombshell’ Senate Intelligence Committee report released in July repeated the familiar claim that Russia targeted the electoral websites of at least 21 states — but statements from

“Greater Lebanon”: where to?

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog Abou Omar, a close friend of mine, is one whom I have so much in common. Not only he was my boss many moons ago, but we were both brought up in political families that endorsed and advocated the unity and integrity of Syria. When I caught up with him recently after many years, I was not surprised that our thoughts had many

All along the watchtower: The follies of history

The ultimate American imperial dream is to engineer a Chinese vassal state By Pepe Escobar, from Cambodia – Posted with permission There must be some kind of way outta here Said the joker to the thief There’s too much confusion I can’t get no relief Business men, they drink my wine Plowmen dig my earth None were level on the mind Nobody up at his word -Bob Dylan, All Along

South Africa – Pretend Marxist Neo-Chiefs Practice Destructive Capitalism

A South African writer for The Saker Blog Let’s set the social scene with a video from Vesti News: People are getting accustomed to living this way. The Neo-Chiefs in the Ruling Party do not care for the minorities, and neither do they care for their own. In the final section, we will return to social issues. Mentioning a second introductory point may be timely for a watch list. If

Upside down or right side up? Comparing Chinese vs. Western civilizational hierarchies.

By: Jeff J. Brown for The Saker Blog Crosslinked with: Pictured above: no wonder Chinese and Westerners don’t understand each other. They look at the world and their societies with diametrically opposed points of view. It’s like two peoples staring at each other through the opposite ends of a telescope. Everything is distorted. To paraphrase the great American poet Robert Frost, “And that my friends, makes all

Ukie nationalism vs Otto von Bismarck

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] When Zelenskii came to power, there were two fundamental options he could have chosen. These options were, roughly: Option one or pragmatism above ideology: to make a determined effort to address Ukraine’s most urgent problems. At the very least, Zelenskii could have ordered his forces to stop firing and have them withdraw to a safe distance (Zelenskii had the full authority to

The Terrorists Among US- Cyber War and Privateers are the true Domestic Terrorists

by George Eliason for The Saker Blog What are Cyber Privateers and should you be afraid of them? Cyber privateers and cyber bounty hunters are criminals that are not covered under international law as government agents. In reality, this almost nullifies the chance for war to start over any particular hacking or compromised data event. The problems hired or volunteer contractors create include a projectable legal attribution. You don’t have

Six Million, 9/11, Iraq and Epstein

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog Scratching the surface of things is akin to scratching a lottery ticket. The results are routinely disappointing, sometimes unexpected, sometimes exceptional. I recently attended an online conference, held by an Italian researcher named Mario Biglino. Mr. Biglino has dedicated many years to producing a new translation of the Bible. His effort centered on verifying and correcting official translations of the Bible from the

Politics and Vulgar Language

by Martin de Beer for The Saker Blog Introduction I do hope that this title sounds familiar to many readers because, in this essay, I pay tribute to a brilliant author, George Orwell. His novels, Nineteen Eighty Four and Animal Farm, have developed cult status, which is no wonder due to their prophetic content. They predict equality as a relative concept, explaining that some can be more equal than others,
