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Breaking Articles

We are all hostages of 9/11

By Pepe Escobar – Posted with permission After years of reporting on the Great War on Terror, many questions behind the US attacks remain unresolved Afghanistan was bombed and invaded because of 9/11. I was there from the start, even before 9/11. On August 20, 2001, I interviewed commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, the “Lion of the Panjshir,” who told me about an “unholy alliance” of the Taliban, al-Qaeda and the ISI

Booming Sochi – Debunking the $50-billion Olympic Expenditure Hoax

by Jon Hellevig for The Saker Blog It’s a two and a half hour flight from Moscow to Sochi and when you land you are in another world. Sochi is absolutely unique and like no place else in Russia, a gem in its own right. Sheltered by the Caucasian mountains from the severe northern winds which sweep over most of Russia in wintertime and tempered by the Black Sea breezes

Steve Bannon’s Gift

By Chris Faure for The Saker Blog If you thought that the demonization of Russia and incessant Russophobia over the past years from the West, with hardly a highly likely shred of evidence, was unconscionable and the absolute pinnacle of all demonization campaigns ever, get ready for the demonization of China. In true Hollywood Blockbuster style, the China Fear campaign promises to be bigger and better theater than the complete

Inside story of the first Iran nuclear deal

by Pepe Escobar from Curitiba, Brazil – Posted with permission This is the last of a three-part series from a world exclusive interview with Lula, the former Brazilian president, who remains in jail. Lula on fights with Hillary, talks with Ahmadinejad, Obama ‘good but nervous and too young’ As we advanced past the first hour of a historic interview – see here and here – at a Federal Police building in Curitiba, southern Brazil,

Nasrallah: Hezbollah has no more ‘Red Lines’ Against Israel, all Occupied Palestine can be Targeted

Hezbollah footage of the strike (English subtitles): Report about Israeli dummy soldiers: Nasrallah: Hezbollah has no more ‘Red Lines’ Against Israel, all Occupied Palestine can be Targeted Political section of the speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on September 2nd, 2019, on the occasion of the commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (‘Ashura), and the day after Hezbollah’s retaliation against an Israeli armored vehicle. According to Israel’s

The Western propaganda of homosexuality and cannibalism

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott and captioned by Leo     The propaganda of perversions in the West has reached new heights. The British leading sports clubs promote the LGBT “values,” and their scientists drag cannibalism into the category of normal. No matter how much effort is made by the “normal countries” to promote degeneration, it never seems to be enough for them. In the course of pushing the

Kidnapping as a tool of imperial statecraft?

[This column was written for the Unz Review] There is nothing new about empires taking hostages and using them to put pressure on whatever rebel group needs to reminded “who is boss”. The recent arrest in Italy of Alexander Korshunov, the director for business development at Russia’s United Engine Corporation (UEC), is really nothing new but just the latest in a long string of kidnappings. And, as I already mentioned

Welcome to the Indo-Russia maritime Silk Road

by Pepe Escobar – posted with permission Modi and Putin discuss business and joint ventures at an economic conference in the Far East There’s no way to follow the complex inner workings of the Eurasia integration process without considering what takes place annually at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. BRICS for the moment may be dead – considering the nasty cocktail of economic brutalism and social intolerance delivered by

Last update on Hurricane Dorian

Dear friends It’s over, Dorian never made landfall (at least not in Florida) and we are now out of danger. We are pretty exhausted though, so while I will be back at my keyboard on Friday, don’t expect a flurry of long analytical articles :-) Also, please take it easy with the emails, I will have tons to catch up to anyway, so please keep it to a minimum for

Quick update on Hurricane Dorian – today things definitely look better!

Dear friends Very quick update: big news, Dorian (finally!) turned to the north and, even better, he weakened down to a (still very powerful) CAT2 hurricane.  See for yourself: The only down side is that the wind field has expanded, which they always do when a hurricane weakens. All in all, we are safely hidden inside a sturdy building and we are cautiously optimistic. Hugs and cheers, The Saker

Quick Hurricane Dorian and evacuation update

Dear friend, Since Dorian is now a terrifying CAT5 I wanted to quickly update you on my situation.  In the last 48 hours the projected track of Hurricane Dorian has changed quite a bit, see for yourself: The good news is that Dorian is projected to most likely remain offshore, though that is by no means certain! The bad news is that it is now a CAT5. That is a

The Terrorists Among US – Cyber Terrorists Publicly Expose Themselves

By GH Eliason for The Saker Blog What happens when Intel community figures decide to make you an enemy of the state? How about if they aren’t satisfied with the elected government? Dive in and let’s find out. Lawsuits and Jail Time  Take the clear examples shown below to heart. Your congressmen and senators hire cyber terrorists to manipulate their own constituents in ways that only benefit lobbyist’s clientele and

BRICS was created as a tool of attack: Lula

by Pepe Escobar, Curitiba, Brazil – posted with permission Former Brazilian leader wishes emerging economies were closer, recalls Obama ‘crashing’ Copenhagen climate meet In a wide-ranging, two-hour-plus, exclusive interview from a prison room in Curitiba in southern Brazil, former Brazilian president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva re-emerged for the first time, after more than 500 days in jail, and sent a clear message to the world. Amid the 24/7 media

Skin in the game

by Denis A. Conroy for The Saker Blog Stockholders aboard the good ship “Queen of the Capitalist West” appear to be experiencing a “shiver me timbers” moment. The portentous stockholders aboard the “Queen of the Capitalist West” had come to believe that it was their divine right to assume that only they had the right to dictate who could have skin in the global trading game. But lo and behold,

The blog goes on “standby” mode due to Hurricane Dorian!

Dear friends, It looks like Hurricane Dorian might become an infamous “Labor Day Hurricane” which will most likely devastate a large part of the state: right now Dorian in scheduled to make landfall just east of Lake Okeechobee and then turn north towards Orlando-Gainesville.  See for yourself: Keep in mind that these tracks just show the statistical center of the “cone of uncertainty” and don’t pay too much attention to

New World Order in Meltdown, But Russia Stronger Than Ever

by Jon Hellevig for The Saker Blog Last week was full of portentous events. Only somebody who has not been awake for the last few years will fail to realize how these at first sight unconnected events are part of the same matrix. There was the ever louder talk in mainstream media about an approaching global recession, inverted yield curves and the negative yields, which tell us that the Western

Bibi in Banderastan, or the importance of words

[this column was written for the Unz Review] Israeli Prime Minister made it to Kiev today, where he was greeted by the (pseudo) “traditional” Ukronazi slogan “Glory to the Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!”. For somebody like me who dislikes Zionism and Nazism just about the same, it was a sweet irony to see an Israeli Prime Minister officially traveling to the Nazi-occupied Ukraine to commemorate the massacre of Jews

The Saker interviews Max van der Werff about the MH-17 conspiracy

Introduction: MH17 is to Novorussia, what the Markale (also see here) has been to Bosnia and Racak (also see here) has been to Kosovo: a typical false flag operation which pursued two goals: first, of course, to justify a military aggression and, second, to force everybody to chose one of two options: first, either pretend to believe the official narrative or, second, be vilified and discredited. From this perspective, the

Solari Report quarterly interview with The Saker: The Emerging Multipolar World – Silk Road Tug of War

Dear friends, Here is the latest installment of my quarterly conversations with Catherine Austin Fitts. This one was recorded on July 27, 2019. You can listen to the interview on the original Solari Report page: The Emerging Multipolar World – Silk Road Tug of War with the Saker Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file Download the Interview MP3 audio file Read the transcript of The Emerging Multipolar World –

Lula tells world he’s back in the game from jail

Meanwhile, fires rage in the Amazon and Brazilian President Bolsonaro has become a target of global indignation. By Pepe Escobar from Brazil – posted with permission Brazil has always been a land of superlatives. Yet nothing beats the current, perverse configuration: a world statesman lingers in jail while a clownish thug is in power, his antics now considered a threat to the whole planet. In a wide-ranging, two-hour, world exclusive
