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Breaking Articles

Full Spectrum Economic War has replaced Trade War

by Chris Faure for The Saker Blog The Trading Community I grew up in the dark continent on farms, where, in the local trading town, my parents owned the meat businesses, the Jews owned the general store, the Indians owned the fabric store and sold shoes and pointy bras.  My mom owned the fashion store and hairdresser. Of course, there was the mechanic who fixed cars and tractors and big

Why capturing Huawei is no victory in tech war

By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission It’s geopolitical, geoeconomic war. Cold, so far, but now about to descend to deep freeze. The US National Security Strategy unmistakably spells it out. China is a strategic competitor and must be contained, no holds barred, on all fronts: economic, military and most of all, technological. Enter the current, concerted offensive across the spectrum, from 5G and AI to moves attempting to prevent the

Dissecting The Unfathomable American-Iranian War:

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog As the American military build-up continues around the Strait of Hormuz, and as a potential American-Iranian war looms, many analysts are convinced that war is imminent. I beg to differ. Ever since the “War on Syria” started, I kept reiterating that America would never launch a full-on attack on Syria, and for very good reasons, and not long ago, I finally felt compelled

Ukraine Will Be Able to Restore Its Economy Only By Cooperating With Russia

By Olga Samofalova Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: Ukraine is beginning to realise the scale of the damage that it caused to itself due to cutting economic ties with Russia. In only five years the country managed to lose about $80 billion and to stop many industrial enterprises. How much time will it need to return to the level of 2013? And

‘Clash of civilizations’ or crisis of civilization?

by Pepe Escobar : posted with permission Talk about a graphic display of soft power: Beijing this week hosted the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations.  Organized under the direct supervision of President Xi Jinping it took place amid an “Asian Culture Carnival.”  Sure, there were dubious, kitschy and syrupy overtones, but what really mattered was what Xi himself had to say to China and all of Asia. In his keynote

Venezuela in “Misery” – Lies and Deceit by the Media Open Letter to the New York Times

Note by The Saker: I normally don’t post open letters, but in this case I made an exception since this latter is also an analysis and because of the importance of this issue. by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog To the Editor in CHIEF NYT – 18 May 2019 Venezuela’s Collapse Is the Worst Outside of War in Decades, Economists Say Subtitle: Butchers have stopped selling meat cuts in

Resistance report – US threats against Tehran will never break the Islamic Republic

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog Tensions are reaching critical levels as Washington continues to threaten Iran while the madmen Bolton and Pompeo are growing bolder by the day. It seems as if the White House fool Trump has given up on foreign policy altogether and allowed Bolton and Pompeo to have free reigns on pushing Washington further into the abyss. Bolton has reportedly requested 120 000 troops to

Fake Has Become Realer Than Real And The Dogs Of War Are There To Keep It That Way

by Denis A. Conroy for the Saker Blog America’s self-imagined custodianship of human rights and freedom epitomize problems associated with fake prophesies. That Americans now rally behind the latest battle-cry of the Republic, ‘Make America Great Again’, indicate that they are indifferent to the fact that their country has been barnstorming across the globe these past six decades killing vast numbers of innocent people with the objective of creating a

The AngloZionist Empire: a hyperpower with microbrains and no cred left

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Last week saw what was supposed to be a hyperpower point fingers for its embarrassing defeat not only at Venezuela, which successfully defeated Uncle Shmuel’s coup plans, but also at a list of other countries including Cuba, Russia, China and Iran.  It’s is rather pathetic and, frankly, bordering on the comically ridiculous. Uncle Shmuel clearly did not appreciate being the laughingstock of

A French cop on why French cops will never join the Yellow Vests

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Ever since the start of the Yellow Vest movement – which has been violently repressed for an entire half-year – many people have hoped that French police would put flowers in their rubber bullet guns and join the side of the righteous. To me… such a hope is not based on reality. It is certainly not based on history. But French thinkers like

Yemen’s Iran-allied Ansarullah: Our drone attack on Saudi oil facilities “strategic turning point” – Eng Subs

Video link: Description: A spokesman of Yemen’s Iran-allied Ansarullah (Houthi) movement said that the ‘qualitative drone operation’ against vital Saudi oil facilities represents a ‘strategic turning point’ in the Saudi-led war in the impoverished country. This translated video also contains other analytical excerpts from Al-Mayadeen Tv dealing with details and possible ramifications of the major drone operation deep within Saudi territory that was announced by Yemen’s (Ansarullah-led) Armed Forces days

What Putin and Pompeo did not talk about

by Pepe Escobar : Posted with permission Russia is uneasy over the destabilization of Tehran, and on other hotspots the powers’ positions are clear. Even veiled by thick layers of diplomatic fog, the overlapping meetings in Sochi between US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and President Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov still offer tantalizing geopolitical nuggets. Russian presidential aide Yury Ushakov did his best to smooth the utterly intractable,

Victory Day 2019 in Lugansk People’s Republic (updated)

by George Eliason, Special Correspondent for the Saker Blog in Novorussia Victory Day 2019 in Lugansk People’s Republic For the last five years, I was given the opportunity to break a lot of news and human interest stories from Donbass. More specifically, I’ve lived in what became Lugansk People’s Republic since 2012 and I’ve been writing from there since the trouble started before the Ukrainian coup happened. The video from

US plots in Middle East will not succeed, top Hezbollah official says

Press TV reports: A high-ranking member of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement says US President Donald Trump’s administration is in a state of confusion concerning the developments unfolding in Middle East, stating that Washington’s schemes in the region will not thrive. “(The United States of) America knows that its ability to change equations in the region is weak because there are resistance fighters and a resistance front. Therefore, it cannot dictate what

Iran Squeezed Between Imperial Psychos and European Cowards

By Pepe Escobar – with permission and cross posted with Consortium News The Trump administration unilaterally cheated on the 2015 multinational, UN-endorsed JCPOA, or Iran nuclear deal. It has imposed an illegal, worldwide financial and energy blockade on all forms of trade with Iran — from oil and gas to exports of iron, steel, aluminum and copper. For all practical purposes, and in any geopolitical scenario, this is a declaration

Sitrep : If you want to wage a trade war, don’t march on Beijing

by Chris Faure, for The Saker Blog Let’s clarify, a trade war is a war. Let’s clarify, world trade is not a zero sum game where you have a winner and a loser. Where we are in geopolitical danger levels, we’ve reached the same danger levels in world economics this past week and through this morning in the trade war, US vs China. Let’s clarify, the US administration, Mr Trump’s

Are Trump Tariffs the Wake Up Call China Needs to Stop Subsidizing the US, Unchain the Yuan, and Bury the Dollar?

by Marko Marjanović (author of the new Checkpoint Asia site) for The Saker blog For decades now China has kept its currency undervalued to the dollar and the US and China have both acted as if this was a boon to China. It is anything but. Yes, by keeping the yuan low China makes it easier for its good to compete on the American market, but only at the cost

US-China: the hardcore is yet to come

by Pepe Escobar for the Saker Blog cross-posed with the Asia Times Let’s start with the “long” 16th Century – which, as with the 21st, also saw a turbulent process of marketization. At that time, the Jesuits and the Counter-Reformation were trying to rebound across Asia – but within a context where the rivalry between the Iberian superpowers of the age, Spain and Portugal, still lingered. The Reformation first attached itself to

The plan of Marcks, the Barbarossa Directive, and Banderism in WWII

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: There is a false opinion that is popular in narrow circles of Rezun adherents that the “unfortunate peaceable” Fuhrer, having suddenly learned that the USSR concentrated too many troops in the Western Military Districts, scratched around, and with the incidental divisions found near at hand was forced to urgently attack the USSR in order to not be
