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Ending a Cultural Revolution Can Only Be Counter-Revolutionary (7/8)

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Well, you can end a Cultural Revolution without being a counter-revolutionary, I suppose, but not if you do what China did: reverse many of the progressive policies of the Cultural Revolution, and often without the People’s consent. This series has examined the ground-breaking investigative & scholarly work The Unknown Cultural Revolution: Life and Change in a Chinese Village, by Dongping Han, a former

Resistance report: Syrian Army kicks off long overdue Idlib offensive and Washington intensifies Iran threats

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog On May 6, the Syrian Army finally kicked off the long awaited Idlib offensive to expel the US-backed Jihadists from the Idlib demilitarized zone. Having postponed the offensive for months due to Ankara’s reluctance to allow the Syrian Army to reclaim the area, Moscow and Damascus finally lost their patience after the latest Jihadist missile attack on Hmaimeem airport last week and decided

Shia Iraqi Scholar warns US embassy & military bases: ‘Our silence won’t last forever’ – English Subs

Description: Prominent Shia Iraqi scholar Sayyed Hashem al-Haidari has issued a stern warning to the American military bases and embassy in Iraq, which he described as the “den of plots and espionage”. The US embassy in Iraq is said to be the largest one in the world. The Iraqi figure’s comments were made amidst rising tensions between Washington and Tehran. The US is deploying the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike

Gilet Jaune SITREP for Labor Day and Acte 25

by Le Saker Francophone for The Saker Blog 7,400 police officers and gendarmes have been mobilized, including 22 CRS companies and about thirty squadrons of mobile gendarmes. Didier Lallement, the new prefect of the capital, intends to act firmly and orders the police to “go to contact”. 164,000 people took to the streets on Wednesday, May 1, including 28,000 in the capital, according to the latest assessment by the Home

A week in the life of the Empire (UPDATED)

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] Introduction: It is sometimes helpful not to look at any one specific issue in detail, but rather make a survey of ongoing processes instead.  The resulting picture is neither better nor worse, it is simply different.  This is what I want to do today: to take a bird’s eye view of our suffering planet. Putin trolls the Empire: It is all really

The Eagle, the Bear and the Dragon – a short fable for our times of trouble

by Pepe Escobar – Crossposted with permission with Consortium News Once upon a time, deep into the night in selected campfires across the deserts of Southwest Asia, I used to tell a fable about the eagle, the bear and the dragon – much to the amusement of my Arab and Persian interlocutors. It was about how, in the young 21stcentury, the eagle, the bear and the dragon had taken their

Speech by the Director of the SVR of Russia at the International Moscow conference on security

translated by Scott source: Sergei Naryshkin: Dear participants of the Conference! Our meeting is taking place against a backdrop of an extremely complex international situation. It is qualitatively different from previous periods of the “cold war” and the brief triumph of American unipolarity. The confrontation between the powers in those years was tense, but generally predictable and regulated by a clear set of rules. In today’s world, the degree

Hassan Nasrallah: Daesh is Still a US-Israeli Asset, Threatens Central Asia

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on May 2, 2019, on the occasion of the commemoration of the martyrdom of Commander Mostapha Badreddine, known as ‘Zulfiqar’, who was killed in Syria in May 2016. Translation: Transcript: […] The other subject (I want to talk about), my second point, is very important: it is the battlefield where the Sayyed (descendant of the Prophet) Zulfiqar, God have mercy on

Lugansk People’s Republic May 2019 AntiNationalist Roundtable

by George Eliason, Special Correspondent for the Saker Blog in Novorussia On May 2nd, the civic organization “Memorial” and the Federation of Trade Unions in Lugansk People’s Republic held an international roundtable at the Russian World Hall in Lugansk. It commemorated the 2014 tragedy at the Trade Union building in Odessa in which Kiev reported 48 people killed and over 200 injured and the genocide in Donbass that followed it that Kiev

The Yellow Vest Salpêtrière Hospital hoax: I reported live from there as it happened

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The French government has been forced to shamefully admit that they made totally false accusations that May Day Yellow Vest anti-government protesters tried to break into the Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital in order to “attack”, “assault” and “steal”. Countless mainstream media are just as covered in ignominy for having repeated these untrue claims. I was right there when it happened, covering it for PressTV,

We’re all actors in the New Silk Road play

By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission Scores of nations across the Global South have adopted the Chinese development model over financing from the US or EU for very simple reasons It’s the same old story: The dogs of demonization bark while the New Silk Road caravan advances. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), according to a projection by Anglo-Australian mining and metals giant BHP Billiton, will generate as much

How the socioeconomic gains of China’s Cultural Revolution fueled their 1980s boom (6/8)

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog There are almost too many socioeconomic gains for me to list… and yet the idea that China’s Cultural Revolution (CR) represented not gains but regression is dominant in the West. The Chinese know better, and that’s why I’m discussing Dongping Han’s indispensable academic and investigative book: The Unknown Cultural Revolution: Life and Change in a Chinese Village. Han intensely examined rural Jimo County,

The Bottom of the Barrel

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog In patient resignation, most of us accept that the web of life is of a mingled yarn, that good and ill go together, that our virtues may shine were it not for our faults – and that our sinfulness would induce despair, were it not redeemed by our virtues or, at least, by some atoning acts of charity or goodness. Yet there are

No Ukronazis amongst the Ukronazis? Look again!

translated and subtitled  by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard,  cross posted with The Stalker Zone: Military officers of the press service of the DPR people’s militia managed to film a Nazi flag flying over the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donetsk. DPR militia correspondent Dmitry Astrakhan said that the Kiev junta transferred the “Azov” regiment to the position of the 24th brigade

Polishing A Fatberg

by Denis A. Conroy for The Saker Blog Father time and mother nature must be looking askance at the motherfucking arrogance that has given us Anglo-Zionism and global capitalism. The mere fact that Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Hilary Clinton, Benjamin Netanyahu and the AIPAC fifth column have brought a neo-liberal crypto-fascist zeitgeist into the Greco-Roman pantheon attests to the fact that Western culture is being privatised in every

Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi latest video: an English language transcript

Dear friends, Today I have decided to post a partial (90%) transcript of the video recently released by the ISIS Takfiris.  My main motive is that this video is constantly being removed by YouTube, Facebook and the rest of the social media.  I happen to believe that listening to our enemies is very important.  Listening to our most dangerous and evil enemies is vital.  Furthermore, how can I possibly expect

Venezuela – Another Failed Coup Attempt – What’s Next?

by Peter Koenig  for The Saker Blog In the early morning hours of 30 April, 2019, the self-declare “Interim President”, Juan Guaidó, launched what at first sight appeared to be a military coup – Guaidó calls it “Operation Freedom” (sounds very much like a Washington-invented title) – against the democratically elected, legitimate government of Nicolas Maduro. With two dozen of defected armed military from the Carlota military base east of

How Germany Humiliated Ukraine in the UN

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated by Scott Humor and subtitled by Leo. Irritated by stormy activities of the Euro-Ukrainians, Germany showed it publicly twice in one month. At the beginning of April ‘Ukraine-is-Europe’ supporters complained that the German delegation crashed them in PACE, now it’s the UN’s turn.     Remember how recently ‘Ukro-deputy’ Bereza, or Blyakher according to his real name, squealed that Germans were very arrogant towards the “fighters
