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Breaking Articles

Eric Hobsbawm, the joy of history and all that jazz

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) We all lose by not having Eric Hobsbawm absorb the geopolitical dementia of the early 21st century to later refine it in sharp, crisp historical analysis. A new, exhaustive biography, ‘Eric Hobsbawm: A Life in History,’ by his former student and Regius Professor of History Emeritus at Cambridge, Richard Evans – out now in the UK and in

France’s Yellow Vests: Proving cops are indeed part of the 1%

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The demonstration for “Acte 16”, on March 2nd, was designed as a sight-seeing tour which passed by bastions of rich, traitorous criminals (the OECD, a school of luxury marketing, etc.) and so it concluded at a small roundabout in a ritzy area, Denfert-Rochereau. As protesters amassed and cops loaded up, and with time in between my on-air interviews for PressTV, I headed for

Why Only Fools Trust America’s Mainstream ‘News’ Media After the 2003 Invasion of Iraq

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Here will be yet another current example to demonstrate that all U.S. mainstream ’news’ media hide from their respective publics that the U.S. Government is lying, when the U.S. Government lies — i.e., that all of the mainstream ’news’ media in America hide the truth, when the Government itself is lying. In other words: the U.S. mainstream ’news’ media are propaganda-organs for the

Kashmir, Korea, Venezuela, Iran: hot, cold, hybrid war

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) Turning and turning in a widening gyre, the geopolitics of the young  21st century resembles a psychedelic mandala conceived by Yama, the Lord of Death. Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, fresh from a 70-hour train journey, meets in prosperous, communist Hanoi with fellow Nobel Peace Prize contender Donald Trump under the

LGBT Goes on the Attack

by Ruslan Ostashko Translated and captioned by Leo.   The next award ceremony of the American Film Academy, commonly referred to as the Oscars, once again showed the power of pressure from sexual minorities. And so it coincided that at the same time with the ceremony, this power was manifested in something else.   “Best Film of the Year” – this is the title of the nomination, for which, according

Maduro 1: Abrams 0: but this match is far from over…

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Maduro wins the first round The standoff between Venezuela and the AngloZionist Empire last week-end has clearly ended in what can only be called a total defeat for Elliott Abrams.  While we will never know what was initially planned by the demented minds of the Neocons, what we do know is that nothing critical happened: no invasion, not even any major false

The Other Ukraine

by arras for The Saker blog Ukraine is a country in the Eastern Europe, which doesn’t require introduction to most readers as it was and still is filling pages of the newspapers and screens of a TVs. Courtesy of ongoing geopolitical conflict between the United States and the Russian Federation there. Some say, this is a conflict between East and West and thus suggesting that it is not just a

Listen to a Saudi analyst explaining why the KSA and Israel are cozying up to each other

Saudi analyst Abdul Hamid al-Hakeem has defended the appearance of Saudi and Arab leaders alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a recent conference in Warsaw, asserting that Saudi normalisation of ties with Israel was no cause for embarrassment. The two-day US-organised Warsaw conference on “peace and security” in the Middle East was widely seen as another major step by certain Arab and Israeli leaders to achieve a normalisation of

Russian Shipyards: An overview

by Nat South for The Saker Blog Part 1 Part 2 This is the third part of a series of analyses relating to Russia transport, shipping and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The existing and future strategic role of shipbuilding in Russia is not to be under-estimated despite the prevailing dominance of Asian shipyards. Currently, Russia faces a series of obstacles in relation to the overall development

A World (Still) Split Apart

By: Amir NOUR[1] for The Saker Blog “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything” (Attributed to Gilbert Keith Chesterton) The dramatic turn for the worse in the evolution of humanism and in the dizzying advances in science and technology has triggered heated debate among great thinkers and writers of the 20th century[2]. And the

Please support the work of SouthFront and urgently donate to them!

DEAR FRIENDS, Only a few days left until the end of February. Since the start of the month, SouthFront has about 69% of the minimal budget needed to keep the production of content at the level you have become used to seeing. SouthFront is operating on audience donations only. If you want to watch daily videos about the situation in Syria, Venezuela and other hot spots around the world as

SITREP France: Is Macron a puppet and, if yes, whose puppet is he?

Check out this video of Macron at the biggest Zionist event of the year in France, the infamous “CRIF dinner”.  If you don’t now what the CRIF is, do not bother with the Wikipedia article – it’s all sanitized – but think of the French CRIF like (AIPAC+JINSA+ADL+B’nai B’rith)2: all the power of the Israel Lobby in the USA, but squared (yeah, I know, hard to imagine, but true). Now

1491: Also stolen from American Indians? Europe’s creation of “liberté”

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Somehow, the conception of the modern notion of freedom is wholly associated with Western Europe, but you know who I always thought was free? Kazakhs. I mean, what are those nomads doing up over there? Riding all around day, shooting stuff, coming home to hot, meaty meals – they are living the good life. Shepherding is the rare job where staring at the

Russian President warns West that deploying missile launchers in Europe could ignite ‘tit for tat’ response

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) President Putin’s state of the nation address to the Federal Assembly in Moscow this week was an extraordinary affair. While heavily focused on domestic social and economic development, Putin noted, predictably, the US decision to pull out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty and clearly outlined the red lines in regard to possible consequences of the move. It

Sticky open thread on Venezuela

The expectation is that tomorrow’s action in Venezuela will either spark a civil war, or a type of maidan, or a complete war to attempt to take-over and topple the Venezuelan elected government to institute Guaidó, or, in the best case, will fizzle into nothing and life will go on. This morning Maria Zakarova in her briefing warned that provocation is planned for tomorrow, the 23rd. There are 2 actions

Saudi/Bahraini FM’s dodge reporters after first-ever public meeting with Israeli PM – English subs

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February the 22nd Gilets jaunes SITREP

by the French Saker for the Saker Blog The Yellow vest crisis is gaining steam, specially by exposing the hypocrisy of these elite sectors: the media and its journalists and experts, the government and its police, the judiciary and its powerful prosecutors. The Yellow vest crisis makes them completely freaking out and that can be clearly seen in their reactions. Responding with batons and grenade shots, lawsuits and mass incarcerations,

Venezuelan Vicepresident Delcy Rodriguez – Press conference Feb 21 2019

translated by MP for The Saker Blog TRANSCRIPT: 0.01 At this time last minute information is coming out and we’ll go to Av Urbaneta, the See of the Executive Vicepresidency of the Republic. Marbelys Fernández will tell us all the details of what’s happening there. Marbe, go ahead, good afternoon. 0.03 Yes, that’s right, the Executive Vicepresident of the Republic at this time provides information of national interest that we
