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Breaking Articles

Dispossession of land on the basis of race – a State Enrichment and Control Strategy in the South African Context

by Anon for The Saker Blog Yes, we are talking about South Africa and the current and planned policy of land dispossession/confiscation without compensation, as it relates to suppression, oppression and annihilation of peoples in our world. Acknowledging the real and current danger that the 4.5 million white South Africans find themselves in, the situation is analogous to a canary in the coal mine where the canary has already expired.

Here comes the 30-year trade war

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) Trade tensions between the US and China could drag on for decades but China’s focus on its Belt and Road Initiative could provide relief Alibaba’s Jack Ma has warned that the ongoing US-China trade war could last at least 20 years. As we’ll see, it’s actually more like 30 – up to 2049, the 100th anniversary

The Decreasing Relevance Of Sino-Russian Rivalries

by Mister Unknown for The Saker Blog When writing about Sino-Russian relations, western journalists & academics often write as if the Sino-Russian rivalry of the past is an eternal and unchanging constant in international relations. The common refrain often goes something like “despite continuing differences… Russia & China are working together…”, “Although the two parties appear aligned against the US, historical rivalries will ensure that this remains a ‘marriage of

Russia will establish an unofficial no-fly zone over Syria

Today Defense Minster Shoigu announced measures which went far beyond what I had hoped for.  Specifically, Shoigu has announced that Russia will Supply S-300 air defense systems (with a 250km range) to the Syrians in the next two weeks. Russia will deliver advanced automated air defense management systems which will *dramatically* increase the Syrian air defense capabilities and prevent future “friendly fire” incidents. Russia will use her electronic warfare capabilities

Naval Eastern Med after Sept 17 SITREP

Note by The Saker: normally, I would place a SITREP in the SITREP section, but since this event has so many people fired up and since Le Dahu provides such an interesting analysis, I have decide to post this as a “Guest Analysis”. ******* After the Saker’s latest analysis on Putin, Israel and the downed Il-20, I decided to put fingers to keyboard to type out this sitrep of sorts.

Tales Told the Millennians

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog Decades are acknowledged historical markers, signaling the birth of a new generation, and the transition between adjacent but different cultural times. Since September 2001, the inaudible and noiseless foot of time has advanced by almost two decades. And two generations are now alive who did not see 9/11, and will derive only from school, movies or conversation the knowledge of an event that

Putin, Israel and the downed Il-20 (IMPORTANT UPDATE)

[This column has been written for the Unz Review] Yesterday (Sept 19th), I tried to post a short commentary suggesting that before we jump to conclusions about anything, we ought to wait for the fact to come out. But to no avail. The chorus of “Putin is a doormat!!”, “bomb Israel!!” and similar inanities is carrying on, louder than ever. Reading that crazy nonsense, I wanted to toss in a

Some Fast Thoughts On IL-20 (Andrei Martyanov)

Note: I don’t normally do reposts, but things are becoming so crazy that I asked Andrei if I could repost his short article and he kindly agreed.  So here it is. The Saker ******* Some Fast Thoughts On IL-20. by Andrei Martyanov (original here) And so it starts. Russia must attack Israel, no—she must obliterate it, Putin is “soft”, the world is coming to an end, Zionists are in control

We Can’t Forgive Israel for Downing the IL-20 and Killing Russians, by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated by Scott Humor and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions.   The reckless audacity of Israel’s behavior in the Middle East, sooner or later had to lead to tragic consequences. And they finally came: from the provocation of Israel’s Air Force, a Syrian missile hit our Il-20 recon aircraft, killing fifteen Russians.   Do you remember the story with Gilad Shalit? He was a

France tells dead Algerians they were killed by ‘systematic torture’

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Last week French President Emmanuel Macron admitted for the first time ever that France used torture systematically during the Algerian War for Independence. This has earned Macron and France international plaudits for “bringing the country closer to grappling with its colonial past”, “righting a historical wrong” and other such total nonsense. I covered the story for PressTV, and alongside both Algerian and French-Algerian

Russian response options to the latest Israeli provocation

Over the past 24 hours the Internet, including this blog, have been flooded with opinion on what everybody and anybody would do if they were in Putin’s boots.  Proposals range from declaring an no-fly zone over Syria to, I kid you not, send a couple of Russian SSBNs (subs which carry intercontinental ballistic missiles) off the coast of Israel.  Furthermore, since Putin has failed, at least so far, to implement

Russia blames Israel for the shooting down of her EW aircraft (UPDATED 2x)

It is pretty clear what took place yesterday night.  Even if you don’t read Russian, the following chart released by the Russian Ministry of Defense says it all: Basically, 4 Israeli aircraft were sent on a bombing mission against targets near the Russian facilities in Khmeimim and Tartus (which, by itself, is both stupid and irresponsible).  The Israelis *deliberately* did not warn the Russians until less than a minute before

Will the Idlib offensive be the end of the Astana agreement?

by Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog The much expected Idlib offensive has been further delayed as tensions are rising among the major players of the Syrian war. The western mainstream media is as usual focusing heavily on the chemical weapons and refugee issues with fraudulent lies and manipulation of facts. The Idlib offensive will first and foremost not target Idlib city, but rather the surrounding countryside, secondly just as

Iran Hawks in Washington

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog No doubt, anti-Iran propaganda out of Washington abounds. There are numerous Zionist-run think-tanks (sic) that make US Foreign Policy – and are ratcheting up anti-Iran anger in the US, but targeting especially the Iranian population at home, in Iran. The notorious chief-villain of these agencies, by the way, highly subsidized by the US State Department, and perhaps even more important, by the powerful
