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Breaking Articles

The new Silk route on rails

By Nat South for The Saker Blog This is the second part in a series that looks behind the scenes, at particular aspects of trade, shipping and transport involving Russia. This analysis was partially written back in spring 2018, before taking academia seriously for a while. Historically & to this day the US depends on the Mahan theory of sea route control and control of significant maritime chokepoints for power

“World War III” and the American Switcheroo

By Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog The person reading this article has most likely seen some form of re-enactment of a Roman trireme navigating some waters and being surrounded by fog, not being able to see further than 1km around them and thus possessing limited knowledge about what lies beyond the “draw distance” provided by their cerebrum. It is this fear (and handicap when it comes to survival) that

New Silk Roads define brand China

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) Belt and Road Initiative is a strategic axis embodying the organizing Chinese foreign policy concept for the next three decades The New Silk Roads symbolize way more than high-speed rail lines crisscrossing Eurasia, or a maze of highways, pipelines and port connectivity. They represent a Chinese alliance with at least 65 participating nations, responsible for 62%

S-300s and other military hardware for Syria

[this article was written for the Unz Review] This week Russian officials declared that the delivery of S-300s for Syria was completed and that this first batch included 49 pieces of “military equipment”, including radars, control vehicles and four launchers. Russian officials added that, if needed, this figure could be increased to 8-12 launchers. Defense Minister Shoigu added that “the measures we will take will be devoted to ensure 100

Russia Disrupted NATO’s Victory in Macedonia by Voter Apathy – We Are Waiting for New Sanctions

By Vladimir Kornilov Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: The European Union, the leadership of NATO, and the US State Department summed up the results of the referendum that took place in the small Balkan country of Macedonia. Or more precisely, which didn’t take place. As a reminder: most of the citizens of this country want to be in the EU. The West

President Putin’s Q&A at the Russian Energy Week International Forum

Vladimir Putin addressed the plenary session of the second Russian Energy Week Energy Efficiency and Energy Development International Forum. The forum is taking place in Moscow on October 3–6. Its main theme is Sustainable Energy for the Changing World. The forum will be attended by representatives of the largest international companies and organisations, and leading experts. About 60 business events will be held within the framework of the official programme. * * * Speech at the plenary session President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Friends, ladies and gentlemen, colleagues. I am very happy to welcome the participants

Summary of Saker’s ‘search news feeds’ feature

Almost a year ago I added an additional ‘news’ page on our website. The ‘search news feeds’ feature on this page has been only used by the most adventuresome of our readers, as it was never announced and only found by exploration. This page is accessed by the ‘NON MSM NEWS’ button on the home page. On this page is an RSS feature that allows readers to review the news

Gutless Wonders

by Dr. Naresh Jotwani for The Saker Blog The English word ‘gut’ is rich in its range of meanings. In Biology, ‘gut’ means ‘intestine’ – as in ‘gut bacteria’ or ‘gutting a fish’; this meaning extends to the racquet strings used in sports such as tennis and badminton. In common usage, ‘guts’ refers to ‘courage’, as in ‘having the guts to take on the huge challenge of _______’ (fill in

War Crimes in LNR and DNR-The Unannounced War

by GH Eliason for the Saker Blog   On September 28th, Lugansk Peoples Republic (LNR)Deputy Foreign Minister Anna Soroka and Andrey Chernov gave a presentation unveiling a photo album entitled Unanounced war. This collection of 150 images details the war crimes by the Ukrainian government during the war from 2014-2018. Over the last 4 years, many journalists including myself reported on the war crimes committed by Ukrainian punisher battalions and sometimes

Scott Humor’s new book Hell and Israel: Après Lavrov le Déluge

The opinions of reviewers who read the book varies from ‘Wow, that’s an extremely energizing book!” to “Thank you very much for this. A brilliant satirical work. Hope it gets exposure.” It’s hard to find a great political satire book, it’s even harder to come across of a satirical work about a war.  The Good Soldier Švejk by Jaroslav Hašek, comes to mind, and Catch–22 by Joseph Heller, and not

Back to Monkeys: British Naked Dating Show, by Ruslan Ostashko (contains nudity)

    Translated and captioned by Leo. Make sure to press CC for English captions. This video contains nudity, and has been copyright blocked in four countries/territories: United Kingdom, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Ireland.   The third season of the scandalous TV show Naked Attraction, that is, “Naked Attraction” kicked off this year in the UK. The country’s media, which Russian liberals present to us as a standard, make

Obedience in Christianity: a reply to an important question

Question: As an Orthodox Christian in America we are taught to almost worship our Bishops, and they can do no wrong. We are to strictly obey them unless they ask us to break the law, or hurt someone. However, what happens when they err? What is one to do? As a struggling Orthodox Christian in America I would appreciate advice from other Orthodox Christians. Iconodule (this question was originally posted

On the topic of the Russia-Israel-Syria affair

On the topic of the Russia-Israel-Syria affair, which has culminated in the downing of a Russian Il-20 on September 17th just off the coast of Latakia… by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog I will first start this article by saying that I have read, both intentionally and unintentionally (stumbled upon), lots and lots of opinions about this specific topic. The main bulk of these opinions recycle the usual blaming of

Lavrov’s remarks at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, New York, September 28, 2018 Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, The speeches delivered during the general discussion at this session of the UN General Assembly confirm the fact that international relations are going through a very complex and contradictory historical stage. Today, we are witnesses to a collision of two opposing trends. On the one hand,

How to ruin a summer vacation: Analyzing 30 minutes of Rachel Maddow

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog I had a summer vacation this year, and I got so incredibly bored I started to dabble in masochism. By that I mean that I decided to tune into The Rachel Maddow Show, broadcast by MSNBC from the US. I haven’t watched her for years (or ever, really) but since the election of Donald Trump Rachel Maddow has become the figurehead of a

Eastern Mediterranean Naval SITREP

by LeDahu for The Saker Blog The last couple weeks in the Eastern Mediterranean could remind a casual observer of some sort of a military parade, with members of the US-led coalition bringing an ever increasing number of military assets to the region. The number of warships flying various flags being dispatched as a show of force to the Eastern Mediterranean has been increasing on a daily basis. The warships

The abomination of desolation standing in the holy place

[Note: this analysis has been written for the Unz Review] Warning: the following text was written specifically to help Christians make sense of the “hijacked vocabulary” used in the discussion of the current attempts by the Empire to take control of the Orthodox people of the Ukraine. For atheists/agnostics this discussion will offer just some irrelevant and boring mumbo-jumbo with no relevance to the lofty realms of enlightened modern positivism.

Eurozone didn’t admit a Lost Decade – France won’t admit austerity continues in 2019

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog One would think that if economic austerity had ended, it would be trumpeted loudly? After all, it has been going on for so long, is so hugely despised, is such an economic failure, and has been the source of so many protests, arrests, tear-gassings, water cannoning, police violence and – certainly – deaths due to the lack of adequate health care, suicides due

America Hits China in Order to Frighten Russia

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source: The Americans introduced a new package of anti-Chinese sanctions. It is interesting that this time the actions of Washington aren’t connected to the economy in any way, but bear an exclusively military-political charge… The Central Military Commission of China was hit because of its purchase of 10 Russian Su-35 and equipment for surface-to-air S-400
