Almost a year ago I added an additional ‘news’ page on our website. The ‘search news feeds’ feature on this page has been only used by the most adventuresome of our readers, as it was never announced and only found by exploration.

This page is accessed by the ‘NON MSM NEWS’ button on the home page. On this page is an RSS feature that allows readers to review the news feeds from a selected list of news sites. To give a taste of how this appears … here are several links

webmaster’s seleccted news sites

Russia news in russian — Saker’s list

This RSS feature can be accessed by click on the ‘NON MSM NEWS’ button the home page (far right…below the Iceland Saker Image) and once on the news site click on the ‘Submit Query’ (far right) within the ‘Search News Feeds’ box.

Within the ‘Search News Feed’ box 4 different news lists can be selected … in addition a search term can also be entered, entering ‘Trump’ or ‘Putin’ will almost always get a hit.

The rss feeds only go back 3 days .. as after three days they are no longer ‘New’.

Additional ‘News lists’ for displaying/searching can be readily created as needed or desired … so we are not just limited to the 4 that are currently displayed.


Herb Swanson (Webmaster)