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Capitalism is not the problem

Capitalism is not the problem. Capitalism is an Abstraction. The Criminal and War Economy is the problem. YOU are the Solution. by Cameron Pike for The Saker blog Capitalism is a very loosely defined term. When you look up the definition in the dictionary and compare it to Marx’ description in the context of leftist discourse today, it has become a catch-all and vague phrase which implies that all private

Sweet Cuban sugar, bitter French whine

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog I have no idea why the French are such a very bitter people. Americans, I could understand: Their people are absolutely thrown to the wolves in just about every societal way possible. Half of every one of their cities are “no-go zones”, at this very moment some schoolkid is oiling up his automatic rifle and tightening up his assault plans of Mr. O’Grady’s

SITREP: A false flag attack on a USN ship next?

by Nick for the Saker blog The USS Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group left the east coast Naval Station Norfolk, VA on 11th April. The aircraft carrier is accompanied by the guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy, the guided-missile destroyers USS Burke, Bulkeley, Forest Sherman and Farragut, and the destroyers USS Jason and The Sullivans. The strike group carries 6,500 sailors and Carrier Air Wing One. Recent announcements about Russia’s hypersonic

The Cultural Revolution’s solving of the urban-rural divide

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog If there is one thing the election of Donald Trump showed the United States it’s that there is an enormous urban-rural divide. That’s not true at all…. The US “discovered” this exact same problem following the elections of Bill Clinton and Dubya Bush: rural voters found Clinton immoral, urban voters found Bush immoral – open support for either president made one immoral. Both

A Curious Incident Part XI

by Sushi for The Saker blog The Special Relationship If we examine the position of the UK on the world stage, we observe a pattern of prolonged decline from the august position of imperial hegemon. After the great heights of empire, the UK found itself exhausted and diminished at the end WWII. The Suez crisis of 1956 marked “the end of Great Britain’s role as one of the world’s major

In pursuit of President Xi Jinping’s, “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.”

By Anne Teoh for the  Saker Blog China, China : Part III In pursuit of President Xi Jinping’s, “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.” Modern Chinese history did not evolve in isolation; there were influences from countries like Soviet Russia (up to a point when Soviet technical aid with the Wuhan Bridge construction left with the blueprints), Eastern Europe and the US. However, following an eclectic reading of China’s modern leaders and

Each “click” brings us one step closer to the “bang!”

[This column was written for the Unz Review] Trump pulled the trigger, but instead of a “bang!” what the world heard was a demure “click”. Considering that we are talking about playing a most dangerous game of potentially nuclear Russian AngloZionist roulette, the “click” is very good news indeed. But, to use the words of Nikki Haley, the US “gun” is still “locked and loaded”. There are a number of

The Saker interviewed by “Guns and Butter”

On Monday I was interviewed by Bonnie Faulkner for her show “Guns and Butter”. The official show page is here: Direct SoundCloud link: You can also listen to the show here: or download it from here: Enjoy! The Saker

Change of Saker snail mail address

Dear friends, For a few years I used a PO Box in Edgewater, Florida but after having an almost infinite amount of frustrating problems with the gross incompetence of the USPS, I have decided to ditch it.  This is the address I used in the past: The Saker PO Box 711 Edgewater Florida 32132-0711 USA PLEASE DO NOT USE IT ANYMORE!!! Instead, please send all snail mail to me at

Statement of A.Shulgin at the OPCW EC

Mr. Chairperson, I would like to start my speech with the words that belong to the great thinker Martin Luther, “A lie is like a snowball: the further you roll it, the bigger it becomes”. This wise aphorism is fully applicable to politics. He who has chosen the path of deception will have to lie again and again, making up explanations for discrepancies, spreading disinformation and doing forgery, desperately using

After Washington’s aggression: Syria will win

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog One week after the latest US aggression against Syria, the Syrian Army and its allies have spared no efforts in continuing their raging fight against terrorism. Douma was liberated last week, right after Washington and its vassals bombed Syria to “save lives”, and on Tuesday reports emerged that jihadist militants of the besieged city of Al-Dumayr, further east of Damascus, have agreed to

Syria, Iran and ‘chaos in international relations’

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) Even in the context of a post-truth geopolitical environment run amok, Russian President Vladimir Putin telling his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani over the phone that any further Western strikes against Syria may “lead to chaos in international relations” should at least be seen for what it is; a massive understatement. According to the Kremlin, Putin and

Syria SITREP – three useful sources to debunk the nonsense (UPDATED)

Frankly, my blog is aimed at an adult audience with a graduate-level college education or equivalent, capable of critical and logical thought and free from the kind of mental prolefeed the media is serving the zombified masses.  So I would not normally bother posting info debunking the latest nonsensical lies of the AngloZionist propaganda machine.  But since the Hegemony is vociferously insisting that a gas attack did take place in

SITREP: US missile attack on Syria – Russian statistics

The following are the official results of the US missile attacks on Syria as reported by the Russian General Staff on this video: TRANSLATION (all names phonetically translated from Russian, not the original Arabic, by me. The Saker) Target Attacking cruise missiles Defeated cruise missiles Diuvali 4 4 Duimeir airbase 12 12 Blei airbase 18 18 Shairat airbase 12 12 Tifor airbase 2 2 Mezze airbase 9 5 Khoms airbase

Reporting from Cuba: The world awaits a ‘Cuban RT’ or ‘Cuban PressTV’

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Cuba seems to be the natural spokesperson of the global left. Just 100 kilometers from the US, everybody knows they have bravely stood up to the murderous bully that is the United States for nearly 60 years. Pound for pound, who else has such an exemplary record of internationalism? Cuba gives until it hurts, and we all know it. South Africa would certainly
