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Breaking Articles

Medvedev re-nomination: this does not look good

Just a quick note here (since I am inundated by emails about this): there is no way I can put a positive spin on the fact that Putin has re-nominated Medvedev as Prime Minister.  I am personally bitterly disappointed and so are many others.  A comment I just saw on the YouTube chat of the inauguration was succinct and to the point: “Путин кинул народ – мы не за Медведева

Is Israel a psychopath?

by Laurent Guyénot for the Saker blog Introduction There is a lot of talk these days about the psychopaths ruling the world. A study among high executives of large companies, published under the title Snakes in Suits, shows that psychopathic traits are widespread among them.[1] This naturally reflects into collective forms of psychopathy: in The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, Joel Bakan noted that “corporate behavior is

Hassan Nasrallah: Will the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia attack Syria?

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in Baalbeck on May 1, 2018, in preparation for the May 6 legislative elections in Lebanon. Translation: Transcript: […] Yes, the Resistance needs political protection, because there is an international conspiracy against it, which is currently growing, and a regional conspiracy against it. And we now find people willing to pay not 1 or 2 billion dollars – I am

Military and non-military escalation into nuclear war.

by R.Lesnoix for The Saker blog Recent events have put the prospect of nuclear war back into the limelight. We believed we had left this behind when the cold war ended. We were wrong. Not only is it back, it is back with a vengeance. We now face the real possibility of non-military confrontations escalating into all-out nuclear war. This worries me as it seems that the thresholds for these

The Warmakers

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] Between the US strikes on Syria in April and the recent developments on the Korean Peninsula, we are in somewhat of a lull in the Empire’s search for a new war to start. The always helpful Israelis, in the person of the ineffable Bibi Netanyahu, are now beating the drums for, well, if not a war, then at least some kind of

Once China got off drugs: the link between opium and ‘liberal strongman’ Macron

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The link between Chinese opium money and rich Western families and monarchies (Astor, Forbes, Kerry, Delano, Roosevelt, etc.) is already well-known, though it’s not publicised enough in the Mainstream Media. What is even less publicised is how in 2018 the drug trade creates a country – Columbia, Mexico, even Afghanistan, certainly the United States, etc. – which becomes so socially, culturally, financially and

Syria SITREP: How the Russian General Staff is fooling the US and Israel

How the Russian General Staff is fooling the US and Israel Source: Translated by Eugenia The day before yesterday, the world media have published the new of the meeting in Sweden of the Western European UN representatives regarding implementation of the UN general Assembly resolution 377 “Uniting for Peace”. The meeting made clear the strategy of the West to exclude Russia from discussions of all critical political and military

Hassan Nasrallah: Israel has come into direct confrontation with Iran

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on April 13, 2018 in Beirut, in preparation for the May 6 legislative elections in Lebanon. Translation: Transcript: […] Today, the whole region goes through a worrying situation. Worry is one thing, and fear is another. We say a worrying situation. Why? Because many leaders, governments, analysts, personalities and people in general, even people at home, everyday people who perhaps do

Eurasia torn between war and peace

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) Iran’s top trading partner is China, while Tehran and Moscow have been improving ties as the three countries move closer to cementing a solid alliance Two summits – the cross-border handshake that shook the world between Kim and Moon in Panmunjom and Xi and Modi’s cordial walk by the lake in Wuhan – may have provided

The Saker interviewed by Countdown Radio

Here are a few options to listen to this interview:[UNIQID] (I hope these liks work.  I am still away from home with no computer and just a tablet with spotty connections.  If something needs fixing, I will do that when I come home.  Cheers, The Saker )

The Number of the Beast

by Protopresbyter Mikhail Polsky Translation and additional notes by Edvin Buday Among the broad masses of believers in subjugated Russia, the expectation of the second coming of Christ is exceptionally widely spread. A great number of people is busying itself with the interpretation of the apocalypse. All parts of the Revelations of John are being applied to the current moment; events that have already passed are being intelligently interpreted. Stages

It’s BRI against Indo-Pacific all over again

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) Modi and Xi meeting could have a crucial SCO subplot focusing on security and economic cooperation All bets are off on the outcome of India Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s potentially ground-breaking meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping this Friday and Saturday in Wuhan. Things have not exactly started in auspicious mode. After a meeting in Beijing

Cuban sonic attacks: Likely winner of ‘US Lie of the Decade’

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog I can’t think of another story I’ve reported on which was so completely, 100% devoid of facts…. The allegations of Cuban “sonic attacks” are a complete and total joke. If you believe one iota of this scandalous insult to human honesty and decency – you are dangerously gullible. Why are only White workers in the US and Canadian embassies reporting health problems, when

The best media money can buy!

Today the Russian held an extraordinary briefing and press conference at the OPCW, which featured the boy which supposedly was gassed in Douma, his father and other witnesses: Here is the Russian language video of this 2 hour long press conference: and here is the BBC’s front page today: Do I need to say anything more? The Saker

On sanctions

by Scott Humor On Monday April 16, a well-oiled machine of anti-Russian sanctions experienced a major hiccup. This day the US Treasury promised to announce new sanctions against Russia’s companies and persons, if  the US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley to be believed. Why would the US Ambassador to the UN do such things as announcing the US Treasury’s plans is everyone’s guess, especially since this Monday, when it

Saker book review: POKÉMON IN UKRAINE – Tactical War Game Introduction MANUAL

Dear friends, I thought I should take the time to sit down and draw your attention to a very interesting and original book written by my Director of Research, Scott Humor, entitled “POKÉMON IN UKRAINE: Tactical War Game Introduction MANUAL“.  The very first sentence is the book is a disclaimer: “This book is a work of fiction. This manual is for illustrative purpose only“.  Really? The book is an in-depth

I will be out of reach just for a few days for a short but much needed break

Dear friends, I just wanted to let you know that I will be on the road for a few days and totally out of reach.  Specifically, I will be completely disconnected from the Internet from Saturday April 28th until Wednesday May 2nd. Please do not email me during these days. I will be meeting a friend in a remote location and I badly need this time off so, at the

Caspian games: Central Asian ‘stans’ vie for connectivity market

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) Azerbaijan held a presidential election this month. Predictably, incumbent leader Ilham Aliyev won his fourth consecutive term with a Kim dynasty-esque 86% of the votes. International monitors for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) stressed “widespread disregard for mandatory procedures, numerous instances of serious irregularities and lack

The DPRK declares itself a nuclear power

Note by the Saker: please read carefully what this official statement says.  There are two key elements here, first, the DPRK has successfully completed its program of nuclear tests and ballistic missiles test and, second, the DPRK will now act as a responsible nuclear power and never use its nuclear power unless she is attacked.  In plain English this simply means: we made it, you could not stop us, now
