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Breaking Articles

The Hybrid War On The Cultural Fabric of Russian Society

by Larchmonter445 for the Saker blog Ramzan Kadyrov, President Putin and the Moral Sensibilities of Russian Society are the targets du jour of the Rabid Russophobes and the Khazarian-American-Rothschild Globalists. Sanctions and outrageous cultural warfare are the weapons flung against these targets. The RRs and KARGs have been working assiduously in all sectors of Russian society, especially Media, Athletics and Arts, to achieve the destruction of these men and others,

Winter fundraiser and important announcements (UPDATED 2x)

(SEE UPDATE BELOW) Dear friends, Executive summary: Help me work for you ‘Tis the season to be giving..” right? So here I am again asking you to help me continue my work for you.  Most of you know that, but for newcomers let me just stress the following: my blog is 100% ad-free, no obnoxious pop-ups, no paywalls, no special member-only content, not even copyrights!  Check at the bottom of

Vladimir Putin takes spotlight as Eurasia connector

At his year-end press conference, the Russian president let drop nuggets essential to understanding what lies ahead on the Eurasian geopolitical chessboard by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) At his trademark annual year-end press conference in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin once again let drop selected foreign-policy nuggets essential to understanding what lies ahead on the turbulent Eurasian geopolitical chessboard. By now

Did the CIA stop a bloodbath in Saint Petersburg?

(Here is the original report, for my evaluation, please see below – The Saker) RT reports: The Russian President Vladimir Putin has thanked his US counterpart Donald Trump for help in preventing a terrorist attack in St. Petersburg. Data provided by the CIA enabled Russian security services to find and detain terrorists The Russian leader expressed his gratitude in a telephone call, adding that the Russian security services would also

Jerusalem – The Straw that Breaks the Empire’s Back?

by Peter Koenig for the Saker blog When President Trump on 6 December 2017 declared unilaterally Jerusalem as the capital of Israel to where the US Embassy shall relocate, he violated UN Resolutions, international law, common sense and went against all diplomatic efforts to eventually bring peace to the region, not to speak about 130 countries that have already voiced opposition to such a decision. And this, before the Peace

Jerusalem in My Heart

by Israel Shamir (cross-posted with the Unz Review by special agreement with the author) Jerusalem is first of all a symbol, and a potent one; the American recognition of Jewish sovereignty over the Holy City is a sign of the final Jewish victory over Christianity, and it is to be deeply regretted. Richard Coeur de Lion and Tancred would not understand this surrender of the city they fought for, but

Hassan Nasrallah: we are about to liberate Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and all of Palestine

Subtitled video censored by Youtube for alleged “violent or graphic content”. See it on Vimeo: Hassan Nasrallah: we are about to liberate Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and all of Palestine from 7asan saleh on Vimeo. Transcript: […] (Against the decision of Trump), the least (degree of faith) here would be that the Palestinian Authority, the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (who will meet) in Istanbul in two days decree

Fascism? Surely Not.

by Vaughan Famularo for the Saker blog Recently, Australia held a plebiscite for the legalisation of Gay Marriage which passed in the affirmative by a reasonable majority of the population.   This article is not intended to debate the pro’s or cons of the gay marriage debate but rather, a new phenomenon we witnessed during the debate, where many large Corporations took a very public and vocal stand, supporting the Yes

The Olympic betrayal of Russia

The IOC’s decision to ban the Russian flag and anthem from the Winter Olympics is grossly discriminatory and makes no legal or moral sense by Alexander Mercouris (cross-posted with Russia Feed by special agreement with the author) In the first half of 2016, shortly before the Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Professor Richard McLaren at the request of WADA published his preliminary report on sports doping in Russia.

Silk Road fever grips the Russian Far East and boosts economy

China’s Belt and Road Initiative heralds a new era with mega infrastructure projects dotting the landscape by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) If  you are looking for the latest breakthroughs in trans-Eurasian geoeconomics, you should keep an eye on the East – the Russian Far East. One interesting project is the new state-of-the-art $1.5 billion Bystrinsky plant. Located about 400 kilometers from the Chinese border

Debunking the flagwaving myths about an attack on North Korea

(This analysis was written for the Unz Review) First, the bragging dummies Trump and Haley are still at it.  The want to force China to take action against the DPRK by threatening to take North Korea “into their hands” if China refuses to comply.  Haley said “But to be clear, China can do more, (…) and we’re putting as much pressure on them as we can. The last time they

A short commentary on Trumps latest SNAFU

Okay, I admit it: Trump is a Russian agent.   I tried really, really hard to deny it, but now I can’t continue anymore because I am presented with an absolutely incontrovertible truth: only a Russian agent infiltrated to the highest levels of power in the USA, the White House, could have done what Trump did a couple of days ago: recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  That, truly, was

The Costs of War: counted in TRILLIONS

by Phillyguy for the Saker blog Introduction The US came out of WWII as the world’s dominant military and economic power. Since that time, US hegemony has been predicated on: 1) unrivaled military strength, 2) control of world’s energy reserves and 3) primacy of the US dollar. US dominance has become increasingly threatened due to its continuing economic decline, a process that began in the mid-1970s as US corporate profits

Putin’s Syrian withdrawal announcement: an analysis

Putin’s Syrian withdrawal announcement: neither a full Russian withdrawal nor victory in Syria by Alexander Mercouris (cross-posted with The Duran by special agreement with the author) At a time when President Putin is undertaking a tour of the Middle East it would have been politically speaking extremely unwise for him not to have made a stop-over to meet the Russian troops at the Khmeimim air base whom Putin himself sent
