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Breaking Articles

Meeting with the Saker in beautiful Tobago

by Imran N. Hosein I have just spent 10 exciting days with my Russian friend, ‘The Saker’, in the enchantingly beautiful Caribbean island of Tobago. I was born in the island of Trinidad where I now live, and Tobago is located just next to Trinidad in the South Caribbean Sea close to Venezuela: This was the first time that I ever met with ‘Saker’, and I am

Important announcement – please read (especially if you have emailed me!)

Dear friends, I am facing somewhat of a perfect storm right now.  Not only did Orthodox Great Lent just end with the Annunciation yesterday and the Entry of our Lord tomorrow, but Passion Week begins on Monday and next Sunday is Holy Paskha.  Translated in plain English this means “lots of very long church services”.  To make things words, Trump has just gone off the deep end in Syria, and

Syria US missile strike Naval Brief NB 05/17 April 08, 2017 by LeDahu

Another Naval Brief- an update, only because it seems that at times, when a Brief gets published, something spectacular happens shortly afterwards.   US destroyers “USS Ross” (DDG 71) & “USS Porter”, (DDG 78)     were the US Navy warships that launched Tomahawk strikes at the Shayrat airbase in the Homs region of Syria. Yet, more than half did not reach their targets. In a nutshell, $88.5m worth of

‘Bernie Hamon’: Too late for another center-left letdown in the West?

by Ramin Mazaheri Many in the West are finally starting to come around to the reality that their mainstream “left” party is actually quite right-wing. What’s taking longer for Westerners to realize is: the left flank of their mainstream “left” party is actually not left-wing at all. Starting with the United States: What real impact has Bernie Sanders had? As predicted – none. Sanders’ preferred candidate for Democratic National Committee

SITREP: Important update on the US attack on Syria

I have an important update: based on Russian sources, including video footage and the reports of one Russian journalist on the ground, Evgenii Poddubnyi, it has become clear that the US strike was largely symbolic.  Here is the evidence: The Russians were given a warning which they, of course, passed on to the Syrians.  The Americans must have assumed that this would happen. The Syrian airbase was lightly damaged: a

Book Review: Twilight’s Last Gleaming by J.M. Greer

This article was written for the Unz Review: A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article for the Unz Review entitled “The Empire should be placed on suicide watch”. As always, I also reposted it on my blog. One of the commentators, J.L. Seagull posted a comment which intrigued me. He wrote: (…) we continue to be trapped in an illusion that we are still a massive power

Trump orders a military attack on Syria – a crucial moment for Russia

So now we finally have the answer to the key question whether Trump was for real of a fake: he has just ordered a cruise missile attack on Syria.  Words fail me to express my total disgust with Trump. All I will say is this:  this is a moment as crucial as the US/NATO aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999.  When that happened, Evgenii Primakov, then Prime Minister of Russia, who

Naval Briefing NB 04/17 April 2017, by LeDahu

The various West/US/NATO deployments puts the security environment in Eastern Europe, Syria and South China Sea in a precarious situation.   Not in the news but… The USA flagged Ro-ro “Liberty Passion”, recently called into Beirut on the 4th April.  It is doing a whistle stop tour of some of the seven seas, so it seems.  It’s previous port call was Constanta in Romania, dropping off 200 or so pieces

The Trump administration goes Neocon-crazy

Oh boy, that did not take long.  As I wrote in February, the Neocons and the US deep state have completely neutered Trump.  Just look at these two headlines from RT (and read the articles):  ‘It crossed a lot of lines’: Trump on alleged chemical gas attack in Syria ‘We are compelled to take own action’ if UN fails in Syria – US envoy Frankly, I feel like saying “QED

Saker Podcast # 13 (Saker’s views on Islam)

Dear friends, I finally found the time to sit down and record a podcast about my views of Islam and Muslims.  I hope that this podcast will set the record straight and clearly explain my views.  For those interested in this topic, here are the links to a series of articles I wrote on the related topic of “Russia and Islam”: Russia and Islam series:

Emmanuel Macron: France’s ‘Roths-churian candidate’?

by Ramin Mazaheri How can we explain that centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron is still leading the French presidential elections, just a month away? Is it possible that every Macron supporter – and not Macron himself – has been brainwashed like in the movie “The Manchurian Candidate”? Maybe it’s a case of “The Manchurian Voters”? That seems unlikely. Lotta work to hypnotize so many millions of people. As a longtime daily

The Race for Raqqa

by Ghassan Kadi Barely two months into his office, Trump is still facing a very hostile environment around him both domestically and internationally. Many of his domestic election promises have been kept to the pleasure of some and dismay of others, but on the international front, his emerging policies are, for better and for worse, still developing. Some pundits believe that it is only a matter of time before Trump

Saker’s open letter to the Saker community

Dear friends, Today is the day I was planning to reply to your *amazing* reaction to my appeal, but the likely terrorist attack in Saint Petersburg made me decide to begin with a short reminder which I feel is important.  I will keep it short and to the point, and then turn to my main topic.  One request: please don’t comment here about this attack, but do that in the

What does Russia produce? 3

What does Russia produce? 1 What does Russia produce? 2   Space Exploration Space complex rockets Angara New generation rocket engine RD-181 Engine RD-191 Progress 66 Cargo Ship Docks at the Space Station The automated Progress 66 supply ship docked at the space station at 3:30 a.m. EST (0830 GMT), parking itself at the station’s Russian-built Pirs docking module   For space exploration Russia also develops and  manufacturers Mirrors for

What does Russia produce? 2

Once upon a time, a few Russian guys built a super all terrain vehicle and dubbed it Sherp. Sherp is an ATV with superb off-road performance, with no one else even coming close. Happy and excited about building such a cool thing, Russian guys invited the Western experts to share a joy of this engineering marvel. The Western experts looked at Sherp and said: “Russians would do anything not to

The Mosul Massacres: the Banality of Evil revisited.

By Anwar Khan What is the moral difference–if any– between the intentional shooting at fleeing civilians and using them as human shields on the one hand, and the flattening of entire neighborhoods, killing hundreds of innocent civilians, on the pretext of the presence of enemy fighters there-in, on the other? The answer is that there is no moral difference. Both are high crimes under any book, and it is being

Searching for Russia

[Note from the Saker: some of you did notice that I was not posting very much and that I was not replying to emails as much as I used to.  Now I can confess: I was on a semi-confidential trip abroad in a locate with very spotty Internet access (slow, through my smartphone’s dataplan).  I am now back and I will post a full report about this, and my latest

In Germany NATO films “Freedom Shock” with Russian speaking civilians

On the last day of March my true love came to me and asked for the Russian (Polish) speaking extras to act as the “villagers” being invaded by the US military. What notably absent here is the demand for some Ukrainian or Belorussian speaking actors, even though they might get the migrant workers from Ukraine mostly. RT posted more details on this NATO’s open casting call, NATO acting up: Alliance looking

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview to the National Interest Magazine March 29, 2017

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with the National Interest Magazine, published on March 29, 2017 Question: I’d like to start by asking you about your forthcoming meeting with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, we’ve read in the press that the two of you may be meeting soon. Sergey Lavrov: So they say. Question: Could you perhaps tell us about your expectations and goals in dealing with Secretary

World SITREP Heads and Tails

Pentagon has finally discovered a “link between Russia and Libyan commander Haftar” Marine General Thomas Waldhauser, the head of U.S. forces in Africa told reporters on Friday March 24 that there was an “undeniable” link between Russia and powerful Libyan commander Khalifa Haftar, underscoring U.S. concerns about Moscow’s deepening role in Libya.” as Reuters reported. General Khalifa Haftar, commander in the Libyan National Army (LNA), visit to Moscow was announced
