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Breaking Articles

NY Times: France can only choose between globalization and racism?

by Ramin Mazaheri So there I was again, on an airplane from San Francisco to New York – the “job creators’ red-eye” – and I had plenty of time to read the New York Times’ Roger Cohen cover the French presidential election in an extended Sunday Review format. Joy of joys! Our “paper of record” has sent Cohen back to cover his old beat for the election. Get ready for some

Trump has lost control over the Pentagon

The Pentagon’s more aggressive military approach Here is a short timeline of the Pentagon taking the presidential commander-in-chief power from Trump. The ultimatums came on March 1. On March 1, 2017 the Atlantic’s article “Trump and the Generals” announced that Trump’s military leaders “increasingly sound like they’re working for a different president altogether.” They complained about the lack of funding, even after Trump pledged to give them additional $54 billion

How to bring down the elephant in the room

First, a painful, but necessary, clarification: Basement crazies.  Neocons. Zionists.  Israel Lobbyists.  Judaics.  Jews.  Somewhere along this list we bump into the proverbial “elephant in the room”.  For some this bumping will happen earlier in the list, for others a little later down the list, but the list will be more or less the same for everybody.  Proper etiquette, as least in the West, would want to make us run

Trump’s escalation and a united Resistance: How the US failed to deter Syria and her allies

By Aram Mirzaei Just as many observers of the Syrian conflict had been thinking that the tragic crisis playing out for the past six years in the Arab country was finally about to see and end, things quickly turned around on April 4 as Syrian “opposition controlled” areas were allegedly hit by chemical weapons, a terrible crime purportedly committed by the “Assad regime”, who apparently decided to defy all logic

News Brief BRICS Joint Communiqué, troops deployment near Korean Peninsula

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang’s Regular Press Conference on April 14, 2017 Q: It is reported that all necessary materials for the deployment of THAAD have been delivered to the golf course in Seongju region in the southeast of the ROK. The ROK military suggested that THAAD would be deployed soon to counter the threat posed by DPRK’s nuclear and missile programs. What’s China’s comment on this? A: China has

Rabbis Urge President Trump To “Act Decisively” In Syria

Dear President Trump, We write to you with angst just days before the Passover holiday when the Jews escaped the oppressive tyranny of Pharaoh in Egypt. The Assad regime in Syria appears to have conducted a nerve gas attack against Syrian civilians yesterday. At least 58 civilians have been killed in the attack, marking the worst chemical attack in Syria since the August 21, 2013 chemical massacre. We believe that

Why Vault 7 Tools Used by Private Contractors Shows US Intel Needs a Ground-Up Rebuild Intel and News Building

By GH Eliason The Vault 7 exposé by WikiLeaks neglected to mention the most important part of the disclosure. Sure, the CIA has all these tools available. Yes, they are used on the public. The important part is; it’s not the CIA that’s using them. That’s the part that needs to frighten you. The CIA, by the definition of its mission, cannot use the tools in Vault 7, and definitely

Breaking News US led forces has bomb a chemical warehouse April 13 2017

  BREAKING || Civilians killed as US jets bomb ISIS chemical depot in Deir Ezzor: Syrian MoD “DAMASCUS, SYRIA (1:30 P.M.) – The US-coalition Air Force has conducted airstrikes against ISIS positions in the eastern city of Deir Ezzor, targeting a chemical depot for the terror group which resulted in the death of hundreds of militants as well as civilian, the Syrian Ministry of Defense said in an official statement.

“Reports of war” Naval Brief NB 06/17 April 13, 2017 by LeDahu

The West is currently playing a game of brinkmanship with Russia over Syria, based on the “fast and loose” principle it seems. The US Navy – eastern Mediterranean  “We prepositioned forces (the 2 US Navy ships) so that if there was an order received we could have that quick response.” US  senior defense official. This deployment of the 2 closest US warships in the eastern Med, would have not gone

Trillary’s Victory

by Jimmie Moglia The Western media has launched a volley of sycophantic praise of Trump’s victory in the great American raid on a Syrian airport, which produced new dead, though fewer than what is now routinely accepted as a lugubrious normal. Nevertheless, it seems that the US has dropped the pretense and decided to intervene directly in the Syrian conflict. A conflict it wanted and prepared, while hiding behind the

Rex Tillerson meets with Foreign Minister Lavrov and President Putin

Finally, they met.  Rex Tillerson spent several hours speaking with Foreign Minister Lavrov and, after that, with President Putin.  Tillerson  and Lavrov then held a rather bizarre joint press conference in which Tillerson mantrically repeated all the nonsense we are now used to hear about Russia while Lavrov logically demolished each US argument one by one.  I suppose I could discuss the entire press conference word by word, but it

Full text of the Lavrov – Tillerson press conference

FOREIGN MINISTER LAVROV: (Via interpreter) Good evening. This has been a long day. We have had talks with State Secretary of the U.S. Rex Tillerson. Right now, we have had a long conversation with President Vladimir Putin of Russia. It has lasted for more than two hours. The negotiations have proved to be substantial and very frank. They have comprised the whole gamut of issues of importance to our bilateral

Sheikh Imran Hosein interviews the Saker

Dear friends, Some of you might remember that I have mentioned in the past that I was planning to do a “coming out” of my “anonymity closet” on the 10th anniversary of my blog, on May 1, 2017.  Well, turns out that I had a better opportunity to do that just a little earlier upon the request of my friend Sheikh Imran Hosein who talked me into agreeing to a

Tracking under-reported developments SITREP Updated

While we all struggle with the deep state, and very few governments openly express their opposition to the US crazies in the UN, things are working the way they should: The 5th East Forum of the EU and the EEU 5th East Forum of the EU and the Eurasian Economic Union in Berlin adopted a Memorandum  of creation an economic area ( a pathway) from Lisbon to Vladivostok and beyond.

Serbia’s Post-Electoral Travails

by Stephen Karganovic He who was formerly on a throne is now naked on a dunghill and covered with sores. (Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, Fifth Thursday, Song 4, verse 14) This ringing epitaph from the classical call to repentance by the great Byzantine Church father should send a fitting message to all tyrants, petty and large, in the Balkans or wherever they might abide, especially during this

Professor Stephen Cohen – the last voice of reason in a world gone mad?

Professor Stephen Cohen is, in my opinion, the best Russia specialist in the USA.  He is also a wise, decent, honest and courageous man.  A friend send me this video of him this morning (he begins at 1:38) and I can only agree with him.  We are, once again, looking at the very real possibility, or even probability, of a hot war between Russia and the USA.  As I write

A multi-level analysis of the US cruise missile attack on Syria and its consequences

The latest US cruise missile attack on the Syrian airbase is an extremely important event in so many ways that it is important to examine it in some detail.  I will try to do this today with the hope to be able to shed some light on a rather bizarre attack which will nevertheless have profound consequences.  But first, let’s begin by looking at what actually happened. The pretext: I

A French Guian-exit? Will the EU lose another member?

by Ramin Mazaheri Is the European Union about to lose its modern-day colony in South America? Your eyes should be turned towards tiny French Guiana because it is currently the global epicenter of anti-imperialism amid a 3-week General Strike. It just got even more serious: A “total blockade” until a “new order” has just been announced to start on April 9th. Yes, French Guiana is part of the EU, the

Hezbolla warns that the USA have ‘crossed the red line’ and that Hezbollah will respond to any US aggression

If I was the US President, I would take that threat very, very seriously.  But then, I am a wimp.  Trump is tough guy… A story that came up overnight, regarding a “Hezbollah statement.” Caveat, this story might be wrong. The Duran posted that the Russian military have already disproved this story Here’s what RU embassies actually put out — no red lines or threats of retaliation mentioned:  And here’s the
