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Breaking Articles

Navy Brief 10/17 May 9th 2017 St Petersburg Naval Parade

by LeDahu   The case of the disappearing ships. The Russian Navy arrived in St Petersburg, moored on the river Neva, in preparation for the 9 May Victory Day, on the evening of the 3rd May (Video) #ВИДЕО: Военные #корабли вошли в Неву #Петербург — Пятый канал Новости (@5tv) May 3, 2017 Including the submarine “Kolpino” and the corvette “Urengoy” at night. This was followed by the “Zelenodolsk”, and

The history of the Neocon takeover of the USA (a 4 part analysis)

Foreword by the Saker: the four articles below, combined into one, are an exception to the normal rule which is that this blog doe not republish articles already published in the past.  In this case, at the request of Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, I decided to make an exception due to the importance and interest of the topic: the origins of the Neocon movement.  I am particularly grateful to

Emmanuel Clinton and the revolt of the elites

by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times So in the end the West was saved by the election of Emmanuel Macron as President of France: relief in Brussels, a buoyant eurozone, rallies in Asian markets. That was always a no-brainer. After all, Macron was endorsed by the EU, Goddess of the Market, and Barack Obama. And he was fully backed by the French ruling class. This was a referendum on

Who was defeated in the Great Patriotic war?

by Scott Humor Sergey Shoigu , the Russia’s Minister of Defense, issued an order to congratulate servicemen and veterans with the Victory Day   May 9th Victory Day Parade on Red Square 2017 (FULL VIDEO) President Putin’s speech at 17:30 with English voice over     This morning I got a message from Veritas: “Thanks Scott. I am sitting here watching the Victory Parade live – VVP’s speech this year

Macron wins – the 24% who voted for him rejoice, the rest sigh

by Ramin Mazaheri Communist ideas have won concessions from industry, but they have been unable to stop high finance from exploiting workers. That is the big battle today. Only revolutionary and heavily socialist countries like Iran, Cuba and China – as well as dictatorships like South Korea in the past – have been able to stop domination by international finance. France, however, has fearfully rushed into the arms of the

Je Suis Charlie to MacronLeaks? France’s ‘free press’ takes credibility hit

by Ramin Mazaheri I don’t understand: I thought the French were passionately in love with liberty of the press? That’s what they said when they just HAD to publish pictures of the Prophet Muhammad in Charlie Hebdo. And some of these pictures were absolutely pornographic, let’s not forget – they were not respectful, tolerant or even neutral. Heck, one showed Prophet Muhammad actually filming a porn movie. But I thought

The US Bill H.R. 1644 to kill Russian food export and Chinese trade

by Scott Humor H.R. 1644, the Korea Interdiction and Modernization of Sanctions Act President Trump signed the ‘Buy American, Hire American’ executive order. “The most spectacular claim—that North Korea is, at present, “capable of producing a nuclear bomb every six or seven weeks”— is backed up entirely by an anonymous blob of “expert studies and classified intelligence reports.”… it is “impossible to verify.”   Coming to Russia, don’t complain about

Address to the eternals Bouvard and Péruchet on the occasion of an electoral farce in progress

With thanks to the Saker, for posting Jean Ferrat on line, and in memory of Me Vergès. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness. Matthew 23:27 There is no worse blind man than the one who doesn’t want to see. There is no worse deaf man than the one

The future of Islam in Western Europe

This article was written for the Unz Review. With the upcoming French Presidential election in France the topic of Islam in Europe has again become central to the political discourse. This is nothing new: we also saw that in the UK, in Holland, in Austria and even in Switzerland, where the Muslim communities were banned – by popular referendum – from building minarets (even though only four minarets existed in

Naval Brief NB 09/17 May 4th 2017

by LeDahu   Part 1- Brief Background on naval developments with North Korea  (DPRK) & South Korea, (ROK) South Korea staged a large-scale land & air exercises last week. On 29, DPRK carried out a ballistic missile launch test, that lasted for approximately 15mins. It appeared to have failed according to ROK news agency Yonhap. At the same time, (bear in mind that there is no President of ROK at

Le Pen clowns at debate instead of taking anti-austerity seriously

by Ramin Mazaheri Unlike most Western countries, French politicians do not really do personal attacks. That sounds surprising, but they don’t even criticize each other’s programs with virulence. It’s “inelegant” or “bad form.” But perhaps this is why the French can debate politics over a four-hour Sunday meal? Ultimately, this is poseur nonsense that has nothing do with the brutally harsh and immediate reality of political platforms and decisions. That’s

Slavehood 2017

by Peter Koenig When in the 18th and 19th Century African slaves did not ’behave’, they were cruelly beaten sometimes to death as a deterrent for others. They were deprived of food for their families. Their women were raped. They were traded to even harsher white masters. Their lives were worth only what their labor could produce. They were treated as subjects, devoid of human warmth. Today we have become

The Saker interviewed by Bonnie Faulkner for her show “Guns and Butter” on Pacifica Radio

Dear friends, Ever since I moved to the USA in 2002 I have been listening to Bonnie Faulkner and her amazing show “Guns and Butter”.  If you don’t know who Bonnie Faulkner is, then just go through the archives of her show.  You can find them here and here.  When Bonnie contacted me to ask me to be interviewed I was nothing short of elated: she was a real hero

The Vineyard Saker blog celebrates its 10th anniversary, even though very little has changed. Or has it?

Ten years ago, on May 2nd 2007, I decided to “scratch my itch” and to write what I thought and then make it public.  After a long interruption I wanted to analyze again and, for the first time, I wanted to make that analysis public (before that all my analyses were classified, you can read a more detailed version of this here).  Even if “public” meant all of: me and,

Waliyic Islam between Theory and Practice

by Anwar Khan This is a brief review of an article written by brother Blake Archer Williams a short while again titled Sacred Communities and the Emergent Multipolar Landscape. Let me first commend our most esteemed Saker for bringing forth, once again, an intelligent, nuanced, and tremendously articulate pen to his one-of-a-kind forum. To say that brother Williams’ article was refreshing and educational would be an understatement. He had the

The only force standing

by Scott Humor The only force standing between peace and hell on earth is the Russian military in Syria Russian and Saudi FMs clash over Syria & Iran “We would like to put an end to Iran’s involvement in the region,” the Saudi FM said. Russia’s Foreign Minister countered this view, noting that Iran, as well as Hezbollah, are operating in Syria on President Bashar Assad’s official request. “We don’t

France’s Melenchon to serve as Le Pen’s Minister of Finance

France’s Melenchon to serve as Le Pen’s Minister of Finance That is what’s known in the news business as an “untrue headline”. If you are greatly upset at my ruse, just send me a stamped, self-addressed envelope and I’ll send you a refund for whatever you paid to read this. However, I do have a serious point: Why aren’t real leftists like Melenchon cutting deals to join the Le Pen
