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Catherine Austin Fitts interviews the Saker for the Solari Report: The Emerging Multipolar World – The US U-Turn in the Middle East with Saker

Dear friends, Here is the latest installment of my quarterly conversations with Catherine Austin Fitts.  This time the topic was The US U-Turn in the Middle East.   I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. Here is the main page of the interview: You can listen to the interview here: You can get the transcript in PDF format here: I highly recommend that

SBU cleans-up after Ukrainian air force shoots down MH17

Featured image: Since Maidan in 2014, the SBU of Ukraine shares its main building with CIA headquarters. by Scott Humor Part I. SBU orders to destroy all evidence of the conducted special operation MH17 Part II. A few notes regarding the published materials: Upon release of these documents by the Sovershenno secretno newspaper, some observers  pointed out that these documents are most likely fake, because of the reference used in

Trump: dancing with wolves on the Titanic

This article was written for the Unz Review. Robert Fisk put it best: “Trump Is About To Really Mess Up In The Middle East”. Following his fantastically stupid decision to attack the Syrian military with cruise missiles Trump or, should I say, the people who take decisions for him, probably realized that it was “game over” for any US policy in the Middle-East so they did the only thing they

Iran: Socialism’s ignored success story

by Ramin Mazaheri Iran just completed their presidential election, but this article will not discuss the candidates, the result or the political consequences. I work for Iran’s Press TV, which essentially makes me a civil servant, and I think it is correct for me to not reveal who I voted for in order to preserve my independence within the government. I’m quite happy to work for “the people” instead of

SBU orders to destroy all evidence of the conducted special operation MH17

by Scott Humor If you want to know my opinion that hasn’t changed since 2014. The Boeing flight MH17 was shot down by the Ukrainian air force fighter jets, but not necessarily piloted by Ukrainian pilots. It was a CIA and NATO operation to frame Russia. Most likely the Dutch government was a part of this operation. Now, they are trying to hang all the dogs on Waltzman -Poroshenko, because

Al-Saud’s Only Gamble Option

by Ghassan Kadi A lot has been said and speculated on about the “real” objectives of Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia. Seasoned veteran British journalist/analyst and Middle East expert Robert Fisk sees it as an attempt to create a Sunni-style NATO to curb the Iranian expansion, and his speculation is on the money, but in realistic terms, what can this visit and its “aftermath” achieve? Despite the slump on crude

Riding the “Chechen Gays” scandal on a Unicorn

Featured image of a Novaya Gazeta reporter Elena Milashina, an author of the article “Honor Killing” receiving an International Women of Courage Award in Washington on March 8, 2013. Depicted here standing between the First Lady Michelle Obama and the Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry. Years ago, President Putin was asked what he thought about gay parades. He said that he respected human freedom in all its forms. However,

Security is a threat-driven exercise (ComSec in the age of Big Brother follow up)

Dear friends, The following is a follow-up to my recent post about communication security (ComSec).  I decided to write it after reading the comments to the original post which clearly showed to me that there was a dire need of even basic information about ComSec.  I am going to try to keep it very, very basic so please bear with me. First and foremost – security is a threat-driven exercise. 

Naval Brief 11/17 May 19, 2017

by LeDahu An overview this week – the Baltic & Black seas  The Baltics “SNMG1 in the Baltic sea to reassure allies”. NATO  A sore, touchy subject for the West MSM, that gets more than its fair share of hysterical spin by the MSM.  All of this is geopolitical smoothing of the Baltic states’ ruffled feathers. Not to mention, the fact that the US NATO duo seem intent on piling

Saudi America

by Jimmie Moglia As a European commentator noted recently, it is symbolic that the president of the most advanced democracy in the world makes his first foreign trip to the most feudal among Arab monarchies. On the other hand, US citizens at large see happening what they vaguely expected, and probably wanted when they voted for Trump. Namely, that the curtain of elitist euphemisms and contrived metaphors masking the lying

Keeping communications private in the age of Big Brother (a practical HOWTO)

Dear friends, I have decided to share with you something which I originally sent out to the key members of the Saker community: my recommendation on how to keep your private communications private in the age of “Big Brother” aka NSA, ECHELON, GCHQ, Unit 8200, etc.  I have been interested in the topic of encryption for many years already, and I have had to use encryption techniques in the past

Hail to the Chief! and Other News

by Scott Humor Russia will always side with the forces of peace, with those who opt for equal partnership, who reject wars as contrary to the very essence of life and the nature of man. Vladimir Putin at the military parade to mark the 72nd anniversary of victory in the 1941–1945 Great Patriotic War   Hail to the Chief! President Putin made an announcement during Wednesday’s press conference following a

Et tu, Macron? Hollande the Betrayer Outdone by His Protégé

by Ramin Mazaheri The Hollande era has ended, and the Macron era has begun –one must look to Brussels to find many who are happy about it. This is not a column about Hollande’s reign, and reign is the right word for a man who leaves the country in an 18-month state of emergency, i.e. a police state dictatorship. But it would be too long to list all of Hollande’s

Making America great… again?

by Ghassan Kadi The more pre-election, post-election and even post-inauguration promises that President Trump breaks, the harder he makes it for himself to “Make America Great again”. But this narrative herein is not based on the political rhetoric and broken promises, rather, it is about a hypothetical scenario that questions if America is realistically able to bring Trump’s slogan to fruition. “Make America Great Again” is a catch phrase that

Germany and NATO – Preparing for a Fascist Repression in Europe?

by Peter Koenig While Washington is in turmoil, Trump’s firing of FBI’s Director Comey being hailed by some, condemned by others and questioned with innuendo by yet another group of critics, it looks like the U-turn The Donald has supposedly made a few weeks ago, is fizzling out – into a cloud of confusion and chaos. And who are the beneficiaries of this chaos? – The Neocon-Zion-Democrats, who else? Is

Scott finally releases his “Anthology Of Russian Humor: From Maidan To Trump: Humor And Laughter In The Time Of Global War”

Dear friends, Scott has just finally release his “Anthology Of Russian Humor: From Maidan To Trump: Humor And Laughter In The Time Of Global War” and you all really want to get a copy of it. Amazon paperback: Amazon Kindle ebook: Here is my mini-review cum intro to this great book: Those who think that Russian nuclear weapons are the most powerful weapon in the Russian arsenal are

“J” – For Junk Economics – A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception By Michael Hudson

A Book Review by Peter Koenig The author, Michael Hudson, is President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET), a Wall Street Financial Analyst, Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. Michael’s book, Junk Economics, reads like an economic thriller. It also provides all the answers to: “What I always wanted to know about Economics, but was afraid to ask”. It

Making sense of the “super fuse” scare

This article was written for the Unz Review: For weeks now I have been getting panicked emails with readers asking me whether the USA had developed a special technology called “super fuses” which would make it possible for the USA to successfully pull-off a (preemptive) disarming first strike against Russia. Super-fuses were also mentioned in combination with an alleged lack by Russia of a functioning space-based infrared early warning

French Revolution, Take II: “Après Soi, Le Déluge”

by Ghassan Kadi The weak and selfish French monarch Louis the XV is perhaps best known for his famous/infamous quote; “Après moi, le déluge” (after me, the flood). The weak and selfish monarch was at least wise enough to realize that during the time of his reign, the people of France had had enough of the ruthless yoke of absolute monarchy that his predecessor, Louis the XIV, epitomized in the
