This article was written for the Unz Review.
Robert Fisk put it best: “Trump Is About To Really Mess Up In The Middle East”. Following his fantastically stupid decision to attack the Syrian military with cruise missiles Trump or, should I say, the people who take decisions for him, probably realized that it was “game over” for any US policy in the Middle-East so they did the only thing they could do: they ran towards those few who actually were happy with this aggression on Syria: the Saudis and the Israelis. Needless to say, with these two “allies” what currently passes for some type of “US foreign policy” in the Middle-East will only go from bad to worse.
There are many ways in which Saudi Arabia and Israel are truly unique: they are both prime sponsors of terrorism, they are both nations deeply steeped in ideologies which can only be described as uncivilized (Wahabism and Jewish supremacism) and they are both armed to the teeth. But they also have one other thing in common: in spite, or maybe because of, their immense military budgets, these two nations are also militarily very weak. Oh sure, they have lots of fancy military hardware and they like to throw their weight around and beat up some defenseless “enemy”, but once you set aside all the propaganda you realize that the Saudis can’t even deal with the Houtis in Yemen while the Israelis got comprehensively defeated by 2nd rate Hezbollah forces in 2006 (top of the line Hezbollah forces were concentrated along the Litani river and never saw direct combat): the entire Golani Brigade could not even take Bint Jbeil under control even thought that small town was only 1,5 miles away from the Israeli border. This is also the reason why the Saudis and the Israelis try to limit themselves to airstrikes: because on the ground they simply suck. Here again the similarity is striking: the Saudis have become “experts” at terrorizing defenseless Shia (in the KSA or in Bahrain) while the Israelis are the experts on how to terrorize Palestinian civilians.

Dancing with wolves
With Trump now officially joining this ugly alliance, the USA will contribute the military “expertise” of a country which can’t even take Mosul, mostly because its forces are hiding, literally, behind the backs of Kurdish and Arab Iraqis. To think that these three want to take on Hezbollah, Iran and Russia would be almost comical if it wasn’t for the kind of appalling bloodshed that this will result in.
Alas, just look at what the Saudis are doing to Yemen, what the Israelis did to Gaza or Lebanon or what the USA did to Iraq and you will immediately get a sense of what the formation of this nefarious alliance will means for the people of Syria and the rest of the region. The record shows that a military does not need to be skilled at real warfare to be skilled at murdering people: even though the US occupation of Iraq was, in military terms, a total disaster, it did result in almost one and a half million dead people.
What is also clear is who the main target of this evil alliance will be: the only real democracy in the Middle-East, Iran. The pretext? Why – weapons of mass destruction, of course: the (non-existing) chemical weapons of the Syrians and the (non-existing) nuclear weapons of the Iranians. In Trump’s own words: “no civilized nation can tolerate the massacre of innocents with chemical weapons” and “The United States is firmly committed to keeping Iran from developing a nuclear weapon and halting their support of terrorists and militias that are causing so much suffering and chaos throughout the Middle East”. Nothing new here. As for how this evil alliance will fight when it does not have any boots worth putting on the ground? Here, again, the solution as simple as it is old: to use the ISIS/al-Qaeda takfiri crazies as cannon fodder for the USA, Israel and the KSA. This is just a re-heated version of the “brilliant” Brzezinski plan on how to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. Back to the future indeed. And should the “good terrorists” win, by some kind of miracle, in Syria, then turn them loose against against Hezbollah in Lebanon and against the Shias in Iraq and Iran. Who knows, with some (a lot) of luck, the Empire might even be able to re-kindle the “Caucasus Emirate” somewhere on the southern borders of Russia, right?
For one thing, the locals are not impressed. Here is what the Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, had to say about this:
“The Israelis, are betting on Isis and all this takfiri project in the region… but in any case they know, the Israelis, the Americans, and all those who use the takfiris, that this is a project without any future. I tell you, and I also reassure everyone through this interview. This project has no future.”
He is right, of course. And the newly re-elected President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, openly says that the Americans are clueless:
The problem is that the Americans do not know our region and those who advise US officials are misleading them
It is pretty clear who these ‘advisors’ are: the Saudis and the Israelis. Their intentions are also clear: to let the Americans to do their dirty work for them while remaining as far back as possible. You could say that the Saudis and Israelis are trying to get the Americans to do for them what the Americans are trying to get the Kurds to do for them in Iraq: be their cannon fodder. The big difference is that the Kurds at least clearly understand what is going on whereas the Americans are, indeed, clueless.
Not all Americans, of course. Many fully understand what is happening. A good example of this acute awareness is what b had to say on Moon of Alabama after reading the transcript of the press briefing of Secretary of Defense Mattis, General Dunford and Special Envoy McGurk on the Campaign to Defeat ISIS:
My first thought after reading its was: “These people live in a different world. They have no idea how the real word works on the ground. What real people think, say, and are likely to do.” There was no strategic thought visible. Presented were only some misguided tactical ideas.
A senior British reporter, the Secretary General of Hezbollah, the President of Iran and a US blogger all see to agree on one thing: there is no real US “policy” at work here, what we are seeing is a dangerous exercise in pretend-strategy which cannot result in anything but chaos and defeat.
So why is the Trump administration plowing ahead with this nonsense?
The reasons are most likely a combination of internal US politics and a case of “if all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail”. The anti-Trump color revolution cum coup d’état which the Neocons and the US deep state started even before Trump actually got into the White House has never stopped and all the signs are that the anti-Trump forces will only rest once Trump is impeached and, possibly, removed from office. In response to this onslaught, all that Trump initially could come up with was to sacrifice his closest allies and friends (Flynn, Bannon) in the vain hope that this would appease the Neocons. Then he began to mindlessly endorse their “policies”. Predictably this has not worked either. Then Trump even tried floating the idea of having Joe Lieberman for FBI director before getting ‘cold feet’ and chaning his position yet again. And all the while while Trump is desperately trying to appease them, the Neocons are doubling-down, doubling-down again and then doubling-down some more. It is pretty clear by now that Trump does not have what it takes in terms of allies or even personal courage to tackle the swamp he promised to drain. As a result what we are seeing now looks like a repeat of the last couple of years of the Obama administration: a total lack of vision or even a general policy, chaos in the Executive Branch and a foreign policy characterized by a multiple personality disorder which see the Pentagon, Foggy Bottom, the CIA and the White House all pursuing completley different policies in pursuit of completely different goals. In turn, each of these actors engages in what (they think) they do best: the Pentagon bombs, the State Department pretends to negotiate, the CIA engages in more or less covert operation in support of more or less “good terrorists” while the White House focuses its efforts on trying to make the President look good or, at least, in control of something.
Truth be told, Trump has nothing at all to show so far:
Russia: according to rumors spread by the US corporate Rex Tillerson was suppose to go to Moscow to deliver some kind of ultimatum. Thank God that did not happen. Instead Tillerson spent several hours talking to Lavrov and then a couple more talking to Putin. More recently, Lavrov was received by Tillerson in the USA and, following that meeting, he also met with Trump. Following all these meetings no tangible results were announced. What does that mean? Does that mean that nothing was achieved? Not at all, what was achieved is that the Russians clearly conveyed to the Americans two basic thing: first, that there were not impressed by their sabre-rattling and, second, that as long as the USA was acting as a braindead elephant in a porcelain store there was no point for Russian to work with the USA. To his credit, Trump apparently backed down and even tried to make a few conciliatory statements. Needless to say, the US Ziomedia crucified him for being “too friendly” with The Enemy. The outcome now is, of course, better than war with Russia, but neither is it some major breakthrough as Trump had promised (and, I believe, sincerely hoped for) during his campaign.
DPRK/PRC: what had to happen did, of course happen: all the sabre-rattling with three aircraft carriers strike groups ended up being a gigantic flop as neither the North Koreans nor the Chinese were very impressed. If anything, this big display of Cold War era hardware was correctly interpreted not as a sign of strength, but a sign of weakness. Trump wasted a lot of money and a lot of time, but he has absolutely nothing to show for it. The DPRK tested yet another intermediate range missile yesterday. Successfully, they say.
The Ukraine: apparently Trump simply does not care about the Ukraine and, frankly, I can’t blame him. Right now the situation there is so bad that no outside power can meaningfully influence the events there any more. I would argue that in this case, considering the objective circumstances, Trump did the right when he essentially “passed the baby” to Merkel and the EU: let them try to sort out this bloody mess as it is primarily their problem. Karma, you know.
So, all in all, Trump has nothing to show in the foreign policy realm. He made a lot of loud statements, followed by many threats, but at the end of the day somebody apparently told him “we can’t do that, Mr President” (and thank God for that anonymous hero!). Once this reality began to sink in all which was left is to create an illusion of foreign policy, a make-believe reality in which the USA is still a superpower which can determine the outcome of any conflict. Considering that the AngloZionst Empire is, first and foremost, what Chris Hedges calls an “Empire of Illusions” it only makes sense for its President to focus on creating spectacles and photo opportunities. Alas, the White House is so clueless that it manages to commit major blunders even when trying to ingratiate itself with a close ally. We saw that during the recent Trump trip to Saudi Arabia when both Melania and Ivanka Trump refused to cover their heads while in Rhiyad but did so when they visited the Pope in the Vatican. As the French say, this was “worse than a crime, it was a blunder” which speaks a million words about the contempt in which the American elites hold the Muslim world.
There is another sign that the USA is really scraping the bottom of the barrel: Rex Tillerson has now declared that “NATO should formally join the anti-Daesh coalition”. In military terms, NATO is worse than useless for the USA: the Americans are much better off fighting by themselves than involving a large number of “pretend armies” who could barely protect themselves in a real battlefield. Oh sure, you can probably scrape a halfway decent battalion here, maybe even a regiment there, but all in all NATO forces are useless, especially for ground operations. They, just like the Saudis and Israelis, prefer to strike from the air, preferably protected by USAF AWACS, and never to get involved in the kind of ugly infantry fighting which is taking place in Syria. For all their very real faults and problems, at least the Americans do have a number of truly combat capable units, such as the Marines and some Army units, which are experienced and capable of giving the Takfiris a run for their money. But the Europeans? Forget it!
It is really pathetic to observe the desperate efforts of the Trump Administration to create some kind of halfway credible anti-Daesh coalition while strenuously avoiding to look at the simple fact that the only parties which can field a large number of combat capable units to fight Daesh are the Iranians, Hezbollah and, potentially, the Russians. This is why Iranian Presiden Rouhani recently declared that
“Who fought against the terrorists? It was Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Russia. But who funded the terrorists? Those who fund terrorists cannot claim they are fighting against them” and “Who can say regional stability can be restored without Iran? Who can say the region will experience total stability without Iran?”
In truth, even the Turks and the Kurds don’t really have what it would take to defeat Daesh in Syria. But the worst mistake of the US generals is that they are still pretending as if a large and experienced infantry force like Daesh/ISIS/al-Qaeda/etc could be defeated without a major ground offensive. That won’t happen.
So Trump can dance with the Wahabis and stand in prayer at the wailing wall, but all his efforts to determine the outcome of the war in Syria are bound to fail: far from being a superpower, the USA has basically become irrelevant, especially in the Middle-East. This is why Russia, Iran and Turkey are now attempting to create a trilateral “USA free” framework to try to change the conditions on the ground. The very best the USA are still capable of is to sabotage those efforts and needlessly prolong the carnage in Syria and Iraq. That is both pathetic and deeply immoral.
When I saw Trump dancing with his Saudi pals I immediately thought of the movies “Dances with Wolves” and “Titanic”. Empires often end in violence and chaos, but Trump has apparently decided to add a good measure of ridicule to the mix. The tragedy is that neither the United States nor the rest of the planet can afford that kind of ridicule right now, especially not the kind of ridicule which can very rapidly escalate in an orgy of violence. With the European politicians paralyzed in a state subservient stupor to the Rothschild gang, Latin America ravaged by (mostly US-instigated) crises and the rest of the planet trying to stay clear from the stumbling ex-superpower, the burden to try to contain this slow-motion train wreck falls upon Russia and China.
As for Trump, he made a short speech before NATO leaders today. He spoke about the “threats from Russia and on NATO’s eastern and southern borders”. QED.
Just for the record, Saker: b of MoonOfAlabama ist not an American but a German blogger.
Thanks for your work!
Sorry Anon, I am sure b from Moon of Alabama is from Canada.
He has said he lives in Germany — where German or not …?
Yes you may be right as I confused him with “Green Crow as the crow flies” sorry for butting in.
b = Bernhard. German from Germany.
Sorry, my bad, I did not know that.
The Saker
The moon of alabama blogger has a german name, bernhard horstmann, but is devoutly pro-zionist, hostile to genuine anti-zionists, he bans them from commenting, so is effectively an israeli.
What utter hogwash.(removed) b does monitor his site.
Stop attacking other commenters. Any further attacks will go to trash. Mod
“ToivoS on May 27, 2017 · at 6:39 am UTC
What utter hogwash. b does monitor his site. Perhaps that is your problem with him.”
A few years ago, the zionist bent of moa was well known, due to horstmann’s heavy handed censorship practices back then. He may have let up on this censorship , recently, but he is still a devout zionist who obfuscates and denies the role of zionism/Israel in world geopolitics.
In horstmann’s own words:
“@вот так Why did you write “Israel-America” when the situation in Korea has zero, nadda, nil to do with Israel? Stop such nonsense.
Posted by: b | Mar 8, 2013 1:49:04 PM | 3
@вот так – your conflating of U.S. and Israeli interest as one and of Zionists as some rulers of the world is nonsense. Keep it away from your comments here or go elsewhere.
Posted by: b | Mar 9, 2013 3:44:58 AM | 22″
He then deleted a comment and banned the commenter who posted an article of u.s.-isreali collusion after this in one of his hissy fits, as recorded by another commenter:
“deleted and banned – b.
Posted by: yeah . . but | Mar 9, 2013 6:50:43 AM | 25”
More anti-zionist censorship by horstmann:
“@вот так – last warning – the post and the media with regards to Niger have nothing, zero, nada to do with Zionism. Stop involving such nonsense in every other comment here. Otherwise you WILL get banned.
Posted by: b | Mar 22, 2013 2:40:34 PM | 10”
After that horstmann had a meltdown, banned me and several others who disagreed with his peculiar ideas of a world unifluenced by israel or zionism. The smearbot here aided him there, btw:
“b if you decide to ban Bot Tok for inserting Zionism into every thread, whatever the topic, then please do so. But you will also be enhancing the quality of posts here in general if you do so.
Posted by: ToivoS | Mar 23, 2013 3:34:34 AM | 58”
As one can see, this toivos is a web stalker with a years long obsession. A dedicated member of what Israel Shamir refers to as S.W.A.R.M., the zionist opinion control network keeping the world safe from naughty criticism of the zio-massa.
This conversation is being shut down as it is getting personal. It is going off-topic and ruining the comments section under the Saker’s article. All responses and further comments will all go to trash. Mod
I for one did not know anything about Mr. Horstman (horseman), until now, and did actually learn quite a bit from Vot+links, which I personally consider to be important knowledge/information, and not at all in any serious conflict with the brilliant article by The Saker.
@EVERYBODY: This conversation is being shut down as it is getting personal. It is going off-topic
I agree with this decision.
I had not intention of discussing MoA or moderation there.
This is totally off-topic.
Please stick to the topics of the article or have your comments removed.
Thank you
The Saker
Terrorist confesses to working with “White Helmets” in Aleppo to fabricate chemical attack
Translated into Croatian from the Croatian e-newspapers LOGICNO
Terorist Walid Hendi je u intervjuu koji je emitiran na sirijskoj državnoj televiziji priznao da je radio za “Bijele kacige” i da je s njima radio na insceniranju napada kemijskim oružjem od strane “režima”. Skupina u Aleppu, kojoj je pripadao, bila je opremljena zaštitnom odjećom i upozorena je o nadolazećem kemijskom napadu. Međutim, to se nije dogodilo i umjesto toga je turska televizijska ekipa snimila uprizorenje takvog napada.
Novinar: Odakle si?
Waleed Hendi: Iz Aleppa.
Novinar: Waleed, radio si za Civilnu obranu?
Waleed Hendi: Da, za Bijele kacige.
Novinar: Reci mi što je bio vaš posao, produkcija ili sve stvari?
Waleed Hendi: Bili smo prvi centar Civilne zaštite. Rekli su nam da smo napadnuti kemijskim tvarima, a onda su nam donijeli zaštitnu odjeću i rukavice za kemijske napade, tako da smo bili spremni za to. Došla je turska televizija kako bi vidjela kako mi, Civilna zaštita radimo ovdje. Budući da smo novi centar, htjeli smo pokazati svijetu kako radimo.
Novinar: Kako bi pokazali svijetu kako ste obučeni…
Waleed Hendi: Točno.
Novinar: Kako bi inscenirali napad kojeg je počinila vojska?
Waleed Hendi: Točno.
Novinar: Što još?
Waleed Hendi: Insceniranje napada… Imali smo, na primjer, nošenje ljudi i sirene koje su nam postavili. Tada su stigle četiri osobe od kojih je jedna odnesena na nosilima. Također je bio prisutan i liječnik.
Novinar: Tko je bio odgovoran za snimanje?
Waleed Hendi: Ibrahaim Al-Haj.
Novinar: Koji je bio njegov posao?
Waleed Hendi: On je bio novinar. Uz njega je bio Mohammad Al-Sayyed.
Translation MOD:
Terrorist Walid Hendi, in an interview broadcast on Syrian state television, admitted that he worked for “White Helmets” and that he worked with them on the “regime” of chemical weapons attack. The Aleppu group to which he belonged was equipped with protective clothing and was warned of an upcoming chemical attack. However, this did not happen, and instead, the Turkish TV crew recorded the upsurge of such an attack.
Journalist: Where are you from?
Waleed Hendi: From Aleppa.
Journalist: Waleed, did you work for Civil Defense?
Waleed Hendi: Yes, for White Helmet.
Journalist: Tell me what was your job, production or anything?
Waleed Hendi: We were the first Civil Protection Center. They told us we were attacked by chemical substances, then they brought us protective clothing and chemical attack gloves so we were ready for it. It came to Turkish TV to see how we do, Civil Protection we work here. Since we are a new center, we wanted to show the world how we work.
Journalist: To show the world how you are dressed …
Waleed Hendi: Exactly.
Journalist: To stave off an attack committed by the army?
Waleed Hendi: Exactly.
Journalist: What else?
Waleed Hendi: Attack of the attack … We had, for example, wearing the men and sirens that set us up. Then four people arrived, one of whom was carried on the carrier. Also a physician was present.
Journalist: Who Was Responsible for Recording?
Waleed Hendi: Ibrahaim Al-Haj.
Journalist: What was his job?
Waleed Hendi: He was a journalist. Alongside him was Mohammad Al-Sayyed.
Trump does indeed look like a clown dancing with those folks, and what you say about Melania and Ivanka sending a message of contempt to the Muslims is very astute. By cozying up to the Saudis, Trump seems oafishly to be trying to show at least the Sunni Muslim world that he is a good guy and not the bigot they may take him for. All he really shows is that the Neocons have him by his balls.
What a pathetic clown! Even his wife doesn’t want to be near him. Like many, I felt he was far better than the alternative, but he has become the president with no clothes.
Nevertheless, it seems likely that the purpose of the big arms sale is for a planned war against Iran, given that the neocons run Trump and the US.
The “purpose of the big arms sale” is entirely domestic.
The US Merchants of Death are a powerful faction in the US. They for instance own many members of Congress as well as important mouthpieces in the US media. Keep in mind that in the US system its not the US government that sells these weapons. All the USG does is to authorize the sale by private companies. Its these ‘defense’ industries that will make big bucks from these sales. And that’s Trump’s motivation in making these deals.
The Democrats alone are a minority party that does not have the votes to impeach anyone. They must have Republican support to carry that out. The “NeverTrump” faction of Republicans might have gone along with this, but this is also the same group that takes big contributions from ‘defense industries’. So, with the CEO’s of the ‘defense sector’ now happy with both the promise of bloated military budgets and with massive arms deals abroad, we see the groups they control, both leaders in Congress and media like the NYT and WaPo, now coming out and saying that all of their base needs to cool the talk about impeachment.
The purpose of the big arms sales is three-fold:
Domestic revenues for MIC and defense industry jobs for US.
Saudis get some transfer of technologies and local production and jobs.
Forward positioning of latest technological weapons for US to use against Iran.
(The overall Hegemonic strategy has been to contain Russia, China and Iran, and the tactic is to forward position the defensive systems (THAAD, Aegis land) and offensive weapons (tanks, artillery, planes).
Concurrent to the military forward positioning is the covert Hybrid warfare, color revolution, terror-based destabilization efforts in the spheres of influence of R-C-I.
And, the disruption of Eurasian development, especially, OBOR and EAEU projects.
All this is good news for the free people of the world who want to see the demise and fall of this most evil of empires.
Your point on headscarves is somewhat relevant however there is a subtle distinction to be considered.
Firstly, Rome/Vatican is a Holy place, for the Catholic world at least.
Secondly, Saudi Riyadh is just a downtown business center.
The sacred domains are Mecca and Medina (and around a 35km/m radius).
Of course there are cultural sensitivities and ‘virtue signaling’ involved but wearing a headscarf in Islamic cultures is cultural custom, not religious duty. Important females in Islam have declined to wear such including descendants of the Prophet.
Of course, Wahhabi-Wonder-World (WWW) has a somewhat different view on things. The Saudi princelings would have been offended at the inconvenience it entailed for their domestic audience management programme, but otherwise not a big deal most likely. Probably photoshopped in some coverings real time TV in any case. The pig-eating Americans are simplistic barbarians without a history — a view shared with Jews as well mostly.
What would have really raised eyebrows as crass Zio-provocation, were the two male-female Jews walking in off the tarmac holding hands in public and in front of broadcasting cameras.
Otherwise the only Saudi function is to get shawn off $$$’s from time to time as meta-narratives dicate. For taking that up the usual places (hello training centers in Houston) they get to sit their fat backsides on solid gold toilet seats. It is a symbiotic geopolitical relationship.
The history of this headcovering signified class and community – it derives from a low point in the emergent Islamic community in Medina following a defeat in battle that left Muhammad and his followers victimised by locals who were not entirely convinced of his mission etc.
This resulted in some harassments of the Moslem women in the streets and markets until it was formally confronted and the perpetrators challenged. They weaseled their way out of accountability by claiming they thought they were slave women — a class who had no status other than ownership by a master and were clearly fair game for sexed up youth.
The agreement reached was that Muslim women would be distinguished by wearing head coverings — basically what upper class women with much water and shampoo would do in such climates. That formed the meme and became a cultural norm for cultured classes as the religion spread and became dominant economically.
It was also somewhat conflated and merged in with revelations from the Quan reinforcing principles of modesty, covering wealth, and privacy in general (Hijab).
Martin Lings’ “Muhammad…” is a good source of information on these matters for the less informed Western mind.
ooops, “…without much water…”
Well actually Muslim women do have to cover their hair. This issue has been resolved more than a thousand years ago by scholars of Islamic jurisprudence (fuqaha) who had mastered Arabic first and then studied the Quran and the Hadiths (sayings of the Prophet, peace be upon him).
How a Muslim woman covers her hair is up to her, but a scarf makes it convenient. Of course, Muslim women who don’t want to cover their hair will try to find excuses. And it is easily done because the Quranic verses pertaining to the injunction on hair-covering are not explicit when it comes to scarves (the scholars also had to look into the question of covering one’s nakedness; whether alone or in company with one’s relatives or in public, in emergencies, and so on). One may argue that the scholars could have been wrong but if one is not a scholar oneself, that is a pretty risky path for a believer to take. Would a pilot fly a plane if the engineer said it was unsafe?
The fact of the matter is, whether a Muslim woman covers her hair or not is a non-issue that has only now been made into a big deal in America and Europe. Once upon a time in the West it was not unusual for women to cover their hair when attending church. Nuns cover their hair in public and images of Mary, mother of Jesus, and other holy women almost always show them with either their hair covered or wearing a scarf. In fact, even now, in certain places it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between Christian and Muslim women because they all have their hair covered.
Having said all that, for several reasons I think forcing women, Muslim or otherwise, to wear scarves or pieces of clothing that cover their hair, by law as is done in KSA, Iran and Aceh in Indonesia is unwise.
Orthodox Jewish women are also required to cover their hair. However, under the customs of “Modern Orthodoxy” women are allowed to cover their hair by wearing a wig. Has this ever been done or proposed by Muslim women?
The new testament also requires for women to cover their hair, it even says ”if you don’t cover it shave it”
so fundamentalist – I don’t even think that was Paul that talked about women like that — it was put in later – if you read theological scholars – such as Elaine Pagels –
…”Melania and Ivanka Trump refused to cover their heads while in Rhiyad but did so when they visited the Pope in the Vatican. As the French say, this was “worse than a crime, it was a blunder” which speaks a million words about the contempt in which the American elites hold the Muslim world.”…
When Valentina Matviyenko, head of the Russian Upper House, wrapped up recently her two-day visit to Saudi Arabia, where she also met Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud, she covered her had with a headscarf.
This different behaviour says a lot…
Here is a photo of Valentina Matvieyenko with her head scarf. While in Iran she wore a head scarf out of respect while her Iranian counterpart did not even bother to put on a tie!
Here I see neither a tie nor a suit:
Why is respectful dressing not mutual?
This has absolutely nothing to do with lack of respect. Tie and suit is the western business outfit, why should Iranians not be entitled to wear their own style? The dominance of the West is also expressed through the propagation of its fashion. Iranian politicians, as far as I can judge from photos, never wear tie and suit. Watch the officials of some African countries, notably the Nigerian president, when they wear their traditional outfits, Bolivian President Evo Morales, the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party during important events. The Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi never wears suit and tie, his predecessor Manmohan Singh always wears a turban. All of these personalities have way more respect than those empty western suits with their phallus symbol.
She’s gone through the trouble to wear muslim attire which she normally wouldn’t wear in her country. The least the Iranians and Saudis could do is reciprocate by wearing something that is respectful for men to wear in her country. But this never happens. Even when they visit foreign countries they aways dress the same. So why should a lady visitor from Russia adapt her dress then?
As for “empty western suits” maybe you need to take a look at the impeccably dressed Lavrov and Putin who project both power and elegance with their attire.
Iranian and Saudi dress-code is not disrespectful anywhere in the world.
This is why they do not have to where Western style clothes.
The Russian woman who wore a scarf on her head while visiting did this out of respect for the culture of the people who she visited.
Obviously this thing she did is not compulsory, but it showed the high class, taste and civilization of the Russian people (regardless of her political or ideological background).
And we know it is not compulsory because the wife and daughter of Trump did not wear this headscarf.
However, what we can conclude is that the Trump “team” purposefully did not wear the headscarf out of arrogance and in a show of disrespect and to put the Saudis in their place as the vassal slaves they are.
What happened was more than an issue of disrespect by the Trump entourage, it was a purposeful diplomatic message to the Saudis that they are not worth respecting, and if they want to be protected, they better accept anything like the good slaves they are.
I think it is more for domestic consumption then “it was a purposeful diplomatic message to the Saudis that they are not worth respecting”, or maybe you are right, it is both.
I bought a tie once, for a job I ended up turning down. Ended up using it for a headband, since I drove a convertible and my hair was always getting in my eyes. That back in the 1970s.
There is an Oz film called “Reckless Kelly” ( great film, highly recommended ) that has a great scene where they satirize pindo news reporting when Kelly is interviewed by a gaggle of pindo reporters and they want to know what colour nick’s he wears.
I see the clear channel/rush limbaugh dittoheads spamming here continue to maintain that line of zio-gay media approach.
What has a tie or suit got to do with respect?
Isn’t it obvious that the world’s most violent criminals, pedophiles, satanists, war mongering western politicians, bankers and moral degenerates all wear smart suits and white shirts with ties?
An expensive suit is a very good disguise and seems to have worked in your case.
hahaha that’s funny Serian Girl – I never thought of that before – why don’t those guys walking around with table clothes on their heads dress western style – when in the west –
Welcome to the rush limbaugh/clear channel Islamophobic america, israel’s primary and most indoctrinated colony.
2 killed, 1 injured while attempting to stop Islamophobic attack in Portland
“Two people were stabbed to death and another person sustained injuries when they attempted to diffuse an Islamophobic attack against two women on board a local commuter train in Portland, Oregon Friday.
According to the police statement, Christian shouted comments that could be “characterized as hate speech toward a variety of ethnicities and religions.”
Two women were targeted in the initial verbal attack, and one was reportedly wearing a hijab according to eyewitness statements made to police.”
No doubt the subhuman pos was a regular listener to the israeli occupied clear channel network who completely dominate the american radio waves with their 24/7 Islamophobic and zionazi social/political agenda engineered specifically to make americans pliable to israeli control.
To me, it seems that Trump has a common tactic he uses on appointments. He floats/leaks a name that would be very controversial. John Bolton for a high foreign policy position was one example. Lieberman is another. He lets this leak draw all the fire. Then he takes advantage when his real pick seems almost reasonable in comparision to the leaked pick.
We saw this work for Tillerson at Sec. of State. Whereas naming the head of Exxon would normally have drawn much more opposition, after Trump’s team got everyone concentrating on loony John Bolton, Tillerson slipped through with less opposition. With everyone focusing on Bolton, the opposition to Tillerson never developed the way it would have if he’d been the presumptive nominee for weeks in advance. Now he’s seemed to have done the same with the unpopular Lieberman.
Good observation!. Study Game Plan in the “noble art of self defense” called boxing, which is where Mr. Trump thrives and knows his way around. Implementing this into Geo-Politics on a “large” scale is actually very interesting to watch (consequences and results not obvious, and might lead to some sort of catastrophe, or enhancement of strength and/or weaknesses). It’s still at least a 12 rounder in the heavy-weight division, and we are still only halfway in round three.
Bring in the pop-corn (hate the stuff), but what else can we do?
Take Care
And even after the tragedy in Manchester, they still do not understand the fable of the fox and the scorpion.
“And even after the tragedy in Manchester, they still do not understand the fable of the fox and the scorpion”.
That scorpion being Israel, of course.
I got an itchy feeling when I saw Trump together with some Saudi’s rubbing a glowing ball of Sauron. Being the mercenaries of saudi-Arabia and Israel never was so obvious, and declining in effect.
Somehow the US maintains to think that when their aircraft carriers will show up at a coast, people will be intimidated and bend over. The more it happens that they are not. And then they don’t have a plan B. And the day will come that such a ship will simply be sunk.
What worries me more, is that the US don’t have an exit strategy. They come, destroy the nation, and then they leave. Or they stay forever, like in Afghanistan. Isn’t it strange, that after 16 years having troops deployed, they -as mightiest military nation- are not able to reach some military goals, and effectively the government only rules Kabul? The US is still there because they are heavily involved in the heroin production and trade (some 80-90% of the world heroin comes from Afghanistan), and having billions of illegal money available for all kinds of operations without Congressional oversight.
The mess the US (and their allies) left in Lybia is without precedence. Once the wealthiest nation of Africa has practically fallen apart in three factions, ruled by gangs, and is a stronghold of ISIS. The family of the bomber of Manchester Arena was involved in a Lybian jihadi rebel group, that helped toppling Ghadaffi with backing of the UK. One could call that karma.
It’s the legacy of the previous Brzezinski strategy, to use jihadi’s to reach the US goals. But what happens with them thereafter? They won’t deradicalize by magical forces and transform into obedient civilians. An interesting article about that:
As to Americans being ‘clueless’, please distinguish betwen inside the beltway politicans and media and the rest of Americans.
Since about 2005, Americans have been telling pollsters that they want these wars scaled back and the troops brought back home.
In 2006, Republicans lost their House majority, largely on this issue. The Democrats of course betrayed their voters by then backing the Dubya/Cheney wars.
In 2008, Obama ran as the ‘antiwar candidate’ against crazy John McCain. McCain lost in a landslide. Again, Obama then betrayed his voters by becoming a pro-war killer that bombed more countries than Dubya/Cheney.
In 2011, the Occupy movement rocked the bankers and Obama had to crackdown with stormtroopers to put down the budding revolt.
In 2012, there was no choice in the election, as the Wall Street insider Romney offered no change from Obama.
However, about the same time, a movement to cut the defense budget and to devote more resources at home gained a lot of strength in Congress. The rise of ISIS and the related propaganda campaigns largely put an end to this.
In 2016, the voters were presented with what looked like a clear choice. First Trump defeated the lastest Bush scion. Then Hillary was promising more and bigger wars. And the entire neocon community had moved to support Hillary. Trump at least was talking differently, and seemed to be offering a change away from these endless wars and constant talk of ‘regime change’. Again, the American voters responded and provided a big ‘upset’ that the pro-war media claimed not to see coming.
Yes, the American people keep getting defeated. The politicians who promise and end to these wars all turn out to be liars. But there is a consistent trend of the American people trying to put a stop to all of this. However, as Ivy league political scientists pointed out a few years back, America no longer functions as a democracy and ordinary people have no say in the decisions made by the government. Yet, its a general rule with such popular movements, that every time they are supressed, all that does is make the next explosion potentially bigger. The last explosion was the shocking upset of Trump defeating Hillary and her many allies. Just because this apparently is also being surpressed, it doesn’t mean the underlying feeling of the American people has gone away. It just means the next explosion will be even bigger. No one knows when it will come or what will spark it.
But here’s a few things that seem clear….
The Democratic Party is now largely discredited among its traditional base. They’ve abandoned American workers, they’ve abandoned any sort of Peace movement. They have no credibility with any of these groups when the next explosion comes.
The ‘media’ is now also largely discredited. A feature of the last election was that people who supported Trump largely disbelieved what they were told on the news. Thus, when the next explosion comes, the ‘media’ won’t be able to play their traditional role of trying to damp it down.
That’s two key forces that have been responsible for keeping control since the 1960’s which are now weakened and unable to do so.
> In 2011, the Occupy movement rocked the bankers
OWS was Soros funded and coordinated color revolution try run.
Same police-not-allowed-here pseudo-self-governed tribe.
Hiding real nuts inside, who could take the strings of power, if the color coup succeeded, and with Soros-guided MSM whitewashing them as they were and are whitewashing EuroMaidan
I agree with your analysis and I think the 2014 Princeton Study below is the one you alluded to.
It found that the US stopped functioning like Democracy sometime ago, and is now, for all intents and purposes a full blown Oligarchy, where wealthy elites call the shots.
The whole Democracy is just fluff for the masses…
“The whole Democracy is just fluff for the masses…”
Yes, and the masses are in a vast majority, and there is actually nothing we can do about that (short term), and they really don’t care much. System works, small cracks and fractures here and there, but so what??
The DNC abandoned the working class of yesterday and the antiwar movement which flourished right up until St. Barack took the helm and made war a righteous thing to protect the weak from eeevil dictators.
Now they are moving ahead on a platform of unlimited immigration, unlimited welfare and lots of handouts to their burgeoning imported 3rd world base to maintain their relevance.
Americans always cop out—“Oh, we tried to change our evil regime, and voted and everything, but they didn’t listen to us!” Every few years we vote, nothing changes, we accept without protest, vote again, nothing changes, accept the worsening conditions without protest, rinse and repeat. It isn’t an excuse that “we tried” by voting in rigged elections. The US people are sheep. An armed nation without the backbone to actually defend itself from the parasite. So no, we don’t get off the hook for the evil we do around the world just because we have embraced victimhood and powerlessness.
Think about this: Americans are a people who accept TSA and every iteration of Kafkaesque torture they can inflict upon American travelers and do nothing. But we get a pass because we voted? The day Americans resist like other people’s have around the world then we can talk about voting and our good intentions….
I agree with this.
To give a metaphore. I view it as a ship and it sailors.
Let imagine a ship is promise to have a big tresor for whoever captain bring it to the artic. Assume this tresor will mostly go to the captain and that while crusing you destroy everything.
Beeing a good guy you don’t want the ship to move forward and to do this you “voting” for a new captain. Who once being in function most likely continue forward.
Let’s be honnest here, vote for a captain is a dumb thing to do to stop it. It has very few chance of success. Here the possibilities.
1) Leave the ship, without sailors the ship will have much harder time to move and if all left it may really be stopped.
2) Render money null, or less enjoyable. If the motivation for tresor is not as high is much likely the captain won’t get the trouble to go there.
3) Having a super rare stateman captain who understand moving forward is bad and abandon the project.
Option 2 is the better one imo and here is where the American lack (in general). In USA money mean freedom, respect, power,… It’s the top of everything so it won’t stop. But when your society is based on individualism and capitalism this is normal. We speak about neo-libaralism nowadays but this is becoming the norm…
I fear that you didn’t understand the political symbolism here.
Trump went to Saudi Arabia to claim yet another tribute. The Saudis have to buy overpriced pieces of military junk for billions of dollars (on a side note maybe the US simplified its military designs and decided to produce only Monkey Models).
Trup even made them give 100 M$ to his wife’s foundation ( ), the same wife that is walking their country with her hair floating around like it’s a shampoo commercial.
That’s not a blunder at all, it is called showing who is boss. It’s very important in those cultures. Saudis are creatures from the western world for decades (centuries, if one asks oneself questions about that Al-Wahhab character in the first place). They couldn’t exist without the West, that is, without the USA (Quincy meeting etc.). Do you honestly think there is one guy in that region who doesn’t know that ?
BTW, Trump also went to Europe to extract additional tributes under the “NATO” guise.
It seems the Empire is doing pretty well, thank you.
The Suadis have tried to sell Aramco, their major oil recovery/processing concern. That sale has gone very quiet which means it probably is seen as becoming a brine extraction facility (ie of ~ zero worth). The Saudis have a great pile of USD from oil sales over the years. They could do a lot of damage to the US if they were dumped on the market. It is better for the US to get them back in exchange for weapons (all that they produce these days).
Thank you Saker for an article that sums it all up. As you say at the end (and to give the full quote) from Trump at NATO:
“The NATO of the future must include a great focus on terrorism and immigration, as well as threats from Russia and on NATO’s eastern and southern borders,” Trump stated……..”
Sums up the US Deep State mentality to a tee…NATO’s borders!….exceptionalism in the throes of its own demise.
“The very best the USA are still capable of is to sabotage those efforts and needlessly prolong the carnage in Syria and Iraq. That is both pathetic and deeply immoral.”
That – in one sentence – is the essence of foreign policies of the British Empire and its US successor/subsidiary.
Almost. Needs a minor but important emendation.
“The very best the USA are still capable of is to sabotage those efforts and needlessly prolong the carnage in Syria and Iraq for profit. That is both pathetic and deeply immoral.”
“With Trump now officially joining this ugly alliance…”
The joining is anything but recent. The US has been at the very center of this alliance for quite a long time, it seems to me
The joining is, indeed, not recent. But the OFFICIAL joining, including flights from the KSA to Israel, are new.
The Saker
“DPRK/PRC: what had to happen did, of course happen: all the sabre-rattling with three aircraft carriers strike groups ended up being a gigantic flop as neither the North Koreans nor the Chinese were very impressed. If anything, this big display of Cold War era hardware was correctly interpreted not as a sign of strength, but a sign of weakness. Trump wasted a lot of money and a lot of time, but he has absolutely nothing to show for it. The DPRK tested yet another intermediate range missile yesterday. Successfully, they say.”
The whole DPRK charade was just an excuse for the US military to force THAAD on to South Korea. Just as the ‘missile defense’ (actually first-strike nuke capable) systems in Poland and Romania are claimed to target Iran, but actually target Russia, this vertical launcher system targets China.
“For all their very real faults and problems, at least the Americans do have a number of truly combat capable units, such as the Marines and some Army units, which are experienced and capable of giving the Takfiris a run for their money. But the Europeans? Forget it!”
Euro-trash and Pindos are the same utter Zio-garbage, with the Pindos only more itching for repression, chauvinism, and brutal murder. Doesn’t exactly translate into capable soldiery. Then add to this also that their mission has got nothing to do with “defeating ISIS” as the imbecilic war hype pretends, and you’ll have to ask yourself if there really is anything but deceit, bluster, and insincerity to what passes for Western “post-industrial information society”. The attacks in Stockholm and Manchester this year show convincingly that the West’s “fight against ISIS” isn’t primarily silly; it is deliberately counter-productive. If the Zio-garbage had any stature to speak of, they should have told their war-mongering superiors what the Spanish people told theirs in the wake of the terrorist attack in 2004 on the Atocha railway station in Madrid: “Your war, our dead”.
But, then again, Saudi Arabia staffs the UN council on Human Rights — and Trump might become another distinguished Nobel peace prize Laureate. I suppose ISIS had better thread cautiously, eh?
The Shaker: “So why is the Trump administration plowing ahead with this nonsense?”
Two words: The Economy.
It’s not about winning or ending conflict, it’s about the reproduction of goods and services.
What would happen to the US economy if we closed all off shore military bases, stopped all covert military and intelligence intervention?
Stopped dropping and selling bombs?
US Civil War Part II?
I think The Saker, and many others, are making too much of Trump’s foreign policy moves. This presidency was never supposed to be about foreign policy. Trump wanted (wants) America to turn inwards and focus on its domestic issues. Thats what he campaigned on. In any case everything that Trump is doing right now is a response to the vicious and massive political attack he is under at home. Such a massive attack will have an effect! So Trump has had to zig zag, give up ground and even abandon some allies. He has lost some battles, but nothing crucial so far and he is still in the fight!
The attack on Syria, the crisis with DPRK and even making his first foreign trip to Saudi Arabia are all about his domestic situation. I don’t think one should read too much into all this. Once the domestic attack subsides I think we will see a different policy, not necessarily one we will like, but a different one.
As to whether Trump has any foreign policy achievements so far, it is far too early to even think about that especially given the attack he is under, which is totally unprecedented. Trump has been fighting for the survival of his presidency from day one, no other president has been in this situation. Given this, you can’t expect much in foreign policy from him in just four months.
If Trump had surrendered to the neocons his actions, particularly towards Russia, would have been very different. His policy towards Russia has been conciliatory, the strikes on Syria were cosmetic, the DPRK crisis a bluff and the trip to KSA transparently intended to counter the islamophobe accusations.
Saker nailed it with one word:
The operative word is “pretend”.
I get the sense that Trump is pretending various contradictory things simultaneously because “politics is the art of the possible” and he at least recognizes that the vast majority of Americans live in a pretend world of make believe fashioned by television, MSM and “popular culture” and how do you possibly fashion political consensus among such a gaggle of children caught up in such diverse and contradictory make-believe worlds of illusion and deception?
At the same time, Trump bashing IMHO should be restrained, because like Ann and a few others have said, pleaded, he and his supporters are 100 times better than those angling to impeach or kill him and are presently the only slim “hope” on the American horizon visible to 300 million other Americans. Sad! But presently true!!!!
Those globalist Empire freaks and slaves gunning for Trump are mind controlled idiots of an “elite” group of even more fear enslaved individuals that are caught up in the pretense that they are God, simply because of their multi-generational successes in the occulted and not so hidden arts of mind control over all those silly children. Evil!
Bottom Line: Extremely Dangerous
Especially when the financial disintegration of this make believe world of “money” having any fundamental value (not obviously tied to mind control and fear and looting swindles of this and other lands) accelerates, and mass illusions evaporate far too quickly for all but a very few persons to cope with the reality slapping them in the face as with a 30 pound slimey salmon.
Donald Trump is a Wilde card used in the Right moment…
Saker this Semenchenko seed is not just a harbinger of what lays in store for the ukraine…no it is an harbinger of that which is laid up for all east European states…and mayhap also Europe as a whole…and then the flow is to be directed at Russia…seeming positional incoherence is not in any of what is projected a priori failure…it is simply a cloak…a device…of subterfuge..a duck drags its wing Saker.
By reason of observation and thought we can see that the US/Hegemon is on the rampage again. Mattis and McMaster are unleashed. The Deep State rules. Trump is but a passenger atop the back of the Beast.
The fruits of its labors however are gathered by Eurasia (Russia, China, Iran).
The coup in Turkey, backfired, and Erdogan, though diminished in his dreams is more solidly in control of his nation as all-powerful autocrat. Turkey is forced into alliance with Russia and Iran. Turkey must work with Russia to limit the US-backed Kurdistan development project. Turkey, rejected by Germany and EU, must turn to Eurasia. Turkey, in need of energy, must go forward with the Gazprom Turkish Stream. Turkey, ever the target for CIA-Mossad coup plots must rely on Russia’s SVR, GRU and FSB for counter-Intel.
The great Arab nation of Egypt has turned its mind and heart to Russia. Al-Sisi, a friend of the USA knows that only Russia can help him secure a future for his government, for his military-political base, and for economic development. His fight against ISIS, and the powerful social force of MB inside Egypt, requires Russian expertise and military certainty. Though he sits with the other Arab powers, he walks with Putin. Egypt needs big infrastructure development. The future is with Eurasia. China’s wealth is clearly going to have to come to Cairo since the wealth of the oil states has been miserly and the US has no wealth to offer.
Libya is standing in line at the Russian doorstep. General Haftar has been working for over a year to get Russian military to help fight ISIS and AQ. The US-UN have no solution, only more war.
Thus, MENA is lost to the US, except to keep chaotic and in hot conflicts. Russia has the Eastern Mediterranean and North African coast as its new sphere of influence.
Turn to the Asian Pacific and we see the flux of failed US policy. Just yesterday and the day before, Pres. Duterte of the Philippines begged Putin for assistance in his fight to defeat ISIS in southern region of his nation. New foreign fighters have begun the terror war, slaughtering Filipinos. This is more radical Islam against Christianity. Russia has answered with loans and expertise. Soon, the Philippines will be in the sphere of influence of the Kremlin. (With little effort by the Kremlin.) The open door to Putin’s office and his phone is ready to receive whoever comes for Russian help in the fight against terrorism.
Even Japan, a very close ally of the US has reached out to work with Russia on economic and security issues. Japan wants in on Eurasian development. More on the Korean crisis below.
When we look at the facts on the ground, in Latin America, too, we see several nations reach to Russia and China as preferred partners.
All of these trends and events are on the side of Russia and China and non-ideological. There is no “theory” or “system” or “requisite” for partnership. Duterte turned as did al- Sisi, because they need reliability and effectiveness. Russia delivers. China, though it often extracts minerals and floods the markets with cheap products, delivers on its projects. Hospitals, schools, roads, airports, ports and utilities get built. Nations are moved from third world status to emergent and developing status. Prosperity becomes possible. Education flourishes, health services save and improve lives, all without vassalage, the usual “tax” extracted by the US.
The near-future looks unstable and chaos-filled. The Hegemon is determined to disrupt and destroy in the ME, NA, Balkans, Baltics, Black Sea, Central Asia, Korean Peninsula, Taiwan, South China Sea and the Arctic.
But, irony is strong. The US ousted Mrs. Park from Seoul and got President Moon who wants Russia as an ally. The youth-filled color revolution worked. Park may go to prison, for her sin of being friends with Beijing. But Moon is worse. He will be a sovereigntist. He understands, the US cannot protect South Korea.
The Hegemon is a blind beast, deaf, probably capable only of smell, and its sense is attuned to sulphur and burnt flesh. It tears human flesh from bone, cracks bones, smashes homes and crushes cities. But it cannot continue. It is up against civilizations that are more than ready to stop it in its tracks. Syria is the war to end the Beast.
Once Syria is cleared out of ISIS and AQ, the resulting geopolitical milieu of the region, from Ankara to Sinai, from Mediterranean to Teheran, will be like 2006 Lebanon-Israel a hundred-fold. The shock to the system of the US-Israel-Arab coalition of sponsor states will be catatonic.
Not only did their strategy and tactics, infowars and false flags, military leadership and geopolitics fail, their weapons and defenses and Intel failed.
And a Phoenix-rise of Syria will be a great secular state honoring all the religions of the nation. How splendid that will be. How honorable to all the murdered, slaughtered, raped and tortured victims of the US-Israel-Saudi satanism.
It is coming. Trump and Mattis cannot stop it. They lose. Russia-Syria-Iran will win this war. They have to. It’s not optional.
For the Hegemon, there is always the exit in shame and disarray. The US has perfected pathetic endings of its wars. Johnny doesn’t come home marching in a parade any more. He’s in a flag-draped casket or in a hospital waiting on prosthetics-fittings or drugged to calm the tremors and shock.
Ideology cannot win anywhere any longer. Those days are over. Only the Deep State has not understood that reality.
Trump cannot make a deal with the product he offers. No one wants what the US is selling. It’s poison.
But never underestimate the depravity of the minions of the Deep State. They control the tyranny of the US government, and Trump will never get control of the Beast of the Swamp.
[Comment edited; inappropriate material deleted. There is a line we do not cross, even with the First Amendment.~mod.DG]
“The Hegemon is a blind beast, deaf, probably capable only of smell, and its sense is attuned to sulphur and burnt flesh. It tears human flesh from bone, cracks bones, smashes homes and crushes cities. But it cannot continue. It is up against civilizations that are more than ready to stop it in its tracks. Syria is the war to end the Beast.”
Magnificent writing, like the chorus of a Greek play. Despite the optimism you evince for Syria and for the general evolution of a world without fatal interference from the Hegemon, your final remark about the deep state casts a dark shadow. I was thinking as I read your post that, ultimately the neocons will never permit peace in the world, and will stop at nothing to maintain their grip on world events. Strange that you seem to be dead on in your analysis, both positively and negatively. I don’t know quite how to process this.
Briefly, I see the Hegemon capable of great damage, for that is its nature. It doesn’t dominate to bring honey and milk or fresh fruit and flowers to humanity.
Opposed to it now are Russia (Putin) and China (Xi and the CCP). They have a lifetime of defending against the Hegemon. And have ascending nations despite all the travails and obstacles. Russia is in positive traction and China is, though awkwardly, still developing.
That is not the condition of the Beast. It is struggling mightily.
At basics, the human component of the Hegemon, we have the Deep State. These are freaks of ideology, the core of it Russophobia and triumphalism. Very powerful people.
Ruthless. Disconnected from Nature, God, the Spiritual and the rest of Humanity.
But Russia and China are now a multipolar force that has its own field of gravity and are attracting others, like Iran, like all the non-West nations who reject vassalage. But more. They are shaking loose Members of Parliaments of various European states, many ASEAN nations, African nations, Latin American nations, and many people within vassal states. This is historic disruption of Hegemonic power.
Poised on the command deck is Putin, master strategist, who has the world’s best military precisely tuned for the war against Terror and the Hegemon. He has the defenses and the strike weapons that the Hegemon cannot defeat. And allied with him is the Wealth of China.
For the Deep State, they can afford to lose. In fact, some of them are choosing to lose, to fight again later, as they did with the Cold War. They waited and won and took the Planet. But they are losing mastery now. To try to win against Russia-China is impossible. The two will not separate and there is no hope of winning for decades.
So, we have the Hegemon’s hope of containment and chaos-making. It is driven by ideology and MIC oligarchy.
But, everything comes down to Syria.
Can the new coalition of willing Muslims put troops on the ground and defeat Russia-Iran-Syria-Hezbollah? Not a chance.
Will NATO put troops on the ground to engage that quartet? Never.
How many US boots will trek onto Syria soil? 2000,5000? Not likely.
Thus, the Syrian war will go forth for this year and an ending. More and more very specialized Russian units will participate. Right now, Chechens are MPs and sprinkled here and there.
Turan, Central Asian special ops are doing very well. Regular Spetsnaz are everywhere and are changing every battlefront. Syrian units are gaining expertise from Russians.
And Hezbollah is still highly effective, though it has great losses from the years of warfare.
So, we know Putin, we know the facts on the ground. He knows the Deep State.
Their solace will be Ukraine and sanctions. That cancer will continue. It is another lost dream of the Deep State.
They have lost the Presidential race, they are losing Syria and they will lose against Eurasia. It is hard to see sometimes. But everything is cyclical. Hegemony is past its peak.
Thanks for the elucidation, Larchmonter445. It strikes me that there is also another side to the equation that is needed to round out the picture. You have logically focused on the Hegemon’s foreign machinations and failures, as well as the comparitive strengths of her adversaries, but there is also the fact that the US seems to be collapsing internally with it’s ponzi economy held together with chicken wire and duct tape and an unstable and very divided social structure which is undermining families and institutions, as the police state becomes more repressive. There is also the corrosive influence of Zionism accelerating the collapse through ideological domination and a form of total mind control that makes finding solutions to problems beyond the pale cast of thought. Everything becomes a fait accompli and all thought is post hoc. Until the US populus emerges from its stupor and begins to withdraw its consent to what is being done in its name, a possibility I feel is not even thinkable, absent some kind of catalyzing event, I remain a pessimist.
Amen brother.
great article, and nothing to add.
But I can comment sagely on . . .
What is wrong with these women?
It used to be highly fashionable to wear a silk scarf
Jackie, Brigitte, Sophia, Grace, Marilyn, Audrey, Liz, Gina (La Lollo!)–they all wore silk scarves tied below the chin when the breezes were blowing their hairdos to bits, or when they weren’t. I wore a silk scarf tied under the chin while riding in pillion on various boyfriends’ motorcycles and hanging on to them (the guys, that is) for dear life. We didn’t bother with helmets back in the day but didn’t want our long sixties hair turned into a hornet’s nest.
Jeez. I just don’t get it. If was good enough for Jackie, Sophia, and Brigitte, it ‘s good enough for me.
What’s wrong? Nothing. They are making a clear point:
1. They showing what they think about the soudis and their rules, while soudis could not do anything to them, but pretend to be happy.
2. They showed their respect to the Christian Catholic branch, maybe because they belong there?
I am also thinking, that this is why Trump’s wife refused his hand (perhaps for hist theatrical performance in front of a wall)?
Just a thought.
My own comment relates not just to Melania of Arabia.
It is meant to relate to the whole headscarf hysteria that has enveloped the West.
It is the most stupid example of a fight over an object. It may have one meaning for some and another meaning for others, but so what? What harm does it do if someone wears a headscarf?
Suppose ISIS started using rattles, and the Congress decided to start confiscating rattles from babies.It would make about as much sense.
The headscarf hysterics seem to have no sense of proportion, or even basic memory.
It is headscarf hocus-pocus, where a piece of cloth is invested with powers that a piece of cloth doesn’t have. The more the hysterics go on about headscarfs the more power they will confer and project on these patches of textile.
“headscarf hysterics” and “hocus-pocus” — exactly!
It is little more than a symbol (other than when a practical device).
However, I suspect the deeper issue is virtue signalling submission to power and authority.
Such a clear simple inexpensive device signals numerous political agenda.
Red flag to the bull basically.
Such a fashion arrangement can only be interpreted ultimately as a device from the gods for certain purposes. One being the exposure of human folly — more so in those that make a big deal about a piece of cloth on the mop (or not) than those choosing to wear it.
Saudi Arabia allows a woman head of state to be declared an “honorary man”. I suppose that they would also make this exception to the wife of their greatest ally out of respect.
Interesting that She was not happy in Saudi Arabia or Israel. However Western Europe was her home tirf and she was happy there…
Queen Elizabeth to this day, is often photographed in a headscarf, and seldom seen without a hat on.
Would that be a case of the queen bee of Anglo-Zionism ‘value signalling’ or giving away a ‘tell’?
Saker are you unconcerned about American efforts in Raqqah and potential confrontation with Russia in Syra?
Not really. The Americans still have to get Mosul done, then we will see about Raqqah. And since there will never be enough US boots on the ground, there is really no way for them to really take Raqqah. As for the Kurds, the Saudis and, say, the Jordanians, they will never for a military force capable to taking on Daesh. So at this point in time and until something major happens, no, I am not concerned about US plans. Cheers! The Saker
Dear The Saker, in addition to your commnet – you may wish to read this latest about the Kurds in Raqqa and the Russian response:
“The Israelis, are betting on Isis and all this takfiri project in the region… but in any case they know — the Israelis, the Americans, and all those who use the takfiris — that this is a project without any future.”
With all due respect, I’m not so sure they know it’s a project without any future. They are themselves equally possessed by satanism, greed, and unrestrained self-worship as their takfiri comrades-in-arms. And if even if they did know, why should anyone believe they’d see this as a problem? Their core belief is anti-life after all.
Maybe this thought is the result of the hours spent in my lost youth listening and watching Alex Jones, but here goes: the inner circle of the elite consists of aging men (and perhaps women) who have faithfully served the cause, who with demonically ruthless determination got to where they are (if not born into it); who are privy to the acme of life-enhancing and extending technology; who are skilled in high level executive decisions; who from the commanding heights look down at their uncountable minions and say: Make it happen.
I find there is abundant infighting and group think at play among these elites. Important add-ons to the traits listed in your comment. Paul Craig Roberts is a good source for insight into that regard.
Another thought is that there is no honor among thieves. Read any thriller and you are likely to find a point where the antagonists kill their comrades in part to increase their share of the loot (plausible deniability and necessity also play a role). As power consolidates and the minions realize their precarious position stuff happens and the once robust system falters.
All this is speculation; I have no direct experience and am thankful that I have none. Literature and Sacred writings provide clues. When I think about the world (my limited picture) I think of Anton Chiguhr telling Llewellyn Moss (No Country for Old Men), “You know where this is going to go.”
I must be missing something here. While this is an excellent article and many of the comments equally good, there is, however, one glaring omission that I find incomprehensible.
Like or loathe Trump he has succeeded in making himself not only very rich but also extremely successful within the US system. Anyone who can get to be POTUS is clearly a clever boy, at worst, or possibly brilliant at best.
There is an old saying a man who obviously not only understands the US system but has been able to take full advantage of it.
A wise man knows who his friends are but also keeps his enemies closest to him. By dancing the the Saudis, kowtowing to the Israelis, surrounding himself with the worst neocon whores there are, Trump is fulfilling this requirement.
He knows exactly who his friends and enemies are and keeps his enemies close by him so he knows intimately what they have in mind.
Military equipment are just baubles and toys to the fascist Israeli and Saudi states, and they keep the boys back home sweet too. Nothing like keeping the kids happy with the latest train set (or flying bedstead that is being passed off as a stealth fighter), as they do like to play!
I suspect that you are deceiving yourselves about Trump. It is clear Trump liked Lavrov and I am certain the two hours Putin gave his old friend Tillerson produced many cohesive results. Just that Trump is not dumb enough to say!
Incredible, we are on the edge of ww3 and all i read here are some talking about women covering their hair or not. Who cares?
There were many of us who hoped Trump would bring some kind of rapprochement with Russia. The hope was faint, but it was a hope, and a real one after the anti-Russian frenzy of the late Obama term.
It’s now all dead and burred. All that Trump demonstrated for now is an incredible mix of imbecility and empty posturing. I don’t know what else is to be expected from a man of his calibre (reality TV star, hic), though, I at least expected of him to show some common sense.
If he indeed had any plans of going against the neo-cons, he threw them out of the window when he shamelessly abandoned Flynn and marginalized Bannon, not to mention his strikes in Syria. Whether he had hoped it will calm down the neo-con hymera or attempted to make a truce with them is largely irrelevant.
If he was even to be taken seriously by the neo-cons, it would’ve been necessary to show some spine first. You don’t bargain with somebody who don’t have any cards to play, which is the case with Trump and the neo-cons.
He has no cards to play and they know it. And frankly, I’d not be sad at all if they drive him out of office. He has proven to be unpredictable and vain, and totally incompetent.
He did run a good campaign (well, relatively good), but winning an election and handling a country is vastly different.
Some positives from Trump’s incompetence is that the neo-cons and deep state structures will be in the state of turmoil for some time. Another obvious one is that having a buffoon for President will further erode the image of the U.S. as the world’s hegemon.
Russia and China really ought to use the opportunity to work on their strategic alliance. Some sanity may eventually return to the neo-cons, if anything, their very survival may be a trigger for them to start thinking a bit rationally again.
Speaking of wolves…
As in so many things, Shakespeare said it first and said it best–observing in Troilus and Cressida, Act 1, Scene 3, lines 122-127:
Then every thing includes itself in power,
Power into will, will into appetite;
And appetite, a universal wolf,
So doubly seconded with will and power,
Must make perforce a universal prey,
And last eat up himself
Having been around since FDR’s time, I indeed have watched the USA become both this universal predator and its universal prey. And yet, as my own long life now comes to a close, and I peacefully place my soul in God’s Hands, I am ever more deeply afraid that this rabid, ravenous nation of mine will devour the whole of humanity in a flash with itself.
Dr. Bill
Dr. Bill,
They won’t end the world, not because they are sane. It is because they are unnatural and venal.
A natural Beast like a Hegemon, all-powerful, would devour all and end the world.
But we are unfortunate. The unnatural Beast consists of of very venal demigods who openly seek infinite life for themselves.
Luckily, we have computer simulations and game simulations that always prove to them that they cannot do a first strike on Russia without losing their life and power also.
Putting together the former (venality and desires to live forever) and the later (no-win nuclear denouement) we have no cause of concern that the Hegemon (Deep State MIC) will carry on to oblivion.
Unfortunately, there is plenty of time and space to fill with their chaos and calamity, but they will not have victory. In fact, humankind is apparently proving to be resilient and clever with hopeful possibilities.
Just look at Syria from Oct.1, 2015 till today. The Assad government, Syrian Army, Syrian sovereignty were on the brink, a few weeks away from total rout. In came the Russians and now we see strong evidence of the beginning of the rout of the ISIS/al Nusra/AQ armies. Russia came with the embedded Orthodox Cross and with Russian Muslims. The godless freaks and their sponsors are driven to the distant desert wilds, and are going to be annihilated.
Look forward to every sunrise, Dr. Bill. There is much to be enjoyed. The sacrifices by the Russians, Iranians, Hezbollah and some good Turks, too, have saved a nation. The diplomats and generals will construct a strong chance for Syrians to live and prosper again. Don’t despair. Humanity is marvelous even in the worst of times.
Precisely, you nailed it.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, the concept of being Soviet was obliterated. Consequently, Russia went through a decade long identity crisis, just as many of its former republics did. When the Soviet states declared independence, Russia lost control of 52 percent of the Soviet population and 24 percent of Soviet territory. Through this loss, the country shed many territories that were not ethnically Russian, though many diverse groups and peoples remained inside the Russian Federation. This created a question for the new regime: Without the foundation of a unifying Soviet identity, how would Moscow continue to oversee (let alone unite) such a motley population?
Moreover, freedom from Soviet control sparked an explosion in groups trying to carve out their places in the new country. Under Yeltsin, economic and political centralization — two of the main pillars of Russian power and consolidation during the Soviet period — were broken down. The country’s economic system fell apart, leading to rampant organized crime, the rise of the oligarch system, financial schemes that defrauded millions, and foreign groups purchasing strategic Russian assets. All of these factors contributed to the financial collapse of the 1990s.
Meanwhile, the combination of a rising domestic budget deficit and balance-of-payments deficit has given Russian advocates of privatization an argument to press ahead with the sell-offs. The flaw in their logic is their neoliberal assumption that Russia cannot simply monetize its deficit, but needs to survive by selling off more major assets. We warn against Russia being so gullible as to accept this dangerous neoliberal argument. Privatization will not help re-industrialize Russia’s economy, but will aggravate its turn into a rentier economy from which profits are extracted for the benefit of foreign owners.
So the West is taking Russia piece by piece, Corporates control Russian Economy, Finances, Press and are investing tens of billions to private groups, to destabilize the nation from inside. They don’t need to get any fruits from Russia Tree, because they are going to get it all, the fruits the tree and the roots.
I’m afraid your “pat on the head” only deepens my concern. What you’re saying, in effect, is that the Pentagon’s computer simulations offer such clear, convincing scientific proof that a First Strike is bound to lead to our species’ extinction that our ruling elites, starting with our science-savant Trump, would have to be… well… mad… I mean, truly insane!…to blindly follow their Ahab impulses down a path to their own destruction. It’s all too crazy-making for Enlightened Americans to contemplate. These days anyway. We’ve come a long way since Jack Kennedy’s days!
Speaking of which… I remember those days. I remember one cold, wet March night in 1962, in particular–just 8 months before JFK was shot–when some friends of mine at the Far East Institute at Columbia U in New York sat me down at the old West End Bar (where the fake one now stands) and told me that unless Kennedy LISTENED TO REASON and got our “advisers” out of Vietnam NOW, we’d get involved in a land war in Asia that would last 10 years, cost 50,000 American lives, and end in our utter defeat!
Can you believe it? After we lost 36,940 troops in Korea in just 3 years time! No country in their right mind would get themselves trapped in another land war in Asia! Even without computer simulations. Right?
Except that the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff WERE ALL THAT PSYCHOTIC! (Folie a plusiers is the French psychiatric term for it. “The psychosis of the mob.” “The psychosis of the many.”)
It’s hard to imagine. But the CIA and Joint Chiefs were as deluded–as possessed, if you will–as Ahab in Moby Dick. Full of Satanic pride, on the one hand. While filled with narcissistic humiliation, on the other, that their human limitations had been exposed at the Bay of Pigs.
So what if our invading Cuba and hitting the Soviet missile sites led to a nuclear war that we “won” at the cost of “only” LA and New York? As Vince Lombardi used to say: “WINNING ISN’T EVERYTHING! IT’S THE ONLY THING!”
Besides, the CIA was certain that Khrushchev would back down. Rather than see “Mother Russia” attacked yet again. Russians are “softies” that way. That was the CIA’s view. (And their view of Putin today.)
But would Kennedy listen to the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Not after the Bay of Pigs! He concluded they were truly deluded. (“Demonically” deluded, Melville would say.) Mad to the point of MAD-ness (Mutually Assured Destructiveness), in fact.
And so Jack did LISTEN TO REASON–his own reason–when it came to starting the process of pulling our “advisers” out of Vietnam, old CIA hands like Ray McGovern say. Till a bullet put a stop to all that “rational” crap!
No need for a neocortex, Jack. A REAL AMERICAN LISTENS TO HIS GUT!
I hear the same today. Only our now intricately interwoven media/military/industrial/education/entertainment complex has made that “killer ape” mentality to dominate-or-die a million times more powerful than before. With thousands of psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, anthropologists, and other specialists literally selling their souls to escape austerity in exchange for advising the corporate state how to increase irrationality among the “masses.” You think our rulers are immune from these injected environmental toxins?
Just yesterday I heard that the US Air Force has requested 165 new B-2 bombers ASAP from Congress to meet “OUR CURRENT WAR PLANS.” What “War Plans”? Can the American people know? No. “National security, you know.”
So is all this talk about current “War Plans” so much hype to bleed the taxpayer of trillions of dollars more in a phony crash program for all-out nuclear war? When these same “War Plans” all have stamped at the bottom in big red letters: “NEVER TO BE USED”?
If there is one thing my 48 years of training and experience in the field of psychology has taught me, it is that the more an “exceptional” narcissist is humiliated, the more irrationally aggressive he becomes. That was true of the CIA and Joint Chiefs in the ’60’s. That is true of Trump and his humiliated generals and the Russia-gate CIA today.
So no more pats on my aging head, OK?
I may be a foolish, fond old man in some ways. But I still “know a hawk from a handsaw,” as Hamlet would say.
I would also say that Shakespeare’s pre-Enlightenment understanding of the stages of degeneration in a de-Christianized empire’s power (in the absence of the proper checks and balances of a “symphonic” Church and State, as created by his Good Queen Bess) is well worth studying too. (One might even find political and theological parallels to Good Vladimir’s reign of today.)
Dr. Bill
According to Larchmonter445 we are, in the end, a sane culture still capable of listening to the wise voice of reason. According to Dr. Bill, we lost that possibility a long time ago, and, by design perhaps, have moved our policies in America towards a power crazy, neo-cortex free, self destructive and world destructive goal. Who is right? I am more convinced personally by Dr. Bill’s arguments than Larchmonter445’s reassurance. But could The Saker weigh in on this debate? Could we have the benefit of his deep and incisive insights? That would be very helpful!
A good result from Trump’s election, if it can be called good and not very sad for the West, is the overwhelming overexposure of just how false deceptive and utterly without morality his (if he is not just playing to the crowd) and his supporters actions are, and how in reality, if you look at it, similar to him are his opponents. Worse is how much of today’s youth appears to be falling in line.
Such a sad vision of the establishment West that I wish would go away.
“Trump: dancing with wolves on the Titanic”
Nah, trump continuing to be buggered by zio-gays. He likes it that way, he’s their boi 100%. What we are seeing is essentially the exact same zionazi colonial policy in pindoland as would have been done under a clinton quislingship. This zionazi/israeli world domination plan is being implemented under their tuppence quislings the same as it would’ve been with their Clinton quislings. Both trump and clinton camps work for the same zionazi oligarchy, they are essentially the same govno.
vt – did you see this video ? Trump’s face when Sisi gets real –
sorry forgot link
Wow, Al-Sisi said that to their faces in Saudi Arabia? “Who arms, finances the terrorists and gives them media cover?” Brilliant!!
Ps he also rocks the jacket and tie ;-)
Yes, then then guess what: … 3, 2, 1 and Sisi has a bus load of dead Copts on his hands and another knife into the back of the tourist industry. Go figure, … but what would I know…
“It is pretty clear who these ‘advisors’ are: the Saudis and the Israelis. Their intentions are also clear: to let the Americans to do their dirty work for them while remaining as far back as possible.”
With regard to the israeli’s, yes, they use their american colony continuously. But the saudis are simply gofers. Not much different than colombia in the zionazi scheme of things.
Great description of israeloamerican military prowness in this article.
Well, actually one significant difference between Colombia and Saudi Arabia is that there is appreciable Saudi ownership of “American” assets, present and future:
So Trump is indeed being gang-buggered by zionazi and takfiri govno :-) And, by God, does he enjoy it!
Saker I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the Turkish and Greek armies. Historically they have proved as tough as the Russians and just as determined.
Maybe the Turks, since they remain battle-hardened right at home fighting their own Kurdish compatriots. And Erdogan is a power politician by sheer force of personality albeit mentally unstable, in sharp contrast to Putin.
But Greece?! Thoroughly sodomized by her beloved superiors practicing “European values” courtesy of IMF, EU, and NATO and with an utter buffoon, Tsipras, as acting Prime Minister. Spinelessness writ large.
EoP Applicants Ecology of Peace New World Order Social Contract Options STRATINT policy based upon EoP RH FR EoP Scientific and Cultural Law — to ‘turn off the tap’; i.e. the breeding / consumption above ecological carrying capacity limits causes of racial, religious and class resource conflict and war; by cooperating to implement an Ecology of Peace New World Order Social Contract that requires all the worlds citizens of all races and religions to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; enabling humane and orderly and depopulation return to ecological carrying capacity limits — has repeatedly been submitted to President Trump, his Cabinet and voters. The most recent correspondence via (i) email to President Trump being EoP NTE GMA: 28 Apr: Updated EoP Help 4 Trump: Int of Military Gods Polite People Options / Suggestions; (ii) via twitter 26 May 2017: 14:08 hrs: EoP TRC or WiP Impeachment.
A copy of this comment shall be posted to EoP v WiP NWO Neg.
Not particularly germane to topic, but worth considering nevertheless is the old strategy of “howling with wolves” (not “dancing”, howling…) The German writer, Kirst, describes his protagonist doing this method durch der krieg mit der 3rd Reich – in East Prussia, yes, fictional, instructive too.
What’s this strategy? Is T-man employing it? (maybe…)
The strategy of “HWW” is a particular example of the more general strategy of concealment…Russians speak of Маскировка. Same thing. The idea is that when one is among wolves one must necessarly pretend to be, or actually become, a wolf – as otherwise the pack will destroy you because they’ll can see that you are not like them, that you are a dog, not a wolf – and they will eat you.
I do not imagine T-Man is pretending. But it is a good example of the strategy from which we may all learn a useful method. Practice blending with the wolves, Comrades…
The tuppence regime continues to promote the greater israel geopolitical agenda:
What’s Behind Trump’s ‘Baseless Claims’ About Iran’s ‘Nuclear Weapons’
“Donald Trump’s remarks, therefore, are nothing but pure PR and bait for the mainstream media. The words have been said to please the Israeli Prime Minister,” Ali Reza Rezakhah told Sputnik.”
This is the best analysis of our crumbling empire I have read thus far. Super well done!! What scary times, who knows how this will all play out – domestically and internationally. For the sake of my children, I hope for the best.
Thanks Saker for your unique take on events. Thanks to Larchmonter445 for an absolutely brilliant comment. The paragraph starting “The Hegemon is a blind beast… is so good it reminds me of Matt Taibbi’s much quoted description of Goldman as a vampire squid.
I differ from you, Saker, in your use of the word ridicule for Trump’s behaviour. Trump is like an untrained circus animal – untrained that is by Anglo-Zionists. In contrast, and waiting in the wings is steely-eyed Pence, trained to psychopathic levels. Trump has no idea what he has got himself into. He is in a maze precisely because he has neither done the study nor has he been trained. How long did it take you, Saker, to work it all out? How long did it take others who comment here? In my case a hell of a long time.
Trump seems to function on some primordial level of hunches and we should be grateful for some of them. Almost daily news of new equipment or troops being sent to the Baltics/Poland etc. that we saw in the Obama days seems to have died down. He does not like Poroshenko’s Ukraine. The fight is in Washington where it is safe, at least for the time being. Yes, he gave the Saudis a bunch of new stuff but he was happy because business-wise he had them over a barrel (pun excused I hope). I can just see him give out the order, “Send ‘em a load of junk.”
I love this rant! It is 1,000% correct. A fine analysis.
I am an expert at the methods the US CIA uses to catch, impale and eviscerate it’s victims, whether countries, continents or individuals. In passing on the alternative news from the Russian Federation for the last 12 yearsI have learned history both in the making and in being repeated endlessly…mindlessly. I have used this news to be able to stand watching the US CIA at the same time carve up Europe into steak size pieces and serve them as meals.
About 20 or 27 family members from both my families, American and Netherlands have been slaughtered over several generations. The deaths were used to terrify. The pleasures in accomplishing these deaths has been palpable.Just as the US prefers other countries fight it’s wars so does if prefer suicides to assassinations.
The 150% global surveillence is to be able to kill,, silence, dissenters not to stop terrorists. Continued reliance in Brussels to protect European countries will end in unmitigated disaster. USA made sure of that.
Saker! I am Russian Orthodox now. The US tried to kill me last year, I, obviously. survived. I have an interactive brain chip inserted in my brain in 2012 or 2013. My younger brilliantly artitistic son was murdered in 2016 using 12 heavy metals in his an art professor at Savannah the college itself. He’d graduated summa cum laude and was ready to move out of the US for good.
My first son’s son was destroyed while still in his Mom’s womb, 1st Son’s US passport stolen by US government so he cannot move here to be with me, get his NL citizenship through me and live where his one son can learn to live independently. He is retarded. Getting worse.
Since the brain chip was done in Amsterdam, I cannot stay here nor in any EU country. The medical professions here have all been destroyed. So I hope tp get asylum in Russia. I want to become Russian fluent and get citizenship as well..But, how?
If Trump reads TheSaker he might very well immediately resign. You, The Saker, will be responsible. I suggest you brush up on Diplomatic Protocol and throw your hat into the ring. I don’t usually agree with some of your more way-out stuff but this piece is so good you IMO should become a candidate.
Heavy smoke of contempt comes out all over the article….LOL.
I have one to think about for Saker or someone with knowledge of the big picture:
– Saudi Arabia has now more or less devalued UN for good: They pay heavy for UN, sit on absurd key positions, backed up by the notorious Anglo West.
– Saudi Arabia was recently revealed to have paid Washington Post $500 million plus paid other VIP journalists, CIA revealed to have big media too on their budget payroll.
– Saudi Arabia we know have paid and spread Wahabism schools all over the world.
– Saudi Arabia is known to be main sponsor of ISIS = Ekstremist Islamism to all over ME and Africa, East, Eurasia, Phillipines and after the 1,5 million refugee wave walking through Europe without papers and media reports ISIS are on welfare systems in EU, its obvious ISIS is also all over Europe as sleeping cells.
– Saudi Arabia just signed a gigant deal of hundreds of billions of military equipment and aid with Trump.
– Saudi Arabia recently made a billlion $ big oil deal with China, saying China is paying through Saudi Arabia for US military industrial complex and spread of terrorism.
Can anyone see a big picture in this and if, WTF is the overall plan?
I’ll chime in here a little. It has to do with the bad faith of the elites and the ruling classes–to repeat, the issue is bad faith. The others, meaning us, must wake up and wrest contol of our own lives away from these deceivers. Otherwise, all is lost as their censorship and police state powers are already too great for any opposition. But there is now no other possibility for us and our descendants. Will we wake up and face the truth, the possession of which is persecution, prison, or death?
Does this sound exaggerated?
The overall plan is to make money and maintain and grab power. This way, whatever your desires are, they will be met. There is, in short, no overall plan just an alliance of various sectors of organized crime. We are now fully in the era of “rogue economics.” I trust, in time, the balance will change and a new moral order develop–for now there is no moral order at all.
“According to reports, Salman gave away to US President Donald Trump personal gifts alone worth $1.2 billion. One heavy sword made of pure gold and studded with diamond stones weighing 25 kilograms alone was worth $200 million. Then, there is this 125 meter long yacht, which is apparently the world’s tallest personal yacht, with 80 rooms with 20 royal suites.”
“Of course, Saudis do not have to give away such lavish gifts to the elites in Pakistan (or India.) A Mont Blanc ballpoint pen, Rolex wrist watch, an odd job for the nephew or son-in-law – that generally does the trick. To be sure, by Pakistani standards, Gen. Sharif must be getting a fat salary.”
In one of the Benny Hill episodes Benny is planning a bank robbery and gets a blonde honey to act as the honey trap. When they start haggling over the price, she asks “who do you think I am?”
And Benny replies, “we know what you are (a whore), we are just setting a price!”
Wonder how much the Saudis were offering Assad in 2009 and Putin in 2016.
As I have mentioned for years, the wars fought by the U.S. are cruel to be sure but they are fraudulent. They are fought simply to use up ordinance one the one hand, on the other to further ambitions of various power-players and ideological fanatics in the Imperial Court. The Deep State, at this point in history, has eliminated the illusion of “saving the world” and now are just fighting for the spoils or cooperating in sharing the spoils. The Israelis and Saudis know this and throw in their money and power to manipulate the situation for their own benefit. The rest is professional wrestling and theater.
Trump has no choice but to participate in the machinations, I’m sure that has been made clear to him. So far, he has done a decent job at keeping himself and his family alive tried to neutralize his enemies by indulging them or ignoring them to show that his own policies are utterly chaotic and unpredictable–Washington hates that but the confusion generated by Trump is an excellent smoke screen. I have no idea where this is heading and no one else does either. My sense, however, is that Trump has reassured the Russians that Washington is the WWE and he is one of the characters in it. My sense is the Russians are willing to go along with all that. The fact Merkel had a cow recently after meeting with Trump proves that we are not going to see biz as usual. This is the most interesting political situation I’ve seen in Washington in my lifetime.
There are other views on this.
Maybe Thierry Meysson is right and Trump isn’t playing his cards the usual way. First off, he isn’t alone. He has a team behind him. And if he really wants to make a difference he wouldn’t be predictable. His worst adversaries are powerful and they don’t live in Riyadh.
Maybe Trump and his team don’t mind wether he is being taken seriously. They don’t have time for that. What bloggers say is not so important.
But it’s to take all he does at face value.
The article is spot on, I understand the Russian view but China really? China to me is another version of Deep state , much more irrational and psychotic than the US. The Chinese have border disputes with everyone and like the US became when it gained power. Can’t understand the love for China on this site. While Russia may claim ideological superiority , China is another more sinister version of deep state for me. An alliance with China is best an alliance of convenience which will fall apart at the first sign of real conflict. I can’t remember last time the Chinese were engaged in a real battle on the ground.