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The crisis in Qatar: yet another clumsy attempt by the Three Rogue States to weaken Iran (UPDATED)

This column was written for the Unz Review First, a quick who’s who We will probably never find out what truly was discussed between Trump, the Saudis and the Israelis, but there is little doubt that the recent Saudi move against Qatar is the direct results of these negotiations. How do I know that? Because Trump himself said so! As I mentioned in a recent column, Trump’s catastrophic submission to

World SITREP June 09 2017

by Baaz   Regional armed conflicts Information Terror Political Economic Religions   regional armed conflicts / regime changes The Middle East Last three days in Russia On June 8 – Bogdanov,a Deputy Foreign Minister, met with an ambassador of Lebanon On June 8 Bogdanov met with an Ambassador of Bahrain Same day he met with the Ambassador of the Saudi Arabia Same day de Mistura came to Moscow to meet

Qatar and the forty thieves

by Ghassan Kadi The sudden, unprovoked and coordinated outrage of Middle East regional powers, as well as international powers, against Qatar is something akin to a story in “Fables de La Fontaine”. With a bit of a twist, it resembles the story of “The Animals Seized with the Plague”. For the benefit of those who are unfamiliar with this fable, the animals convened to find out why they were struck

Ukraine escalates an armed conflict in Donbass

by Auslander The Situation in Gorlovka, DNR A few days ago we had some guests. One guest brought a friend with them, a person from a village near Gorlovka. At first the person was quite reticent about speaking of anything in front of me when the person understood very quickly that I was not Russian, I was from ‘the other side’. However, after I spoke to this person with VCO

Iran’s response to ISIL attack: Haha, that was nothing

by Ramin Mazaheri So ISIL claims to have made their first attack in Iran. The response in Iran appears to be: So what? Despite an attack occurring near Tehran’s international airport there was no disruption in air travel. Citizens were asked to stay off the metro, but nothing went on lockdown. There was no martial law. Not even a state of emergency has been declared. No civil liberties have been

UK General Election 2017 – Featuring Blairite Rats and Yellow Tories

by Jack J. A rapid succession of electoral events in the UK has led to an early and polarizing General Election; whilst May risks all for a ‘hard-Brexit’ mandate, Labour promise to “rip up the tory-Brexit white paper”. North of The Wall1 the SNP-Government has had INDY22 approved by the Scottish Parliament in order to pursue its own relationship with Europe, once the terms of Brexit become clear. May’s gamble

The Six-Day war half a century on: winners and losers

by Ghassan Kadi Like all Arabs of my age group, we all remember this war like it was yesterday. We remember how we huddled glued to our radios listening to military news reports and watching military parades and war songs on black and white TV screens, believing that the Arab armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan were on a winning streak, not knowing that the war was really over before

Putin, Trump and “my guy” Macron

by Pepe Escobar for the AsiaTimes The three-hour face-off between Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron in Versailles offered some fascinating geopolitical shadow play. Macron went so far as to say that, “No major problem in the world can be solved without Russia.” On Syria’s war, which topped their agenda, he said it needs “an inclusive political solution.” While on terrorism, his guest offered: “It is impossible to fight a terrorist

Why is the Green Climate Fund costing the U.S. a fortune?

by Scott Humor So far, the US government has paid $1 billion to the GCF and the Russian government paid nothing citing the need to review and evaluate this hair-raising financial and political mechanism. In The Air Merchant, one of the most read novels of Alexander Belyaev a Soviet Russian writer of science fiction, a British villain Bayley uses a gigantic air-sucking device, built by Swedish scientist Engelbrecht to slowly

Inside a French Roma camp probably already demolished by cops

by Ramin Mazaheri Unfortunately, I’ve covered plenty of Roma camp demolitions since 2010, and they never actually stop, but a pro-Roma group sent me an email that attracted my attention. Just outside of Paris a few dozen Roma families were terrified because at any unspecified moment cops were going to swoop in, bulldoze the camp, confiscate or destroy their meager possessions and render them homeless while providing no housing alternative.

Trump and the bubbles from a sunken (old) world

This article was written for the Unz Review: First, a confession: I really don’t know how the corporate media has covered the Trump trip to NATO and the G7 summit. Frankly, I don’t really care – it’s been a long while already since I stopped listening to these imperial shills. There is a risk in completely ignoring them, and that risk is the risk to say “white” when everybody

Putin’s Meeting with heads of international news agencies

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with the heads of Russian and foreign news agencies in St. Petersburg on Thursday, June 1 – the first day of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2017.   Taking part in the meeting were President of EFE (Spain) Jose Antonio Vera, Editor-in-Chief of PTI (India) Vijay Joshi, Vice President of Kyodo News (Japan) Juno Kondo, General Director of DPA (Germany) Peter Kropsch, Editor-in-Chief of Anadolu (Turkey) Metin Mutanoglu, First

The Magnificent (G)Seven

by Jimmie Moglia Of course they are anything but magnificent. And I wonder how many have concluded that these high-profile meetings among potentates are but occasions for taxpayer-paid and unspeakably luxurious vacations. Lodgings suitable to gods host opulent guests, while epicurean cooks sharpen with cloyless sauce their appetites, and prepare pantagruelian dinners to solve the problem of poverty. Or rather, multitudes overwhelmed by abject poverty, may observe what is lavished

Vladimir Putin’s interview with Le Figaro

President Vladimir Putin gave an interview to French Le Figaro newspaper, at the Russian Cultural Centre in Paris. The interview was recorded on May 29 in Paris during the President’s visit to France. Turn the English captions “ON” by using the button “CC” located in the control bar for a video. Interview with French newspaper Le Figaro Question (retranslated): A very good afternoon. Thank you very much for agreeing to answer questions

The Coup, Then and Now – The Enemies of Humanity Try to Give Trump the JFK Treatment

By Anton Chaitkin The Anglo-American oligarchy began a coup against President Donald Trump after his surprise 2016 election. They were in a panic to block his announced aims of partnership with Russia, the end of permanent war, the overturn of predatory Free Trade, and the return of Glass Steagall to break Wall Street’s power. The panic turned into a frenzy on the Russian angle, as it emerged that Trump had

Turkey’s ambitious road on military independence

by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. It seems a long time ago when back in 2003, then Prime Minister Erdogan presented the “National Manifesto”, a document outlining his vision of establishing Turkey as a great power and set the target of achieving this by 2023 (100 years of Turkish Republic). A pillar of this plan was not only the modernization Turkey’s armed forces but the independence on

NATO at war and other statistical marvels

by Scott Humor NATO Parliamentary Assembly Spring Session, Tbilisi, 26-29 May 2017 “The capital of Georgia, Tbilisi is a historic and a strategic place in the Caucasus region, which gave the country an opportunity to be a connecting hub between the West and the East Unfortunately, our progress is not a pleasant development in the region for some, like the Russian Federation. Moscow has militarily violated Georgia’s territorial sovereignty and

Hassan Nasrallah on Donald Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on May 25, 2017, on the occasion of the seventeenth anniversary of the Liberation of Southern Lebanon Source : Translation: (Please make sure to press the ‘cc’ button at the bottom left of the video to see the English subtitles) Transcript : Let’s evoke the summit (of Riyadh). First, it was said that it was a triple [American-Arab-Muslim] summit, when

US progressives must demand 3.5 more years of Russophobia!

by Ramin Mazaheri There I was again, flying first class on my shareholders’ dime from New York to San Francisco, when I was deeply saddened to read about the death of Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter. For a moment I thought: “Surely I can find some anti-Putin articles to read rather than this one?” Those always make me so happy! But then I remembered that Zbig was
