by Scott Humor

The only force standing between peace and hell on earth is the Russian military in Syria

Russian and Saudi FMs clash over Syria & Iran

“We would like to put an end to Iran’s involvement in the region,” the Saudi FM said.

Russia’s Foreign Minister countered this view, noting that Iran, as well as Hezbollah, are operating in Syria on President Bashar Assad’s official request.

“We don’t see Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. We believe that both of them [Iran and Hezbollah] – like Russia’s Air Forces – came to Syria following the request of the legitimate government,” Lavrov said.

“We know that our approaches are – mildly speaking – not matching, but we are sure that we need all Syrian parties without exceptions and all international players influencing these parties to join us to deal with this crisis,” Lavrov said.

This is a completely opposite to what Valentina Matviyenko declared during g her visit to the Saudi Arabia: the Russian Parliament Chairwoman called Saudi Arabia “Our Main Partner.”

In my last week analysis, I had a message to the politicians in Russia, who serve foreign governments and national interests.

“To the politicians who live in glass houses, to those masters of universe wannabes who serve the globalists: don’t you dare to attack Russian officers! They serve our Otechestvo, not you. As God is my witness, if you attack a Russian military officer, a Russian security or intelligence officer, if you attack a Russian diplomat, we will go after your hollow political careers, we will use our analytical skills to dig out and unearth your political dirty underwear, and we will expose you to the entire globe.

Harm a Russian officer, and you will never wash the stench of your treason off.  They put their lives on the line for us, people. They serve Russia. They don’t serve you.”

I didn’t mention our enemies, because it goes without saying.

They killed two our military officers and wounded one in Syria.  They were military instructors teaching the Syrian soldiers to fight with the jihadi terrorists.


After a 100-year absence on the world food market, Russia has returned as a leading agricultural producers, the western sanction were the main push for this miracle. In French.


Trotzkists in Syria

Americans and British Antifa members in Syria

This morning, I also got a message from the Kulak: Scott, in case you missed it — Ivan Throne said on RM radio program that a handful of PMCs (private military contractors) were spotted in ranks of anti-fas rioters in Berkeley, CA. from the 5:00 minute mark

Yes, these globalists are bringing some of the Maidan tactics home to America.

What is Antifa ?

 For those who don’t know, the Antifa movement, is an international terrorist organization with its members acting as organizers for extremist organizations as the Motherlode Progressives, Occupy Sacramento, Sacramento IWW, the Anti-War Movement, SEIU, and the Democratic Socialists of America. One of the Anfa extremists, Michael Israel, was killed on November 24th, 2016, fighting in the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Syria. This is according to the Rocky Mountain Antifa website. He died alongside another international terrorist Anton Leschek in western Manbij.

BTW, if it will turn out that Anton Leschek  (Zana Ciwan) and Michael Israel (Robin Agiri) are ethnic Kurds, I will eat my hat.


Communists symbols are fine for the US, as long as they are used by the terror organizations

Just like the Nazi and UPA symbols are fine in the occupied Ukraine.


Canadian crisis actors acting as the fake Kurds

‘Tiger Sun’, Canadian YPG PKK militant, after staying in #Canada for her leg injury, goes back to PKK positions in Syria

President Erdogan : “We are against a State in North Syria, Syria must not be split”

I told you that Erdogan is our guy.


Turkish MFA Cavusoglu said, they will definitely receive s-400 Missile Defence System, negotiations ongoing about price and co-production


Putin arrived to Sochi for a meeting with Merkel on May 2nd.


May 2nd is three year anniversary of Odessa Massacre,



Until the beginning of the 90s,  the South Yemen was called the 16th republic of the USSR.  An interesting personal account of the former military adviser in Yemen. The USSR invested huge amount of money in Yemen infrastructure, and it might be a good time for Russia to remember about its money.

Rumors that started going around last week about Russia negotiating to secure a naval base in Yemen.

In August 2016, Yemen, whose former president, Abdullah Saleh, said its newly-formed governing council could work with Russia to “fight terrorism” by allowing Moscow use of the war-torn country’s military bases.

Just as a reminder, the Hudaydah port was built by the Soviet Union as its navy base from 1968 to 1991 with thousands of Soviet specialists working there.

It was taken over by then new post-color revolution Yemeni government in 1991 upon a declaration to the Soviet specialists that “your country doesn’t exist anymore, you have to leave.”

Russia, as the sole and rightful heir of the USSR, should be entitled to demand the return of  $100s billion worth of foreign properties, one of them being Hudaydah port.

Maybe that’s why Russia’s warning to the Saudis to stop bombing the Hudaydah port might have some solid legal foundation, if the sovereign property rights are still valid in this world.

That’s might be what we hear right now as unconfirmed rumors.


How significant is the fact that the US found only this moth-eaten character to show up at the MCIS-2017  Moscow Conference of International Security?

Speech Thomas Graham (managing director of Kissinger Associates, Inc., USA)

His interview how the US rigged elections in Russia

He was Chief Political Analyst at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow from 1994-1997.


China, Russia oppose THAAD deployment at Moscow Conference

2017-04-27 22:07 GMT+8

The THAAD issue has taken center stage at the sixth Moscow Conference. During a joint briefing involving both China and Russia, Major-General ‍Cai Jun of the People’s Liberation Army said the THAAD deployment would inevitably deteriorate the international security environment.

In a bid to safeguard their security interests and maintain a regional strategic balance, both countries said they would undertake further measures

“China and Russia will take further action to counter this and to safeguard their security interests and the regional strategic balance of China and Russia,” said Major General Cai Jun from the Joint Staff Department of China’s Central Military Commission in a statement.


Poland arrested an Austrian accused of war crimes in Ukraine’s Donetsk region.

He has been arrested by Polish border police while trying to cross into Ukraine. He’d been sought for weeks on a European arrest warrant for fighting as a foreign mercenary for the Ukrainian armed forces against the people of Donbass.

Don’t forget Mikael Skillt, a Swedish sniper, who killed many civilians in Ukraine. 


Night rehearsal of the Victory Day parade in Moscow




Featured image:  Arctic PantsirSA is a new Russian-made short-range air defense missile system using the Pantsir-S1 weapon station.

More images of the Night Parade rehearsal on April 27, 2017 here


On Sunday, President Putin played ice hockey in Sochi with JeanClaude Killy