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Open thread for today and a few comments

Use as an open thread for today for any topic discussed at the Saker Blog and not already being discussed in other threads. Comments: – This article by Andrei Maryanov is almost required reading: – And I do so like Maria Zakharova.  She just told Olaf Scholz that he is a plagiarist. #Opinion by Maria Zakharova: 💬 Speaking at the Davos World Economic Forum, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said:

Whose Lies Can You Trust?

by James Rothenberg for the Saker Blog I read that we’ve entered a “post truth” age. I dislike the term because it seems too sure of itself, as if it encompasses all there is to encompass. As if it should come to mean the same thing to everyone. The worst is “holocaust”, a word I’ve forbidden myself to use for the reasons just mentioned. Sure, something’s been accelerating. It’s hard

Letter from Faina Savenkova, Lugansk, To Children of Europe on World Children’s Day

Faina Savenkova, Lugansk, To Children of Europe on World Children’s Day Half of my childhood was spent in war. And for three years now I have been trying to get through to the adults. Politicians, religious and cultural figures… I try to tell them what is going on in our country, but the adults listen as usual, but are in no hurry to do something. The war goes on, adults

Russia’s Necessary and Legal Military Response to US/ NATO Aggression in Ukraine

By Maria Gritsch for the Saker Blog Evidence shows that Russia’s special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine is a legally justified, critically necessary, and predictable response to the US’ recent escalation of its decades-long aggression against Russia in Ukraine–militarily, in the international corporate media, in cyberspace, and in the political-economic arena.  The US’ hostile actions against Russia were summarized in a 2019 US-Army funded RAND Corporation blueprint for “Over Extending and

Civilisation and Anti-Civilisation

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog Religion is the key of history – Lord Acton Civilisation The word ‘Civilisation’ comes from the Latin word ‘civitas’, or city, and so ‘civilised’ simply means to live in cities. This word ‘civitas’ gives us words like civilian, civic and civil. Civilisation means that people no longer live as nomadic hunter-gatherers, but are settled. Although therefore they have organised agriculture, they are not dependent

The Eurasian Economic Union Steps Up

The Eurasian Economic Forum has shown once again that this high-speed – economic integration – train has already left the station. By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted.  The first Eurasian Economic Forum, in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, took place this week at a very sensitive geopolitical juncture, as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov keeps stressing that, “the West has declared total war against us, against the entire Russian

Sitrep Operation Z: We’re going down

For the Saker Blog by Saker Staff From Military Summary.  He discusses: Russian T62 tanks (old models being brought in and why?) As a result of joint action by People’s Militia of Donetsk People’s Republic and the Russian Armed Forces, Krasnyi Liman has been completely liberated from Ukrainian nationalists. Consolidating success and a granular look at the various areas, fronts and cauldrons, retreats and routs, areas under fire control Operational

Russian MoD: Briefing on the results of the analysis of documents related to the military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine

The Russian Defence Ministry continues to study materials on the implementation of military biological programs of the United States and its NATO allies on the territory of Ukraine. Under the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons, each State Party submits an annual report in the form of a declaration of compliance with the requirements of the convention. It is currently the only reporting document on the implementation

Dear Ursula, you are dead wrong

by Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog According to Ursula von der Leyen – President of the EU Commission – Europe today keeps buying Russian oil just to “deny Putin an even larger war chest” by preventing Moscow from offering such EU-purchased oil to the world market and “profiting from soaring prices” (?). Actually, the undisputable Law of Supply & Demand dictates the exact opposite So any stand-up comedian worth

Hezbollah: 77 out of 128 MPs support resistance to Israel in new Lebanese Parliament

Description: Hezbollah’s Deputy Secretary General, Sheikh Naim Qassem, asserted in a recent interview on Al-Manar TV, that 77 out of the 128 MPs in Lebanon’s new Parliament support the strategic path of military resistance to Israel. Source: Al Manar TV via Kalam Siyasi (YouTube) Date: May 24, 2022 (Please help MEO keep producing independent translations for you by contributing a sustainable monthly amount Transcript: Sheikh Naim Qassem, Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General: If I

Will NATO Aggression Force Russia to Extend the Special Operation Beyond the Ukraine?

By Batiushka for The Saker Blog Introduction: The Three Aims The three aims of the Russian Federation’s Special Military Operation in the Ukraine were clearly announced by President Putin at the outset on 24 February. They were very specific, very limited and deliberately excluded the occupation of the whole of the Ukraine, let alone attacks on any territories outside it. Moreover, any suggestion of the use of nuclear weapons was

Vladimir Putin addressed the plenary session of the 1st Eurasian Economic Forum

First Eurasian Economic Forum Also attending the meeting were Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov, Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko, and Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission Mikhail Myasnikovich. The forum moderator was Alexander Shokhin, President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, member of the Presidium of the EAEU Business Council. The purpose of the Eurasian Economic Forum, established by a decision of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council and timed to coincide with a meeting of the SEEC, is to further deepen economic cooperation between the EAEU

Sitrep Operation Z: + consequences = petty Tabaquis howling

For the Saker Blog by Saker Staff After the Russian forces took POPASNA, the pace increased. There are still battles, but the Russians are now rolling over everything else in the Donbas. The Ukrainians are being annihilated, more and more soldiers are refusing to fight, reports of mass surrenders pour in, and the Russian strategy of cauldrons and partial cauldrons is proving incredibly effective. It is a bloody war in

 “Vatican Hatred” and Russophobia

By Prof. Slobodan Antonic, Department of Sociology, University of Belgrade (Translated for the Saker Blog) “Vatican hatred” is not a quote from a publication on the Croatian genocide against Serbs between 1941−1945. It is a phrase used by the three-time Pulitzer Prize winner Thornton Wilder in his novel “The Bridge of San Luis Rey,” to describe a hatred that is strong, deep, persistent, and cruel. Of course, not everyone in

W. Bush’s Iraq/Ukraine slip – same truth as Kerry’s ‘implode’/‘sanctions’ Iran slip in 2013

by Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV The clip of George W. Bush’s attempt to condemn Russia’s military operation in Ukraine but instead referring to his own autocratic warmongering in Iraq exploded across the internet. I saw the clip and, perhaps like many, watched it several times in succession. I even found myself returning to it several more times. There is so much to be said about it, and it

Grains of deceit (updated with visual of maritime corridor set up by the Russian Navy)

By Nat South for the Saker Blog There are several evolving issues that are being watched regarding plans and developments made by the West to open Ukrainian Black Sea commercial ports. A medley of articles has recently popped up on grain shipments from Russia and the grain shortage caused by the conflict. As always, these articles from the corporate Western MSM are part of a propaganda effort to portray Russia
