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Breaking Articles

Echoes from the first Neocon war in Europe and some music

First, I found out that BitChute also blocks videos showing combat operations in videos made by Russians.  Rumble did not, at least so far, so in the future I will stick with Rumble to post “politically incorrect” or otherwise “offensive” videos.  Still, the only viable solution here is to have a video hosting service in a sovereign country. Next, I cannot go into details here and now, but this is

Everything upside down

by Hugo Dionísio for the Saker blog 8 years of fortified constructions, tunnels, bunkers and endless armament depots, two months of repositioning of reserves and military human losses, the structure finally begins to collapse. The human losses are in the tens of thousands of young people, not so young, national and foreign, and after all the inevitable happens. The comedian who is president, in his daily videos from some bunker

A Tale of Two Cultures (America and Russia)

by Jimmie Moglia for the Saker blog When events do not make sense or are such as sense cannot untie, an option is to forget all about them – the head-in-the-sand solution. Another is to remember that man is but a quintessence of dust and often, therefore, not even worth the dust that the rude wind blows in his face. Yet another option is an attempt at interpretation, with emphasis

How General Soleimani kick-started the multipolar world

by Pepe Escobar, cross-posted with PressTV with the author’s permission The consensus among future historians will be inevitable: the 2020s started with a diabolic murder. Baghdad airport, January 3, 2020, 00:52 a.m. local time. The assassination of Gen.QassemSoleimani, commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic RevolutionGuards Corps (IRGC), alongside Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, deputy commander of Iraq’s Hashd al-Sha’abi, by laser-guided AGM-114 Hellfire missiles launched from two MQ-9 Reaper drones,

The city of Soledar has been liberated by the Wagner PMC

This “news” was weeks in the making, but this time it is official: the city of Soledar has been liberated by the Wagner PMC (with Russian Airborne Forces blocking the city from the North and South).  Why did it take so much time? First, just as the regular armed forces, the Wagner PMC engages in economy of force tactics, meaning that they try to keep their own casualties to the

Why the CIA attempted a ‘Maidan uprising’ in Brazil

by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle, reposted here by the author’s permission The failed coup in Brazil is the latest CIA stunt, just as the country is forging stronger ties with the east. A former US intelligence official has confirmed that the shambolic Maidan remix staged in Brasilia on 8 January was a CIA operation, and linked it to the recent attempts at color revolution in Iran. On

What would it take?

How NATO “celebrated” the Orthodox Nativity NATO did “celebrate” the Orthodox Nativity, but in its own way. First, a few headlines: Remember the truce offered by Russia?  It was rejected.  Instead we got this: Donetsk shelled in first minute of Christmas truce – authorities Two Serbs shot in Kosovo Christmas Eve attack And, just to clarify, NATO uses Serbia as a defenseless victim to show Russia what it can do

Zelensky has achieved unique results in the destruction of Ukraine

source: Text: Alyona Zadorozhnaya translation by A. for the Saker blog By the end of 2022, Vladimir Zelensky has achieved unique and in many ways tragic results. He managed to reduce the population of Ukraine to the level of a century ago, put the country in bondage to the West and deprive fellow citizens of the elementary benefits of civilization. What other “successes” could be added to Zelensky’s track

Bye bye 1991-2022

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted 2023 starts with collective NATO in Absolutely Freak Out Mode as Russian Defense Minister Shoigu announces that Russian Navy frigate Admiral Gorshkov is now on tour – complete with a set of Mr. Zircon’s hypersonic business cards. The business tour will encompass the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean, and of course include the Mediterranean, the Roman Empire’s former Mare

The Ukrainian crisis and Europe – the opinion of experts

by Batko Milacic for the Saker blog Since the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis, we have been bombarded with mass information and opinions about the war and Europe’s attitude towards it. As someone who deals with geopolitics, I carefully followed the conferences and debates of European experts and politicians and their arguments. That is exactly why I would recommend the online conference and debate that was held on January 5th.

A Rift in the Lute?

By Batiushka for the Saker blog A U.S. 51-star flag has already been created just in case there ever is a 51st state. Foreword Joke of the Decade from the quisling Stoltenberg: ‘NATO is united’. (Amazing what a few million dollars deposited into their bank accounts will do to some people’s sense of truth-telling. Ask the President of the Ukraine, if you do not believe me). Apparently, Stoltenberg has not

People Power in the Donbass Republics

by Francis Lee for the Saker blog It is an open question as to why Putin and the Russian government tolerated the 2014 coup which was blatantly funded and organized by internal and external actors followed by the war in the Donbass. The coup was bought and paid for by the usual suspects – The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) the ubiquitous Mr. Soros (The Open Society Foundation – OSF)

Why BRI is back with a bang in 2023

by Pepe Escobar, first publish at The Cradle and reposted by author’s permission As Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative enters its 10th year, a strong Sino-Russian geostrategic partnership has revitalized the BRI across the Global South. The year 2022 ended with a Zoom call to end all Zoom calls: Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping discussing all aspects of the Russia-China strategic partnership in an exclusive video call. Putin told

What can be healed in this war?

by William Spencer for the Saker blog What can be healed in this war? It seems miraculous that I was drawn to the Russian sphere in the past several years, because I feel such a deep connection there, Anglo-European mutt that I am, and in spite of the fact that I’ve never been to Russia or Ukraine. I became obsessed with the history of Russia and Ukraine, and Ukrainian Nationalists

Celebrating the Nativity

Dear friends, I will be taking a few days off, from Thursday until Sunday evening, to attend church services at my parish.  God willing, I should be back at the keyboard by Monday.  On this occasion I will leave you with some beautiful Orthodox singing for the Nativity. I wish all those who celebrate the Nativity a peaceful and joy-filled celebration! Christ is born! Glorify Him! Andrei

In 2022 We Have the Explanation of 2023

by Hugo Dionísio for the Saker blog While the numbers of Ronaldo and his “triumphant” signing for the “competitive” Saudi league are being discussed in Portuguese and European news, the world outside is spinning in such a way that the corporate press of the North Atlantic has a hard time keeping pace, opting to summarize the history of international politics in two main facts: the war in the East and

Where Should I Study China? My UK Professor Actually Said This…

Uncensored Scandal Interview Leads To China-Wide Arousal by Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker blog [Take a seat and look over your shoulder. This is hilarious and funny: Everything you knew about China was a Western Umph. “China Studies” is untenable and must die!] IMAGE 0 Western China Studies, Chinese Religions, and Chinese Philosophy Are Western Fabrications – China has 2000 Years Of Wenming, Ruxue and Sixiang Interview (Uncensored) by
