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Breaking Articles

The West’s two replies, just a few disjointed thoughts

Disclaimer: this is not an analysis, just a quick initial reaction. So we now have both replies. First, Lavrov was right, compared to the NATO reply, the US reply is a model of diplomatic propriety. One could be forgiven to think that while the US reply was written by US officials, the NATO reply was written by a Pole. Except it is quite obvious that NATO member states can’t even

Le Pen now wants in the euro & no Frexit – should the Left want her in?

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog I predict – along with nearly every poll made on the subject – that 2022 will see a repeat of the 2017 election in France: Marine Le Pen vs. Emmanuel Macron in the second round of April’s vote. Don’t be mistaken – so much has changed in 5 years! Remember these? “Two-speed solution for the European Union”, “Frexit”, “sortie de la zone euro!”

Russia’s 3 most important communications and responses in sequence

Posting these documents in a sequence of how they happened will assist in understanding one clear fact.  Russia has not stepped back one inch despite the flurry of so-called megaphone diplomacy tried at the UN in the last few days.  Neither has Russia changed her plans and strategy to bring the question of indivisible security to the forefront. Text of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Mr. Sergey Lavrov`s

The Triffin Dilemma and the Gold/Dollar Standard: Never made to last.

by Francis Lee for the Saker Blog There was always going to be a fundamental incompatibility of the dollar between the attainment of 1. An anchor currency for international trade fixed against gold at $35 per ounce, and 2. A single and flexible national currency for the internal economy of the US – the $. From the outset this dual mandate for the US$ was problematic. As a global reserve

Latest update from Banderastan zoo

Someone had an absolutely hilarious idea: to create a new alliance between the UK, Poland and the Ukraine.  By no coincidence at all, the acronym of this alliance spells out UPA, which in Russian (УПА) is the name given to Banderist “Ukrainian People’s Revolutionary Army” and/or “Ukrainian Insurgent Army“. This is great and makes everybody happy: For the Brits, this is a way to medicate their phantom pains about still

We need urgently moderators, please help!

Dear friend, We need your help.  One of our moderator had to reduce his moderation time for medical reasons while another had to leave for personal reasons.  Yet in the same time, the current crisis in the Ukraine has resulted in a major spike of visitors and, therefore, having moderators available 24/7 is really becoming crucial. Specifically, we need moderators for the following time slots: Sunday 9am – 4pm EST

Waiting for the military-technical

by Observer R for the Saker Blog BACKGROUND In December 2021, Russia delivered two letters to the United States concerning the Security Architecture of Europe—commonly known as the “Not-Ultimatum.” The United States provided a written response to Russia in January 2022. This response was kept secret at the request of the United States. However, the Russian foreign minister announced that the response only covered secondary items and did not address

High probability of a major false flag PSYOP in the Ukraine

A senior LDNR military official, Col. Edward Basurin, the Deputy Head of the DPR People’s Militia Department, has confirmed that a false flag PSYOP operation was prepared by western special services (please make sure to also check the article Lilia Shumkova wrote about this).  According to Basurin, we are talking about three separate video productions which will be prepared for release by the AngloZionist propaganda machine (aka “the free and

Virtual Ukrainian invasion virtually imminent

By Lilia Shumkova for the Saker blog UPDATE: This article has been finished and ready to be emailed to The Saker, when the news coming from the government of Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics confirmed my observations expressed here. In my extensive library of e-books, there is a book by Reese Erlich titled Inside Syria: The Backstory of Their Civil War and What the World Can Expect. The book outlines the

The Menticide Manual – Pay-2-Play

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog Three terrifying tales that teach us we must never lead with our wallets to advance in a game. Ever! Just don’t. Don’t do it! “Upgrade Your Princess Tower” What is an F2P? It stands for ‘Free-to-Play’, and everybody in the industry is making those. It means something costs nothing. It is free to use. Download it. Use it. Play it. It is

Plumbing the Dijjywan

by Fred Reed for the Saker Blog Normally I write about things I know. In the case of digital currencies, and in particular the digital yuan (hereinafter dijjywan) I write about something that piques my curiosity. So little seems to be known that it is difficult to find anything definitive. Yet the question is so important, digital currencies so new, the implications so sweeping, that discussion seems a good idea.

The Great Western Wall vs Snow Niggers

You know about the Great Wall of China, right?  But have you ever heard of the Great Western Wall? That is the immense wall which was built around the minds of the people of the West for the past 1000 or so years.  I will try to describe it using a few salient examples, but what I want to clearly state here is that these examples are only some I

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with radio stations, January 28, 2022

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Sputnik, Echo of Moscow, Govorit Moskva and Komsomolskaya Pravda radio stations, Moscow, January 28, 2022 Question: Will there be a war? We sent them our proposals, we waited for their response, and we got their response. Their answer did not suit us, which was to be expected. Before that, we said and made clear through different representatives that if their response does not suit

China Sitrep: Cookies, Lil’Blinky and The Pain Dial

By Amarynth and intended as a quick update and a companion piece to The Saker’s Chaos piece here: Victoria Nuland (affectionately known as Cookies), jumped the shark.  She called her counterpart in China and demanded, (asked, petulantly begged?): China Do Something!.  Influence the Russians!.  We need a concession from them.  Just Do Something!  There were the requisite attempts to deliver soft threats:  “if there is a conflict in Ukraine

Snipping away the tangled web of hype on the threat to submarine cables

By Nat South for the Saker Blog “The hype that some dastardly Russian special operation could sever a number of critical underwater telecommunications cables in one go, is plain scaremongering”.  I wrote this back in 2017 [1] and it is still valid now. The article was written following a series of sensational articles in the MSM and reports by think tanks, warning of a Russian threat to subsea cables. This

Panic and chaos is clearly setting in as the West fears peace above all else

Fun headlines for CNN: US and Ukraine at odds over threat of Russian invasion US and UK embassy withdrawals were a “mistake,” says Ukrainian president What??  Is that really CNN? It is. Furthermore, there are reports that Biden and Ze had a stormy telephone conversation which saw a furious Biden telling Ze that the invasion would happen.  Apparently, Ze disagreed. So what is going on here???? Bernard at Moon of

Thinking about the Future

By Walt Garlington for the Saker Blog Whatever the outcome with the latest wars and rumors of wars, folks interested in creating a brighter future, wherever they are in the world, need to find ways to defend and rebuild what is essential to human flourishing in society – in particular, one of the most foundational of those elements, the family. Last July, J. D. Vance, a candidate for US Senate
