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Breaking Articles

Catastrophe since 2017: How to cover France’s presidential election?

by Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV It’s a question which appears almost too basic a starting point, but not when we recall what a catastrophe the heart of Western Europe has been since 2017: What is to be done about France? Emmanuel Macron: Marketed as Prince Charming but who quickly became Evil King Manu I of the neoliberal empire of the European Union. The Yellow Vests: It’s as if

In Memory of JFK: The First U.S. President to be Declared a Terrorist and Threat to National Security

By Cynthia Chung for the Saker Blog In April 1954, Kennedy stood up on the Senate floor to challenge the Eisenhower Administration’s support for the doomed French imperial war in Vietnam, foreseeing that this would not be a short-lived war.[1] In July 1957, Kennedy once more took a strong stand against French colonialism, this time France’s bloody war against Algeria’s independence movement, which again found the Eisenhower Administration on the

String of pearls: Yemen could be the Arab hub of the Maritime Silk Road

With an Ansarallah takeover of Yemen, Asia’s trade and connectivity projects could expand into some of the world’s most strategic waterways By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted with TheCradle   The usual suspects tried everything against Yemen. First, coercing it into ‘structural reform.’ When that didn’t work, they instrumentalized takfiri mercenaries. They infiltrated and manipulated the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), ISIS. They

Sitrep: Venezuela Elections – Landslide for United Socialist Party (PSUV)

Disciplined and well-organized elections held in Venezuela yesterday, lead to a clear win for the ruling party. President Nicolás Maduro called it a ‘Historic Victory of the Revolution’. #Venezuela | Election day in Venezuela has unfolded peacefully under international supervision and with remarkable discipline, as the voting population complies with COVID-19 preventive measures. — teleSUR English (@telesurenglish) November 21, 2021 Venezuela’s ruling United Socialist Party (PSUV) won in a

Will the upcoming Putin-Biden summit defuse the situation?

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has declared today that a Biden-Putin summit was being worked on and that it could take place before the end of the year.  If this true, then this is, by definition, very good news. What this news item also seems to suggest is that there is some very serious infighting taking place amongst the different clans/groups which rule over the US, NATO and the

State of American Hypocrisy!

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog Senator Ted Cruz, a member of the Republican Party, was the key figure who introduced legislation to exempt India from sanctions under the 2017 CAATSA for buying the Russian S-400 system. Russian news agencies reported that Russia has started delivering the first of the S-400s to India, citing Dmitry Shugayev, head of the Russian military cooperation agency, who said the first S-400 unit

The Menticide Manual – Perseveration

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog Perseveration means getting stuck in life. The brain notices an error. It shuts down and restarts, but the error is still there, so the entire system is sent into safe mode which, since our primordial times as sponges and reef builders goes about as follows: If this works, repeat. Perseveration is endless repetition and became the supreme survival strategy. Part I. The

Iran & Turkey working on strategic cooperation agreement: Report

Original link: Description: A translation of a news report on the Turkish foreign minister’s recent visit to Tehran, during which plans for a joint comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement between Iran and Turkey was discussed. Source: Al Mayadeen Channel (YouTube) Date: November 15, 2021 Please help MEO keep producing independent translations for you by contributing a sustainable monthly amount Transcript: Reporter: The Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi received Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu in

Vladimir Putin took part in the expanded meeting of the Foreign Ministry Board

The meeting was devoted to the implementation of national foreign policy and future tasks of Russian diplomacy. * * * Speech at the expanded meeting of the Foreign Ministry Board President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Lavrov, colleagues, I would like to welcome everyone here to the expanded meeting of the Foreign Ministry Board. Today, our agenda is focused on the implementation of Russia’s foreign policy and priority tasks for the future, taking into account the adopted amendments to the Constitution, which also concern foreign policy. Importantly, our Fundamental Law has now sealed such basic ideas

Russian options in a world headed for war

The world is headed for war and has been headed that way for quite a while now.  Several times, just at the brink, the West decided to pull back, but each time it did that its ruling elites felt two things: first, the felt even more hatred for Russia for forcing them to back down and, second, they interpreted the fact that no shooting war happened (yet) as the evidence,

Frozen Deutschland

A “perfect storm of Russian aggression during the coming winter months” is all but inevitable. Watch it on your screens while you properly freeze. By Pepe Escobar and extensively cross-posted As much as with “brain dead” NATO (copyright Emmanuel Macron) no one ever lost precious assets betting on the incompetence, narrow-mindedness and cowardice of political “leaders” across the Atlanticist EU. There are two main reasons for the latest German legalese

Lukashenko must go and Russia and Belarus must truly unite

If there is one thing which is obvious for all to see is that the EU and NATO hold one language against Belarus and another against Russia.  For example, the EU has just agreed to impose a 5th package of sanctions on Belarus, but their official statement does not mention Aeroflot, Russia, or Putin by a single word.  Of course, western politicians make all sorts of noises and grandstanding statements

Xi’s new Communist Manifesto

Leader’s unshakeable ambition is that China’s renaissance will smash memories of the ‘century of humiliation’ once and for all By Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and first posted at Asia Times Marx. Lenin. Mao. Deng. Xi. Late last week in Beijing, the sixth plenum of the Chinese Communist Party adopted a historic resolution – only the third in its 100-year history – detailing major accomplishments and laying out a vision

The Tripartite World Order and the Hybrid World War

by Dmitry Orlov, posted by permission of the author General Mark Milley, America’s highest-ranking military officer, has recently gone public with a revelation of his: the world is no longer unilateral (with the US as the unquestioned world hegemon) or bilateral (as it was with the US and the SU symmetrically balancing each other out in an intimate tango of mutual assured destruction). It is now tripartite, with three major

Note about the current naval operations in the Black Sea

There is a lot of speculation about the current US/NATO operations in the Black Sea region.  I would like to offer the following bulletpoint comments about what I believe is going on. If we add up all the US+NATO forces involved in this operation, they fall far short of what would be needed for an attack on Russia.  Thus, in purely military terms, this is just a Kabuki theater, not

Nasrallah: Israel in deep existential crisis, Yemen victory to have huge regional effects

Original link: Description: The following are English-translated excerpts from a speech delivered by Hezbollah’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on November the 11th, 2021. Source: Spot Shot Video (YouTube) Date: November 11, 2021 (Please help MEO keep producing independent translations for you by contributing a sustainable monthly amount Transcript: Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s Secretary-General: Israel is suffering from an unprecedented, deep existential crisis Israel during the ‘Arab Spring’ era began to speak

The Menticide Manual – Stupidiocracy

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog In 2016, a video game influencer and Youtube superstar going by the handle of Markiplier uploaded a 5-minutes long video of him gazing at a banana. That video immediately got 3 million views. The baby face with fiery-orange top hair wanted to prove his theory that because he is a celebrity, people will watch his content no matter how moronic. And they did. And this

President Putin – Interview with Rossiya TV channel

The President answered questions from Pavel Zarubin, a journalist with Rossiya 1 TV channel. Pavel Zarubin: Mr President, tensions are escalating on the border between the EU and Belarus. The European Union has already deployed army troops. Moreover, they are building up the contingent. You spoke with Angela Merkel twice, and you also spoke with Alexander Lukashenko. Why they do not speak to each other directly is probably also a question I would like to ask you. In general, what do you think of the developments

The Enemy Within

by Francis Lee for the Saker Blog Moral Hazard: Circumstances that increase the probability of loss because of an applicant’s personal habits or morals. For example, if the applicant is a known criminal or engages in suspect financial dealings. (Dictionary of Business Terms) Economic Rent: Payments and remuneration over and above normal profits which arise from a monopolistic market position. (Cf. David Ricardo – Theory of Ground Rent). For our

Russian Defense Ministry issues an emergency statement on the situation in the Black Sea The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation issued an emergency statement on the situation in the Black Sea The United States is creating a multinational group near the Russian borders in the Black Sea, and is also studying the theater of possible hostilities in the region. This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports. The ministry stressed that we
