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Breaking Articles

Empire warns Brazil: it’s our NATO way or Huawei

By Pepe Escobar and Quantum Bird – Special for The Saker Blog The Empire of Chaos could never be accused of deploying Sun Tzu subtlety. Especially when it comes to dealing with the satrapies. In the case of Brazil, former BRICS stalwart reduced to the status of a proto-neo-colony under an aspiring Soprano-style “captain”, the Men Who Run the Show applied standard procedure. First they sent the Deep State, as

The Christian Vignette project is ready – now you can sign up

Dear friends, After some rather involved work by our webmaster Herb (thanks!!) the Christian Vignette project is ready to go.  To see how we have organized the thing, please see this announcement by Herb: I would like to stress out that this is still somewhat of a “Beta” version, so there might be bugs and things to fix.  If you encounter problems, please email Herb at  Please do

Release of Christian Vignette Project

The software work has been completed and is now installed on Saker has asked that I provide a write up on the work so here its. Short version at bottom. The work on this software naturally fell into two distinct and different project. The first was the modification to the wordpress software to allow commentators with ‘vignette privileges’ to comment without moderation on ‘vignette’ posts. The 2nd project was

All roads lead to the Battle for Kabul

City after city have fallen from government to Taliban control but Afghanistan’s end-game is still unclear by Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and first posted atAsia Times The ever-elusive Afghan “peace” process negotiations re-start this Wednesday in Doha via the extended troika – the US, Russia, China and Pakistan. The contrast with the accumulated facts on the ground could not be starker. In a coordinated blitzkrieg, the Taliban have subdued

Nasrallah suggests Lebanese politicians aiding militants in Syria behind nitrate stockpile at Beirut Port

Original link: Hezbollah’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah comments on the political exploitation and investigation findings of the Port of Beirut Disaster that took place one year ago in Lebanon’s capital.Source: Spot Shot (YouTube)Date: August 8, 2021 (Please help MEO keep producing independent translations for you by contributing a sustainable monthly amount Transcript: Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s Secretary General: And after a year has passed, they (i.e. Lebanese groups leading the anti-Hezbollah campaign

The Saker blog vs the anti-COVID crusaders (Saker rant)

Dear friends (well, and foes), I have followed with absolute amazement what has just happened at the Unz Review.  First, Ron posted an interview of himself being questioned by Mike Whitney.  With its admittedly eye-catching title (authored by Mike Whitney, not Ron Unz!)  “Are the Opponents of the Covid Injections “Anti-Vaxx Crackpots” it was clear that this interview would get a lot of reactions.  But what happened then truly amazed

UN Security Council high-level debate on maritime security The event took place at the initiative of Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi. India holds the presidency of the UN Security Council in August 2021. * * * President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Prime Minister, my dear friend, Mr Modi, ladies and gentlemen, Let me thank you, Mr Prime Minister, for the fact that you, as someone who is currently holding the UN Security Council presidency, convened this Security Council meeting to discuss an important and sensitive topic, namely, modern challenges and threats in maritime security. Your

How Myanmar fits into China’s New Silk Roads

By Pepe Escobar and cross posted with You don’t argue with the Tatmadaw – the Myanmar Armed Forces. It’s always their way, or the highway. Since the mid-20th century, the Chinese have come to understand it quite well. How Beijing approaches the Myanmar maze is conditioned by four variables: natural gas; water; the drug trade; and the fractious clashes between the Tatmadaw and a dizzying patchwork of over 135

Gaslighting: The Psychology of Shaping Another’s Reality

By Cynthia Chung for The Saker Blog “But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked. “Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.” “How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice. “You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.” – Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” We are living in a world where the degree

The Empire failed to beat Russia in Tokyo, in spite of cheating!

The Empire truly tried everything.  First, Russia was accused of doping solely on the credibility of one man who had to flee Russia to avoid being jailed (for doping athletes, no joke! ).  Of course, no actual evidence was provided.  Then, in an amazing case of collective responsibility, ALL the Russian athletes were banned from not only displaying a Russian flag or hear the Russian national anthem.  The Russians could

Interpretive Sociology and the German Humanistic Tradition : From Kant to Habermas

by Francis Lee for The Saker Blog Nomenclature Below – Men and Ideas 1. INTERACTIONISM/PHENOMENOLOGY Wilhem Dilthey (1833-1911) Edmund Husserl (1859-1958) Max Weber (1864-1920) Alfred Schutz (1899-1959) Heinrich Rickert (1863-1936) Karl Mannheim (1893-1947) 2. EXISTENTIALISM F.Nietzsche (1844-1900) Martin Heidegger (1899-1976) Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1985) 3. HUMANISTIC MARXISM Georgy Lukacs (1885-1971) Karl Korsch (1886-1961) 4.  THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL Herbert Marcuse Walter Benjamin Theodor Adorno Max Horkheimer Erich Fromm Neo-Frankfurt Jurgen Harbermas PART

WWW . IslamicRepublicOfIran . COV

Note by the Saker: considering the fact that the anti-COVID-Crusaders desperately want to peddle their theories on this blog (Ron Unz just got hit with over 1200 comments!!) I am not allowing comments under this (excellent) report by Mansoureh Tadjik.  I apologize to Mansoureh and to all the sane readers: I am swamped with work, I am about to interview a very famous personality (in 2 weeks) and I have

Sitrep : Here comes China : Military Drills, Extortion, the ‘Religious Freedom Balkanization’ Plan for China

The main news of the day is the Biden administration’s effort to sell 40 155mm M109A6 Medium Self-Propelled Howitzer artillery systems, 1,698 precision guidance kits for munitions, spares, training, ground stations and upgrades for previous generation of howitzers, to the island of Taiwan in a deal worth up to $750 million. China is, to say the least, livid. Military Drills: US ‘large-scale’ military exercises cannot scare China, Russia The

Has the US begun its “great retreat”?

[This column was written for the Unz Review] I have to begin this column by admitting that “Biden” (note: when in quotation marks, I refer to the “collective Biden”, not the clearly senile man) surprised me: it appears that my personal rule-of-thumb about US Presidents (each one is even worse than his predecessor) might not necessarily apply in “Biden’s” case. That is not to say that “Biden” won’t end up

Iran, the COVID pandemic and the USA

Recently, Ron Unz published a truly superb interview where Mike Whitney (a COVID-dissident) asks Ron Unz to clarify his views on both the pandemic and those who deny its origin/severity/danger. This interview is, by far, the best text on this topic I have ever come across.  When I read it my conclusion was “Unz, game, set and match”.  I STRONGLY urge those who still believe in the “plandemic” cum Big

Iran embraces its Eurasian future

by Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and first posted at Asia Times Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi was sworn in as the 8th president of Iran this Thursday at the Majlis (Parliament), two days after being formally endorsed by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei. Representatives of the UN secretary-general; OPEC; the EU; the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU); the Inter-Islamic Union; and quite a few heads of state and Foreign Ministers

Russia’s position at the seventy-sixth session of the UN General Assembly 1.      The goal of the 76-th session of the UN General Assembly (GA) is to reaffirm the central and coordinating role of the Organization in international affairs. Owing to its representativeness and universality, the UN is rightfully viewed as a unique platform for an equitable dialogue aimed at reaching compromise solutions with due regard to different opinions. Attempts to undermine the authority and legitimacy of the UN are, in

The West, Eurasia, and the Global South: The Development of Underdevelopment

By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog ‘The dependency thesis, like all good (and great) theories can be summed up in a single phrase: Modern ‘’underdevelopment’’ is not ‘’historical backwardness’’ the result of late and insufficient development; it is the product of capitalist development, which is polarizing by nature’. (Andre Gunder Frank -1996.) The leader of the UK Conservative Party, Mrs Thatcher, first came to power in the UK in

The Taliban go to Tianjin

China and Russia will be key to solving an ancient geopolitical riddle: how to pacify the ‘graveyard of empires’ By Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and first posted at Asia Times So this is the way the Forever War in Afghanistan ends – if one could call it an ending. Rather, it’s an American repositioning. Regardless, after two decades of death and destruction and untold trillions of dollars, we’re faced

Russia and the Olympic Games

by Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog The world Olympic movement has always been based on the principles of equal and impartial attitude towards athletes – representatives of all states of the world. The Olympic Games were designed to stop wars and political strife, to unite representatives of all countries of the International Olympic Committee. One of the main Olympic principles was peacekeeping – the opportunity for the strongest athletes
