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Taliban will get International recognition

From Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog 46 allies, plus 11 supporter countries, totaling 57 countries, deployed 150,000 troops at peak time, all modern weapons, latest technology, advanced tactics, and trillions of dollars could not defeat the Taliban. Taliban were poorly equipped with light weapons, barefooted, empty stomach, and untrained, and poorly organized groups, yet, won the war. Americans must have learned a bitter lesson that it is not their

Nasrallah: Afghanistan is worst debacle in US history, Biden hopes for civil war

Resistance News Unfiltered Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, on August 17, 2021, on the occasion of the commemoration of the 9th night of Ashura, two days before the martyrdom of Imam Hussein. Source: Translation: Transcript: […] My last point is Afghanistan, which I quickly mentioned before. What is happening in Afghanistan right now is an emergency situation that is grabbing the attention of the whole

‘With Iran fuel, Lebanon breaks US siege & turns East’: Economist

Original link: Description: Lebanese economist Ziad Nasreddine comments on the potential ramifications of Hezbollah’s ongoing efforts to ship Iranian fuel to Lebanon, an effort announced by Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah a day earlier. Source: Al-Manar TV via Kalam Siyasi (YouTube)  Date: August 20, 2021 (Please help MEO keep producing independent translations for you by contributing a sustainable monthly amount Transcript: Host: Mr. Ziad, some say: what could (the ships)

Wither Germany?

Germany has been the keystone of the failing EU. Does it intend to remain so, or is it time to pursue its own interests? by Francis Lee for the Saker Blog Germany has been and still is the most important economy in Europe, the export-driven colossus and if not yet the most important imperial power; that designation belongs to France with its Force de Frappe (Nuclear Strike Force), and additionally

Today’s Cardboard Cutout Corporate Heroes – Virgin Births All

By Larry Romanoff for The Saker Blog What do the following people have in common? George Soros, Elon Musk, Jeffery Epstein, Larry Page, Sergei Brin, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Sanger, Jimmy Wales. Two things. One, they are Jewish. Two, they condensed from a spiritual mist to almost suddenly become household names, men of immense wealth whose companies exert huge influence on Western society – but men who apparently achieved these enviable heights without the usual

News conference following Russian-German talks (The formal transcript is not fully released yet, but this page will be updated as it gets released.) Update: The formal transcript is now complete on this page.   President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, Today’s talks with Madam Federal Chancellor were traditionally constructive and business-like. We had an in-depth discussion, including with the participation of the delegations, on the current state of Russian-German relations and their prospects and exchanged views on a wide range of issues. As you are aware, this

American Howl !

By Larchmonter445 for The Saker Blog Whether you supported the 20-year war in Afghanistan or not, if you are American, you paid for it. Two Trillion Dollars. Your personal tax tab is 7 thousand dollars. If you sent a relative or friend into this horror in South Asia, you paid an emotional price also. If your relative or friend lost his or her life, you paid again, most grievously. If

The Flight from Kabul and the Legacy of General Soleimani

Written by Seyed Mohammad Marandi for Almayadeen and highly recommended by our regular Middle Eastern correspondent. Iran has strong reason to believe that the sudden withdrawal of western forces was designed to create instability and chaos in Afghanistan. Roughly 20 years ago, after the Taliban’s crushing defeat in Afghanistan and the complete withdrawal of support from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia under US pressure, the Quds Force began a dialogue with

Nasrallah: ‘1st Iran fuel-laden ship to set sail for Lebanon in hours, won’t be last’

Original link: Description: In a speech on the Islamic occasion of Ashura delivered hours ago, Hezbollah’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah announced that a ship loaded with much needed fuel will set sail from Iran to Beirut in a matter of hours. In a direct warning to the Americans and the Israelis, Nasrallah said that from the moment the ship sets sail from Iran, his movement will consider the ship as

Biden forfeits his Afghan victory by defending his Deep State advisors

By Michael Hudson, first posted at Unz Review and Expanded for The Saker Blog President Biden put a popular flag-waving wrapping for at America’s forced withdrawal from Afghanistan in his 4 PM speech on Monday. It was as if all this was following Biden’s own intentions, not a demonstration of the totally incompetent assurances by the CIA and State Department as recently as last Friday that the Taliban was over

Interview with Roger Waters

Do I even have to introduce Roger Waters to my readers?  Those born in the  1970s-80s  all know the name “Pink Floyd” as one of, if not the THE, most talented group in the history of pop/rock music.  As for our younger readers, they at least will have heard of albums like The Dark Side of the Moon or The Wall.  Then there are the comparatively more recent releases by

How Russia-China are stage-managing the Taliban

By Pepe Escobar: The Saker Blog and cross-posted at the Unz Review. The first Taliban press conference after this weekend’s Saigon moment geopolitical earthquake, conducted by spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, was in itself a game-changer. The contrast could not be starker with those rambling pressers at the Taliban embassy in Islamabad after 9/11 and before the start of the American bombing – proving this is an entirely new political animal. Yet

A Major Report by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on Human Rights

Most geopolitical commentators and analysts saw the purported hegemon’s War on Terror effective as a policy since 9/11, being replaced by a purported War on the Human Rights of other countries.  The War on Terror pretext started falling apart as a reason for maintaining hegemonic control through: color revolutions, attempts at regime change in other countries (striking examples: Venezuela, Cuba), attempts at destabilization as a pretext for hegemonic interference (most

New Disc is installed and running … Raid-1 update

Yesterday morning our primary system disc showed excessive Seek_Error_Rate errors … almost a billion. The disc has been running continuously for the last 4.7 years 24 hours per/day 7 days a week. I ran these numbers past our web hosting service and they recommended that we replace the drive as it was in pre-fail mode. Communicated with Saker and he approved of the outage to replace the disc. A 30 

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan back with a bang

The US ‘loss’ of Afghanistan is a repositioning and the new mission is not a ‘war on terror,’ but Russia and China By Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and first published at Asia Times Wakil Kohsar Wait until the war is over And we’re both a little older The unknown soldier Breakfast where the news is read Television children fed Unborn living, living, dead Bullet strikes the helmet’s head And

The English Civil War- Autocracy and Democracy – 1642-1649 – Still Ongoing

A Case Study by Francis Lee for The Saker Blog Civil wars are by their nature rather messy and often brutal affairs involving inter alia internecine conflicts, secessions, forced reunifications, mass murder, military stand-offs and long-lasting periods of bitterness. Most states in Europe and North America have not managed to avoid this regrettable pattern of conflict, looking back, this much always seemed unavoidable. The English Civil War was no exception

Taliban entered into Kabul

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog Life is very much normal, internet service, mobile service is functioning in a routine. Shops are opened, traffic is in normal routine, schools are opened, everything seems very much normal. The government is functioning, bureaucracy is functioning, police is functioning, just ex-president Ashraf Ghani is not in Afghanistan. Just a few days ago, the US announced that it will take three months for

A Saigon moment looms in Kabul

August 12, 2021 will go down as the day the Taliban avenged America’s invasion and struck the blow that brought down its man in Kabul by Pepe Escobar,  posted with permission and first posted at Asia Times August 12, 2021. History will register it as the day the Taliban, nearly 20 years after 9/11 and the subsequent toppling of their 1996-2001 reign by American bombing, struck the decisive blow against
