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EU SITREP: U.S. Defense Sec’y. Tells EU: “Deter Peace,” Confront Russia & China

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper told Europeans, in statements on July 29th and August 9th, “I’ve said that very publicly, I’ve said that very privately to my counterparts as well, about the importance of NATO, any alliance, sharing the burden so that we can all deter Russia and avoid peace in Europe.’” “We are moving many troops further east, closer to Russia’s

In Serbia, la Résistance continues

by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Belgrade for The Saker Blog Last Monday, August 3 – to paraphrase President Roosevelt – was a day that will live in Serbia’s parliamentary infamy. The fraudulently elected “parliament” was formally seated, but its inauguration was most inauspicious. On the plateau in front of the Parliament building indignant citizens greeted the arrival of the tyrant’s rubber stamp “parliamentarians” with angry shouts, eggs (hopefully as rotten as

Lebanon SITREP: second letter from a Lebanese friend

My Lebanese friend just sent me this report about Hassan Nasrallah’s speech today: – There is much to say, but Sayyed did not allow the enemies any chance to turn this disaster into a ‘campaign’ against the Resistance, whereby the Resistance ‘reacts’ and gets led into their traps, further leading the country into chaos and destruction – it must be said, Sayyed calmly but categorically denied that Hezbolllah had any

Sitrep Lebanon : How 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate were stranded in Beirut port for 6 years

Source: Al-Mayadeen, Lebanese TV channel pro-Hezbollah, August 5th, 2020 Translation: Transcript: Greetings. Anyone who sees these photos will find it hard to believe that they show the Beirut port just 24 hours ago, full of life, before being (completely) destroyed by (the explosion) of (hundreds of) tons of ammonium nitrate, stored in an anarchic manner in warehouse n° 12 for several years. Beirut was faced with a

China Newsbrief & Sitrep

By Godfree Roberts from his newsletter This week’s selection from Godfree’s excellent China newsbrief includes the status of Dollar trade, Huawei, Technology and the much maligned (in the West) Social Credit system. Economy and Finance After years of talking about abandoning the US dollar, Russia and China are doing it for real. In the first quarter of 2020, the share of the dollar in trade between the countries fell below

Lebanon SITREP: Letter from a Lebanese friend

This was just sent to me by a good Lebanese friend: Huge disaster, investigation underway, on face value was caused by utter negligence, corruption and incompetence of Lebanese state, but I am one of those that has been stressing that the enemies could have exploited this state negligence and corruption to trigger this disaster through sabotage. Few simple reasons for this, including: a) this disaster completely serves current US-Israeli efforts

Serbia sinks deeper into a sordid mockery of the rule of law

by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Belgrade for The Saker Blog Relentlessly, as if his life depended on it (as it well might) the Serbian tyrant Alexander Vučić is setting the stage for the final act of grand treason that he had obligated himself to commit in exchange for an appearance of power and an opportunity for graft and plunder. His regime is making final preparations for signing away the spiritual and

China Newsbrief & Sitrep

By Godfree Roberts from his newsletter : Today, moderate and nuanced views of China-US relations are less and less valued in the US. In a recent speech at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in California, the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo portrayed the Communist Party of China (CPC) as a tyranny and called on the so-called free world to defeat it. This could be perceived as the

Chechnya’s Kadyrov announces sanctions against Pompeo

Selected by Amarynth for the Saker Blog Also titled as The Little Mouse that Roared – and what a roar. Chechnya’s head expressed his outrage at the recent sanctions imposed against his family members GROZNY, July 24. /TASS/. Head of Russia’s Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov has banned US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo from entering the region, he announced at a meeting in Grozny on Friday. On July 20, the

Diplomacy is reciprocal

Chris Faure for the Saker Blog The US suddenly ordered China to end operations from its embassy in Houston, Texas (remember when they did the same to Russia). However, diplomacy is reciprocal and the Chinese so far refrained from a further provocative reaction. They are implementing a fair tit for tat measure, closing the US Consulate in Chengdu, keeping options open for further retaliation. They could have fanned the flames

Serbian tyrant caught in a pincer, the stage is set for his spectacular fall

by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot for The Saker Blog We spoke too soon, it turns out, about the Dr. Vladimir Mentus, the young Serbian sociologist, being released from prison and charges against him being dropped. At one point several days ago the appellate chamber did vacate the of the misdemeanour court judge’s decision sentencing Dr Mentus to thirty days for participation in the protests, specifically for “insulting” the police, and remanded the

Day 8 – The tyrant makes a cardinal mistake

by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Belgrade for The Saker Blog Alexander Vučić’s tyranny demonstrated its hubris today by finally arresting one of its most outspoken and fearless opponents, the Serbian Savonarola, Orthodox monk Anthony. The monk spoke day in and day out at rallies in front of the parliament building, denouncing the tyrant and all his works. The arrest was preceded by a dirty week-long campaign against the cleric in media

Book Review : Starikov’s ‘Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom’

by Amarynth for the Saker Blog This book was recommended by one of our commenters in the Movable Feast Café. Initially I was going to put it aside to read later but that evening, while transferring it to my tablet, I paged through and … sleep was impossible. Despite the deeply serious and existential nature of the subject matter, it is just simply a fascinating read, almost like an historical

Serbia SITREP: Day 6 – Mindless brutality escalates in Serbia

by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Belgrade for The Saker Blog Yes, Israel Shamir was on to something while showering Serbs with fulsome praise for derailing the globalist project with their anti-lockdown, anti-Vučić tyranny, insurrection. A measure of respect they have indeed earned. But let’s not count chickens before they hatch. This is not yet the Serbs’ March 27 1941 moment, or even a decent replay of the gloriously defiant 1999. What

SITREP: Day 4 in Belgrade – the unravelling of a popular revolt, or of the regime?

by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Belgrade for the Saker Blog What started a few days ago as a vigorous grass-roots movement is slowly but surely being reconfigured (and not in the good sense) on the streets of Belgrade and other cities in Serbia. Violent regime-infiltrated thugs and agents provocateurs are gradually gaining the upper hand around the parliament building in Belgrade, which is the focal point of the nation-wide protests. Their

Germany SITREP: Former German Chancellor Says U.S.-EU Alliance Could Now End

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog A German equivalent to UK’s Financial Times and America’s Wall Street Journal is the Dusseldorf Handelsblatt or “Commerce Sheet,” which headlined on June 30th, “Former Chancellor Schröder: USA Ending Transatlantic Partnership”. They reported: Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder has condemned possible new US sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline as “deliberate termination of the transatlantic partnership.” A draft law currently

Iranian ships carrying urgent foodstuffs heading to Lebanon: Wiam Wahhab

with permission from Middle East Observer Description: Former Lebanese minister Wiam Wahhab said in a recent television interview that Iranian ships are loading their cargo and heading to Lebanon, despite ongoing US efforts – according to some observers – to financially choke the small Arab country. Wahhab, a prominent Druze ally of Hezbollah, challenged the United States to militarily target these ships if it dared. The former minister was responding

USA SITREP: The Collapse of the United States Is No Longer Avoidable

by Paul Craig Roberts, posted with the author’s authorization source: Within the last few days two commentators I respect—The Saker and Dmitry Orlov—have written that the United States is now undergoing systemic collapse. My view, reflected in my articles published over the years, is that the United States ceased to exist decades ago.  It is only the foundational strength of the country put in place by great men, such

Syria SITREP: Washington makes the final push for Regime Change in Syria – this too will fail

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog On Wednesday June 17th, the so called Caesar Act came into effect. The Caesar Act, named after a supposed Syrian Army defector who smuggled 50 000 pictures portraying torture and human rights abuses in Syrian prisons, aims to bring down the Syrian government through “draconian sanctions”. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called the bans “the beginning of what will be a sustained

USA SITREP by PCR: The Anti-American Universities Are a Much Greater Threat to Us than Putin and China

by Paul Craig Roberts reprinted by permission of the author source: This is an introduction to a letter written by a black American professor at the University of California, Berkeley.  He says that the University no longer serves scholarship and has become a servant to the Democratic Party and Black Lives Matter. He says that the university is akin to a suppressive regime that crushes real diversity and exiles free
